'spectate01Sep2022 messing with random fix 'spectate30Aug2022 random default always off 'spectate20Aug2022 minor changes to the start list of my files 'source15Aug 2022change the startup created control stuff 'source29Jul 2019Restore.txt start again with this Jan 24 2022 'get the again to work as a slo motion by moving ahead by 1 1000 '30 november 2002 the stuff below Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _ "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal _ lpstrReturnString As Any, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal _ hwndCallback As Long) As Long '19 january 2003 '12 December 2004a Private Declare Function mciGetErrorString Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "mciGetErrorStringA" _ (ByVal dwError As Long, _ ByVal lpstrBuffer As String, _ ByVal uLength As Long) As Long '12 December 2004a Private Declare Function getshortpathname Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "GetShortPathNameA" _ (ByVal lpszlongpath As String, _ ByVal lpszshortpath As String, _ ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long '18 June 2003 Private Type OSVERSIONINFO dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long dwMajorVersion As Long dwMinorVersion As Long dwBuildNumber As Long dwPlatformId As Long szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' Maintenance string for PSS usage End Type Private Type id3tag header As String * 3 songtitle As String * 30 artist As String * 30 album As String * 30 year As String * 4 comments As String * 30 genre As Byte End Type Private temptag As id3tag '24 June 2003 above ' dwPlatforID Constants Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s = 0 Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS = 1 Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2 '-- End --' 30 november 2002 Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpace Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, lpSectorsPerCluster As Long, lpBytesPerSector As Long, lpNumberOfFreeClusters As Long, lpTotalNumberOfClusters As Long) As Long Private rewind As String '12Apr2014 use fastfwd as a rewind playback Private copy_all As String '15Dec2012 Private ser_num As String '03Sep2011 Private cont_str As String '08Feb2012 Private mixx As Integer '30Jun2012 Private budgeyn As Integer '17Dec2017 budge turned on by file name or at command promp #2 Private linebudgeyn As Integer '17Dec2017 budge turned on a segment at a time Private smlbud As Double '17Dec2017 how much the video creeps ahead from the start position Private bigbud As Double '17Dec2017 When in fast forward this is the amount to jump ahead after but smlbud has played Private maxbud As Integer '17Dec2017 the max no of times the mini segment will play set to 30 Private totbud As Integer '17Dec2017 the count on the way to maxbud Private rand_prog As Integer '29Oct2012 Private group_match As Integer '29Oct2012 Private altt As Integer '12Aug2012 Private mssg As String * 255 '26 February 2004 Private multi_prompt2 As String '04 September 2004 Private hold_len As String '20Feb2012 Private video_length As Long '26 February 2004 Private slomo_point As Long '25Feb2012 Private begin_locat As Long '25Feb2012 'Private vs As String * 30 '06 February 2004 Private vs As String * 255 '19 March 2004 Having this the wrong size was a bug of major proportions... Private last_vs As Double '24 March 2004 Private replay_pos As Double '10 April 2004 Private replay_yn As Integer '10 April 2004 Private hold_speed As Double '10 April 2004 Private command_line As String '19 September 2004 Private back_job As String '12 September 2004 Private testing As String '10Feb2012 Private line_fit As String '03 August 2003 Private start_point As Double '16 July 2003 Ver=1.07T Private line_start_point As Double '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T Private begin As String '15Sep2011 Private begin_point As Double '20Sep2011 Private alt_amt As Double '12Aug2012 Private resume_str As String '25Sep2011 Private budge_str As String '17Dec2017 Private again_str As String '08Nov2011 Private keep_begin As String '08Nov2011 Private keep_play_speed As Long '08Nov2011 Private keep_line_delay_sec As Double '08Nov2011 Private keep_resume_str As String '08Nov2011 Private keep_line_start_point As Double '08Nov2011 Private keep_begin_point As Double '08Nov2011 Private keep_slomo As Integer '08Nov2011 Private continueyn As String '28Jan2012 Private pauseyn As String '28Jan2012 Private hold_pauseyn As String '25Mar2012 Private temp_double As Double '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T Private thumb_nail As String '16 July 2003 Ver=1.07T Private elapse_start As Double '13 July 2003 Private elapse_end As Double '13 July 2003 Private elapse_yn As String '13 July 2003 Private Pict_file As String 'february 09 2001 moved up to here for the "interrupt prompt" Private long_pict_file As String '22 November 2006 Private Save_file As String '15 January 2004 Private ooo As String 'february 09 2001 moved up here Private xx1 As Integer 'february 09 2001 moved up to here for the "interrupt prompt" Private yy1 As Integer Private old_line As String '25 March 2003 part of version ver=1.02b Private motion_yn '29 March 2003 part of version ver=1.04 Private special_date As String '01 April 2003 reduce the delay if "Tuesday April 1" date display done as it has delays built in ver=1.05 Private time_displayed As String '03 April 2003 indicate that time was displayed.... 'Private replace_data As String '03 April 2003 save SSS1 and replace it after date displayed Private replace_sss1 As String Private replace_sss2 As String Private replace_sss3 As String Private replace_sss4 As String Private replace_sss5 As String Private replace_sss6 As String '03 April 2003 add the replace_sss? code above Private sshortfile As String * 67 '18 june 2003 Private lresult As Long '18 june 2003 Private videoyn As String '10 february 2003 Private detailyn As String '18 November 2004 Private avi_file As String '01 february 2003 Private mpg_file As String '11 May 2003 ver=1.05 Private wav_file As String '10 June 2003 ver=1.07 Private mid_file As String '10 June 2003 ver=1.07 Private auto_exe As String '07 december 2002 Private ss_only As String '07 december 2002 Private program_info '21 december 2002 Private random_info '21 december 2002 Private stretch_info '21 december 2002 Private text_pause As Integer '05 october 2002 Private debug_photo As Integer '12 october 2002 Private show_files As String '24 december 2002 Private show_files_yn As Integer '24 december 2002 Private do_tab As Integer '05 october 2002 Private search_str As String '26 august 2002 Private rand As Integer '18 august 2002 Private rand1 As Integer '23 March 2004 Private rand_cnt1 As Double '23 March 2004 Private rand_no1 As Double '23 March 2004 Private rand_cnt As Double '18 august 2002 Private rand_no As Double '18 august 2002 Private rand_str As String '18Mar2012 Private diryes As String 'february 18 2002 Private Mergem As String 'february 24 2002 Private temptemp As String 'february 18 2002 Private tempdata As String '31 March 2003 Private eofsw As String '26 November 2004 Private fract_time As Double 'january 23 2002 Private check_time As Double 'january 23 2002 Private slomo As Integer '08 January 2004 Private slomo_start As Double '08 january 2004 Private motion_in As Double '01 March 2004 Private motion_out As Double '01 March 2004 Private slomo_in As Double '08 January 2004 Private slomo_out As Double '08 January 2004 Private pad_time As Double '21 March 2004 Private slomo_seg As Double '08 January 2004 Private inter_in As Double '22 February 2004 Private inter_out As Double '22 February 2004 Private sscreen_saver As String 'may 06 2001 Private sscreen_saver_ww As String '28 april 2002 Private os_ver As String '30 november 2002 Private os_num As String '01 december 2002 Private offset1 As Integer 'april 06 2001 Private offset2 As Integer 'april 06 2001 Private ppoffset1 As Integer '27 july 2002 Private ppoffset2 As Integer '27 july 2002 Private dblStart As Double 'used for elapsed time Private dblEnd As Double ' " " " " Private dbltime1 As Double Private dbltime2 As Double Private prompt2 As String 'march 01 2001 Private interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004 'see the 15 December 2004 minor changes so that "Y" for last of file can be defaulted in and out.. Private SAVE_ttt As String 'march 01 2001 controls defaults on start and default out after first entry Private inin As String 'march 01 2001 Private SSS1 As String 'march 01 2001 Private prev_option As String 'february 25 2001 Private hh_cnt As Long 'april 22 2001 Private xtemp As String 'november 12 2000 Private ooopen As String 'september 02 2001 Private dsp_cnt As Long 'may 09 2001 count of total pictures displayed Private delete_file As String 'june 30 2001 'insert the new globals right here october 28 2001 Private strBuffer As String Private lngBufSize As Long Private lngStatus As Long Private lpBuff As String * 25 Private ret As Long, UserName As String Private strRootPathName As String Private lngSectorsPerCluster As Long Private lngBytesPerSector As Long Private lngNumberOfFreeClusters As Long Private lngTotalNumberOfClusters As Long Private strDrive As String Private strMessage As String Private lngTotalBytes As Long Private lngFreeBytes As Long Private hilite_hh As String 'april 22 2001 Private hilite_cnt As Integer 'april 22 2001 Private fs, f1, s 'april 11 2001 Private dirdates As String 'april 11 2001 Private indates As String 'april 11 2001 Private append_start1 As String 'april 10 2001 Private append_end1 As String 'april 10 2001 Private prev_ttt As String 'april 10 2001 Private skipyesno As String 'june 09 2001 Private old_pict As String 'april 08 2001 Private newname As String 'april 01 2001 Private filereason As String 'april 01 2001 Private savepath As String 'april 01 2001 Private leaddidg As String 'april 01 2001 Private thedir As String 'april 01 2001 Private indir As String 'april 01 2001 Private outdir As String 'april 01 2001 Private filetype As String 'april 01 2001 Private dirtype As String 'february 23 2002 Private minsize As Double 'april 01 2001 08 junt 2003 Private maxsize As Double 'april 01 2001 08 june 2003 change from long to double Private autobuild As String 'april 01 2001 Private inplace As String 'april 01 2001 Private endstuff As String 'january 21 2001 Private s1_imbed As String 'january 19 2001 Private s2_imbed As String 'january 19 2001 Private s3_imbed As String 'january 19 2001 Private s4_imbed As String '23 june 2002 Private s5_imbed As String '23 june 2002 Private s6_imbed As String '23 june 2002 Private imbedded As String 'january 19 2001 Private new_len As Integer 'january 18 2001 Private array_ooo(55) As String 'january 18 2001 Private array_aaa(55) As String 'january 18 2001 Private match_flag As String 'january 18 2001 Private array_pos As Integer 'january 18 2001 Private array_prt As Integer 'january 18 2001 Private data_ooo As String 'january 15 2001 Private data_aaa As String 'january 15 2001 Private over_lap As Integer 'january 10 2001 Private crop_len As Integer 'january 09 2001 Private wrap_cnt As Long 'january 07 2001 Private mess_cnt As Long 'january 02 2001 Private tot_s1 As Long 'january 01 2001 Private tot_s2 As Long 'january 01 2001 Private tot_s3 As Long 'january 01 2001 Private tot_s4 As Long '23 june 2002 Private tot_s5 As Long '23 june 2002 Private tot_s6 As Long '23 june 2002 Private context_win As Integer 'january 01 2001 Private page_prompt As String 'december 31 2000 Private dateskip As String 'december 12 2000 Private boundarycnt As Integer 'december 11 2000 Private boundarystr As String 'december 11 2000 Private mbxyes As String 'december 17 2000 Private mbxi As Integer 'december 17 2000 Private emailsea As String 'december 11 2000 Private iimport As String 'december 24 2000 Private showpos As String 'december 6 2000 Private showasc As String 'december 11 2000 ' showpos = "Y" 'december 6 2000 **keep** very handy for testing line wraps only Private uppercase As String 'december 8 2000 Private posstring As String 'december 6 2000 Private crlf As String 'december 2 2000 Private changes As String 'december 2 2000 Private save_line As String 'to display error line numbers 'usefull for debug Private extract_yes As String 'november 12 2000 Private skip_info As String 'november 14 2000 Private encript As String 'november 20 2000 Private hilite_this As String 'november 8 2000 Private OutFile As Integer Private BatchFile As Integer '27 October 2004 Private FileFile As Integer 'march 20/00 edit files list Private CtrlFile As Integer '19 November 2004 Private NewFile As Integer 'january 29 2002 Private ResultFile As Integer '08 November 2004 Private ExtFile 'november 12 2000 Private FileExt As String 'november 17 2000 Private case_yes 'november 13 2000 Private search_prompt As String Private ampm As String Private hhour As String Private mminute As String Private ssecond As String Private ggg As String Private hhhour As Long Private mmminute As Long Private sssecond As Long Private chhour As Long Private cmminute As Long Private control_file As String 'november 03 2000 Private control_files(10) As String '23 November 2004 Private xxx_found As String 'november 03 2000 Private pp_entered As String 'november 6 2000 Private cssecond As Long Private freeze_sec As Double '01 October 2003 Private adjust_sec As Double '29 September 2003 Private delay_sec As Double Private fast_forward As Double '06Feb2012 Private new_delay_sec As Double '05 March 2004 Private line_delay_sec As Double '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T Private Line_freeze_sec As Double '24 September 2003 Private line_speed As Double '16 November 2003 Private hold_sec As Double 'february 08 2002 Private photo_copy As String 'march 17 2001 Private copy_photo As String 'march 17 2001 Private photo_dir As String 'march 17 2001 ie c:\search\tempfold\ Private bad_dir As String '08Aug2016 mp3 with bad metadata ie pics go here d:\bad_mp3\ Private photo_file As String 'march 17 2001 ie pict Private photo_cnt As Integer 'march 17 2001 sequential count of photo's Private temp_sec As Integer 'march 14 2001 Private temp_cnt As Double '08 July 2003 Private temp_cnt1 As Double '12 April 2004 Private screen_capture As String 'march 15 2001 Private tot_print As Integer Private ss_search As String 'may 06 2001 Dim sscreen_saver As String '12 December 2004a Private result1 As Long '12 December 2004a Private errormsg1 As Integer '12 December 2004a Private returnstring1 As String * 1024 '12 December 2004a Private errorstring1 As String * 1024 '12 December 2004a '12 December 2004a Private line_len As Integer Private entered_notes As String Private in_str As String Private out_str As String Private f As Integer Private FFF As String Private TheFile As String Private LastFile As String Private AllFiles(20) As String Private vvversion As String Private AllSearch(20) As String Private Cmd(100) As String 'april 01 2001 made cript1 400 for the folders used in gf option ' Private cript1(20000) As String 'november 18 2000 Private cript1(25000) As String '04 March 2010 ' Private cript2(100) As String 'november 18 2000 ' Private cript3(100) As Integer 'november 20 2000 ' Private cript2(20000) As String '28 October 2004 big enough for my program... ' Private cript3(20000) As Integer '28 October 2004 Private cript2(25000) As String '04 March 2010 Private cript3(25000) As Integer '04 March 2010 ' Private criptcnt As Integer 'november 18 2000 Private criptcnt As Long '28 October 2004 above was 10000 too Private TheSearch As String Private FileFound As Integer Private Clip_data As String Private Last_match As String 'input line where match found Private last_pict '28 february 2003 Private noshow(10) As String Private screensave(10) As String Private screencount As Integer Private nocount As Integer Private Line_Search Private Picture_Search As String Private Previous_line_save As String Private Previous_line As String Private Next_line_save As String Private Next_line As String Private This_line As String Private String_Position As Integer ' Dim Pict_file As String 'moved up for "interrupt prompt" february 09 2001 Private disp_file As String Private long_line As String 'identify long line Private II As Integer Private EE As Double '11 december 2002 Private III As Integer Private JJ As Integer Private tt As Integer Private ttt1 As Integer Private ddd As Integer Private Enter_Count As Integer Private img_ctrl As String 'february 21 2001 Private stretch_img As String 'march 31 2001 Private auto_redraw As String 'november 10 2001 Private ttt As String Private p2p2 As String '10 august 2002 Private tt1 As String 'testing only Private Test1_str As String 'Testing only Private Test2_str As String 'november 23 2001 Private prompt1 As String ' Dim prompt2 As String Private prompt3 As String ' Dim SAVE_ttt As String Private qqq As String ' Dim SSS1 As String what the hey why commented out????? ***vip*** it is strange too Private SSS2 As String Private SSS3 As String Private SSS4 As String '09 june 2002 Private SSS5 As String Private SSS6 As String Private sep As String ' Dim inin As String Private KEEPS1 As String Private KEEPS2 As String Private KEEPS3 As String Private KEEPS4 As String '09 june 2002 Private KEEPS5 As String Private KEEPS6 As String Private hi_lites As String 'flash display Private SAVE_KEEPS1 As String 'june 26/99 Private SAVE_KEEPS2 As String Private SAVE_KEEPS3 As String Private SAVE_KEEPS4 As String '09 june 2002 Private SAVE_KEEPS5 As String Private SAVE_KEEPS6 As String Private Context As String 'june 26/99 Private aaa As String ' Dim ooo As String 'hold the original upper/lower case Private ccc As String 'aug 08/99 Private xxx As String 'january 19 2001 checking for imbedded spaces in search string only Private Context_text(40) As String 'aug 08/99 Private previous_picture(100) As Long Private pp As Long Private last_pp As Long 'may 10 2001 Private skip_pp As Long 'may 10 2001 Private previous_count As Long Private ddemo As String Private date_check As String Private today_date As String Private visual_impared As String Private Context_cnt As Integer 'aug 08/99 Private Context_lines As Integer Private Clear_Context_lines As Integer '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 Private zzz_chrs As Long Private zzz_len As Integer Private cnt As Long Private SSS As String Private SAVE_SSS As String Private SAVE_SRCH As String Private MAX_CNT As Long ' Dim back_cnt As Long Private bbb As Long Private tot_cnt As Long Private end_cnt As Integer Private tot_disp As Long Private time_cnt As Long Private time_num As Long Private lll As String Private tttpos As Integer Private i As Long Private loop_cnt As Long Private loop_inc As Long Private j As Long Private AltColor As Integer Private Hold_Fore As Integer '27 July 2003 Private Def_Fore As Integer Private Set_Fore As Integer Private temp_fore As Integer 'november 9 2000 Private new1 As String 'november 9 2000 Private new2 As String 'november 9 2000 Private new3 As String 'november 9 2000 Private new4 As String '09 june 2002 Private new5 As String '09 june 2002 Private new6 As String '09 june 2002 Private mult1 As String 'november 21 2000 Private mult2 As String 'november 21 2000 Private mult3 As String 'november 21 2000 Private mult4 As String '09 june 2002 Private mult5 As String '09 june 2002 Private mult6 As String '09 june 2002 Private line_pos As String 'november 22 2000 Private line_match As String 'november 21 2000 Private keep_aaa As String 'november 9 2000 Private keep_ooo As String 'november 9 2000 Private temp1 As Long Private temp11 As Long 'march 14 2001 Private temp2 As Long Private temp3 As Integer Private temp4 As Long 'november 9 2000 Private temps As String Private testprompt As String 'january 24 2001 Private ytemp As String 'december 11 2000 Private badmp3_fold As String '15Aug2016 Private good_fold As String '12Aug2016 the good mp3 directory Private tempss As String Private ppaste As String Private gpaste As String Private play_speed As Long '29 October 2003 Private save_play_speed As Long '16 November 2003 Private date_displayed As String 'save for later search Private printed_cnt As Long 'may 10/00 Private displayed_cnt As Long Private printed As String Private break_num As Long '27Aug2010 Private grp As Integer '15Sep2010 group number counter Private seq As Integer '15Sep2010 sequence number count Private grpseq As String '15Sep2010 display string in output file Private OffSet As Double '02Nov2011 the offset value for time differences between various computers and devices when doing video 'october 28 2001 Private hold_zzz As Long '21 September 2004 Private yyy_cnt As Long '28 October 2004 Private zzz_cnt As Long 'february 19 2001 display in interrupt prompt 'if items arn't declared in general they arn't available to the other subroutines. ' Private Sub Command1_Click() ' MsgBox xx1 'may 06 2001 allow for an interrupt on the screen saver to switch into ' the p1 search and thus be able to do a "P" for previous picture Def_Fore = Hold_Fore 'reset color 27 July 2003 ' Test2_str = InputBox("27 July 2003 testing ", "testing doug ", , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) ' '23 February 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then '20 November 2004 with the code here the interrupt didnot work so put it back.. good test though '20 November 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And mpg_file <> "YES" And interrupt_prompt2 <> "WW" Then ' frmproj2.Caption = "interrupt click " + ttt + "*" + Test1_str + "*" + prompt2 '20 November 2004 interrupt_prompt2 = "WW" '21 November 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And mpg_file <> "YES" Then ttt = "P" Test1_str = "P1" sscreen_saver = "N" ' Test2_str = InputBox("delay_sec test ", CStr(new_delay_sec) + "*" + CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) ' ' frmproj2.Caption = "delay_sec test " + CStr(new_delay_sec) + "*" + CStr(delay_sec) '20 November 2004 new_delay_sec = delay_sec '23 November 2004 allow it to back up faster delay_sec = 0 '23 November 2004 delay_sec gets reset each new photo '20 November 2004 SSS1 = "PHOTO" 'may 28 2001 allows the "P" to show all previous 'pictures after the screen saver is interrupted. 'it just looks at the last picture saved. prompt2 = "P1" GoTo little_lower '21 November 2004 End If 'may 06 2001 If mpg_file = "YES" Then '22 February 2004 '02 March 2004 check the status here before pause DoEvents '02 March 2004 i = mciSendString("status video1 mode", mssg, 255, 0) '02 March 2004 DoEvents '05 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = " status_a is " + Trim(mssg) '05 March 2004 DoEvents '02 March 2004 If Left(UCase(mssg), 6) = "PAUSED" Then i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0) DoEvents mssg = "PLAYING" '02 March 2004 End If '02 March 2004 If Left(UCase(mssg), 7) = "PLAYING" Then i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '02 March 2004 DoEvents Else 'Test2_str = InputBox("video status= " + Trim(mssg), "testing doug ", , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) ' Print bel '02 March 2004 testing only ' frmproj2.Caption = " status is " + Trim(mssg) End If '02 March 2004 '02 march 2004 i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '22 February 2004 inter_in = Timer '22 February 2004 get the time we delay here. DoEvents '22 February 2004 i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '22 February 2004 tempdata = " **Pos=" + CStr(Val(vs)) + " (of) " + CStr(video_length) '26 February 2004 DoEvents '23 February 2004 '26 February 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " pos=" + Trim(vs) '22 February 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + tempdata '26 February 2004 DoEvents '22 February 2004 End If '22 February 2004 If mpg_file = "YES" Then '24 February 2004 If replay_yn = True Then '10 April 2004 play_speed = hold_speed '10 April 2004 replay_yn = False '10 April 2004 End If '10 April 2004 in case 2 interrupts in a row... '27 August 2004 Test2_str = InputBox("Enter . to rewind video " + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt # " + CStr(dsp_cnt), , xx1, yy1) '24 February 2004 '02 September 2004 If thumb_nail = "YES" Then GoTo little_lower '29 August 2004 'allow for thumbnail of video to pause first off maybe even do the same for mp3 (a pause is not bad here?) Test2_str = "A" '02 September 2004 If thumb_nail = "YES" And InStr(UCase(Line_Search), "MP3") <> 0 Then GoTo little_lower '29 August 2004 '02 September 2004 Test2_str = InputBox("Enter . to rewind video (aa) for all" + CStr(video_length) + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt # " + CStr(dsp_cnt), , xx1, yy1) '24 February 2004 '08Nov2011 test the various saved values here '25Dec2011 testing here doug ' testtest = resume_str + "mpg_file=" + mpg_file + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " keep_line_start_point=" + CStr(keep_line_start_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring ' Test2_str = InputBox("E or X to Stop -- Enter . to rewind video (a) for all " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, , xx1, yy1) '24 February 2004 '17Jan2012 default to "G" if mpegvideo here interrupt will cause the video clip to play again backspace to rid the "G" Test2_str = "" '17Jan2012 again_str = "NO" '17Jan2012 budge_str = "NO" '17Dec2017 budtot = 0 '17Dec2017 If mpg_file = "YES" Then Test2_str = "G" '08Feb2012 use for full rather than just again If cont_str <> "" Then Test2_str = cont_str '08Feb2012 '25Mar2012 ' Test2_str = InputBox("*0 pauseyn=" + pauseyn + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + " E or X to Stop -- Enter . to rewind video (a) for all (F) or full (g) for aGain " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, Test2_str, xx1, yy1) ' ' If video_length = 0 And filetype = "MPG" Then ' Test2_str = InputBox("*1 pauseyn=" + pauseyn + " start_point=" + CStr(start_point) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " E or X to Stop -- Enter . to rewind video (a) for all (F) or full (g) for aGain " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, Test2_str, xx1, yy1) ' ' If play_speed <> 1000 And play_speed <> 126 And again_str <> "YES" Then Test2_str = "" '22May2012 when speed set in file allow for interrupt to just stop the file Test2_str = InputBox(" E or X to Stop -- Enter . to rewind video (a) for all (F) or full (g) for aGain (s) for Slo-mo" + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, Test2_str, xx1, yy1) ' If UCase(Test2_str) = "S" Then ' Test2_str = "G" cont_str = "H" '16Apr2012 for switch between high and slow speede play_speed = 126 '14Apr2012 End If '14Apr2012 If UCase(Test2_str) = "H" Then 'Test2_str = "G" cont_str = "S" '16Apr2012 for switch between high and slow speede play_speed = 1000 '16Apr2012 End If '16Apr2012 If UCase(Test2_str) = "G" Or UCase(Test2_str) = "H" Or UCase(Test2_str) = "S" Then ' If mpg_file = "YES" And hold_pauseyn <> "Y" And continueyn <> "Y" And again_str <> "YES" Then 17Dec2017 change add budge_str If mpg_file = "YES" And hold_pauseyn <> "Y" And continueyn <> "Y" And again_str <> "YES" And budge_str <> "YES" Then '23Jan2018 delay_sec = (video_length - 200) / 1000 delay_sec = video_length line_delay_sec = delay_sec keep_line_delay_sec = line_delay_sec start_point = 100 line_start_point = start_point keep_line_start_point = line_start_point pauseyn = "Y" End If '25Mar2012 again_str = "YES" '27Nov2011 '29May2018 budge_str = "YES" '17Dec2017 '15Dec2011 If begin_point < 11 Then 'something with this *** '15Dec2011 keep_begin = "YES" begin = keep_begin '05Dec2011 begin_point = keep_line_start_point begin_point = keep_begin_point '05Dec2011 '05Dec2011 keep_begin_point = begin_point line_start_point = keep_line_start_point '15Dec2011 End If ' GoTo line_15 '16Apr2012 cont_str = "G" '08Feb2012 End If '27Nov2011 If UCase(Test2_str) = "F" Then again_str = "YES" '08Feb2012 begin = 10 begin_point = 10 '08Feb2012 delay_sec = 11111 cont_str = "F" '08Feb2012 line_start_point = 10 '08Feb2012 start_point = 10 ' keep_begin = 10 ' keep_line_start_point = 10 ' keep_begin_point = 10 'testing End If '08Feb2012 '25Dec2011 testing here doug ' testtest = resume_str + "mpg_file=" + mpg_file + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " keep_line_start_point=" + CStr(keep_line_start_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring '16Dec2011 Test2_str = InputBox("E or X to Stop -- Enter . to rewind video (a) for all " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, , 4000, 5000) '24 February 2004 Test2_str = Trim(UCase(Test2_str)) '12 December 2004 If Test2_str = "E" Or Test2_str = "X" Then Unload Me '12 December 2004 Set frmproj2 = Nothing Stop '12 december 2004 ' Resume End_32000 '12 December 2004 this line is not part of this subroutine... End If '12 December 2004 allow for exit too at interrupt... little_lower: '29 August 2004 '16 August 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp)" '26 February 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp)length=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " seconds" '16 August 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " " + rand_str + " (By Spectate Swamp)len=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " seconds" '16 August 2004 '02 September 2004 If thumb_nail = "YES" Then If thumb_nail = "YES" And UCase(Test2_str) = "A" Then ' ' testtest = resume_str + "mpg_file=" + mpg_file + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " keep_line_start_point=" + CStr(keep_line_start_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring ' Test2_str = InputBox("testing for thumb_nail= " + thumb_nail + " " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, , 4000, 5000) ' ' If UCase(Test2_str) = "AA" Then ' thumb_nail = "NO" Test2_str = "" ' line_delay_sec = video_length / 1000 ' delay_sec = line_delay_sec ' new_delay_sec = delay_sec i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) DoEvents ' line_start_point = 10 ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(10) + " wait", 0&, 0&, 0&) '29 August 2004 this works better last_vs = video_length - 100 '29 August 2004 These 3 lines replace the WAIT call above works WELL slomo = True '29 August 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(10), 0&, 0&, 0&) ' Test2_str = InputBox("When done hit enter " + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Waiting till end prompt # ", , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) 'february 09 2001 ' i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) ' inter_in = Timer ' GoSub line_30300 GoTo down_abit End If '27 August 2004 DoEvents '26 February 2004 Else Test2_str = InputBox("Enter to continue x or e to exit " + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt # x" + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) 'february 09 2001 End If ' ShowCursor = True '29 november 2002 Cmd(45) = "" '07 december 2002 allow for other drives after interrupt.. Test2_str = UCase(Test2_str) '06 october 2002 '22 February 2004 on video play Pause, Show Position, Resume after adding in paused time. If mpg_file = "YES" Then '22 February 2004 DoEvents '22 February 2004 '26 April 2004 try saving the results here ' If Left(Test2_str, 1) = "F" Then ' i = mciSendString("save video2 c:\search\outmpg.mpg", 0&, 0, 0) ' new_delay_sec = 5.5 ' GoSub line_30300 ' Close video2 ' For EE = 1 To 10000000 ' DoEvents ' Next EE 'give it some time ' End If 'need more info on the mcisendstring and how to record mpg files??? '26 April 2004 '24 february 2004 back up the video here if .... entered '23 April 2004 allow for multiple ... or '''' to go back and ahead '23 April 2004 If Left(Test2_str, 1) = "." Then If Left(Test2_str, 1) = "." Or Left(Test2_str, 1) = Chr(39) Then i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) III = Len(Test2_str) '23 April 2004 If Left(Test2_str, 1) = Chr(39) Then III = III * -1 '23 April 2004 DoEvents '10 April 2004 allow for replay at a slower speed dictated by a cmd(?) value... replay_yn = False '10 April 2004 i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '10 April 2004 temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '10 April 2004 temp11 = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '10 April 2004 '23 April 2004 If Val(Cmd(66)) > 1 And Val(Cmd(66)) < 1000 Then '23 April 2004 do not change speed if moving ahead in file '08Nov2011?? check the cmd(66) element for problems If Val(Cmd(66)) > 1 And Val(Cmd(66)) < 1000 And Left(Test2_str, 1) <> Chr(39) Then hold_speed = play_speed '10 April 2004 play_speed = Val(Cmd(66)) '10 April 2004 replay_yn = True '10 April 2004 replay_pos = temp11 '10 April 2004 slomo = True '10 April 2004 if full speed to slow speed this needed End If '10 April 2004 '23 April 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(Val(vs) - (Val(Cmd(27)) * 1000)), 0&, 0&, 0&) i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(Val(vs) - (Val(Cmd(27)) * 1000) * III), 0&, 0&, 0&) last_vs = Val(vs) - Val(Cmd(27) * 1000) '06 April 2004 without this the replay is at fast speed 'might be handy to have this as an option maybee DoEvents ' temptemp = InputBox("04 April 2004 test ", "Test continue " + CStr(dsp_cnt), , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) Test2_str = "" 'testtest = interrupt_prompt2 + " " + resume_str + " " + motion_yn + " " + CStr(line_start_point) + " " + CStr(start_point) + " " + CStr(begin_point) + " " + CStr(play_speed) + " " + CStr(slomo) + " " + CStr(delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring again info ' testtest = InputBox("again info " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 GoTo down_abit End If '24 February 2004 i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0) DoEvents '09 March 2004 down_abit: '24 February 2004 inter_out = Timer '22 February 2004 add the delay here back in. If slomo = False Then fract_time = fract_time + inter_out - inter_in '22 February 2004 End If End If '22 February 2004 '22 February 2004 '06 January 2005 allow for an entry to continue here '06 January 2005 If text_pause And Test2_str <> "C" Then If text_pause And (Test2_str = "X" Or Test2_str = "E") Then text_pause = 0 '05 october 2002 "C" allow for continue of auto display inin = "" End If If UCase(Test2_str) = "A" Then prompt2 = "C" 'march 01 2001 SAVE_ttt = "C" inin = "A" SSS1 = "A" 'march 01 2001 End If '13 March 2004 If UCase(Test2_str) <> "X" And UCase(Test2_str) <> "E" Then GoTo line_15 'February 09 2001 If mpg_file = "YES" Then '04 April 2004 i = mciSendString("close all", 0&, 0, 0) DoEvents '22 March 2004 tt1 = InputBox("testing only closing down", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 13 March 2004 End If '11 March 2004 '04 April 2004 Unload Me '04 April 2004 Set frmproj2 = Nothing 'sdistuff '04 April 2004 Set colReminderPages = Nothing 'release memory?? ' Set sear1 = Nothing 'mdistuff '04 April 2004 take this out End 'feburary 5 2001 line_15: ' temptemp = InputBox(" 04 April 2004 doug " + SSS1, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End Sub Private Sub Form_Click() 'this is activated in the flash mode when mouse button is hit march 02 2001 Test1_str = InputBox("in form_click" + vbCrLf + Pict_file + vbCrLf + ooo, "Interrupt Prompt " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + save_line, , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'february 09 2001 'march 02 2001 'seems not to do anything when in sdi mode ??? 'ie holding down the left mouse does nothing only works in mdi mode End Sub Private Sub Form_Deactivate() '03 July 2003 testing to clean up the unload process (just needed to add these two routines?????) 'using the X for closing the form down check this bit out End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() 'system compoenents: Use 'form does almost everything 'command button used for esc out of screen saver ' set cancel property to true and place off the screen 'text block (removed) allows key entry to interrupt screen saver (placed off the screen) 'image control allows for p2 option with stretch set to true for full screen size 'when compiling for the millennium set BorderStyle to 2 from 0 todo **vip** 'Load proj2 ' Always set the working directory to the directory containing the application. ' do the startup steps below ' tt1 = InputBox("doug startup test1 " + App.Path, "titlename", "Default", 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ChDir App.Path 'december 1 2000 'same as "set default" on the vax ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #20)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'november 7 2000 'january 31 2001 'App.StartLogging "douglog.txt", 0 'july 04 2001 see other test of startlogging 'the above did create a file so this is a start july 04 2001 'january 31 2001 '31July2011 comment out the following 6 lines for already running 29Jan2012 re-activate it If App.PrevInstance Then MsgBox "Already running!", _ vbOKOnly, App.EXEName & _ "Warning!" End End If offset1 = 4500 'april 06 2001 offset2 = 5000 'april 06 2001 program_info = "Spectate Swamp Content Management App" '17Mar2016 App.Title = program_info 'january 31 2001 frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (stonedan@telusplanet.net)" '25 november 2002 frmproj2.Show 'sdistuff ' sear1.Show 'mdistuff 'equivalent of CVT$% is Asc below ' tt1 = InputBox("Form_Initialize " + CStr(Asc("a")) + Chr(97), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = InputBox("Form_Initialize " + App.Path, "titlename", "Default", 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' Cls 'february 05 2001 comment out the next line ' Call text2_Change ' february 01 2001 Call text2_Chg 'february 05 2001 'test the logging stuff some time later.... ' Call App.StartLogging(App.Path + "\logfile.txt", 2) 'january 30 2001 ' Call App.LogEvent("starting", 4) 'january 30 2001 ' Call App.LogEvent(txtLog, vbLogEventTypeInformation) 'january 30 2001 End Sub Private Sub text2_Chg() 'Private Sub text2_Change 'february 01 2001 'savior version 1.0 'all unpaid copies carry a curse ' be warned ' ' ** set auto_redraw to "false" ' much much faster than true ' for Keep-it super-search anyway ' set windowstate to 2 for maximized 'to get rid of the mini text block set the ' left element from 402 to 600 'in the properties window for the for set the following 'height to 9000 'width to 12000 '========================================================================== 'january 31 2001 see function above GetComputerName lngBufSize = 255 strBuffer = String$(lngBufSize, " ") lngStatus = GetComputerName(strBuffer, lngBufSize) strBuffer = Left(strBuffer, lngBufSize) If lngStatus <> 0 Then 'commented out january 31 2001 below ' MsgBox ("Computer name is: " & Left(strBuffer, lngBufSize)) End If '========================================================================== 'Code: see function above GetUserName ' Main routine to Dimension variables, retrieve user name ' and display answer ' Dimension variables ' Get the user name minus any trailing spaces found in the name. ret = GetUserName(lpBuff, 25) UserName = Left(lpBuff, InStr(lpBuff, Chr(0)) - 1) ' Display the User Name ' MsgBox UserName 'commeted out january 31 2001 '========================================================================== '========================================================================== 'see call to GetDiskFreeSpace function above january 31 2001 'Code: strDrive = "C:\" 'drive letter 'note to vb6 comment out the following code as it gets errors overflow etc... 'january 27 2002 comment it out as I am not using it anyway ' If GetDiskFreeSpace(strDrive, lngSectorsPerCluster, lngBytesPerSector, lngNumberOfFreeClusters, lngTotalNumberOfClusters) = 0 Then ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "An error occurred." ' Else ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Sectors Per Cluster: " & Format$(lngSectorsPerCluster) ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Bytes Per Sector: " & Format$(lngBytesPerSector) ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Free Clusters: " & Format$(lngNumberOfFreeClusters) ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Total Clusters: " & Format$(lngTotalNumberOfClusters) ' lngTotalBytes = lngTotalNumberOfClusters * lngSectorsPerCluster * lngBytesPerSector ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Total Bytes: " & Format$(lngTotalBytes) ' lngFreeBytes = lngNumberOfFreeClusters * lngSectorsPerCluster * lngBytesPerSector ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Bytes Free: " & Format$(lngFreeBytes) ' strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Percent Used: " & Format$(1 - (lngFreeBytes / lngTotalBytes), "0.00%") ' End If If Left(strBuffer, lngBufSize) = "OEMCOMPUTER" Then ' MsgBox (strMessage) End If 'january 31 2001 only show it if it my laptop strMessage = strMessage + vbCrLf + "User name=" + UserName + vbCrLf + "Computer name=" + strBuffer & vbCrLf '30 november 2002 the stuff below for computer version Dim tOSVer As OSVERSIONINFO ' First set length of OSVERSIONINFO ' structure size tOSVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(tOSVer) ' Get version information GetVersionEx tOSVer ' Determine OS type With tOSVer Select Case .dwPlatformId Case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ' This is an NT version (NT/2000) ' If dwMajorVersion >= 5 then ' the OS is Win2000 If .dwMajorVersion >= 5 Then FFF = "Windows 2000" Else FFF = "Windows NT" End If Case Else ' Test2_str = InputBox("testing versioninfo " + CStr(.dwPlatformId) + " " + FFF, " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1, yy1) 'february 09 2001 ' This is Windows 95/98/ME If .dwMajorVersion >= 5 Then FFF = "Windows ME" ElseIf .dwMajorVersion = 4 And .dwMinorVersion > 0 Then FFF = "Windows 98" Else FFF = "Windows 95" End If End Select ' Check for service pack FFF = FFF & " " & Left(.szCSDVersion, _ InStr(1, .szCSDVersion, Chr$(0))) os_ver = FFF '30 november 2002 I use this variable later maybe ' Get OS version ttt = "Version= " & .dwMajorVersion & "." & _ .dwMinorVersion & "." & .dwBuildNumber os_num = .dwMajorVersion & .dwPlatformId '01 december 2002 use to determine 8, 10 or 43, 44 End With strMessage = strMessage + ttt + " len=" + CStr(Len(os_ver)) + vbCrLf strMessage = strMessage + "OS=" + os_ver 'I used this for display ' tt1 = InputBox(strMessage, "testing", , 8000, 5000) '30 november 2002 '========================================================================== On Error GoTo Errors_31000 save_line = "000" 'for error handling ' Static xx1 As Integer ' Static yy1 As Integer '0 = black '1 = dark blue '2 = green '3 = aqua '4 = brown '5 = purple '6 = lime/green/brown? '7 = grey '8 = dark grey '9 = blue bright '10 = lime green bright '11 = pale blue '12 = red '13 = purple light pink '14 = yellow '15 = white 'test some code here in this area 'temps = CallByName(wordpad, "c:\search\notes.txt", , "c:\search\notes.txt") line_20: save_line = "20" '04 November 2003 see cmd(61) for play_speed play_speed = 1000 '30 October set to normal speed SAVE_ttt = "in" 'default to "c" if comming in 'april 14/00 start_point = 0 '16 July 2003 Ver=1.07T start_point = 10 '09 September 2003 service pack 1 needs this ???? line_start_point = 0 '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T line_start_point = 10 '11 March 2007 search_prompt = "in" 'april 24/00 visual_impared = "YES" 'to set up control.txt visual_impared = "NO" 'settings for ron windels date_check = "NO" 'do not do date check logic ' date_check = "YES" 'do date check logic 26Feb2012 ddemo = "YES" ddemo = "NO" 'set to "YES" if demo "NO" if full system If UCase(App.EXEName) = "DEMO" Then ddemo = "YES" '08 August 2003 ' control_file = "c:\control.txt" 'november 03 2000 control_file = "control.txt" 'december 03 2000 GoSub Control_28000 'assign font color etc 20/04/00 initial read control file '19Aug2011 change the control file here if app.exename is in cmd(82) If InStr(1, UCase(Cmd(82)), UCase(App.EXEName)) <> 0 Then control_file = "control1.txt" '19Aug2011 GoSub Control_28000 End If '19Aug2011 ' Picture1.Left = 0 'june 17/99 ' Picture1.Top = 0 save_line = "25" OutFile = FreeFile KEEPS1 = "" KEEPS2 = "" KEEPS3 = "" KEEPS4 = "" '09 june 2002 KEEPS5 = "" KEEPS6 = "" ser_num = "0000001" '03Sep2011 some of the initialization here 'tell them where this program comes from SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'todays date temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, "/1/") ' vvversion = "Version September 1/00" ' vvversion = "Version September 5/00" 'extended control.txt to 40 from 20 ' vvversion = "Version September 8/00" 'line wrap control.txt element 21 to 40 from 82 etc ' vvversion = "Version September 10/00" 'context lines 10 or 5 etc 'added the B for back option ' vvversion = "Version October 4/00" 'noshow and others added ' vvversion = "Version October 9/00" 'p for previous picture allowed ' vvversion = "Version October 13/00" 'restricted demo version and date check back in ' vvversion = "Version October 19/00" 'don't load the clipboard and make sure search selection has at least 3 of the same chrs ' vvversion = "Version October 21/00" 'Quickie search if Q entered no context display and skip if no match ' vvversion = "version October 23/00" 'quickie fixes and security completed next audio ' vvversion = "Version October 26/00" 'no start character required and unload form3 at end automatically no close required ' vvversion = "Version October 27/00" 'allow for "A" for all at next photo prompt ' vvversion = "Version October 29/00" 'finish with line wrap fixes context data and match line fixed finally ' vvversion = "Version November 3/00" 'allow for ccc to select control1.txt for larger fonts etc 'allow for auto setting of c and p1 depending if xxx. found in first 10 lines 'allow for any file selection to reset as if first time in for defaults etc ' vvversion = "Version November 12/00" 'allow for extract of printed data to file ' vvversion = "Version November 13/00" 'make rrr case sensitive and allow or name as of files ' vvversion = "Version November 14/00" 'allow for "F" at do you want to continue 'as well change the xxx to be entered at the option entry ' vvversion = "Version November 22/00" 'changes to allow for multiples on a line to be displayed ie telusplanet.net ' both the net's will show on a "net" search ' vvversion = "Version November 29/00" 'minor bug fix to the rrr routine ' vvversion = "Version December 2/00" 'allow for QQQ at the option level same as RRR but 'used to fix From: Subject: in mail messages removes crlf at end 'and pastes the next line on to the end Date: Organization: To: done too ' vvversion = "Version December 3/00" 'use default directory App.Path wherever the program exists look for control.txt etc. ' vvversion = "Version December 5/00" 'do display of multiples on a line minor change ' vvversion = "Version December 6/00" 'allow for LL linelength to be input and for showpos options 'the showpos shows the line length at the wrap just in case more problems crop up ' vvversion = "Version December 7/00" 'allow for Cmd(33) to be search default ie "D" for me and use the inputbox prompt field 'do the changes to get rid of the max and min border set borderstyle to 0 from 2 and max and min to false ' vvversion = "Version December 8/00" 'change option S to work like option Q quickie search but not to be case sensitive. it takes 2 as long as Q not 4 times as long now 'allow for X or E to exit if element 30 set to "N" and make files case insensitive? ' vvversion = "Version December 10/00" 'reget defaults once file is selected a second time ' vvversion = "Version December 11/00" 'Allow for showasc at the option level to show the last 4 characters ascii value. 'Allow for email prompt at the option level to read thru and display email records without the junk ' vvversion = "Version December 20/00" 'minor changes to fix the netscape extract etc ' vvversion = "Version December 22/00" 'allow for "A" for all when using the "Q" search ' vvversion = "Version December 23/00" 'a few fix ups for the imported outlook express into netscape 6.0 ' vvversion = "Version December 24/00" 'new option of "IMPORT" if the file is email and import entered ' vvversion = "Version December 27/00" 'if CH was selected the option prompt was getting in the way the second time around 'the AppActivate fixed the problem though ' vvversion = "Version December 28/00" 'did some clean up on the search selection no longer allow the number of characters to select previous searches 'minor fix to the "." at the b for back prompt cleared SSS2 and SSS3 etc ' vvversion = "Version December 31/00" 'minor fix re short lines with odd characters and boundarystr reset to ""2 'new option "R" extract skip page_prompt AND set to "Q" search 'as long as everything is being extracted then don't stop at number of lines per screen Cmd(1) 'new option "D" extract skip page_prompt and set to "C" with MAX_CNT = 5 Context_lines = 2 ' vvversion = "Version January 01/01" 'new option "T" just like D and R above 'use element Cmd(34) for the context_win default to 3 if not there ' vvversion = "Version January 02/01" 'final counts for tot_s1 tot_s2 tot_s3 now tested and seem to work ok ' vvversion = "Version January 03/01" 'noshow for text display will replace the string with **** as censorship 'the 03a version changes made to allow elements to be hilited after the "A" is entered. 'the very first one on a line was what was happening and this was the fix ' vvversion = "Version January 04/01" 'fix for multiple no-show elements and a 04a fix to show the last elements 'which were sometimes missed. '04b changes to allow for the "B" back to retain the hiliting capabilities ' vvversion = "Version January 05/01" 'remove reference to Cmd(13) back_cnt and Cmd(19) for re-use 'fixed the "D" date display by searching for "M" as both AM and PM have it.. 'if "." default to last search any other chr back to beginning and new search entry. ' vvversion = "Version January 06/01" 'skip duplicate code at line_12004b thru line_12005m as not required, moved some noshow logic 'do not include the counts for hilite_this or "append start" or "append end" ' vvversion = "Version January 08/01" 'fix the logic for wrap_cnt somewhat so the V & B for back work a little better (still not completely checked out) ' vvversion = "Version January 09/01" 'add the "crop" option to shorten very long lines that cause wraping problems ' vvversion = "Version January 10/01" 'allow for the over_lap element 13 on the crop and the wrap function later. ' vvversion = "Version January 19/01" 'the wrap array logic mostly complete with code bypassing this till the 12000 routine completed. ' vvversion = "Version January 20/01" 'the new wrap array and hi-lite logic testing being done ' vvversion = "Version January 21/01" 'add in logic to print last "endstuff" if A for All and wrap info unprinted ' vvversion = "Version January 22/01" 'removed the old hi-lite wrap logic at sub_12000: ' vvversion = "Version January 24/01" 'minor fix to hi-lite elements that wrap on to next page... ' vvversion = "Jan 25/01" 'change the A for append for Z to paste at the end of the file (confused with a for all) ' vvversion = "Jan 27/01" 'fix to skip the noshow elements if SS screen saver ' vvversion = "Jan 28/01" 'use tot_s1 to count the number of emails on the import function ' vvversion = "Jan 31/01" 'check if app is running and set App.Title to Keep-It ' vvversion = "Feb 01/01" 'check for computer name mine and ken's and anyone else ' vvversion = "Feb 06/01" 'allow the esc to stop the screen saver leave in old logic for any other key though ' vvversion = "Feb 09/01" 'if interrupted allow for them to continue ' vvversion = "Feb 16/01" 'add the date and time on the file prompt line ' vvversion = "Mar 01/01" 'allow for "A" for all to be entered at the interrupt prompt 'Feb 19/01 display the file name in each of the prompt boxes 'feb 20/01 setfocus to solve the problem of the interrupt not working after "CH" called then F or SS done 'feb 21/01 add image control set the stretch property to true (for full screen display) 'feb 25/01 add check for only "CH" when using setfocus as it seems to screw up other functions? 'feb 28/01 check for bounary=""" as it crapped out when wrong boundary found 'Mar 14/01 allow for WAIT= to pause line longer ie wait 30 etc fix the timer error at line_30000: area 'Mar 15/01 allow for SC screen capture to pause before the inputbox statements so that the displayed info can be capured using alt/print screen 'Mar 17/01 allow for CP copy picture to a directory in Cmd(23) element 'Mar 21/01 add in a was=scn0321.jpg to the text on a CP so we know the original number & date 'Mar 31/01 set the P1 as the stretch default and P2 non stretched (they will have to user P2 for sizing original scans) 'Apr 01/01 the GF get file routine to catalogue any pictures in the target directory 'Apr 05/01 allow for keeping the same name if no leading didgits entered. 'Apr 06/01 allow for 5000 folders when using the gf option 'Apr 08/01 allow for c:\search\tempfold\ to keep the original name on file copy 'Apr 10/01 allow for HL and HLL to use the append_start1 and append_end1 elements hilite_this could also be used??? 'allow for uppercase on all 3 of them working well so far 'Apr 11/01 allow for c:\* to do the whole c drive and * FOR file type 'and put out the date if dirdates entered 'Apr 22/01 allow for hhxxx. to display pictures at the end of screen promopt ' by putting in a HH when some hilited. 'may 06 2001 on interrupt of screen saver switch into photo display p1 ' allowing the user to do a "P" to see one of the various previous pictures ' as well at the photo continue prompt allow "SS" to continue screen saver ' with the previous screen saver settings ' vvversion = "May 06/01" 'this is the date of the compile only, just for the users info 'vvversion = 28 april 2002 add in the ww like ss with anded search criteria ' the Nov2011 changes were for the BEGIN AND AGAIN options which were sweet 'ver=1.04 added the ability to clear date to left by removing 1 character at a time and ' re-displaying what is left (looks like motion) '28Jan2012 4.90 version changes were to allow for the continue and pause statements 'with the 28Jan2012 changes make sure that if using multiples for a wait that the file is "CLOSED" ??? '31Jan2012 the cmd(48) setting to photo required to make the continue work with the pause... change the default on create '07Feb2012 put in a minor check to catch when video_length is obviously WRONG '09Feb2012 check for mpg_file when setting delay second needed to be done '09Feb2012 add "NORG" and "RG" for cmd(81) noRAND_GROUP need to switch back and forth for ff cataloged stuff '10Feb2012 testing to see why the fast forword would work on the pc and not the laptop ' left the debug lines in with this date it seems if the time for play segment is larger it works??? '17Mar2012 put a trim on the search for BREAK the end of file was looping.... '18Mar2012 display the random number it seems to be a off some times when there is not much data '25Mar2012 make changes so the enter enter caused a replay to happen '14Apr2012 change so the error opening video file message does not show error it scares people '14Apr2012 and allow for a replay to be at slow motion minor bug with random fixed as welllllll '16Apr2012 allow to switch between slow motion and full speed by hitting enter enter '12May2012 force the prompts for RANDOM and SEQUENTIAL by name as well as control file '14May2012 fix a few problems with the 12May2012 and one other small bug '18Jun2012 allow for program name to control logic flow see catmydrive and a few other changes '22Jun2012 bigtext changes to allow for automatic large print using bigtext.txt as input file '23Jun2012 catmydrivemp3 added and minor changes to bigtext '23Jun2012a allow for auto run of randomseg to play thumbnails with random video and random start point '26Jun2012 minor fix to cmd(45) so MANUAL runs with prompts '30Jun2012 through 29Jul2012 changes to allow for mixx of text and video '07Aug2012 default to no update for every one beyone D '12Aug2012 allow for alt== in the line to change the start== and begin== points re the pc vs laptop weird start points '08Sep2012 change so that next pass on mixx stuff would show videos bug fixed but underline persists no big deal '15Nov2012 change to allow for random mix stuff any changes between 08sep and 15Nov may cause some trouble so beware '15Dec2012 allow for doall when doing a copy picture with lots of files '17Mar2014 changes to allow for fastfwd catalog for video collection '25Mar2014 minor change so rand_group works '16Apr2014 new feature bb.08 option #2 prompt does the reverse of ff.08 fast forward reverse option for switch ' needs to run reverse right after to switch the records completely '17Mar2016 Version on Windows 10 laptop '09jun2016 vvversion = "17 March 2016" this is the date of the compile only, just for the users info '07Sep2016 mp3 bad records to a 2nd output file the file size on directory command etc '30Sep2016 add the "COLOR=" option to switch to aqua etc and overprint on a bitmap screen capture of same text etc wipe it clean vvversion = "Spectate 20Aug2022 " 'clean up of initial control file build my way 'look for "check the latest features above" where to add new features to help file If temp1 <> 0 And ddemo = "YES" Then Print vvversion; " of " + program_info ' Print "check web site: http://www.telusplanet.net/public/stonedan" Print "e-mail Doug Pederson stonedan@telusplanet.net" Print "for newer versions with more options" Print "shareware" Print "this info only displays on the first of month" Print "Enter to continue" tt1 = InputBox("Enter to continue", "Continue Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If 'year must be 2000 ' do not allow use if date past best before date??? ' Print "UserName="; UserName; "=" ' tt1 = InputBox("testing prompt", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If strBuffer <> "STONEMAN" Then GoTo line_30 'vip todo comment out to activate If strBuffer = "STONEMAN" Then GoTo line_30 'february 01 2001 If UserName = "stoneman" Then GoTo line_30 If UCase(UserName) = "KENNETH" Then GoTo line_30 'february 02 2001 If UCase(UserName) = "KEN M" Then GoTo line_30 'february 02 2001 If strBuffer = "KEN" Then GoTo line_30 'february 02 2001 MsgBox strBuffer + "=invalid computer " + UserName + "=username" GoTo End_32000 'february 01 2001 line_30: If date_check <> "YES" Then GoTo File_40 'no date check if disabled End If 'october 27 2000 If ddemo = "YES" Then GoTo File_40 'no date check on demo version End If 'as it is restricted enough 'date check should be good till end of march 2001 SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display today temp2 = InStr(SSS, "12") '26Feb2012 if no 12 then not valid just for 2012 If temp2 = 0 Then Print "invalid date="; SSS; "=" tt1 = InputBox("software expired visit home site for new one", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo End_32000 End If '26Feb2012 no free lunch after 2012 ' temp2 = InStr(SSS, "/") ' temp1 = InStr(temp2 + 1, SSS, "/2010") 'for 2010 only ' Print "invalid date="; SSS; "=" ' tt1 = InputBox("year not /00", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If temp1 = 0 Then ' temp1 = InStr(temp2 + 1, SSS, "/2000") ' End If ' If temp1 = 0 Then ' temp1 = InStr(temp2 + 1, SSS, "/01") ' End If ' If temp1 = 0 Then ' temp1 = InStr(temp2 + 1, SSS, "/2001") ' End If 'to activate for windows 2000 need a proper date check here as with ME above ' If temp1 = 0 Then ' Print "invalid date="; SSS; "=" ' tt1 = InputBox("year not /10", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY ' GoTo End_32000 ' End If 'year must be 2000 line_35: If Left(SSS, 1) = " " Then SSS = Right(SSS, Len(SSS) - 1) GoTo line_35 End If If Left(SSS, 3) <> "10/" And Left(SSS, 3) <> "11/" _ And Left(SSS, 3) <> "12/" And Left(SSS, 2) <> "1/" _ And Left(SSS, 2) <> "2/" And Left(SSS, 2) <> "3/" Then ' Then Print "software expired="; SSS; "=" tt1 = InputBox("e-mail stonedan@telusplanet.net", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo End_32000 End If 'must be march also screen_capture = "NO" 'march 15 2001 File_40: save_line = "40" Close #ExtFile 'march 18 2001 copy_photo = "NO" 'march 18 2001 '09 december 2002 rand = 0 '18 august 2002 text_pause = 0 '05 october 2002 debug_photo = False '12 october 2002 ' debug_photo = True '01 february 2003 09 september 2003 If InStr(UCase(App.EXEName), "DEBUG") <> 0 Then debug_photo = True '30Jun2012a End If '30Jun2012 tt1 = "" encript = "" prev_option = "" If extract_yes = "YES" Then Close #ExtFile line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) End If 'november 12 2000 tot_s1 = 0 'january 01 2001 tot_s2 = 0 'january 01 2001 tot_s3 = 0 'january 01 2001 tot_s4 = 0 '23 june 2002 tot_s5 = 0 '23 june 2002 tot_s6 = 0 extract_yes = "" 'november 12 2000 skip_info = "" 'november 14 2000 ' img_ctrl = "NO" 'february 21 2001 img_ctrl = "YES" 'march 31 2001 stretch_img = "YES" 'march 31 2001 '22 december 2002 ' If UCase(Cmd(38)) = "STRETCH" Then ' stretch_info = " (STRETCH)" '21 december 2002 ' Else ' stretch_info = " (NORMAL)" ' End If dbltime1 = 0 dbltime2 = 0 line_45: 'december 3 2000 boundarycnt = 0 'december 31 2000 boundarystr = "" 'december 31 2000 mbxyes = "" 'december 17 2000 dateskip = "F" 'december 23 2000 GoSub InputFile_24000 'march 20/00 ' Print "tt1 SAVE_ttt="; tt1; "="; SAVE_ttt ' ttt = InputBox("testing file_40", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If tt1 = "" Then GoTo End_32000 End If append_start1 = "append start" 'april 10 2001 append_end1 = "append end" 'april 10 2001 mbxi = 0 'december 17 2000 emailsea = "" 'december 11 2000 SAVE_ttt = "in" 'december 10 2000 GoSub Control_28000 'december 10 2000 extract_yes = "" 'december 31 2000 photo_cnt = 0 'march 17 2001 dirdates = "" 'april 11 2001 hilite_hh = "" 'april 22 2001 hilite_cnt = 0 'april 22 2001 rand_str = "" '18Mar2012 If rand = -1 Then '09 december 2002 Randomize 'use system timer to start randomizer cnt = 99999999 GoSub line_30920 ' rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 3 'keep the total number of records in file rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 6 'keep the total number of records in file 28 april 2003 (this fixed it) ver=1.04a 'seems to loop if it hits end of file 'Hint: (place 6 blank lines at end of file 'so last 3 pictures can be seen in random mode. zzz_cnt = 0 ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug " + CStr(rand_cnt), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1) 'this line moves to after hits or misses rand_str = "random#" + CStr(rand_no) '18Mar2012 End If '09 december 2002 What_50: save_line = "50" 'for error handling pp_entered = "" 'november 6 2000 SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display today 'deactivate the date check below have the program work for ever DoEvents ' Err.Raise 6 'test this to give error info ' works for all error numbers ' Beep 'test the beep bell prompt2 = "" ppoffset1 = 0 '27 july 2002 ppoffset2 = 0 '27 july 2002 'find out what can be called of use **vip** todo 'test area for ggg = GetSetting("?","*") ' ggg = GetSetting("RegCust", "Startup", "LastEntry", "0") ' Print "ggg="; ggg; "=" ' tt1 = InputBox("testing What_50", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' save_line = "50 testing" 'testing only ' ggg = LoadResData("C:|Program Files\Plus!\Themes\UNDERW~5.WAV", 6) ' Print "ggg="; ggg; "=" ' tt1 = InputBox("testing What_50", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '********************************************************* 'main option entry here entry option prompt '********************************************************* '10 august 2002 allow for different keep options for photo file and text files If xxx_found = "YES" Then Cmd(20) = Cmd(41) Cmd(33) = "PHOTO" ' tt1 = InputBox("testing 01 January 2005", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If If xxx_found = "NO" Then Cmd(20) = Cmd(42) Cmd(33) = "D" End If '10 august 2002 use the cmd(20) and over-ride with above ' If xxx_found = "NO" And UCase(Cmd(20)) <> "Q" Then ' Cmd(20) = "C" ' Cmd(33) = "D" ' End If 'november 3 2000 ' If xxx_found = "YES" Then ' Cmd(20) = "P" ' Cmd(33) = "PHOTO" 'december 18 2000 ' End If 'november 3 2000 '10 august 2002 comment out the above logic iimport = "" 'december 24 2000 If InStr(UCase(TheFile), "\MAIL\") <> 0 And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then Cmd(20) = "email" 'december 12 2000 If InStr(UCase(TheFile), "\OUTLOOK EXPRESS\") <> 0 And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then Cmd(20) = "email" 'december 13 2000 Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'lp#1 page_prompt = "" 'december 31 2000 MAX_CNT = Val(Cmd(1)) 'december 31 2000 Context_lines = Val(Cmd(22)) 'december 31 2000 If Context_lines > 40 Then Context_lines = 40 'February 04 2001 mess_cnt = 0 'january 03 2001 array_pos = 0 'january 21 2001 array_prt = 0 temp_sec = -1 'march 14 2001 ' WinSeek.Show 'february 26 2001 ' WinSeek.SetFocus 'february 26 2001 ' frmOption1.Caption = "Option prompt" 'february 26 2001 ' MDIOption1.Show 'february 26 2001 ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt_ after option1 show=" + TheFile + "*" + UCase(xtemp) + "*" + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' ' SetFocus 'february 26 2001 ' Unload frmOption1 'february 26 2001 If screen_capture = "YES" Then new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 ' delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001 ' GoSub line_30000 End If dsp_cnt = 0 'may 12 2001 dbltime2 = Timer 'get the end time may 12 2001 Test1_str = "" If dbltime1 <> 0 And dbltime1 <> dbltime2 Then Test1_str = " elap=" + Format(dbltime2 - dbltime1, "#####0.000") End If 'show elapsed times may 12 2001 multi_prompt2 = "" '04 September 2004 Get_no2: 'march 21 2002 search_str = "" '26 august 2002 ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2 multi_prompt2 " + multi_prompt2 + "*" + ttt, " testing Prompt #2 ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If Cmd(20) = "Y" And SAVE_ttt <> "in" Then Cmd(20) = "" '15 december 2004 If Len(multi_prompt2) > 0 Then temp1 = InStr(1, multi_prompt2, sep) If temp1 <> 0 Then ttt = Left(multi_prompt2, temp1 - 1) multi_prompt2 = Right(multi_prompt2, Len(multi_prompt2) - temp1) ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2* multi_prompt2 " + multi_prompt2 + "*" + ttt, " testing Prompt #2* ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) Else ttt = multi_prompt2 multi_prompt2 = "" ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2** multi_prompt2 =" + multi_prompt2 + "*" + ttt, " testing Prompt #2** ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' Cmd(20) = "" '05 September 2004 End If GoTo auto_p2 '04 September 2004 End If '04 September 2004 allow for multiple inputs at a time ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2 test " + auto_exe + "*", " testing Prompt #2 ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '12 September 2004 If UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then ' If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then '19Aug2011 If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then mixx = False '12Feb2017 If InStr(UCase(App.EXEName), "MIX") <> 0 Then mixx = True End If '12Feb2017 budgeyn = False '17Dec2017 If InStr(UCase(App.EXEName), "BUDGE") <> 0 Then budgeyn = True End If '17Dec2017 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) = "RANDOM" Then rand_prog = True rand = True If mixx Then Cmd(81) = "RAND_GROUP " '29Oct2012 if random and mix then rand_group needed End If '29Oct2012 If InStr(UCase(App.EXEName), "ALT") <> 0 Then altt = True End If '12Aug2012 'If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 7) = "BIGTEXT" Then ' xtemp = InputBox("testing#4dd Match 29Oct2012 rand=" + CStr(rand) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " group_match=" + CStr(group_match) + " rand_no=" + CStr(rand_no) + " zzz_cnt=" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " rand_prog=" + CStr(rand_prog) + " aaa=" + Left(aaa, 10), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 7) = "BIGTEXT" Or mixx = True Then '30Jun2012 ttt = "C" If mixx = True Then ttt = "WW" '30Jun2012b this seems to be the problem area End If ' tt1 = InputBox("testing#2a 29Oct2012 mixx=" + CStr(mixx) + " ttt=" + ttt + " rand_prog=" + CStr(rand_prog), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If Left(UCase(Cmd(77)), 5) <> "CHARA" Then '**note** do not override what they have if not noCHARA ' xtemp = InputBox(" 29Oct2012 input prompt #2 mixx= " + CStr(mixx) + "*", " testing Prompt #2 ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) MAX_CNT = 10 'lines per screen cmd(1) Font.Size = 48 'font size cmd(2) 48 point size BackColor = 0 'black background cmd(3) Def_Fore = 15 'white text cmd(4) Cmd(5) = 14 'hi-lite color yellow ' ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) 'Cmd(21) = 26 line_len = 260 'cmd(21) make line length long.. all formatting done by user Cmd(31) = ":" 'the highlite this element hilite_this = ":" 'cmd(31) Context_lines = 0 'cmd(22) rand = 0 '24Jun2012 Cmd(76) = "LINEPAUSE==0.15" Cmd(77) = "CHARACTERPAUSE==.0333" Cmd(80) = "PROMPTDETAILS" '22Jun2012 'frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True End If 'ie they have their own settings no need to override GoTo auto_p2 End If '21Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 14) = "CATMYDRIVEGOLF" Then ttt = "GOLF" GoTo auto_p2 End If '18Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then ttt = "GF" GoTo auto_p2 End If '18Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) = "RANDOM" Or Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "SEQUENTIAL" Then ttt = "WW" Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM" If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) = "RANDOM" Then Cmd(49) = "RANDOM" If UCase(Left(Cmd(81), 10)) = "RAND_GROUP" Then frmproj2.Caption = "turn cmd(81) RAND_GROUP off if no BREAK records" '12May2012 End If End If GoTo auto_p2 '12May2012 End If If (InStr(1, UCase(Cmd(45)), UCase(App.EXEName)) <> 0 And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then ttt = RTrim(Cmd(47)) 'the search options entered here for now use "WW" 'want to make it so multiple prompts can be done todo **vip** ' xtemp = InputBox(" backgrd test2", " testing Prompt #2* ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING AUTO PROMPT #2" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If GoTo auto_p2 End If '07 december 2002 If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 ttt = Right(Cmd(71), Len(Cmd(71)) - 11) ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 1 =" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY BatchFile = FreeFile Open ttt For Input As #BatchFile DoEvents ttt = "RRR" 'testing only re the close of the file etc... Line Input #BatchFile, ttt ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 1a =" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' interrupt_prompt2 = UCase(ttt) '20 November 2004 GoTo auto_p2 End If '27 October 2004 '19 august 2003 the following line deactivated. If xxx. not found then disable random. We want it random here '19 August 2003 If xxx_found = "NO" Then rand = 0 '19 january 2003 'the above can be over-ridden below ttt = InputBox("P P1 P2 TT WW SS CH X RAND NORAND RANDA NORANDA THUMB HELP option ", "Option Prompt #2 " + TheFile + Test1_str, UCase(Cmd(20)), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' frmproj2.BorderStyle = "0" '25 november 2002 ' frmproj2.BorderStyle = "0" '25 november 2002 '10 august 2002 allow for cmd(41) and cmd(42) to override ' interrupt_prompt2 = UCase(ttt) '20 November 2004 auto_p2: '07 december 2002 ttt = UCase(ttt) '07 december 2002 If inin = "" Then start_point = 0 '21 February 2007 start_point = 10 '11 March 2007 line_start_point = start_point '21 February 2007 keep_line_start_point = line_start_point '25Dec2011 cont_str = "" '08Feb2012 End If '21 February 2007 cont_str = "S" '16Apr2012 '04 September 2004 below If InStr(1, ttt, sep) <> 0 Then temp1 = InStr(1, ttt, sep) multi_prompt2 = Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - temp1) ttt = Left(ttt, temp1 - 1) ' xtemp = InputBox(" input prompt #2a multi_prompt2 " + multi_prompt2 + "*" + ttt, " testing Prompt #2a ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If '04 September 2004 If Left(ttt, 6) = "SPEED=" Then play_speed = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 6)) keep_play_speed = play_speed '08Nov2011 GoTo Get_no2 End If '29 October 2003 testing this a bit p2p2 = UCase(ttt) '10 august 2002 If ttt = "SS" And ss_only <> "YES" Then ss_only = "YES" GoTo Do_Search_110 End If '07 december 2002 If p2p2 = "DEBPHO" Then debug_photo = True GoTo Get_no2 End If '12 october 2002 allow for debug of photo problems '16 July 2003 testing only below 28Dec2011 this is for batch start point other is per video and audio file If Left(p2p2, 7) = "START==" Then start_point = Val(Right(p2p2, Len(p2p2) - 7)) line_start_point = start_point '22 March 2004 keep_line_start_point = line_start_point '28Dec2011 GoTo Get_no2 End If '16 July 2003 Ver=1.07T testing the start point If Left(p2p2, 4) = "ELAP" Then elapse_yn = "YES" '13 July 2003 GoTo Get_no2 End If '13 July 2003 If p2p2 = "PAUSE" Or p2p2 = "PA" Then text_pause = True extract_yes = "NO" 'do not want these two taking up disc space auto_redraw = "NO" frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False inin = "" GoTo Get_no2 End If '05 october 2002 '12May2012 '12May2012 If p2p2 = "RAND" Then If p2p2 = "RAND" Or Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) = "RANDOM" Then rand = -1 Randomize 'use system timer to start randomizer cnt = 99999999 GoSub line_30920 rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 3 'keep the total number of records in file 'seems to loop if it hits end of file zzz_cnt = 0 ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug " + CStr(rand_cnt), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1) 'this line moves to after hits or misses rand_str = "random#" + CStr(rand_no) '18Mar2012 ' If rand Then ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug randomizer rnd " + CStr(rand_no), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' End If GoSub Control_28000 '22 december 2002 Cmd(49) = "RANDOM" '09 December 2002 ' random_info = " (RANDOM)" '21 december 2002 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '09 december 2002 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) <> "RANDOM" Then GoTo Get_no2 '12May2012 p2p2 = Cmd(20) '12May2012 ttt = Cmd(20) '12May2012 '12May2012 GoTo Get_no2 '12May2012 test below ' If rand Then ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug randomizer rnd " + CStr(rand_no), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' End If End If '18 august 2002 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 9) = "RANDOMSEG" Then thumb_nail = "YES" rand1 = -1 Randomize Cmd(65) = "RANDBEG" End If '23Jun2012a '12May2012 If p2p2 = "NORAND" Then If p2p2 = "NORAND" Or Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "SEQUENTIAL" Then rand = 0 GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM" '09 december 2002 '22 december 2002 ' random_info = "" '21 december 2002 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file frmproj2.Caption = program_info + stretch_info '09 december 2002 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) <> "SEQUENTIAL" Then GoTo Get_no2 '12May2012 p2p2 = Cmd(20) '12May2012 ttt = Cmd(20) '12May2012 '12May2012 GoTo Get_no2 End If '09 december 2002 If p2p2 = "DETAIL" Then GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(56) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file detailyn = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004 GoTo Get_no2 End If '18 November 2004 If p2p2 = "NODETAIL" Then GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(56) = "noPHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file detailyn = "noPHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004 GoTo Get_no2 End If '18 November 2004 If p2p2 = "RG" Then GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(81) = "RAND_GROUP" '09Feb2012 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file GoTo Get_no2 End If '09Feb2012 If p2p2 = "NORG" Then GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(81) = "noRAND_GROUP" '09Feb2012 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file GoTo Get_no2 End If '09Feb2012 If Left(p2p2, 4) = "THUM" Then thumb_nail = "YES" '16 July 2003 ver=1.07T GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(67) = "THUMB" '14 April 2004 GoSub line_30800 GoTo Get_no2 End If If Left(p2p2, 6) = "NOTHUM" Then thumb_nail = "NO" GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(67) = "noTHUMB" '14 April 2004 GoSub line_30800 GoTo Get_no2 End If '23 March 2004 If p2p2 = "RANDA" Then rand1 = -1 Randomize GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(65) = "RANDBEG" GoSub line_30800 GoTo Get_no2 End If If p2p2 = "NORANDA" Then rand1 = 0 GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(65) = "noRANDBEG" GoSub line_30800 GoTo Get_no2 End If '23 March 2004 add random start point in video If p2p2 = "NOVIDEO" Then GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(53) = "NOSHOWVIDEO" '10 FEBRUARY 2003 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file videoyn = "NOSHOWVIDEO" GoTo Get_no2 End If '10 FEBRUARY 2003 If p2p2 = "VIDEO" Then GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(53) = "SHOWVIDEO" '10 FEBRUARY 2003 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" GoTo Get_no2 End If '10 FEBRUARY 2003 '05 december 2002 If p2p2 = "P1" Or p2p2 = "P2" Or p2p2 = "WW" Or p2p2 = "SS" Then 'midway thru the program appx If p2p2 = "P" Or p2p2 = "WW" Or p2p2 = "SS" Then If Cmd(41) <> p2p2 Then GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(41) = p2p2 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file End If End If '10 august 2002 '15 December 2004 If p2p2 = "C" Or p2p2 = "S" Or p2p2 = "Q" Or p2p2 = "CC" Then If p2p2 = "C" Or p2p2 = "S" Or p2p2 = "Q" Or p2p2 = "CC" Or p2p2 = "Y" Then If Cmd(42) <> p2p2 Then GoSub Control_28000 Cmd(42) = p2p2 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file End If End If '10 august 2002 If p2p2 = "CC" Then search_str = "CC" '26 august 2002 p2p2 = "S" prompt2 = "S" ttt = "S" End If dbltime2 = Timer 'may 12 2001 dbltime1 = Timer 'Get the start time may 12 2001 prev_ttt = ttt 'april 10 2001 If UCase(ttt) = "Z" Then prev_option = "" 'february 25 2001 If prev_option = "CH" Then SetFocus 'this solved the problem of the esc / enter not interrupting End If 'the program once the "CH" option was done february 20 2001 line_60: 'february 09 2001 tt1 = ttt 'november 14 2000 ttt = UCase(ttt) 'all to upper case june 14/99 If ttt = "M" Then frmproj2.WindowState = 1 '0=normal 1 = min 2 = max 'when I used co-ordinates of 40000 , 40000 below the input box failed and 'it skipped immediately to the get_no2 prompt what the hey ttt = InputBox(" window state prompt", "minimized ", "WHAT", 20000, 20000) frmproj2.WindowState = 2 ' GoTo Get_no2 End If 'march 21 2002 ' "Y" for yesterday display in text file december 09 2001 ' read till end of file then do similar to the "B" option If ttt = "Y" Then save_line = "65" OutFile = FreeFile Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile DoEvents 'yield to operating system dblStart = Timer 'get the start time line_65: Line Input #OutFile, aaa zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1 GoTo line_65 End If If ttt = "HELP" Then rand = 0 '10 december 2002 Close #OutFile DoEvents DoEvents GoSub line_30900 Close #OutFile DoEvents OutFile = FreeFile Open "help.txt" For Input As #OutFile DoEvents prompt2 = "C" printed_cnt = 1 'otherwise the "reading 1" shows up on screen inin = "A" 'forces all data to be displayed SSS1 = "" 'when set to "A" only lines with "A" in displayed SAVE_KEEPS1 = "==" 'the search match is an and (just use one at a time) SAVE_KEEPS2 = "CMD(" '**vip** the search here must be in all capitals SAVE_KEEPS3 = ") " 'use this for some other display all caps SAVE_KEEPS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002 SAVE_KEEPS5 = "" SAVE_KEEPS6 = "" SAVE_ttt = "C" 'this ensures it is "C" context display Picture_Search = "" 'this one was important in making the help work hi_lites = "YES" ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #1)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'clear the screen ' can not seem to get this routine to display the hilites on the second pass ' after a photo has been displayed and the option prompt "help" request ' not a big deal but just having no luck today october 22 2001 ' SSS = SAVE_KEEPS1 + sep + SAVE_KEEPS2 + sep + SAVE_KEEPS3 ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 1 TESTING SSS1 SSS2 SSS3" + SSS1 + SSS2 + SSS3, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 2 TESTING SAVE_ttt hi_lites" + SAVE_ttt + "," + hi_lites, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' KEEPS1 = "" ' KEEPS1 = "" ' KEEPS2 = "" ' KEEPS3 = "" ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 3 TESTING KEEPS1 KEEPS2 KEEPS3 " + KEEPS1 + "," + KEEPS2 + "," + KEEPS3, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 4 TESTING tt1" + tt1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = "" ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 5 TESTING save_search" + save_search, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 6 TESTING SAVE_KEEPS1" + SAVE_KEEPS1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 7 TESTING SAVE_KEEPS2" + SAVE_KEEPS2, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' line_match = "Y" GoTo input_1000a End If 'october 14 2001 If ttt = "DIRDATES" Then dirdates = "Y" GoTo What_50 End If 'april 11 2001 If Left(ttt, 2) = "HH" Then hilite_this = Mid(prev_ttt, 3) GoSub Control_28000 '19 january 2003 Cmd(31) = Mid(prev_ttt, 3) ' only hilites data not on matching line GoSub line_30800 '19 january 2003 hilite_hh = "Y" 'april 22 2001 GoTo What_50 End If 'april 10 2001 If Left(ttt, 3) = "HLL" Then append_end1 = Mid(prev_ttt, 4) GoTo What_50 End If 'april 10 2001 If Left(ttt, 2) = "HL" And Mid(ttt, 3, 1) <> "L" Then append_start1 = Mid(prev_ttt, 3) GoTo What_50 End If 'april 10 2001 If ttt = "P1" Then img_ctrl = "YES" 'march 31 2001 stretch_img = "YES" 'march 31 2001 '22 december 2002 ' stretch_info = " (STRETCH)" '21 december 2002 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '09 december 2002 GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001 read the most current then update Cmd(38) = "stretch" search_prompt = "in" 'october 07 2001 GoSub line_30800 'september 23 2001 frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '22 december 2002 If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING photo 1" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If ttt = "P1" 'OCTOBER 07 2001 ttt = "P" '05 december 2002 GoTo What_50 '05 december 2002 End If 'march 31 2001 If ttt = "P" Then ttt = "P1" End If 'september 23 2001 If ttt = "SC" Then screen_capture = "YES" 'march 15 2001 GoTo What_50 End If If ttt = "DIR" Then ttt = "GF" 'february 18 2002 diryes = "DIR" dirdates = "Y" End If 'february 18 2002 Mergem = "NO" 'february 24 2002 If ttt = "MERGE" Then ttt = "GF" 'february 24 2002 diryes = "DIR" dirdates = "Y" Mergem = "YES" End If 'february 24 2002 If ttt = "GOLF" Then ttt = "GF" '25Jun2010 Mergem = "GOLF" '25Jun2010 End If If ttt = "VL" Then ttt = "GF" '04Feb2012 put the video_length and size in bytes on the catalog Mergem = "VL" '04Feb2012 End If rewind = "NO" '12Apr2014 If Left(ttt, 2) = "BB" Then ttt = "FF" + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2) '12Apr2014 rewind very similar to fast forward rewind = "YES" ' xtemp = InputBox("testing 12Apr2014 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) '12Apr2014 End If '12Apr2014 If Left(ttt, 2) = "FF" Then 'ie FF.7 for a .7 sec play 17Mar2014 nocount = 0 '12Apr2014 fast_forward = 0.7 '17Mar2014 if none entered play for .7 of a second If Len(ttt) > 2 Then fast_forward = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2)) 'set a new delay time on screen saver ttt = "GF" '06Feb2012 catalog for fast forward of videos Mergem = "FF" '06Feb2012 End If If ttt = "GF" Then GoSub Control_28000 rand = 0 '19 July 2003 take random off GF option Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM" GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file '19 July 2003 (somehow having random set causes the tag record 'on mp3 files not to be read properly (so this should be a temp fix) GoSub Control_28000 '19 July 2003 Close #OutFile '18 August 2004 so there is no conflict with file opened at prompt number 1 one GoSub line_30700 'april 01 2001 '15 december 2002 GoTo What_50 GoTo File_40 End If If Left(ttt, 2) = "PC" Then photo_cnt = Val(Mid(ttt, 3)) - 1 GoTo What_50 End If 'march 17 2001 If ttt = "CP" Then copy_photo = "YES" 'march 17 2001 'need to allow for change of file name etc here xtemp = Cmd(19) GoSub line_16000 ' If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then ttt = "X" GoTo File_40 End If 'might want to make the open below append or new ' save_line = "16100-1" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_16100 'open the replace.txt for output xtemp = InputBox(" output directory (you can rename folder later)", "Directory Prompt ", Cmd(23), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) temps = xtemp good_fold = xtemp '15Aug2016 ' good_fold = "" '28Aug2016 they seem to be going to the default on c: somehow ' If Len(temps) < 4 Then ' GoTo What_50 ' End If 'april 08 2001 '09Aug2016 a blank directory is allowed because those with mp3 errors blow will be ougput badmp3_fold = InputBox(" problems directory (you can rename folder later) " + Cmd(84), "Directory Prompt " + Test1_str + " " + zemp, "", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '08Aug2016 ' badmp3_fold = "d:\bad_mp3\" 'JUST DURING TESTING 09Aug2016 ' GoTo What_50 '08Aug2016 testing only just to check test1_str above save_dir: photo_dir = xtemp 'ie c:\search\tempfold\ xtemp = InputBox(" keep original file name Y/N (pict for pict00001 & pict00002 etc)", "Output file name prompt ", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) photo_file = xtemp 'ie pict If xtemp = "Y" Then photo_file = "" ' xtemp = InputBox("testing dir" + photo_dir, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' xtemp = InputBox("testing file" + photo_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo What_50 End If 'end "CP" if statement prev_option = ttt 'february 25 2001 If ttt = "P2" Then stretch_img = "NO" 'march 31 2001 '22 december 2002 ' stretch_info = " (NORMAL)" '21 december 2002 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '25 november 2002 ' img_ctrl = "YES" 'february 21 2001 img_ctrl = "NO" 'march 31 2001 ttt = "P1" GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001 Cmd(38) = "normal" 'september 23 2001 search_prompt = "in" 'october 07 2001 GoSub line_30800 'september 23 2001 frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '25 november 2002 ' xtemp = InputBox("TESTING DOUG photo 2" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ttt = "P1" 'OCTOBER 07 2001 ttt = "P" '05 december 2002 GoTo What_50 '05 december 2002 End If If Cmd(20) = "email" And ttt = "IMPORT" Then emailsea = "Y" iimport = "Y" 'december 24 2000 ttt = "F" 'for flash display extract_yes = "YES" xtemp = Cmd(19) GoSub line_16000 'get file name If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then ttt = "X" GoTo File_40 End If 'january 22 2001 ' save_line = "16100-2" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001 End If Cmd(20) = "" 'december 7 2000 xxx_found = "" 'december 7 2000 If ddemo = "YES" And ttt = "" Then GoTo line_80 End If 'demo only allows the P1 and the SS options If ddemo = "YES" And ttt <> "P1" And ttt <> "X" And ttt <> "RRR" And ttt <> "SS" Then GoTo What_50 End If 'december 11 2000 re the emailsea option email If ttt = "EMAIL" Then emailsea = "Y" ttt = "C" End If If ttt = "R" Then page_prompt = "NO" extract_yes = "YES" xtemp = Cmd(19) GoSub line_16000 If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then ttt = "X" GoTo File_40 End If 'january 22 2001 ' save_line = "16100-3" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001 ttt = "Q" End If 'december 31 2000 If ttt = "CROP" Then GoSub line_30600 'crop the input file to a given length SAVE_ttt = "" GoTo File_40 End If 'december 31 2000 If ttt = "DISC" Then MsgBox strMessage strMessage = App.Path + "*" + App.EXEName + " serial#= " + ser_num '07 december 2002 MsgBox strMessage GoTo What_50 End If 'january 31 2001 If ttt = "D" Then page_prompt = "NO" extract_yes = "YES" xtemp = Cmd(19) GoSub line_16000 ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt_=" + TheFile + "*" + UCase(xtemp) + "*" + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' If UCase(TheFile) = UCase(FileExt) Then ttt = "X" GoTo File_40 End If 'january 22 2001 ' save_line = "16100-4" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001 'january 01 2001 MAX_CNT = 5 'january 01 2001 Context_lines = 2 MAX_CNT = context_win Context_lines = Int((context_win - 1) / 2) If Context_lines > 40 Then Context_lines = 40 'january 28 2001 ttt = "C" End If 'december 31 2000 If ttt = "T" Then page_prompt = "NO" extract_yes = "YES" xtemp = Cmd(19) GoSub line_16000 If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then ttt = "X" GoTo File_40 End If 'january 22 2001 ' save_line = "16100-5" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001 ttt = "S" 'see logic below for changing S to Q for search End If 'january 01 2001 'november 14 2000 the following stuff moved up to do_search area uppercase = "N" 'december 8 2000 If ttt = "S" Then uppercase = "Y" ttt = "Q" End If 'december 8 2000 If ttt = "XXX" Then extract_yes = "YES" 'november 12 2000 text_pause = 0 '05 october 2002 don't want these two taking up disc xtemp = Cmd(19) GoSub line_16000 'get the file name november 17 2000 If UCase(FileExt) = UCase(TheFile) Then ttt = "X" GoTo File_40 End If 'january 22 2001 ' save_line = "16100-6" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_16100 'january 01 2001 GoTo What_50 End If If ttt = "LL" Then line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) GoTo What_50 End If 'december 6 2000 If Left(ttt, 2) = "LL" Then line_len = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2)) GoTo What_50 End If 'december 6 2000 If Left(ttt, 7) = "SHOWPOS" Then showpos = "Y" GoTo What_50 End If 'december 6 2000 '**keep** the showpos is handy to check the wrap functions for problems 'and there will be problems If Left(ttt, 7) = "SHOWASC" Then showasc = "Y" GoTo What_50 End If 'december 6 2000 If Left(ttt, 4) = "SKIP" Then skip_info = Right(tt1, Len(tt1) - 4) GoTo What_50 'november 14 2000 End If If Left(ttt, 2) = "NS" And Len(ttt) > 2 Then Cmd(28) = " " + Cmd(28) + " " + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2) + " " GoSub line_29100 'set up new noshow elements GoTo What_50 End If 'november 03 2000 allow switch between two control files ie for font sizes etc If Left(ttt, 3) = "CCC" Then ' control_file = "c:\control1.txt" control_file = "control1.txt" 'december 3 2000 hint use control1.txt to switch multiple settings at once GoSub Control_28000 DoEvents ' control_file = "c:\control.txt" '23 september 2002 control_file = "control.txt" 'december 3 2000 SAVE_ttt = "in" 'november 23 2000 GoTo What_50 End If If Left(ttt, 2) = "SS" And Len(ttt) > 2 Then Cmd(26) = " " + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2) + " " ' ss_search = Right(ttt, Len(tt) - 2) + " " 'october 24 2000 GoSub line_29200 'set up new screen saver elements ' sscreen_saver = "Y" 'october 24 2000 ' prompt2 = "SS" ' Print "screensave(?)="; "*"; screensave(screencount); "*"; aaa; screencount; sscreen_saver; prompt2 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing screen saver logic", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ttt = "SS" End If '28 april 2002 WW screen saver option added If Left(ttt, 2) = "WW" Then sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" interrupt_prompt2 = "" '23 November 2004 inin = "" ttt = "SS" Picture_Search = "YES" '26 November 2004 testing this doug ' ShowCursor = False '29 november 2002 ' Me.MousePointer = False '29 november 2002 End If If Left(ttt, 6) = "SMLBUD" Then '17Dec2017 budgeyn = True If Len(ttt) > 6 Then '17Dec2017 GoSub Control_28000 smlbud = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 6)) Cmd(85) = Format(smlbud, "####0.0000") If smlbud <> 0 Then GoSub line_30800 'do not update file if zero but let em try it End If GoTo Get_no2 End If '17Dec2017 If Left(ttt, 6) = "BIGBUD" Then '17Dec2017 budgeyn = True If Len(ttt) > 6 Then '17Dec2017 GoSub Control_28000 bigbud = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 6)) Cmd(86) = Format(bigbud, "####0.0000") ' If bigbud <> 0 Then GoSub line_30800 'do not update file if zero but let em try it End If GoTo Get_no2 End If '17Dec2017 If Left(ttt, 6) = "MAXBUD" Then '17Dec2017 maxbud = 4 'when budge is in effect this must be non zero budgeyn = True If Len(ttt) > 6 Then '17Dec2017 GoSub Control_28000 maxbud = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 6)) Cmd(87) = Format(maxbud, "####0.0000") If maxbud <> 0 Then GoSub line_30800 'do not update file if zero but let em try it End If GoTo Get_no2 End If '17Dec2017 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing1 delay " + ttt + " " + Cmd(85), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING 22 March 2004 If Left(ttt, 2) = "TT" And Len(ttt) > 2 Then GoSub Control_28000 delay_sec = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2)) 'set a new delay time on screen saver 'february 08 2002 the 4 lines below were added to save the delay time hold_sec = delay_sec Cmd(27) = Format(hold_sec, "###0.0000") delay_sec = hold_sec '29 november 2002 GoSub line_30800 delay_sec = hold_sec '18 November 2004 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing delay " + ttt + " " + Cmd(27), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING 22 March 2004 GoTo Get_no2 '05 September 2004 '05 September 2004 GoTo What_50 End If If Left(ttt, 6) = "OFFSET" And Len(ttt) > 6 Then GoSub Control_28000 OffSet = Val(Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 6)) 'set a new OffSet value Cmd(83) = "OFFSET==" + Format(OffSet, "###0.0000") GoSub line_30800 GoTo Get_no2 '02Nov2011 End If If ttt = "" And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then ttt = UCase(Cmd(20)) 'april 14/00 If ttt = " " Then ttt = "C" Cmd(20) = ttt End If End If 'default to "c" on incomming prompt2 = ttt + "" previous_count = 0 If ttt = "SS" Then ttt = "P1" '14May2012 If strecth_img = "NO" Then img_ctrl = "NO" 'march 31 2001 If stretch_img = "NO" Then img_ctrl = "NO" 'march 31 2001 sscreen_saver = "Y" End If ' If UCase(Left(ttt, 3)) = "VVV" Then ' ppaste = Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 3) ' GoTo What_50 ' End If If UCase(Left(ttt, 2)) = "VV" Then Clipboard.SetText Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2) 'see programmers guide page 170 re mdi forms and clipboard.settext GoTo What_50 End If crlf = "" 'December 2 2000 If UCase(ttt) = "QQQ" Then ttt = "RRR" crlf = "NO" End If 'add the option to do a search and replace If UCase(ttt) = "RRR" Then encript = "RRR" ' xtemp = InputBox("27 October testing 2" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoSub replace_29000 GoTo File_40 End If 'do the encription here november 20 2000 16Apr2014 need something like this max of 25000 lines for rewind bb option line_70: save_line = "70" If UCase(ttt) <> "REVERSE" Then GoTo line_75 ttt = "" FileExt = Cmd(19) '16Apr2014a replace.txt Close OutFile '16apr2014a DoEvents '16apr2014a OutFile = FreeFile 'november 14 2000 ' xtemp = InputBox("16Apr2014a reverse files (in file)= " + TheFile + " (out file) = " + FileExt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY" ' If xtemp = "x" Then GoTo End_32000 '16apr2014 testing Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile 'the main file open for input here vip encript = "RRR" criptcnt = 0 line_73: Line Input #OutFile, aaa criptcnt = criptcnt + 1 cript1(criptcnt) = aaa GoTo line_73 line_74: ExtFile = FreeFile 'november 14 2000 ' FileExt = "replace.txt" '16Apr2014b Open FileExt For Output As #ExtFile ' ' xtemp = InputBox("16Apr2014 testing total reversal array count " + CStr(criptcnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If xtemp = "x" Then GoTo End_32000 '16apr2014 testing For i = criptcnt To 1 Step -1 Print #ExtFile, cript1(i) Next i ' xtemp = InputBox("16Apr2014 testingb output done" + CStr(criptcnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' xtemp = InputBox("16Apr2014 OK reversal ranaming file " + FileExt + " as " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' Close ExtFile '16Apr2014b testing only ' If xtemp = "x" Then GoTo End_32000 '16apr2014 testing tt1 = UCase(InputBox("total reversals=" + CStr(criptcnt) + " rename files Y/N ", "Rename Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)) If tt1 <> "N" Then tt1 = "Y" End If If UCase(tt1) = "N" Then Close ExtFile, OutFile ' Close FileFile, OutFile GoTo line_74a End If ' xtemp = InputBox("16Apr2014 stepa " + FileExt + " as " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Close ExtFile, OutFile ' Close FileFile, OutFile ' xtemp = InputBox("16Apr2014 stepb " + FileExt + " as " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY DoEvents ' Name TheFile As "c:\oldfile.txt" ' Kill "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000 DoEvents ' xtemp = InputBox("16Apr2014 stepc " + FileExt + " as " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' Name TheFile As "oldfile.txt" DoEvents ' xtemp = InputBox("16Apr2014 stepd " + FileExt + " as " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Kill TheFile DoEvents Name FileExt As TheFile 'rename files here if Y entered line_74a: save_line = "line_74a" GoTo End_32000 line_75: save_line = "75" If UCase(ttt) = "CRIPT" Then encript = "CRIPT" xtemp = Cmd(32) GoSub line_16000 GoSub line_29500 'encription array read case_yes = "Y" GoSub replace_29000 GoTo File_40 End If 'do the de-encription here november 20 2000 If UCase(ttt) = "DECRIPT" Then encript = "DECRIPT" xtemp = Cmd(32) GoSub line_16000 GoSub line_29500 'encription array read case_yes = "Y" GoSub replace_29000 GoTo File_40 End If 'set up for the de-encription here november 20 2000 If UCase(ttt) = "MYSTUF" Then encript = "MYSTUF" xtemp = Cmd(32) GoSub line_16000 GoSub line_29500 'encription array read case_yes = "Y" GoTo What_50 End If '10 January 2005 If text_pause Then If text_pause And p2p2 <> "F" Then MAX_CNT = MAX_CNT + 1 '06 January 2005 no need to display the end of screen stuff when pausing End If '06 January 2005 add 1 to the max number of lines to display here ' allow for the number of characters in string to do select If Len(ttt) = 0 Then GoTo line_80 If Len(ttt) = 1 Then GoTo line_80 If Len(ttt) = 2 And ttt = "P1" Then GoTo line_80 If Len(ttt) = 2 And ttt = "CH" Then GoTo line_80 If Len(ttt) = 2 Then ttt = "P" GoTo line_80 End If If Len(ttt) = 3 Then ttt = "P1" GoTo line_80 End If If Len(ttt) = 4 Then ttt = "CH" GoTo line_80 End If If Len(ttt) = 5 Then ttt = "Z" GoTo line_80 End If If Len(ttt) = 6 Then ttt = "E" GoTo line_80 End If If Len(ttt) = 7 Then ttt = "F" GoTo line_80 End If If Len(ttt) = 8 Then ttt = "S" GoTo line_80 End If If Len(ttt) = 9 Then ttt = "X" GoTo line_80 End If line_80: Test1_str = "P" ' Print "Cmd(20)="; Cmd(20); "=" If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 3", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If If ttt = "P1" Then ttt = "P" Test1_str = "P1" End If If ttt = "P2" Then ttt = "P" Test1_str = "P2" End If If ttt = "P3" Then ttt = "P" Test1_str = "P3" End If SAVE_ttt = ttt ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #2)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'clear screen each time 'enter data to end of file Picture_Search = "NO" If ttt = "P" Then Picture_Search = "YES" ttt = "C" GoTo Do_Search_110 SAVE_ttt = ttt End If 'march 31/00 If ttt = "Z" Then GoSub Do_Append_19000 GoTo What_50 End If 'march 28/00 If ttt = "CH" Then GoSub Do_Change_18000 DoEvents GoTo What_50 End If 'march 29/00 If ttt = "E" Then GoTo Do_Enter_20000 End If 'search and search with start If ttt = "S" Or ttt = "SS" Then GoTo Do_Search_110 End If 'flash search If ttt = "F" Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing flash prompt", , , 4400, 4500) '04 September 2004 auto_redraw = "NO" frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 11 2001 'turn off redraw on flash display GoTo Do_Search_110 End If 'context search aug 08/99 If ttt = "C" Then GoTo Do_Search_110 'aug 08/99 End If 'quick search october 21 2000 If ttt = "Q" Then GoTo Do_Search_110 End If GoTo File_40 ' GoTo End_32000 Do_Search_110: save_line = "110" 'for error handling If img_ctrl = "YES" Then Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture 'february 21 2001 End If If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 3.1", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If Close OutFile OutFile = FreeFile 'november 14 2000 If mbxyes = "Y" Then Open TheFile For Binary As #OutFile 'the main file open for input here vip Else Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile 'the main file open for input here vip End If SSS1 = "" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" 'may 12 2001 dsp_cnt = 0 zzz_cnt = 0 zzz_chrs = 0 tot_disp = 0 ' zero count of lines displayed end_cnt = 0 'allow for more than 1 eof in file ' ScrollBars = True ' Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\temp.bmp") ' Picture2.Picture = Picture1.Picture ' Picture2.Top = 0 ' Picture2.Left = 0 ' Picture2.Width = Picture1.Width ' Picture2.Height = Picture1.Height ' II = DoEvents() ' PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, -1, -3300, 9400, 8000 ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\KODAKIMG.EXE", 1) ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VIEWERS\QUIKVIEW.EXE", 1) ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\PROGRAM FILES\ACCESSORIES\MSPAINT.EXE", 1) ' AppActivate MyAppID ' SendKeys "^o", True ' SendKeys "c:\temp.tif", True ' SendKeys "{c:\temp.bmp}", True ' SendKeys "%F1", 1 ' SendKeys "%F0C:\TEMP.BMP", 1 ' SendKeys " C:\TEMP.BMP" ' SendKeys Ctrl("o"), 1 ' SendKeys "^co" ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\PROGRAM FILES\colordesk utilities\photo\cdphoto.EXE", 1) ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\fbscanner\imagein3\imagein.EXE", 1) ' MyAppID = Shell("C:\PRORAM FILES\ACCESSORIES\IMAGEIN.EXE", 1) '******************************************************* ' * * * S E A R C H S T R I N G * * * entry option prompt '******************************************************* 'august 27/00 ' ttt = InputBox("Search String 'A' for ALL", , , 4400, 4500) ' ttt = UCase(ttt) TheSearch = "." '28 april 2002 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then ' frmproj2.Caption = " do_search_110 dougdoug " + SAVE_SSS + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + sscreen_saver_ww + "*" + SSS1 + "*" + SSS2 + "*" + ss_search '20 November 2004 test If sscreen_saver = "Y" And sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" And interrupt_prompt2 = "WW" Then '21 November 2004 ttt = SAVE_SSS '21 November 2004 ie like "OLDIE/IRENE" IN SAVE_SSS delay_sec = new_delay_sec '23 November 2004 set it back interrupt_prompt2 = "" '23 November 2004 was not allowing a WW entry at prompt two GoTo line_600 End If '21 November 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And sscreen_saver_ww <> "YES" Then ttt = ss_search 'screen saver logic GoTo line_600 End If line_500: 'december 3 2000 If text_pause And inin <> "" Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing pause " + p2p2 + "*" + inin + "*", , , 4400, 4500) GoTo line_510 '05 october 2002 End If If iimport = "Y" Then ttt = "kskdlskdj" 'skip search entry prompt GoTo line_510 'december 24 2000 End If If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 3.2", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If GoSub Search_26000 'get the string to find search prompt here ******* line_510: 'december 24 2000 ' Print ttt 'testing ' tt1 = InputBox("testing search_26000", , , 4400, 4500) If UCase(ttt) = "E" Or UCase(ttt) = "X" Then GoTo What_50 ' If Len(ttt) = 1 Then GoTo What_50 'january 05 2001 If (prompt2 = "P1" Or prompt2 = "P") And _ search_prompt = "in" And ttt = "" Then ttt = "PHOTO" GoTo line_600 End If If (prompt2 = "P1" Or prompt2 = "P") And _ UCase(ttt) = "A" Then ttt = "PHOTO" GoTo line_600 End If If search_prompt = "in" And ttt = "" Then ttt = Cmd(33) 'december 7 2000 ' ttt = "D" GoTo line_600 End If 'april 24/00 'default to day search on start If UCase(ttt) = "A" Then GoTo line_600 If UCase(ttt) = "D" Then GoTo line_600 If UCase(ttt) = "M" Then GoTo line_600 ' If ttt = "MM" Then GoTo line_600 ' If ttt = "DD" Then GoTo line_600 'december 28 2000 If Len(ttt) = 1 Then ttt = "." 'force display old searches 'december 28 2000 comment out the logic below 'any 2 matching characters will do a paste function Ctrl/V ' If Len(ttt) = 2 And Left(ttt, 1) = Right(ttt, 1) Then ' ttt = Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText) ' Print ttt 'testing only ' End If line_600: ' search_prompt = "D" search_prompt = Cmd(33) 'december 7 2000 printed_cnt = 1 'may 10/00 printed = "NO" TheSearch = ttt 'august 27/00 ' If TheSearch <> "" Then ' GoSub Search_26000 ' End If If ttt = "-" Then ttt = SAVE_SRCH + "" End If 'use last search if - entered 15mar00 If ttt <> "" Then If UCase(ttt) <> "A" Then SAVE_SRCH = ttt + "" 'save search for reuse 15mar00 End If 'november 6 2000 If prompt2 = "Q" And SSS <> "D" Then SAVE_SRCH = qqq + "" End If 'october 23 2000 End If SSS = UCase(ttt) 'Ensure all is upper case for search 'november 6 2000 'december 8 2000 If prompt2 = "Q" And SSS <> "D" Then If prompt2 = "Q" And SSS <> "D" And uppercase = "N" Then SSS = qqq 'no upper case in quickie search october 23 2000 End If SAVE_SSS = SSS + "" 'check for tabs here later and make them 4 or 5 spaces '20 August 2003 Cls 'june 27/99 cnt = 0 dblStart = Timer 'get the start time hi_lites = "NO" If SSS = "" Then Close #OutFile 'june 27/99 II = DoEvents 'june 27/99 GoTo What_50 End If 'if D entered switch with current date ie 6/14/99 as the ' search string in the format 6/6/14/99 '06 December 2004 testing previous day. '-------------------------------------------------- 'date is as 12/6/2004 for December 06 2004 returned with time also 'this will not do a previous month ie if sitting on 01 good enought for now. If SSS = "DX" Then SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display today temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, " ") temptemp = Trim(Left(SSS, temp1)) II = InStr(temptemp, "/") III = InStr(II + 1, temptemp, "/") temptemp = Mid(temptemp, II + 1, III - II + 1) temp1 = Val(temptemp) - 1 'the day is reduced by 1 here If temp1 = 0 Then temp1 = 1 'do not worry about last month for now temptemp = CStr(temp1) temptemp = Left(SSS, II) + CStr(Val(temptemp)) + Right(SSS, Len(SSS) - III + 1) SSS = temptemp temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, " ") 'case it changes from 10 to 9 etc ' frmproj2.Caption = " 06 Dec 2004 testing=" + temptemp + "=" '06 December 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 2 '06 December 2004 testing ' GoSub line_30300 '06 December 2004 testing ' SSS = " " + sep + " " + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) '09 june 2002 SSS = "M" + sep + ":" + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) 'january 05 2001 SSS = "M" + sep + "M" + sep + "M" + sep + "M" + sep + ":" + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) 'january 05 2001 End If '-------------------------------------------------- If SSS = "D" Then SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display today ' frmproj2.Caption = " 06 Dec 2004 testing=" + SSS + "=" '06 December 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 2 '06 December 2004 testing ' GoSub line_30300 '06 December 2004 testing temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, " ") ' SSS = " " + sep + " " + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) '09 june 2002 SSS = "M" + sep + ":" + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) 'january 05 2001 SSS = "M" + sep + "M" + sep + "M" + sep + "M" + sep + ":" + sep + Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) 'january 05 2001 End If If SSS = "DD" Then SSS = " " + sep + " " + sep + date_displayed 'day of last find End If If SSS = "M" Then SSS = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'display this month temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, "/") 'end of month temp2 = InStr(2, SSS, " ") 'right after year ' temp3 = InStr(temp1 + 1, SSS, "/") 'start of year ' SSS = " " + sep + Mid(SSS, temp3 + 1, temp2 - temp3) + sep + " " + Left(SSS, temp1) ' sep99 sep 7/ for july SSS1 = Left(SSS, temp1) SSS2 = Mid(SSS, temp2 - 3, 4) SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" SSS = "" KEEPS1 = SSS1 + "" KEEPS2 = SSS2 + "" KEEPS3 = SSS3 + "" KEEPS4 = SSS4 + "" '09 june 2002 KEEPS5 = SSS5 + "" KEEPS6 = SSS6 + "" SAVE_KEEPS1 = KEEPS1 + "" SAVE_KEEPS2 = KEEPS2 + "" SAVE_KEEPS3 = KEEPS3 + "" SAVE_KEEPS4 = KEEPS4 + "" '09 june 2002 SAVE_KEEPS5 = KEEPS5 + "" SAVE_KEEPS6 = KEEPS6 + "" inin = "M" 'maybe put the above changes in the MM below june 15/00 ' Context = "yes" ' Print "testing="; SSS1; "*"; SSS2; "*"; SSS3; "*" If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 4", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If GoTo input_990 End If If SSS = "MM" Then 'month of last find SSS = date_displayed temp1 = InStr(2, SSS, "/") 'end of month temp2 = InStr(2, SSS, " ") 'right after year temp3 = InStr(temp1 + 1, SSS, "/") 'start of year ' SSS = " " + sep + Mid(SSS, temp3 + 1, temp2 - temp3) + sep + " " + Left(SSS, temp1) ' sep99 sep 7/ for july SSS1 = Left(SSS, temp1) SSS2 = Mid(SSS, temp2 - 3, 4) SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" SSS = "" KEEPS1 = SSS1 + "" KEEPS2 = SSS2 + "" KEEPS3 = SSS3 + "" KEEPS4 = SSS4 + "" '09 june 2002 KEEPS5 = SSS5 + "" KEEPS6 = SSS6 + "" SAVE_KEEPS1 = KEEPS1 + "" SAVE_KEEPS2 = KEEPS2 + "" SAVE_KEEPS3 = KEEPS3 + "" SAVE_KEEPS4 = KEEPS4 + "" '09 june 2002 SAVE_KEEPS5 = KEEPS5 + "" SAVE_KEEPS6 = KEEPS6 + "" inin = "MM" GoTo input_990 End If Context = "no" 'june 26/99 what is with this line? 'june 26/99 If SSS = "-" Then Context = "yes" SSS = " " + sep + " " + sep + date_displayed SAVE_KEEPS1 = KEEPS1 + "" 'ALLOW FOR CONTEXT HILITE SAVE_KEEPS2 = KEEPS2 + "" 'june 26/99 SAVE_KEEPS3 = KEEPS3 + "" SAVE_KEEPS4 = KEEPS4 + "" '09 june 2002 SAVE_KEEPS5 = KEEPS5 + "" SAVE_KEEPS6 = KEEPS6 + "" End If 'use date found from previous search to get 'all data entered that day If SSS = "=" Then Context = "yes" SSS = date_displayed temp1 = InStr(SSS, "/") 'end of month temp2 = InStr(SSS, " ") 'right after year temp3 = InStr(temp1 + 1, SSS, "/") 'start of year SSS = " " + sep + Mid(SSS, temp3 + 1, temp2 - temp3) + sep + " " + Left(SSS, temp1) ' sep99 sep 7/ for july SAVE_KEEPS1 = KEEPS1 + "" 'ALLOW FOR CONTEXT HILITE SAVE_KEEPS2 = KEEPS2 + "" 'june 26/99 SAVE_KEEPS3 = KEEPS3 + "" SAVE_KEEPS4 = KEEPS4 + "" SAVE_KEEPS5 = KEEPS5 + "" SAVE_KEEPS6 = KEEPS6 + "" End If 'PARSE THE SSS STRING INTO PARTS SSS1 SSS2 SSS3 SSS4 SSS5 SSS6 line_700: i = InStr(SSS, " ") If i <> 0 Then SSS = Left(SSS, i) + Mid(SSS, i + 2) GoTo line_700 End If i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS1 = SSS + "" s1len = Len(SSS1) inin = SSS + "" 'june 13/99 If i = 0 Then GoTo input_990 End If SSS1 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s1len = Len(SSS1) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS2 = SSS s2len = Len(SSS2) ' Print "testing="; SSS1; "*"; SSS2; "*"; SSS3; "*" If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 5", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If '09 june 2002 add 3 more elements here If i = 0 Then GoTo input_990 End If SSS2 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s2len = Len(SSS2) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS3 = SSS s3len = Len(SSS3) '--------------------------------------------- If i = 0 Then GoTo input_990 End If SSS3 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s3len = Len(SSS3) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS4 = SSS s4len = Len(SSS4) '======================================================== If i = 0 Then GoTo input_990 End If SSS4 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s4len = Len(SSS4) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS5 = SSS s5len = Len(SSS5) '---------------------------------------------- If i = 0 Then GoTo input_990 End If SSS5 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s5len = Len(SSS5) j = Len(SSS) SSS6 = Right(SSS, j - i) s6len = Len(SSS6) input_990: If ss_only = "YES" And p2p2 = "SS" Then ttt = "SS" + " " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3 + " " + SSS4 + " " + SSS5 + " " + SSS6 ss_only = "NO" GoTo auto_p2 End If '07 december 2002 tot_cnt = 0 GoSub line_14500 'check for imbedded spaces in search strings 'january 19 2001 '*********************************************** 'Major input line for the sequential file read '*********************************************** input_1000: 'INPUT HERE save_line = "1000" 'for error handling slomo = False '14 January 2004 slomo = True '31Dec2011 need this for the ability to interrupt ***vip*** maybe??? '14May2012 cont_str = "S" '14May2012 make it the default for each new set motion_yn = "NO" '03 September 2004 If SAVE_ttt = "C" Then Context_cnt = Context_cnt + 1 'aug 08/99 If Context_cnt > MAX_CNT Then Context_cnt = 1 End If Context_text(Context_cnt) = ccc + "" End If 'aug 08/99 save last 10 lines at least 'the following code along with the form keypreview set to true 'should enable escape similar to ctrl/c on the vax 'endscript and keydown subroutines at the end also Dec 02/99 If zzz_cnt Mod 1000 = 0 Then DoEvents End If If Escape Then Escape = False GoTo End_32000 End If If Picture_Search = "YES" Then Previous_line = ooo 'keep this to search for XXX. End If 'march 31/00 'main input file read here '************************************************* 'main input file data read ' * * * I N P U T * * * INPUT INPUT INPUT '************************************************* input_1000a: Line Input #OutFile, aaa '29Oct2012 If mixx = True Then If mixx = True And rand <> True Then If Left(UCase(aaa), 5) <> "PHOTO" Then ss_search = "A" mpg_file = "" 'change from no to blank Picture_Search = "NO" sscreen_saver_ww = "NO" xxx_found = "" interrupt_prompt2 = "" inin = "A" 'tested and needed p2p2 = "C" ttt = "C" text_pause = True '29Jul2012 'testing now Test2_str = "A" sscreen_saver = "N" 'text will not show without this? Else Test1_str = "P1" '13Jul2012 this seems very important very important p2p2 = "WW" '13Jul2012 Line_Search = "" '13Jul2012 sscreen_saver = "Y" '13Jul2012 ss_search = "photo" '11Jul2012 test comment this out mpg_file = "YES" Picture_Search = "YES" sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" xxx_found = "" interrupt_prompt2 = "" inin = "PHOTO" '13Jul2012 ttt = "SS" ' Test2_str = "" sscreen_saver = "Y" ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #3)" '18Dec2013 Cls '12Nov2012 End If End If '30Jun2012b ' If UCase(Left(aaa, 5)) = "PHOTO" Then ' frmproj2.Caption = App.EXEName + " 30Jun2012a -- aaa =" + aaa + " * " + ss_search + " * " + mpg_file + " * " + Picture_Search + " * " + sscreen_saver_ww + " * " + xxx_found ' ggg = InputBox(" 30Jun2012a (ss_search) (mpg_file) (picture_search) (sscreen_saver_ww) (xxx_found)", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' frmproj2.Caption = App.EXEName + " 30Jun2012aa -- " + p2p2 + " * " + Line_Search + " * " + sscreen_saver + " * " + inin + " * " + Test1_str ' ggg = InputBox(" 30Jun2012aa (p2p2) (line_search) (sscreen_saver) (inin) (Test1_str) ", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If ggg = "x" Then GoTo End_32000 '30Jun2012 ' End If '30Jun2012 '22Jun2012 'If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 7) = "BIGTEXT" Then ' ooo = InputBox("", "data to display", , xx1 - ppoffset1, yy1 - ppoffset2) ' ' If ooo = "" Then GoTo End_32000 ' 'ooo = "test this Print and whatever else we need to do right here" ' aaa = ooo ' vvv = ooo 'End If '22Jun2012 ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + Left(aaa, 40) + "=" '26 November 2004 '20 November 2004 maybe the line below needs setting as I return here a lot... ***vip*** todo check out sometime ' save_line = "1000" 'for error handling 20 November 2004 ' line_pos = 0 'november 22 2000 january 05 2001 zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1 '29Oct2012 If rand_prog And mixx And rand <> True And Left(UCase(Trim(aaa)), 5) = "BREAK" Then rand = True '29Oct2012 ' If rand Then frmproj2.Caption = "Watching randomizer rand_str=" + rand_str + " rnd=" + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) ' xtemp = InputBox("12Nov2012b (need a random number here) break_num zzz_cnt " + CStr(break_num) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + Left(aaa, 10), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If rand Then '27Aug2010 maybe save the last break line here? below is the first "BREAK" line before the match line If Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" And Left(UCase(Trim(aaa)), 5) = "BREAK" Then break_num = zzz_cnt '27Aug2010 '12May2012 test rand below testing randomizer testing randomizer ' frmproj2.Caption = "11Nov2012a testing randomizer rnd=" + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " aaa=" + Left(aaa, 20) ' xtemp = InputBox(" 11Nov2012a testing doug randomizer rnd " + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If zzz_cnt < rand_no Then GoTo input_1000a '18 august 2002 ' frmproj2.Caption = "11Nov2012ab testing randomizer rnd=" + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " aaa=" + Left(aaa, 20) '03 August 2003 below is where to change the 2 to what ever the range is for random by group display 'ie if there are 6 videos in the group the number should be 12 or 13 below??? ***vip*** todo '06 September 2004 if random and a text search just do random on first get then sequential '12Nov2012 If p2p2 = "C" Or p2p2 = "S" Or p2p2 = "F" Then If mixx <> True And (p2p2 = "C" Or p2p2 = "S" Or p2p2 = "F") Then rand = False GoTo input_1000a End If '06 September 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = "11Nov2012ac testing randomizer rnd=" + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " aaa=" + Left(aaa, 20) '27Aug2010 skip out on the next break line after a match is found. so we need one at the end of the file Maybe? '03Nov2012 does not seem to be generating another number here '12Nov2012 change this logic If (Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" And Left(UCase(Trim(aaa)), 5) = "BREAK") Or Left(Cmd(81), 10) <> "RAND_GROUP" Then '27Aug2010 If group_match = True And Left(UCase(Trim(aaa)), 5) <> "BREAK" And zzz_cnt < rand_no + 3 Then GoTo input_1000az '12Nov2012 frmproj2.Caption = "showing randomizer rnd=" + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " aaa=" + Left(aaa, 20) ' If (Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" And Left(UCase(Trim(aaa)), 5) <> "BREAK") And break_num <> 0 And group_match = True Then GoTo input_1000az '12Nov2012 '25Mar2014 maybe here ' If zzz_cnt > rand_no + 2 Then 'this may display 2 in a row but that is ok 27Aug2010 random group needs to look for next BREAK line If zzz_cnt > rand_no + 2 And pauseyn <> "Y" Then '25Mar2014 'refresh, #outfile need to be able to reset the file at beginning Close #OutFile II = DoEvents OutFile = FreeFile Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system '29Oct2012 watch randomizer here rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1) 'get a new random number rand_str = "random#" + CStr(rand_no) '18Mar2012 frmproj2.Caption = "showing randomizer a rand_str=" + rand_str + " rnd=" + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) ' xtemp = InputBox("12Nov2012b (need a random number here) break_num zzz_cnt " + CStr(break_num) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + Left(aaa, 10), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY zzz_cnt = 0 break_num = 0 '27Aug2010 from 999999??? group_match = 0 '29Oct2012 GoTo input_1000a End If input_1000az: '12Nov2012 If Left(UCase(Trim(aaa)), 5) = "BREAK" Then GoTo input_1000a '14Nov2012 all this line is for is a BREAK was showing up ' frmproj2.Caption = "11Nov2012ae testing randomizer rnd=" + CStr(rand_no) + " zzz_cnt=" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " aaa=" + Left(aaa, 20) '12Nov2012 change this logic End If '27Aug2010 should keep going till "BREAK" found if "RAND_GROUP" End If '12May2012 test rand below ' frmproj2.Caption = "testing doug randomizer rnd #3 " + aaa + SSS1 + " " + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) ' xtemp = InputBox("looking for match ( in 2 lines) break_num zzz_cnt " + CStr(break_num) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If hi_lites <> "YES" Then line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 If encript = "MYSTUF" Then GoSub line_29400 ' If zzz_cnt Mod 10000 = 0 Then ' DoEvents ' Print "searching "; zzz_cnt ' End If End If If skip_info <> "" Then If InStr(aaa, skip_info) <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a End If End If 'november 14 2000 this check takes 1/2 second on 190,000 records 'ie 9.67 to 10.20 in the quickie mode for the if skip_info <> "" 190,000 times '12May2012 test rand below ' frmproj2.Caption = "testing doug randomizer rnd #4 " + aaa + " " + SSS1 + " " + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) ' xtemp = InputBox(" 11Nov2012(match found *****) break_num zzz_cnt prompt2=" + prompt2 + CStr(break_num) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If prompt2 <> "Q" Then GoTo input_1000b 'Quickie search fix End If ' aaa = UCase(aaa) 'december 8 testing ucased timing 'info in testing the above line it took over 2 times as much 'time to do the search with just including the above statement' 'my outmail.txt search went from 14.45 seconds to 34.45 secs If uppercase = "Y" Then ooo = aaa + "" aaa = UCase(aaa) 'december 8 2000 End If If InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a End If If SSS2 = "" Then GoTo input_1000aa End If If InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a End If If SSS3 = "" Then GoTo input_1000aa End If If InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a End If 'add in sss4 thru sss6 09 june 2002 If SSS4 = "" Then GoTo input_1000aa End If If InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a End If If SSS5 = "" Then GoTo input_1000aa End If If InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a End If If SSS6 = "" Then GoTo input_1000aa End If If InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a End If ' If InStr(aaa, qqq) = 0 Then ' GoTo input_1000a ' End If 'october 21 2000 input_1000aa: If uppercase = "Y" Then aaa = ooo 'december 8 2000 previous_count = previous_count + 1 'october 22 2000 If previous_count > 100 Then previous_count = 1 End If previous_picture(previous_count) = zzz_cnt input_1000b: '12May2012 test rand below '14May2012 aaa = UCase(aaa) '12May2012 ' frmproj2.Caption = "testing 12May2012 randomizer rnd #5 " + aaa + " " + SSS1 + " " + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) ' xtemp = InputBox(" (match found *****) break_num zzz_cnt prompt2=" + prompt2 + CStr(break_num) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 'december 11 2000 the lines from here to input_1000bb 'december 15 2000 testing stuff below ' ' xtemp = InputBox(" 29Oct2012a(match found *****) break_num zzz_cnt prompt2=" + prompt2 + CStr(break_num) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " aaa=" + Left(aaa, 20), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '23Mar2014 might need a change here for fast forward where there is a pause in the search string If pauseyn = "Y" And rand And UCase(Left(Cmd(81), 10)) = "RAND_GROUP" Then group_match = True '23Mar2014 If mixx And rand And UCase(Left(Cmd(81), 10)) = "RAND_GROUP" Then group_match = True '29Oct2012 If show_files_yn Then '24 december 2002 ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG " + show_files+" "+aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY II = InStr(aaa, " append start") 'other appends have -append start If II <> 0 Then show_files = Left(aaa, II - 1) End If End If '24 december 2002 xtemp = "" ' xtemp = "test=" If xtemp <> "" Then III = Len(aaa) 'december 17 2000 If III > 10 Then III = 10 For II = 1 To III xtemp = xtemp + CStr(Asc(Mid(aaa, II, 1))) + " " Next II aaa = aaa + xtemp + CStr(Len(aaa)) End If 'end of test section If emailsea <> "Y" Then GoTo line_1001 If Right(aaa, 3) = "=20" Then aaa = Left(aaa, Len(aaa) - 3) End If 'december 18 2000 whatever the deal is with the "-20 " get rid of it 'december 17 2000 if more than 1 ascii value < 10 then mbx start of new mail message If mbxyes <> "Y" Then GoTo nombx1000 'december 17 2000 If Len(aaa) = 0 And mbxi = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a 'december 18 2000 If mbxi = 0 Then III = InStr(aaa, "From:") 'december 17 2000 If mbxi = 0 And III <> 0 Then aaa = Right(aaa, Len(aaa) - III + 1) dateskip = "" 'december 19 20002 mbxi = 1 End If If mbxi = 0 Then GoTo input_1000a 'december 18 2000 nombx1000: 'december 15 2000 added and in test mode If InStr(aaa, "Reply-To") <> 0 And mbxyes = "Y" Then dateskip = "" boundarystr = "" boundarycnt = 0 aaa = "========================= email start =========================" GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above End If If InStr(aaa, "Return-Path") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a End If 'december 20 2000 If InStr(aaa, "Return-Path") <> 0 Then dateskip = "" boundarystr = "" boundarycnt = 0 aaa = "========================= email start =========================" GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above End If If InStr(aaa, "From - ") <> 0 Then dateskip = "Y" boundarystr = "" boundarycnt = 0 aaa = "========================= email start =========================" GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above End If If InStr(aaa, "From ????") <> 0 Then dateskip = "Y" boundarystr = "" boundarycnt = 0 aaa = "========================= email start =========================" GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above End If If dateskip = "F" Then dateskip = "Y" boundarystr = "" boundarycnt = 0 aaa = "========================= email start =========================" GoTo input_1000bb 'need to print the seperator above End If If InStr(aaa, "Date: ") <> 0 And dateskip = "Y" Then dateskip = "" GoTo input_1000bb End If If InStr(aaa, "From: ") <> 0 And dateskip = "Y" Then dateskip = "" GoTo input_1000bb End If If dateskip = "Y" Then GoTo input_1000a 'december 12 2000 If InStr(aaa, "Reply-To") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "To: ") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000bb If InStr(aaa, "Subject: ") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000bb ' If InStr(aaa, "boundary=") <> 0 Then february 28 2001 If InStr(aaa, "boundary=""") <> 0 Then III = InStr(aaa, "boundary=") II = InStr(III + 10, aaa, """") 'quote mark search double quote boundarystr = Mid(aaa, III + 10, II - III - 10) boundarycnt = 0 'december 18 2000 ' tt1 = InputBox(boundarystr + " " + CStr(boundarycnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo input_1000a End If If Len(boundarystr) > 2 And InStr(aaa, boundarystr) <> 0 Then boundarycnt = boundarycnt + 1 GoTo input_1000a End If If boundarycnt = 0 And Len(boundarystr) > 2 Then GoTo input_1000a If boundarycnt > 1 Then GoTo input_1000a 'december 30 2000 skip a few of the odd characters that linger If mbxyes = "Y" And Len(aaa) < 6 Then III = Len(aaa) 'december 17 2000 For II = 1 To III If Asc(Mid(aaa, II, 1)) > 126 Then GoTo input_1000a If Asc(Mid(aaa, II, 1)) < 9 Then GoTo input_1000a Next II End If 'december 30 2000 end of code input_1000bb: If InStr(aaa, "= email start =") <> 0 Then tot_s1 = tot_s1 + 1 'january 28 2001 If InStr(aaa, "Errors-to:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "Mime-Version:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "Reply-to:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "User-Agent:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "X-Accept-Language:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "Importance:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "X-Mozilla") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "References:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "X-Mailer:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "X-MSMail-") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "X-MimeOLE") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "X-Priority:") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "MIME-V") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "MIME format.") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "Message-ID") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "Message-Id: ") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "Content-T") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a If InStr(aaa, "charset=") <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000a 'the characters "photo" must exist for this to match up line_1001: 'december 25/2000 If Picture_Search = "YES" Then ' If InStr(UCase(aaa), "PHOTO") = 0 Then 'don't skip if search is for XXX. ooo = aaa + "" GoTo input_1000 End If End If 'march 31/00 '25 July 2003 If temp_sec <> -1 And temp_sec <> delay_sec Then If temp_sec <> 0 And temp_sec <> -1 And temp_sec <> delay_sec Then delay_sec = temp_sec ' If delay_sec < 0.3 Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + Format(delay_sec, "###0.000") + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' End If '25 July 2003 End If 'march 14 2001 If Picture_Search = "YES" Then 'start of picture if statement---------------------------------------------- mpg_file = "NO" '06Apr2012 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " WAIT=") line_delay_sec = 0 '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T '22 september 2003 If III <> 0 Then ' If III = 0 And thumb_nail <> "YES" Then 21Jan2012 deactivate this for now and in future only use it for my laptop maybe If III = 99 And thumb_nail <> "YES" Then aaa = aaa + " WAIT=6.5 " + CStr(video_length) '19Jan2012 Maybe need to set this real low and when it starts move it to a much larger number III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " WAIT=") 'as long as the time is less than the video length it will start ok End If '19Jan2012 force the wait it seems to work on my laptop with wait If III <> 0 And thumb_nail <> "YES" Then temp_sec = delay_sec II = InStr(III + 5, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 6, II - III - 6) ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + xtemp + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 08Nov2011doug delay_sec = Val(xtemp) line_delay_sec = delay_sec '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T End If keep_line_delay_sec = line_delay_sec '08Nov2011 '16 November 2003 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " COLOR=") '29Sep2016 If III = 0 Then GoTo line_1001a '29Sep2016 If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "BLA" Then Def_Fore = 0 'BLACK If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "NAV" Then Def_Fore = 1 'NAVY BLUE If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "GRE" Then Def_Fore = 2 'GREEN If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "AQU" Then Def_Fore = 3 'AQUA If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "BRO" Then Def_Fore = 4 'BROWN If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "PUR" Then Def_Fore = 5 'PURPLE If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "LIM" Then Def_Fore = 6 'LIME GREEN If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "GRE" Then Def_Fore = 7 'GREY If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "DAR" Then Def_Fore = 8 'DARK GREY If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "BLU" Then Def_Fore = 9 'BLUE BRIGHT If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "LGB" Then Def_Fore = 10 'LIME GREEN BRIGHT If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 2) = "PB" Then Def_Fore = 11 'PALE BLUE If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "RED" Then Def_Fore = 12 'RED If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "PIN" Then Def_Fore = 13 'PINK If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "YEL" Then Def_Fore = 14 'YELLOW If Mid(UCase(aaa), III + 7, 3) = "WHI" Then Def_Fore = 15 'WHITE Hold_Fore = Def_Fore '12Feb2017 line_1001a: '29Sep2016 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " SPEED=") line_speed = 1000 play_speed = line_speed '13 May 2004 (see other setting too) 28Apr2010 reactivating this line fixed the slow motion on non applicable ones If III <> 0 Then ' temp_sec = delay_sec II = InStr(III + 6, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 7, II - III - 7) ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + xtemp + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY line_speed = Val(xtemp) play_speed = line_speed End If '16 November 2003 keep_play_speed = play_speed '08Nov2011 ' keep_slomo = False '14Nov2011 If keep_play_speed <> 1000 Then keep_slomo = True '08Nov2011?? slomo = True '31Dec2011 somehow speed makes a big difference in the again stuff??? '25Dec2011 also see the replay_yn logic how does that work '24 September 2003 add the line_freeze_sec stuff III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " FREEZE=") Line_freeze_sec = 0 If III <> 0 Then temp_sec = delay_sec II = InStr(III + 7, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 8, II - III - 8) ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + xtemp + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Line_freeze_sec = Val(xtemp) End If '24 September 2003 end of line_freeze_sec stuff '22 March 2004 line_start_point = 0 '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T If thumb_nail <> "YES" Then line_start_point = 0 '22 March 2004 If thumb_nail <> "YES" Then line_start_point = 10 '11 March 2007 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " START==") '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T line_start_point = 10 '28Dec2011 ' If keep_line_start_point <> 0 Then line_start_point = keep_line_start_point '25Dec2011 If III <> 0 Then II = InStr(III + 7, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 8, II - III - 8) '02Nov2011 line_start_point = Val(xtemp) line_start_point = Val(xtemp) + (OffSet * 1000) '02Nov2011 If line_start_point < 0 Then line_start_point = 10 '02Nov2011 ' testing = "mpg_file11.6=" + mpg_file + " " + CStr(line_start_point) + " " + Left(mssg, 10) + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 End If keep_line_start_point = line_start_point '28Dec2011 this is important placement??? ' testtest = resume_str + "mpg_file=" + mpg_file + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " keep_line_start_point=" + CStr(keep_line_start_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring ' Test2_str = InputBox("E or X to Stop -- Enter . to rewind video (a) for all " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, , xx1, yy1) '24 February 2004 ' Test2_str = InputBox("testing keep_line_start_point only " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, , xx1, yy1) '24 February 2004 ' begin = "" '15Sep2011 begin = "NO" '25Dec2011 ' begin_point = 0 '08Nov2011 begin_point = line_start_point '16Dec2011 moved from below 28Dec2011 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " BEGIN") '15Sep2011 If III > 0 Then begin = "YES" '15Sep2011 begin_point = 10 '20Sep2011 & 08Nov2011? change from 0 to 10 End If III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " BEGIN==") '20Sep2011 If III <> 0 Then II = InStr(III + 7, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 8, II - III - 8) '02Nov2011 begin_point = Val(xtemp) begin_point = Val(xtemp) + (OffSet * 1000) '02Nov2011 End If '20Sep2011 If begin_point < 0 Then begin_point = line_start_point + begin_point '27Sep2011 If begin_point < 0 Then begin_point = 10 '27Sep2011 End If '27Sep2011 If altt Then '12Aug2012 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " ALT==") '12Aug2012 If III <> 0 Then II = InStr(III + 5, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here xtemp = Mid(aaa, III + 6, II - III - 6) alt_amt = Val(xtemp) + (OffSet * 1000) '12Aug2012 begin_point = begin_point + alt_amt '12Aug2012 keep_line_start_point = keep_line_start_point + alt_amt '12Aug2012 line_start_point = line_start_point + alt_amt '12Aug2012 End If '12Aug2012 End If '12Aug2012 '30Jan2012 ' testtest = "delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' If line_start_point = 10 And begin = "NO" And delay_sec = 0 Then '19Jan2012 The logic below makes it run a 2nd time when there is no timing controls it is needed.... ' for some reason my PC works fine now with this logic for the "G" stuff but not my laptop thus the changes for today??? ' hopefully they will solve the problem on the laptop. If I hit enter at the right time the laptop version works???? ' also if there is a "wait=" in the control file my laptop works so I will try forcing that if thumb_nail <> "YES" and mpg_file = "YES" ' If thumb_nail <> "YES" And mpg_file = "YES" And begin = "NOoo" And line_start_point = 10 Then 'III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " WAIT=") ' III = 0 'force it for now ' line_delay_sec = 0 ' Beep 'just to let me know ' If III = 0 Then ' temp_sec = delay_sec ' delay_sec = 1111 ' line_delay_sec = delay_sec ' keep_line_delay_sec = line_delay_sec ' End If ' End If '19Jan2012 first stab at trying to get by without wait= for my laptop '09Feb2012 If line_start_point = 10 And begin = "NO" And delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) Then 'needed to add the mpg_file stuff below because ww for pictures was getting the huge delay values of 11111 If line_start_point = 10 And begin = "NO" And delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) And mpg_file = "YES" Then DoEvents DoEvents begin = "YES" begin_point = 10 ' line_start_point = 10 ' keep_line_start_point = 10 ' play_speed = 777 ' keep_play_speed = 777 keep_begin = begin keep_begin_point = begin_point '16Jan2012 and check above for line_delay_sec delay_sec = 10000 '17Jan2012 ' frmproj2.Caption = "(Finding Video length)" 'i = mciSendString("status video1 length wait", mssg, 255, 0) ' DoEvents 'temp3 = InStr(mssg, Chr$(0)) ' video_length = Val(Left(mssg, temp3 - 1)) '17Jan2012 maybe the file isn't opened yet ' testtest = "delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' delay_sec = video_length / 1000 '16Jan2012 this might need to change... '09Feb2012 the delay_sec below was causing a problem till i checked mpg_file above delay_sec = 11111 ' 17Jan2012 if no begin and no start play the full video on "G" entry line_delay_sec = delay_sec keep_line_delay_sec = delay_sec new_delay_sec = delay_sec slomo = True keep_slomo = True End If '12Jan2012 when no start or begin set begin point keep_begin_point = begin_point '08Nov2011 keep_begin = begin '08Nov2011? ' keep_line_start_point = begin_point '08Nov2011 resume_str = "" '25Sep2011 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " RESUME") '25Sep2011 If III > 0 Then resume_str = "YES" '25Sep2011 keep_resume_str = resume_str '08Nov2011 again_str = "" '08Nov2011 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " AGAIN") '08Nov2011 If III > 0 Then again_str = "YES" '08Nov2011 linebudgeyn = False '17Dec2017 totbud = 0 '06Jan2018 smlbud = Val(Cmd(85)) '17Dec2017 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), "SMLBUD") '17DEC2017 ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " linebudge***** " + budge_str + " " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '06Jan2018 ' temptemp = InputBox("11a January 2018 test ", aaa + " budge " + CStr(JJ) + " " + CStr(III) + " ", , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) '07Jan2018 If III = 0 Then GoTo line_1001b '11Jan2018 End If linebudgeyn = True '17Dec2017 ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " linebudge********* " + budge_str + " " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '06Jan2018 ' temptemp = InputBox("11b January 2018 test ", aaa + " budge " + CStr(JJ) + " " + CStr(III) + " ", , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) '07Jan2018 JJ = InStr(III + 6, aaa, " ") If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_1001b If JJ > III + 6 Then smlbud = Val(Mid(aaa, III + 6, JJ - III + 6)) '17Dec2017 If smlbud = 0 And linebudgeyn = True Then smlbud = 2 'budge with no budge amount crazy If linebudgeyn = True Then budge_str = "YES" '17Dec2017 line_1001b: '2018 save_line = "1001b" 'for error handling III = InStr(UCase(aaa), "BIGBUD") '17DEC2017 If III = 0 Then GoTo line_1001c linebudgeyn = True '17Dec2017 JJ = InStr(III + 6, aaa, " ") If JJ = III + 6 Then GoTo line_1001c If JJ > III + 6 Then bigbud = Val(Mid(aaa, III + 6, JJ - III + 6)) '17Dec2017 If bigbud = 0 And linebudgeyn = True Then bigbud = 300 'budge with no budge amount crazy budge_str = "" '17Dec2017 If linebudgeyn = True Then budge_str = "YES" '17Dec2017 line_1001c: continueyn = "N" '28Jan2012 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " CONTINUE") '28Jan2012 If III > 0 Then continueyn = "Y" '28Jan2012 pauseyn = "N" '28Jan2012 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " PAUSE") '28Jan2012 If III > 0 Then pauseyn = "Y" '28Jan2012 hold_pauseyn = pauseyn '25Mar2012 ' If again_str = "YES" Then slomo = False '14Nov2011 'for the AGAIN stuff to work for fts objects the speed can only be less than 1000 ie 999 till this is fixed??? 'it works for speed=200 or such but not 1000 need to eventually fix this but for now 999 is good enough End If 'march 14 2001 end of picture if statement--------------------------------------------- 'replace any tabs with 4 spaces right here save_line = "1002" 'for error handling line_1002: '07 november 2002 comment out the do_tab below for now ' If do_tab Then '05 october 2002 (no spaces in search string) tt = InStr(aaa, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_1008 End If 'change any tabs to 4 spaces aaa = Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(aaa, tt + 1) GoTo line_1002 '07 november 2002 End If '05 october 2002 line_1008: tt = InStr(aaa, Chr(10)) 'check for line feed january 22 2001 If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_1008d End If 'change any line feeds to nothings aaa = Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(aaa, tt + 1) ooo = Left(ooo, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(ooo, tt + 1) GoTo line_1008 line_1008d: ooo = aaa + "" 'save the original chr upper/lower 'original input line saved save_line = "1008" 'for error handling ' If Len(aaa) > zzz_len Then ' zzz_len = Len(aaa) ' long_line = Left(aaa, 20) ' maybe fix it in editor? ' End If zzz_chrs = zzz_chrs + Len(ooo) + 2 'the cr/lf characters. If printed <> "YES" And printed_cnt Mod MAX_CNT * 10000 = 0 Then Cls End If 'may 10/00 If printed <> "YES" And printed_cnt Mod 10000 = 0 Then DoEvents 'december 06 2001 Print "reading "; zzz_cnt End If 'may 10/00 printed_cnt = printed_cnt + 1 'may 10/00 ******************************** old_line = " " + aaa + " " '25 March 2003 part of version ver=1.02b If uppercase = "Y" Or sscreen_saver = "Y" Then aaa = " " + UCase(aaa) + " " Else aaa = " " + aaa + " " End If '01 october 2002 no need to to put uppercase if all numeric ooo = " " + ooo + " " 'just to match with aaa 'december 8 2000 If prompt2 = "Q" Then If prompt2 = "Q" And uppercase = "N" Then aaa = ooo + "" End If 'no upper case switch for quicky search lll = aaa + "" 'used to show where "P1" matched on in e to exit prompt ccc = ooo + "" 'aug 08/99 'no show logic 'might want to have the logic for no-show changed here somewhat 'ie if anything other that P1 or P then the noshow elements should 'be cleared (ie count set to 0) etc if "no-show" not the first element 'this would allow for the replacement of the skip and the complete removal 'in the text display of anything that shouldn't be shown 'these notes were done december 30 2000 'may want the no-show words replaced with "******" so the search will fail 'todo **vip** at some point in time this is censorship??? ' If prompt2 <> "P1" And prompt2 <> "P" Then GoTo line_1009_a 'december 25 2000 If extract_yes = "YES" Then GoTo line_1009_a 'january 03 2001 If encript <> "" Then GoTo line_1009_a 'january 03 2001 ' tt1 = InputBox("doshow logic " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If InStr(aaa, "DOSHOW") <> 0 Then GoTo line_1009_a '18 August 2003 For II = 1 To nocount ' If zzz_cnt > 80 Then ' Print "noshow(a)="; "*"; zzz_cnt; "*"; noshow(II); "*"; prompt2; "*"; aaa; nocount ' this one can go on and on so allow for an exit here if bad entry If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 6", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If Len(tt1) > 0 Then debug_photo = False 'allow for an out here End If ' End If 'testing only january 27 2001 If Len(noshow(II)) < 1 Then GoTo line_1009 End If If (prompt2 = "P1" Or prompt2 = "P") And InStr(aaa, noshow(II)) <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000 'skip if noshow found in line End If If prompt2 = "SS" And InStr(aaa, noshow(II)) <> 0 Then GoTo input_1000 'skip if noshow in screen saver also january 27 2001 End If tt = 1 'january 04 2001 'the following keeps these words from showing in text display?? line_1008m: III = InStr(tt, aaa, noshow(II)) 'january 03 2001 If III = 0 Then GoTo line_1009 'january 03 2001 tt = III + 1 JJ = Len(noshow(II)) 'january 03 2001 ooo = Left(ooo, III - 1) + String(JJ, "*") + Mid(ooo, III + JJ) 'january 03 2001 GoTo line_1008m 'the mid statement without the length works the same as the vax basic right statement vms stuff line_1009: Next II line_1009_a: 'december 25 2000 'screensaver logic ' Print "screensave(?)="; "*"; screensave(1); "*"; aaa; "1"; sscreen_saver; prompt2 ' Print "screensave(?)="; "*"; screensave(screencount); "*"; aaa; screencount; sscreen_saver; prompt2 ' Print sscreen_saver ' tt1 = InputBox("testing screen saver logic", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then ' GoTo End_32000 ' End If 'testing only 'if no screen saver jump around this logic '28 APRIL 2002 If sscreen_saver <> "Y" Then GoTo line_1009b If sscreen_saver <> "Y" Or sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" Then GoTo line_1009b For II = 1 To screencount If Len(screensave(II)) < 1 Then GoTo input_1000 End If If InStr(aaa, screensave(II)) <> 0 Then SSS1 = screensave(II) ' inactive ss_search = "PHOTO" ss_search = screensave(II) ' Print "inlogic="; "*"; screensave(screencount); "*"; aaa; screencount; sscreen_saver; prompt2 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing screen saver logic", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo display_all_2000 'show if screensave found in line End If line_1009a: Next II GoTo input_1000 'october 24 2000 screen saver fix line_1009b: If inin = "A" Or inin = "ALL" Then GoTo display_all_2000 End If 'on flash display to screen If SAVE_ttt = "F" Then GoTo display_all_2000 End If If SAVE_ttt = "C" And hi_lites = "YES" Then GoTo display_all_2000 'aug 08/99 End If If inin = "M" Or inin = "MM" Then If Left(aaa, Len(SSS1) + 1) <> " " + SSS1 Then GoTo input_1000 End If End If line_match = "Y" 'november 21 2000 'if the input strings match this will remain 'otherwise it is reset at the input line If InStr(aaa, SSS1) <> 0 Then GoTo line_1010 End If line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo input_1000 line_1010: save_line = "1010" 'for error handling If SSS2 = "" Then GoTo display_all_2000 End If If InStr(aaa, SSS2) <> 0 Then GoTo line_1020 End If line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo input_1000 line_1020: save_line = "1020" 'for error handling If SSS3 = "" Then GoTo display_all_2000 End If If InStr(aaa, SSS3) <> 0 Then '09 june 2002 GoTo display_all_2000 GoTo line_1030 End If line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo input_1000 line_1030: If SSS4 = "" Then GoTo display_all_2000 End If If InStr(aaa, SSS4) <> 0 Then GoTo line_1040 End If line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo input_1000 'midway1 thru the program appx'================================================================================== line_1040: If SSS5 = "" Then GoTo display_all_2000 End If If InStr(aaa, SSS5) <> 0 Then GoTo line_1050 End If line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo input_1000 line_1050: If SSS6 = "" Then GoTo display_all_2000 End If If InStr(aaa, SSS6) <> 0 Then GoTo display_all_2000 End If '--------------------------------------------- line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo input_1000 'match found now do the hi-light here print print print display_all_2000: ' xtemp = InputBox(" 11Nov2012a(match found *****) break_num zzz_cnt prompt2=" + prompt2 + " " + CStr(break_num) + " " + rand_str + " cnt=" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + Left(aaa, 10), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' xtemp = InputBox("testing#4cc Match 29Oct2012 rand=" + CStr(rand) + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " group_match=" + CStr(group_match) + " rand_no=" + CStr(rand_no) + " zzz_cnt=" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " rand_prog=" + CStr(rand_prog) + " aaa=" + Left(aaa, 10), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If mixx = True And rand <> True And (UCase(Left(aaa, 5)) = " PHOT" Or UCase(Left(aaa, 5)) = " XXX.") Then 'this was for testing and showing print ' frmproj2.Caption = "30Jun2012x -- aaa =" + aaa + " * " + ss_search + " * " + mpg_file + " * " + Picture_Search + " * " + sscreen_saver_ww + " * " + xxx_found ' ggg = InputBox(" 30Jun2012x ss_search mpg_file picture_search sscreen_saver_ww xxx_found", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If ggg = "x" Then GoTo End_32000 '30Jun2012 GoTo line_2130 ''29Jul2012 ' GoTo Photo_continue_prompt '29Jul2012 testing this now End If '03Nov2012 the if below If Left(UCase(Cmd(77)), 5) <> "CHARA" And mixx And rand <> True Then '**note** do not override what they have if not noCHARA ' xtemp = InputBox(" 29Oct2012 input prompt #2 mixx= " + CStr(mixx) + "*", " testing Prompt #2 ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) MAX_CNT = 10 'lines per screen cmd(1) Font.Size = 48 'font size cmd(2) 48 point size BackColor = 0 'black background cmd(3) '12Feb2017 Def_Fore = 15 'white text cmd(4) Cmd(5) = 14 'hi-lite color yellow ' ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) 'Cmd(21) = 26 line_len = 260 'cmd(21) make line length long.. all formatting done by user Cmd(31) = ":" 'the highlite this element hilite_this = ":" 'cmd(31) Context_lines = 0 'cmd(22) rand = 0 '24Jun2012 Cmd(76) = "LINEPAUSE==0.15" Cmd(77) = "CHARACTERPAUSE==.0333" Cmd(80) = "PROMPTDETAILS" '22Jun2012 frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #4)" '18Dec2013 If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture() '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() '18Dec2013 Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) '20Dec2013 ' Picture2.Picture = Picture1.Picture '18dec2013 test '18Dec2013 Cls '12Nov2012 'frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True End If 'ie they have their own settings no need to override '27Aug2010 reset the file start point to where the last "break" record + 1 'do this only once ie 999999 once a match is found and in random group mode set the file search point to the value in temp1 If break_num < zzz_cnt And rand And Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" Then Close #OutFile II = DoEvents OutFile = FreeFile Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system zzz_cnt = 0 'just past the first break record display_all_2001: Line Input #OutFile, aaa zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1 If zzz_cnt < break_num Then GoTo display_all_2001 break_num = 999999 rand_no = zzz_cnt 'force new rand start to this break_num line '11Nov2012 rand_str = "random#" + CStr(rand_no) '18Mar2012 ' xtemp = InputBox("29Oct2012 (match reset start) break_num zzz_cnt " + CStr(break_num) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If mixx = True Then rand = 0 '29Oct2012 switch this back when break found GoTo input_1000a 'When first match found and in random group reset the input file and go look for match sequentially End If ' xtemp = InputBox("t27Aug2010 (match continuing) break_num zzz_cnt " + CStr(break_num) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '27Aug2010 ' frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True '04 January 2005 ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 1 TESTING SSS1 SSS2 SSS3 " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3 + " " + SSS4 + " " + SSS5 + " " + SSS6, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If Left(UCase(Cmd(70)), 10) = "FOREGROUND" Then new_delay_sec = 1 'enough time for the main job to get going again GoSub line_30300 SetFocus '17 September 2004 background job to front. 'this only keeps focus till foreground job runs another file 'so the background job that is moved to the foreground should not be any longer 'than the other job time wise.... (until something else can be done) End If '17 September 2004 save_line = "2000" 'for error handling displayed_cnt = displayed_cnt + 1 'october 13/00 If displayed_cnt Mod 10 = 0 And ddemo = "YES" And prompt2 = "P1" Then 'pause a bit and do a couple of beeps just to bug them For tt = 1 To 3 For II = 1 To 3000 For JJ = 1 To 5000 Next JJ Next II Beep DoEvents Next tt tt1 = InputBox("Demo copy only e-mail stonedan@telusplanet.net for full version", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY End If If printed_cnt > 20000 And printed <> "YES" Then Cls End If printed = "YES" printed_cnt = 1 'may 10/00 If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 10 2001 autoredraw pair-4 If Context = "no" Then 'june 26/99 GoTo line_2003 End If temp1 = Len(date_displayed) 'june 26/99 ie "6/26/99" 'PRINT THE DATE PART AND REMOVE IT FROM HE SEARCH STRING ' REPLACING IT WITH THE ORIGINAL SEARCH STRINGS 'print print print done here Print Left(aaa, temp1); JJ = Len(aaa) aaa = Right(aaa, JJ - temp1) + "" ooo = Right(ooo, JJ - temp1) + "" SSS1 = SAVE_KEEPS1 SSS2 = SAVE_KEEPS2 SSS3 = SAVE_KEEPS3 'june 26/99 SSS4 = SAVE_KEEPS4 '09 june 2002 SSS5 = SAVE_KEEPS5 SSS6 = SAVE_KEEPS6 line_2003: save_line = "2003" cnt = cnt + 1 tot_disp = tot_disp + 1 'how many to the screen 'context below deals with the "-" and "=" displays 'and only applies to date formatted files 'clean up by moving the context = "yes" tttpos = 1 KEEPS1 = SSS1 + "" KEEPS2 = SSS2 + "" KEEPS3 = SSS3 + "" KEEPS4 = SSS4 + "" '09 june 2002 KEEPS5 = SSS5 + "" KEEPS6 = SSS6 + "" vvv = aaa If SSS1 = "A" Or SSS1 = "ALL" Then vvv = aaa End If If SSS1 = "A" Or SSS1 = "ALL" Then GoTo line_2200 End If If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS1 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then GoTo line_2200 End If If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS2 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then GoTo line_2200 End If If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS3 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then GoTo line_2200 End If If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS4 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then GoTo line_2200 End If If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS5 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then GoTo line_2200 End If If SAVE_ttt = "F" And SSS6 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then GoTo line_2200 End If If SAVE_ttt = "F" Then hi_lites = "YES" vvv = aaa GoTo line_2004 End If 'november 21 2000 the following 3 lines If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS1 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then mult1 = "" mult2 = "" mult3 = "" mult4 = "" mult5 = "" mult6 = "" End If If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS2 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then mult1 = "" mult2 = "" mult3 = "" mult4 = "" mult5 = "" mult6 = "" End If If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS3 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then mult1 = "" mult2 = "" mult3 = "" mult4 = "" mult5 = "" mult6 = "" End If '09 JUNE 2002 If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS4 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then mult1 = "" mult2 = "" mult3 = "" mult4 = "" mult5 = "" mult6 = "" End If If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS5 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then mult1 = "" mult2 = "" mult3 = "" mult4 = "" mult5 = "" mult6 = "" End If If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS6 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then mult1 = "" mult2 = "" mult3 = "" mult4 = "" mult5 = "" mult6 = "" End If ' If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS1 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And _ january 03a 2001 If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS1 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _ InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then ' mult1 = "" 'november 21 2000 ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99 End If ' If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS2 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And _ january 03a 2001 If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS2 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _ InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then ' mult2 = "" 'november 21 2000 ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99 End If ' If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS3 <> "" And hi_lites = "YES" And _ january 03a 2001 If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS3 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _ InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then ' mult3 = "" 'november 21 2000 ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99 End If ' 09 JUNE 2002 If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS4 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _ InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then ' mult3 = "" 'november 21 2000 ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99 End If If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS5 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _ InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then ' mult3 = "" 'november 21 2000 ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99 End If If SAVE_ttt = "C" And SSS6 <> "" And (hi_lites = "YES" Or inin = "A") And _ InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then ' mult3 = "" 'november 21 2000 ' line_match = "" 'november 21 2000 GoTo line_2200 'aug 08/99 End If If SAVE_ttt = "C" And hi_lites <> "YES" Then hi_lites = "YES" ' line_match = "Y" 'november 21 2000 GoSub Last_lines_15000 'aug 08/99 vvv = aaa GoTo line_2004 End If 'AT THIS POINT BOLD/HILITING IS GOING TO BE DONE line_2004: Context_cnt = -1 'november 10 2000 this fixes the display If p2p2 = "S" And search_str = "CC" Then prompt2 = "C" '26 august 2002 SAVE_ttt = "C" cnt = MAX_CNT 'force it to the end by indicating screen full previous_picture(previous_count) = zzz_cnt ' previous_count = previous_count + 1 ' zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt - Context_lines ' temptemp = InputBox(" 26 august at bold ", "prompt2= " + prompt2 + p2p2 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'un comment the line below when working GoTo line_2100 End If GoSub sub_12000 'The hilite display subroutine november 9 2000 line_2100: save_line = "2100" '=============================================================================== If prompt2 = "C" Then ' see end of if below "end of if below" previous_count = previous_count + 1 'october 19 2000 If previous_count > 100 Then previous_count = 1 End If previous_picture(previous_count) = zzz_cnt End If If Context = "yes" And SAVE_SSS = "=" Then If date_displayed <> "" Then SSS1 = " " SSS = date_displayed temp1 = InStr(1, SSS, "/") SSS2 = Left(SSS, temp1 - 1) + "/" temp1 = InStr(temp1 + 1, SSS, "/") SSS3 = "/" + Mid(SSS, temp1 + 1, 2) End If End If If Context = "yes" And SAVE_SSS = "-" Then 'june 26/99 SSS1 = " " SSS2 = " " SSS3 = date_displayed End If If Context = "no" And SSS1 <> "A" Then If KEEPS1 <> "" Then SSS1 = KEEPS1 End If If KEEPS2 <> "" Then SSS2 = KEEPS2 End If If KEEPS3 <> "" Then SSS3 = KEEPS3 End If If KEEPS4 <> "" Then '09 june 2002 SSS4 = KEEPS4 End If If KEEPS5 <> "" Then SSS5 = KEEPS5 End If If KEEPS6 <> "" Then SSS6 = KEEPS6 End If End If '******************************************************* ' major pause prompt on picture display done here '******************************************************* line_2130: save_line = "2130" 'november 6 2000 '21 March 2004 maybe do some thing to display the time here too ' If Picture_Search = "YES" Or mpg_file = "YES" Then If Picture_Search = "YES" Then ' If mpg_file = "YES" Then GoTo line_2130a ' frmproj2.Caption = "lll1=" + lll '08 November 2004 Line_Search = "" GoSub Display_pict_17000 '23 November 2004 do the options== stuff here right after the picture shownmaybe '================================================================================ ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + UCase(lll) + "=" 'testing temptemp = UCase(lll) '23 November 2004 III = InStr(temptemp, "OPTIONS==") '23 November 2004 If III <> 0 Then JJ = 0 temptemp = Right(temptemp, Len(temptemp) - III - 8) ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + temptemp + "=" 'testing More_ops: II = InStr(temptemp, "OPT=") ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1=" + temptemp + "=" + CStr(JJ) 'testing If II <> 0 Then temptemp = Right(temptemp, Len(temptemp) - 4) 'strip off the OPT= ddd = InStr(temptemp, "OPT=") ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1a=" + temptemp + "=" + CStr(ddd) 'testing If ddd <> 0 Then control_files(JJ + 1) = Left(temptemp, ddd - 1) ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1b=" + temptemp + "=" + CStr(JJ) 'testing temptemp = Right(temptemp, Len(temptemp) - ddd + 1) JJ = JJ + 1 Else control_files(JJ + 1) = temptemp temptemp = "" JJ = JJ + 1 End If GoTo More_ops End If Pick_op: If JJ <> 0 Then 'have it default to option 1 allways 'display the file here ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing2=" + control_file + "=" II = InputBox("enter option # 1 thru " + CStr(JJ), , "1", 4400, 4500) If II > JJ Or II < 1 Then GoTo Pick_op End If control_file = control_files(II) tempdata = Cmd(73) ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + tempdata + "=" DoEvents If Left(UCase(tempdata), 10) = "FILESWITCH" Then GoSub Control_28000 'change the control file from in a *.txt file Close #OutFile DoEvents OutFile = FreeFile DoEvents TheFile = Trim(Cmd(46)) 'Must be a file name here not a number ' frmproj2.Caption = " test TheFile=" + TheFile + "=" Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile DoEvents End If ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1x=" + control_file + "=" '23 November 2004 GoTo input_1000a End If '23 November 2004 '================================================================================ '08 November 2004 put the results to a file ie play list generation or if something interesting played random If UCase(Left(Cmd(72), 11)) = "RESULTS.TXT" And UCase(Trim(TheFile)) <> "RESULTS.TXT" Then '08 November 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = " ooo1=" + ooo '08 November 2004 testing Just need "xxx." put in front here. ResultFile = FreeFile '08 November 2004 Open "RESULTS.TXT" For Append Access Write As #ResultFile '08 November 2004 do this if RESULTS.TXT IN Cmd(72) Print #ResultFile, LTrim(ccc) '08 November 2004 this is the PHOTO stuff Print #ResultFile, Line_Search '08 November 2004 this is the xxx. stuff Close ResultFile '08 November 2004 'then do a print / write then a close on that file End If '08 November 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7g " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '22Mar2016 'line_2130a: '21 March 2004 ' ' P O S T P H O T O D I S P L A Y C L E A N U P ' show time date info before going on to next picture ' maybe something else should be done here in the future ' ie quote of the day display etc... random... ' '24 March 2003 do some messing with the time display 'version ver=1.02b time and date hard coded display for now every 4 show time on the 10"s show day too 'see similar code at PHOTO_DETAIL calls to Last_lines_15000 and sub_12000 'doing the time display here after photo and text finished 'should have a few other options coded here for flexability soon. 'most of the hard coding should be comming from the control.txt file 'making it easier to center text what ever. ' ' If dsp_cnt Mod 4 = 0 Then 'do every 4 records ver=1.03 make switchable special_date = "NO" '01 April 2003 skip additional display delays if logic below used ver=1.05 time_displayed = "NO" '03 April 2003 just indicates if the time below is displayed... Def_Fore = Cmd(29) 'Use alt color here for display 26 July 2003 If dsp_cnt Mod 4 = 0 And Cmd(57) = "SHOWTIME" Then 'do every 4 records ' replace_data = SSS1 '03 April 2003 save SSS1 so it can be replaced a few lines down replace_sss1 = SSS1 replace_sss2 = SSS2 replace_sss3 = SSS3 replace_sss4 = SSS4 replace_sss5 = SSS5 replace_sss6 = SSS6 '03 April 2003 time_displayed = "YES" '03 April 2003 ' Def_Fore = 12 'make the text red??? ' ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) Context_lines = 3 '1 less than the PHOTO_DETAIL display ' ForeColor = QBColor(12) 'red ' ForeColor = QBColor(10) 'try lime green instead of red above ' ForeColor = QBColor(14) 'make this yellow and photo_detail lime green ' ForeColor = QBColor(9) 'make this bright blue instead ' ForeColor = QBColor(13) 'make this light purple instead ' ForeColor = QBColor(14) 'make this yellow instead ' ForeColor = QBColor(10) 'make this lime green (10) instead ForeColor = QBColor(11) 'make this pale blue (11) instead Font.Italic = False Font.Size = 72 'making time huge ' Font.Size = 48 '20 May 2003 switch to this for laptop ' If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then GoSub line_30000 'do a pause again if screen saver mode ' P A U S E for screen saver mode here ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7h " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004 '01 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 'do a pause again if screen saver mode 'the above caused it to hang on music thumbs that were being played full new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(60)) '01 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '01 September 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7i " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004 'changed setting of aaa to below ' tt1 = InputBox("testing counts tot_s1=" + CStr(tot_s1), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '20 August 2003 Cls II = 0 ooo = Now II = InStr(1, ooo, " PM") 'trim the seconds out of the time display If II <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 4) + " PM" End If II = InStr(1, ooo, " AM") 'trim the seconds out of the time display If II <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 4) + " AM" End If II = 0 If dsp_cnt Mod 10 <> 0 Then II = InStr(2, ooo, " ") 'chop off the day month info ie except if ends in 10 ie 20 30 40 etc ' tt1 = InputBox("testing time=" + CStr(II) + "=" + ooo, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Else ooo = Format(Now, "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy") 'test another date format II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), ", 20") If II <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) 'strip off ", 2003" year info (as with seconds) not needed 'logic should work till 2100, then the year will show End If II = InStr(1, ooo, ",") 'remove the comma ie Saturday, March 29 If II <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - II) End If '29 march 2003 II = 0 Font.Size = 72 ' Font.Size = 48 '20 May 2003 switch to this for laptop display Context_lines = 3 '...??? SSS1 = Right(ooo, 2) '30 March 2003 ver=1.04 hilite the day (30) in "Sunday March 30" SSS1 = Right(ooo, 2) '30 March 2003 ver=1.04 hilite the day (30) in "Sunday March 30" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" '03 April 2003 End If ooo = Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - II) ' + CStr(dsp_cnt) ooo = " " + ooo 'center the date time display a bit If Len(ooo) < 12 Then ooo = " " + ooo 'ie the time only center 10:52 AM stuff 'when too many spaces added above data disappeared ???^ ' dsp_cnt = Len(ooo) ' aaa = "sure would be nice if other stuff prints" + Space(10) 'testing the fix for all characters to print only aaa = "dummydummydummydummydummydummy" 'some how forces the full date time to print???? aaa = UCase(ooo) '+ "-----------------------------------------" 'see if this changes match hi-liting ' testing the hi-liting of the time element.. '28 March 2003 should be able to hi-lite the following in the time some how ' KEEPS1 = "AM" ' KEEPS2 = "PM" If InStr(1, aaa, " PM") <> 0 Then '...??? SSS1 = "PM" SSS1 = "PM" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" '03 April 2003 End If '30 March 2003 ver=1.04 If InStr(1, aaa, " AM") <> 0 Then '...??? SSS1 = "AM" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" '03 April 2003 SSS1 = "AM" End If '30 March 2003 ver=1.04 done with 2 if statements re the sss1 20 or so lines above ' SSS1 = " PM" ' SSS2 = "PM" 'see if this is hi-lited ' s1len = 2 ' s2len = 2 ' messing with the above resulted in the hi-liting of the matches disappearing... ' in screen saver photo_detail mode. ' tt1 = InputBox("testing time display keep_sss1=" + keep_SSS1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = InputBox("testing time display ooo=" + ooo, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = InputBox("testing time display array_pos=" + CStr(array_pos), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY tempdata = ooo '31 March 2003 '03 April 2003 tempdata = " " + ooo '01 April 2003 ver=1.05 make it shift one to the right before it disappears to the left GoSub Last_lines_15000 '21 March 2004 If mpg_file <> "YES" Then GoSub Last_lines_15000 GoSub sub_12000 'do the bolding and high-liting hi-liting here new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + CStr(new_delay_sec) + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 November 2004 '30 March 2004 may need a reset of hold_sec here ' delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '30 March 2004 ' If mpg_file = "YES" Then ' new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) ' GoSub line_30300 '30 March 2004 ' End If '30 March 2004 'only if screen saver mode If dsp_cnt Mod 10 = 0 Then special_date = "YES" '01 April 2003 ver=1.05 ' If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then GoSub line_30000 'do a extra pause again on "weekday Month dd" display new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Or sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 '03 September 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Or sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" Then GoSub line_30000 '03 April 2003 tempdata = " " + tempdata '03 August 2003 start it a little farther over f = Len(tempdata) ' tt1 = InputBox("testing sscreen_saver=" + sscreen_saver + " " + sscreen_saver_ww, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' For JJ = II To 1 Step -1 For III = f To 0 Step -1 ooo = Right(tempdata, III) aaa = UCase(ooo) ' tt1 = InputBox("testing ooo=" + ooo + CStr(f) + CStr(III), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '20 August 2003 Cls GoSub Last_lines_15000 GoSub sub_12000 ' delay_sec = 0.1 new_delay_sec = 0.1 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 ' GoSub line_30000 '31 March 2003 have it move off the screen 1 chr at a time Next III delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '31 March 2003 End If Font.Size = Val(Cmd(2)) 'reset it back from 72 above End If 'end of Picture_Search = "YES" '21 March 2004 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing ppp=" + ooo + CStr(f) + CStr(III), , , 4400, 4500) '22Mar2016 '03 April 2003 SSS1 = "" 're the am - pm hi-light above 30 march 2003 ver=1.04 If time_displayed = "YES" Then ' SSS1 = replace_data '03 April 2003 SSS1 = replace_sss1 SSS2 = replace_sss2 SSS3 = replace_sss3 SSS4 = replace_sss4 SSS5 = replace_sss5 SSS6 = replace_sss6 '03 April 2003 End If If SSS1 = "AM" Or SSS1 = "PM" Then SSS1 = "" '03 April 2003 '24 March 2003 ver=1.02b ^ DoEvents If pp_entered = "YES" Then GoTo What_50 End If 'november 6 2000 'skip the pause below if no xxx. found ' frmproj2.Caption = "testing 21Sep2010 =" + disp_file + "*" + hold_sss1 + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + screen_saver_ww + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004 '03Jul2012 note this section loop for the mixx stuff ---------------------------------------------------- If InStr(1, UCase(Line_Search), "XXX.") <> 0 Then 'maybe display the last text line if match is photo "P1" 'this has to show for laptops and pc's maybe based on 'lines per inch this must show at 7500 and 7400 for both screens tempss = "" 'must have the input string complete ' If Test1_str = "P1" Or Test1_str = "P" Or Test1_str = "SS" Then '11Jul2016 add the ss If Test1_str = "P1" Or Test1_str = "P" Then tempss = lll 'lll is the upper case line 'save the clipboard for later paste ' Clipboard.SetText tempss End If 'itwasheredoug disp_file = Pict_file line_2150: JJ = InStr(1, disp_file, "\") If JJ <> 0 Then disp_file = Right(disp_file, Len(disp_file) - JJ) GoTo line_2150 End If disp_file = Right(Line_Search, Len(Line_Search) - 4) '21Sep2010 maybe this will fix it? Password? url? pic, video make sure they all work frmproj2.Caption = "found 21Sep2010 =" + disp_file + "*" + Line_Search + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + screen_saver_ww + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004 '16Aug2016 test the above frm display 'Screen Saver mode pause takes place below If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then 'GoSub line_30000 01 April 2003 '14 July 2003 this is where the pause after the movies was showing the small text (not needed) below '14 july 2003 If special_date <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30000 '01 April 2003 ver=1.05 new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004 If line_delay_sec <> 0 Then new_delay_sec = line_delay_sec '26 November 2004 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + CStr(new_delay_sec) + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 November 2004 '03 September 2004 following line completely removed... when doing music it pauses when it should not If special_date <> "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '01 April 2003 ver=1.05 '03 September 2004 If special_date <> "YES" And mpg_file <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30000 '01 April 2003 ver=1.05 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() '03 August 2003 testing (clear em both) lp#2 Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture '03 August 2003 testing ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#11 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) GoTo line_2155 End If If screen_capture = "YES" Then '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 '03mar2017 new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 End If 'allow for the keeping of the original file name on the copy ' copy_photo = "YES" '11Jul2016 just a hard code test for wmv transfer If copy_photo = "YES" Then 'april 08 2001 temps = Pict_file + "" next_slasha: II = InStr(temps, "\") If II = 0 Then GoTo no_slash III = III + II temps = Mid(temps, II + 1) GoTo next_slasha no_slash: old_pict = Mid(Pict_file, III + 1) End If 'march 17 2001 '25Aug2016 xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug 12jul2016", "testing Prompt " + Cmd(23) + disp_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' copy_photo = "YES" '11Jul2016 If copy_photo = "YES" Then temps = CStr(photo_cnt + 1) If photo_cnt + 1 < 10 Then temps = "0" + temps II = InStr(Pict_file, ".") temps = photo_dir + photo_file + temps + Mid(Pict_file, II) ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug 12jul2016", " testing Prompt " + temps, , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If photo_file = "" Then 'april 08 2001 temps = photo_dir + old_pict ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing 22 nov " + old_pict, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If '15Dec2012 xtemp = InputBox(" copy picture to " + temps + " ", "Copy Prompt ", Pict_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If copy_all = "Y" Then xtemp = "Y" GoTo line_2150a End If '15Dec2012 xtemp = InputBox(" (doall) or copy picture to " + temps + " ", "Copy Prompt or (doall) ", Pict_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If UCase(xtemp) = "DOALL" Then copy_all = "Y" xtemp = "Y" End If '15Dec2012 '22 November 2006 xtemp = InputBox(" copy picture to " + temps + " ", "Copy Prompt ", long_pict_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' xtemp = InputBox(" copy picture to " + temps + " ", "Copy Prompt ", long_pict_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '12Jul2016 testing line_2150a: '15Dec2012 ' Pict_file = Cmd(23) + Right(disp_file, III + 1) '12jul2016 '15Aug2016 If xtemp = "Y" Or xtemp = Pict_file Then If xtemp = "Y" Or xtemp = Pict_file Then photo_cnt = photo_cnt + 1 temps = CStr(photo_cnt) ' temps = Right("00000" + temps, 5) '31Mar2008 temps = Right("00000" + temps, 5) '11Jul2016 '31Mar2008 If photo_cnt < 10 Then temps = "0" + temps temps = photo_dir + photo_file + temps + Mid(Pict_file, II) If photo_file = "" Then 'april 08 2001 temps = photo_dir + old_pict End If ' xtemp = InputBox("testing file =" + temps, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY line_2153: '09Aug2016 ytemp = disp_file + "" '14Jul2016 needed to update III maybe ' ytemp = Pict_file + "" '15Aug2016 needed to update III maybe more_slasha: II = InStr(ytemp, "\") If II = 0 Then GoTo nomore_slash III = III + II ytemp = Mid(ytemp, II + 1) GoTo more_slasha nomore_slash: ' xtemp = InputBox(" 18jul2016 copy picture " + tempss + " ", "Copy Prompt ", disp_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '18Jul2016 testing On Error GoTo copy_problem 'march 18 2001 If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture() '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'march 18 2001 maybe this will do it lp#3 DoEvents 'march 18 2001 '12jul2016 FileCopy Pict_file, temps 'copy the file create a copy '14Jul2016 use the outdir default not cmd(23) below 'test did not work FileCopy Pict_file, outdir + newname 'testing newname... 14jul2016 ' xtemp = InputBox("testing disp_file 14Jul2015= " + CStr(III) + " " + disp_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 14Jul2016 ' 28Aug2016 FileCopy Pict_file, photo_dir + ytemp 'copy the file create a copy changed 18jul2016 copy file If photo_dir <> "" Then FileCopy Pict_file, photo_dir + ytemp 'copy the file create a copy changed 18jul2016 copy file '25Aug2016 xtemp = InputBox("testing old_pict 14Jul2016=" + photo_dir + " *** " + ytemp, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 14Jul2016 photo_dir = good_fold '12Aug2016 restore back to ok mp3 directory ' FileCopy Pict_file, photo_dir + Right(disp_file, Len(disp_file) - III) 'copy the file create a copy changed 12jul2016 ' FileCopy Pict_file, outdir + Right(disp_file, Len(disp_file) - III + 1) 'copy the file create a copy changed 12jul2016 ' xtemp = InputBox(" copy picture testing " + temps + " ", "Copy Prompt ", photo_dir + disp_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '12Jul2016 testing ' DoEvents '22 November 2006 ' xtemp = InputBox("testing file 22 november 2006=" + temps, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' xtemp = InputBox("testing file 22 november 2006=" + long_pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' Name temps As long_pict_file '22 November 2006 tempss = " was=" + disp_file + " " + Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") If photo_file = "" Then tempss = "" End If 'april 08 2001 ' xtemp = InputBox(" copy picture testing 1" + tempss + " ", "Copy Prompt ", photo_dir + disp_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '12Jul2016 testing Print #ExtFile, ccc; " (was=)"; disp_file; " "; Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'march 21 2001 add the was info '12jul2016 Print #ExtFile, ccc; tempss 'april 08 2001 '12jul2016 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + temps 'march 18 2001 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + photo_dir + ytemp '18jul2016 ' Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + photo_dir + Right(disp_file, Len(disp_file) - III) '14jul2016 ' Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Cmd(23) + Right(disp_file, III + 1) '12jul2016 On Error GoTo Errors_31000 'march 18 2001 GoTo input_1000 copy_problem: 'march 18 2001 xtemp = InputBox("file copy error=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + Err.Description, , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'march 18 2001 On Error GoTo Errors_31000 'march 18 2001 '22Mar2016 Resume input_1000 'march 18 2001 GoTo input_1000 '22Mar2016 somehow this ends up with permission denied? End If If Len(xtemp) < 3 And UCase(xtemp) <> "N" Then GoTo What_50 GoTo input_1000 End If 'march 17 2001 Photo_continue_prompt: '27 july 2002 '17 September 2004 If Left(UCase(Cmd(69)), 8) = "HIT_STOP" And InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then GoTo End_32000 '17 September 2004 End If '17 September 2004 'march 19 2001 tt1 = InputBox("E to exit " + tempss + " " + disp_file, "Photo continue Prompt", , xx1, yy1) ' frmproj2.Caption = "testing pcp =" + disp_file + "*" + hold_sss1 + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + screen_saver_ww + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004 ' 21Sep2010 frmproj2.Caption = "testing pcp =" + App.EXEName + "*" + hold_sss1 + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + screen_saver_ww + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = hold_sss1 + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 + "*" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + "*" + interrupt_prompt2 '20 November 2004 '29 November 2006 ' SendKeys "^c" '22Jun2016 ' SendKeys "^c" '22Jun2016 tt1 = "" '29 November 2006 If Left(UCase(disp_file), 5) = "HTTP:" Then If Mid(disp_file, 6, 1) <> "/" Then disp_file = Right(disp_file, Len(disp_file) - 5) End If '29 January 2007 'when xxx.http: and no / then take everything after it emails etc 29 January 2007 Clipboard.SetText disp_file '29 November 2006 SendKeys "^c" '29 January 2007 tt1 = disp_file '29 November 2006 frmproj2.Caption = " Paste the URL: " + disp_file + "<<<" '29 November 2006 End If '29 November 2006 '29 November 2006 tt1 = InputBox("P or J for previous E to exit or '.' " + ccc + " " + disp_file, "Photo continue Prompt #pcp" + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - ppoffset1, yy1 - ppoffset2) '08 February 2008 add the if text_pause <> true then (below) If text_pause <> True Then '08 February 2008 ' 21Jun2016 tt1 = InputBox("P or J for previous E to exit or '.' " + ccc + " " + disp_file, "Photo continue Prompt #pcp" + CStr(zzz_cnt), tt1, xx1 - ppoffset1, yy1 - ppoffset2) tt1 = InputBox("P or J for previous E to exit or '.' " + ccc + " " + disp_file, "Photo continue Prompt #pcp" + CStr(zzz_cnt), disp_file, xx1 - ppoffset1, yy1 - ppoffset2) If tt1 = disp_file Then tt1 = "" End If '29 January 2007 Else ' SetFocus '08 February 2008 tt1 = "" '08 February 2008 new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) GoSub line_30300 '08 February 2008 ' GoTo line_3050 '08 February 2008 End If '08 February 2008 'no If Cmd(45) = App.EXEName Then Cmd(45) = "" '07 december 2002 allow interrupt to come here and continue ' xtemp = InputBox("ww test=" + sscreen_saver_ww + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + inin + "*" + tt1, , , xx1, yy1) 'march 18 2001 ' If mpg_file = "YES" Then ' GoTo input_1000 '23 February 2004 ' End If '20 November 2004 allow for auto run program to continue if return entered here If tt1 = "" And interrupt_prompt2 = "WW" Then '20 November 2004 sscreen_saver = "Y" prompt2 = "WW" 'this one seems to keep it going where before it stopped. now it gets wrong data prompt2 = "SS" 'testing this now ' Test1_str = "P1" 'or maybe p2 find out later tt1 = "WW" sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" ' prompt2 = interrupt_prompt2 ' frmproj2.Caption = SSS1 + SSS2 + "xxx*" + interrupt_prompt2 + CStr(zzz_cnt) '20 November 2004 ' prompt2 = Cmd(47) ' inin = "" '20 November 2004 test this ' GoTo input_1000a GoTo input_1000 End If '20 November 2004 If sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" Then sscreen_saver_ww = "NO" '28 april 2002 sscreen_saver = "N" '28 april 2002 inin = "" ' GoTo What_50 ' End If If tt1 = "." Then ppoffset1 = 4500 ppoffset2 = 5000 GoTo Photo_continue_prompt End If '27 july 2002 'allow for the photo details to be redisplayed 'so they can be view on the screen '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then ' If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And line_fit <> "REG" Then If img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT" Then Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture 'february 21 2001 ' Else '03 August 2003 If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture() '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() '03 August 2003 lp#4 End If ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture '03 August 2003 If Left(UCase(tt1), 2) = "SS" Then If Len(tt1) > 2 Then Cmd(26) = " " + Right(tt1, Len(tt1) - 2) + " " GoSub line_29200 'set up new screen saver elements End If 'may 06 2001 ttt = "P1" If stretch_img <> "NO" Then img_ctrl = "YES" 'march 31 2001 sscreen_saver = "Y" SSS1 = "" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" GoTo input_1000 End If 'february 09 2001 If Len(tt1) > 2 Then ttt = tt1 SSS1 = ttt SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '09 JUNE 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" GoTo line_510 End If 'february 09 2001 line_2155: ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'clear any picture tt1 = UCase(tt1) If tt1 = "PP" And ddemo <> "YES" Then Test1_str = "P" pp_entered = "YES" prompt2 = "P" GoTo line_2130 End If 'november 6 2000 '19 December 2004 If tt1 = "P" And ddemo <> "YES" Then If (tt1 = "P" Or tt1 = "J") And ddemo <> "YES" Then tt1 = "P" '19 December 2004 rand = 0 '21 august 2002 keep this as we are backing up to previous picture... dsp_cnt = dsp_cnt - 1 'may 09 2001 pp = previous_count - 1 If pp < 1 Then pp = 100 End If Close #OutFile II = DoEvents OutFile = FreeFile Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system tt = 3 If yyy = "P" Then tt = MAX_CNT yyy = "" End If For bbb = 1 To previous_picture(pp) - tt Line Input #OutFile, aaa Next bbb Previous_line = aaa Line Input #OutFile, aaa zzz_cnt = bbb previous_count = pp - 1 'testing may 07 2001 ' Print "previous_picture(previous_count)zzz_cnt,previous_count"; TheFile; previous_picture(previous_count); "="; zzz_cnt, previous_count ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' GoTo input_1000 'read up to the previous picture appx cnt End If ' end if for tt1 = "P" And ddemo <> "YES" '====================================================== 'maybe check for a for all here october 27 2000 If tt1 = "A" Then SSS1 = "PHOTO" SSS = "PHOTO" SAVE_SSS = "PHOTO" inin = "A" SAVE_KEEPS1 = "PHOTO" SAVE_KEEPS2 = "" SAVE_KEEPS3 = "" SAVE_KEEPS4 = "" SAVE_KEEPS5 = "" SAVE_KEEPS6 = "" ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 01 January 2005 GoTo input_1000 ' SAVE_ttt = "S" End If If Len(tt1) = 1 And tt1 <> "P" Then Def_Fore = Hold_Fore '27 July 2003 GoTo Do_Search_110 'all chrs exit End If Def_Fore = Hold_Fore '30Jun2012 testing this new line this seems to fix the color switching problem If UCase(tt1) = "E" Then GoTo Do_Search_110 End If End If ' end if for InStr(1, UCase(Line_Search), "XXX.") <> 0 '03Jul2012 note this section loop for the mixx stuff ---------------------------------------------------- '20 August 2003 Cls ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#3 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) GoTo input_1000 End If ' end if for Picture_Search = "YES" see end of it above "end of if below" '================================================================================ ' temptemp = InputBox(" 26 august step a9 ", "prompt2= " + prompt2 + p2p2 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , 7000, 6000) 'march 31/00 GoTo line_3010 line_2200: Context_cnt = -1 'november 10 2000 save_line = "2200" 'for error handling ' Font.Size = 10 ' BackStyle = 1 MESS WITH THIS A BIT BACKGROUND COLOR ETC ' Font.Charset = 2 '********************************************************* 'main print to screen here 'lots of monkeying around to be done here for 'log type output extract files etc replace.txt files '********************************************************* ' * * * P R I N T * * * 'august 10/00 if line longer than 1 chop it 'need to change any tabs to 4 characters 'need to see if there is a valid end of line sequence 'before the 72 chrs and print out that by itself. 'so a bit more to be done before this will work correctly 'need to strip any odd ball characters and check for 'carriage return/linefeed sequences in the line also 'replace any tabs with 4 spaces right here line_2210: tt = InStr(ooo, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_2220 End If 'change any tabs to 4 spaces ooo = Left(ooo, tt - 1) + " " + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt) GoTo line_2210 line_2220: 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, ooo, "append start") <> 0 Then ' If InStr(1, ooo, append_start1) <> 0 Then If InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(append_start1)) <> 0 Then append_start1 = Mid(ooo, InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(append_start1)), Len(append_start1)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '09 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append start" SSS1 = append_start1 SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '09 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor aaa = ooo + "" GoSub sub_12000 SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '09 JUNE 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_2300 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, ooo, "append end") <> 0 Then ' If InStr(1, ooo, append_end1) <> 0 Then If InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(append_end1)) <> 0 Then append_end1 = Mid(ooo, InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(append_end1)), Len(append_end1)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '09 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append end" SSS1 = append_end1 SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '09 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor aaa = ooo + "" GoSub sub_12000 SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '09 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_2300 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in ' with the ucase stuff below If (InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(hilite_this)) <> 0 And _ hilite_this <> "" And hilite_this <> " ") Then hilite_this = Mid(ooo, InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(hilite_this)), Len(hilite_this)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '09 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 If hilite_hh = "Y" Then GoSub hilite_25500 End If 'april 22 2001 SSS1 = hilite_this SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '09 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor aaa = ooo + "" GoSub sub_12000 SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '09 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_2300 End If 'hilite control element Cmd(31) info only hilites data not on matching line line_2225: 'november 10 2000 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '09 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 SSS1 = "" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" GoSub sub_12000 SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 line_2300: 'lots need to be done around here in the future. ' Print Left(ooo, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 71, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 141, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 211, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 281, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 351, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 421, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 491, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 561, 70) ' Print Mid(ooo, 631, 70) line_3010: save_line = "3010" 'for error handling If Picture_Search = "YES" And InStr(UCase(Next_line), "XXX.") <> 0 Then Next_line = "" aaa = Next_line_save GoTo line_1002 'we read ahead looking at the next line End If 'march 31/00 If cnt < MAX_CNT Then GoTo input_1000 End If yyy = "" line_3020: save_line = "3020" 'for error handling If ttt <> "F" Then II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system End If 'aug 24/99 ' placing the InputBox at position 10,000 x 10,000 puts it ' off the screen / thus hiding it... '10 January 2005 If Not text_pause Then '06 January 2005 just added the if statement around the print below If Not text_pause Or p2p2 = "F" Then '10 January 2005 just added the if statement around the print below ForeColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(5))) Print Format(zzz_cnt, " #########"); End If '06 January 2005 'january 05 2001 display "next match" or "next screen" here ' Print " do you want to continue y/n 'a' for all 'b' for back, '.' for new search" tt1 = "MATCH" 'january 05 2001 If inin = "A" Then tt1 = "SCREEN" 'january 05 2001 Test1_str = "" If line_len > Val(Cmd(21)) And extract_yes <> "YES" Then line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) 'january 06 2001 Test1_str = "NOWRAP" End If '24 august 2002 dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time ' temptemp = InputBox("01 september 2002 " + p2p2 + CStr(zzz_cnt), "flash", , 2000, 2000) 'what the hey ***vip*** todo why does the following fix need to be used as the 'flash failed to work once the line was put in..... fix it when ever If p2p2 <> "F" Then yyy = " elap=" + Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000") + " Chrs= " + CStr(zzz_chrs) '01 september 2002 yyy = " elap=" + Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "###0.000") + " Chrs= " + CStr(zzz_chrs) ' zzz_chrs = 0 '25 august 2002 '06 January 2005 move the text_pause code from below a few lines to here, no need to see this prompt ' when the screen is going to continue on its own '10 January 2005 If text_pause Then If text_pause And p2p2 <> "F" Then frmproj2.Caption = " #4 Pause at line= " + CStr(zzz_cnt) '06 January 2005 '23Feb2017 new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #5)" '18Dec2013 Cls '06 September 2004 yyy = "" GoTo line_3050 End If '05 october 2002 Print " prompt #4 Enter for next " + tt1 + " y/n 'a' =all, 'b' =back, '.'" + yyy + Test1_str + " Hits="; tot_s1; " "; tot_s2; " "; tot_s3; " "; tot_s4; " "; tot_s5; " "; tot_s6 ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) If show_files_yn Then frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info + " " + show_files '24 december 2002 If SAVE_ttt = "F" And hi_lites <> "YES" Then 'even with the following code the above " End of Screen" line only showed in about ' 80% of the interrupts. It did noticably slow down the flash display february 20 2001 ' For III = 1 To 1000 ' DoEvents 'february 20 2001 ' II = InStr(ooo, "xxx") 'dummy line did a little bit to enable interrupt display but not much ' Next III 'to allow for the interrupt to display above end of screen line GoTo line_3500 End If If SAVE_ttt = "F" Then '10 January 2005 new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) GoSub line_30300 Cls GoTo line_3050 End If '10 January 2005 '06 January 2005 ' If text_pause Then ' new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004 ' GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 ' Cls '06 September 2004 ' yyy = "" ' GoTo line_3050 ' End If '05 october 2002 '06 January 2005 ' * * * C O N T I N U E D I S P L A Y * * * line_3030: 'november 14 2000 If page_prompt = "NO" Then yyy = "" If prompt2 = "C" Then mess_cnt = mess_cnt + 1 'january 02 2001 Print #ExtFile, "------------------- next message "; Format(mess_cnt, "#####0"); " ---------------------" End If GoTo line_3050 End If 'december 31 2000 'main end of screen prompt here---------------------------------------- If screen_capture = "YES" Then '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 End If line_3040: If search_str = "CC" And p2p2 = "S" Then tt1 = "P" yyy = "P" p2p2 = "C" prompt2 = "C" SAVE_ttt = "C" GoTo skip_input_tt1 'need to read to previous_count after a close and open End If '26 august 2002 yyy = InputBox("Do you want to continue y/n ", "Continue Prompt", , 20000, 20000) dblStart = Timer 'get the start time 24 august 2002 skip_input_tt1: '26 august 2002 ' frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False '04 January 2005 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #6)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'november 10 needed with the autoredraw If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 10 2001 autoredraw pair-4 yyy = UCase(yyy) 'COULD DO THINGS WITH THIS PROMPT AS WELL (FUTURE) 'april 22 2001 allow for any HH element to be displayed line_3045: 'october 21 2001 If hilite_hh = "Y" And yyy = "HH" And hilite_cnt > 0 Then For II = 1 To hilite_cnt Pict_file = cript2(II) ' testing this area 'pg328 the stretch property - if set to true, the picture loaded into ' the image control via the Picture property is stretched (see below) If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 6a", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If '03 August 2003 do same here Meebee even allow for size to determine FIT or REG ???? another option ???? line_fit = "" '03 August 2003 If InStr(1, UCase(aaa), "FIT==") <> 0 Then line_fit = "FIT" End If '03 August 2003 If InStr(1, UCase(aaa), "REG==") <> 0 Then line_fit = "REG" End If '03 August 2003 If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And line_fit <> "REG" Then Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Stretch Mode ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#2 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If 'february 21 2001 If (img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT") Or line_fit = "REG" Then ' If img_ctrl <> "YES" Or line_fit = "REG" Then Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#1 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If 'february 21 2001 '------------- '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) ' Else ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) ' End If xtemp = InputBox("show picture and wait", "Continue Prompt", , 20000, 20000) '03 august 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() ' Else ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() ' End If If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And line_fit <> "REG" Then Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() 'Stretch Mode ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#4 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If 'february 21 2001 If (img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT") Or line_fit = "REG" Then ' If img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT" Then ' If img_ctrl <> "YES" Or line_fit = "REG" Then If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture() '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'Normal Mode lp#5 ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#5 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If 'february 21 2001 Next II hh_cnt = zzz_cnt hilite_cnt = 0 yyy = "B" 'may want to make this "V" todo **vip** 'testing to see if I can get the screen re-displayed(text) ' GoTo line_3040 End If 'april 22 2001 hilite_cnt = 0 'april 22 2001 ' If yyy = "A" Then If yyy = "A" Or (yyy = "" And inin = "A") Then 'january 04 2001 inin = "A" SSS1 = KEEPS1 SSS2 = KEEPS2 SSS3 = KEEPS3 SSS4 = KEEPS4 SSS5 = KEEPS5 SSS6 = KEEPS6 hi_lites = "YES" ' hi_lites = "" yyy = "" prompt2 = "C" SAVE_ttt = "C" line_match = "" 'this gets rid of the first one printing hilited ' if the previous page had one hilited??? End If 'january 03a 2001 testing If inin <> "A" Then array_pos = 0 array_prt = 0 End If 'january 21 2001 line_3050: ' Print "tt1="; tt1; "=previous_count ="; previous_count ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If tt1 = "x" Or tt1 = "X" Then ' GoTo End_32000 ' End If 'testing tt1 = yyy If tt1 = "F" Then SAVE_ttt = "F" 'november 14 2000 yyy = "." 'december 25 2000 tt1 = "." 'december 25 2000 ' GoTo line_3030 'december 25 2000 End If '19 December 2004 If tt1 = "P" And ddemo <> "YES" Then If (tt1 = "P" Or tt1 = "J") And ddemo <> "YES" Then tt1 = "P" '19 December 2004 '-------------------------------------------------------------- 'november 8 2000 If prompt2 = "Q" Then prompt2 = "C" SAVE_ttt = "C" SSS1 = UCase(SSS1) SSS2 = UCase(SSS2) SSS3 = UCase(SSS3) SSS4 = UCase(SSS4) SSS5 = UCase(SSS5) SSS6 = UCase(SSS6) End If '-------------------------------------------------------------- '26 august 2002 pp = previous_count - 1 ' this logic only does the "CC" search once could be reset for each new search ' but once the search is half way thru the file there may be no time savings ' at least on the first search if no match it will be much much quicker ' 26 august 2002 ' temptemp = InputBox(" 26 august at previous ", "prompt2= " + prompt2 + p2p2 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) pp = previous_count '26 august 2002 If search_str <> "CC" Then pp = previous_count - 1 'same logic for previous match as previous picture line_3200: If pp < 1 Then pp = 100 End If Close #OutFile II = DoEvents OutFile = FreeFile Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system 'if previous_picture count is on the same page go 1 more back If previous_picture(pp) + MAX_CNT > zzz_cnt And previous_picture(pp - 1) <> 0 Then pp = pp - 1 GoTo line_3200 End If For bbb = 1 To previous_picture(pp) - MAX_CNT Line Input #OutFile, aaa Next bbb Previous_line = aaa Line Input #OutFile, aaa zzz_cnt = bbb previous_count = pp - 1 ' hi_lites = "NO" 'the only difference between text and photo '19 August 2003 Cls yyy = "" ' Print "previous_picture(previous_count)zzz_cnt,previous_count"; TheFile; previous_picture(previous_count); "="; zzz_cnt, previous_count ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' ' GoTo input_1000 'read up to the previous picture appx cnt End If hi_lites = "NO" 'flash display printed_cnt = 1 'may 10/00 printed = "NO" If SAVE_ttt = "C" Then For temp1 = 1 To MAX_CNT Context_text(temp1) = "" 'aug 08/99 Next temp1 End If 'aug 08/99 'allow for full display if "A" entered at this prompt If yyy = "A" Then SSS1 = "A" SSS = "A" SAVE_SSS = "A" inin = "A" SAVE_KEEPS1 = "A" SAVE_KEEPS2 = "" SAVE_KEEPS3 = "" SAVE_KEEPS4 = "" SAVE_KEEPS5 = "" SAVE_KEEPS6 = "" yyy = "" ' SAVE_ttt = "S" 'december 22 2000 prompt2 = "C" 'december 22 2000 SAVE_ttt = "C" 'december 22 2000 End If 'allow them to back up 1 page or what ever number of lines in Cmd(23) line_3300: 'january 06 2001 If yyy = "B" Then If yyy = "B" Or yyy = "V" Then ' Print "previous_picture(previous_count)zzz_cnt,previous_count"; TheFile; previous_picture(previous_count); "="; zzz_cnt, previous_count ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If yyy = "V" Then line_len = 5000 'january 06 2001 yyy = "B" End If If prompt2 = "Q" Then prompt2 = "C" 'october 22 2000 If previous_picture(previous_count) <> 0 Then zzz_cnt = previous_picture(previous_count) End If End If '-------------------------------------------------------- 'january 04b 2001 to allow for the B to keep the hilites inin = "A" SSS1 = KEEPS1 SSS2 = KEEPS2 SSS3 = KEEPS3 SSS4 = KEEPS4 SSS5 = KEEPS5 SSS6 = KEEPS6 hi_lites = "YES" ' hi_lites = "" yyy = "" prompt2 = "C" SAVE_ttt = "C" line_match = "" 'this gets rid of the first one printing hilited '-------------------------------------------------------- 'january 04b 2001 to allow for the B to keep the hilites ' SSS1 = "A" ' SSS = "A" ' SAVE_SSS = "A" ' inin = "A" ' SAVE_KEEPS1 = "A" ' SAVE_KEEPS2 = "" ' SAVE_KEEPS3 = "" ' yyy = "" '-------------------------------------------------------- Close #OutFile DoEvents Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system If cnt > MAX_CNT Then tt = cnt - MAX_CNT wrap_cnt = wrap_cnt - tt cnt = MAX_CNT 'january 08a 2001 End If ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt_=" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt=" + AllSearch(1) + "*" + ttt + " " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' ' If UCase(xtemp) = "X" Then GoTo End_32000 ' For bbb = 1 To zzz_cnt - MAX_CNT - MAX_CNT + wrap_cnt - 1 If hilite_hh = "Y" Then zzz_cnt = hh_cnt + MAX_CNT 'april 22 2001 For bbb = 1 To zzz_cnt - MAX_CNT - MAX_CNT + wrap_cnt - MAX_CNT + cnt Line Input #OutFile, aaa Next bbb zzz_cnt = bbb - 1 End If wrap_cnt = 0 'january 07 2001 If yyy = "." Then TheSearch = "." ttt = "." GoSub Search_26000 If prompt2 = "C" Then SSS = UCase(ttt) Else SSS = ttt End If 'december 29 2000 If Len(SSS) < 2 Then GoTo What_50 'january 05 2001 SSS2 = "" 'december 28 2000 SSS3 = "" 'december 28 2000 SSS4 = "" '09 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" 'december 22 2000 If SSS = "A" Then SSS1 = "A" SSS = "A" SAVE_SSS = "A" inin = "A" SAVE_KEEPS1 = "A" SAVE_KEEPS2 = "" SAVE_KEEPS3 = "" SAVE_KEEPS4 = "" SAVE_KEEPS5 = "" SAVE_KEEPS6 = "" yyy = "" ' SAVE_ttt = "S" 'december 22 2000 prompt2 = "C" 'december 22 2000 SAVE_ttt = "C" 'december 22 2000 End If 'do the parse again 'PARSE THE SSS STRING INTO PARTS SSS1 SSS2 AND SSS3 line_3350: i = InStr(SSS, " ") If i <> 0 Then SSS = Left(SSS, i) + Mid(SSS, i + 2) GoTo line_3350 End If i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS1 = SSS + "" s1len = Len(SSS1) inin = SSS + "" 'june 13/99 If i = 0 Then GoTo line_3400 End If SSS1 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s1len = Len(SSS1) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS2 = SSS s2len = Len(SSS2) If i = 0 Then GoTo line_3400 End If SSS2 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s2len = Len(SSS2) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) '========================================= i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS3 = SSS s3len = Len(SSS3) If i = 0 Then GoTo line_3400 End If SSS3 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s3len = Len(SSS3) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) '----------------------------------------- i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS4 = SSS s4len = Len(SSS4) If i = 0 Then GoTo line_3400 End If SSS4 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s4len = Len(SSS4) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) '----------------------------------------- i = InStr(SSS, sep) SSS5 = SSS s5len = Len(SSS5) If i = 0 Then GoTo line_3400 End If SSS5 = Left(SSS, i - 1) s5len = Len(SSS5) j = Len(SSS) SSS = Right(SSS, j - i) '------------------------------------------ SSS6 = Right(SSS, j - i) s6len = Len(SSS6) line_3400: GoSub line_14500 'check for imbedded spaces in search strings 'january 19 2001 yyy = "" End If 'end if for "." search string recall 'allow for a stop to see if screen remains If yyy = "S" Then Close #OutFile II = DoEvents GoTo End_32000 End If line_3500: save_line = "3500" '17 September 2004 dougheredoughere If Left(UCase(Cmd(69)), 8) = "HIT_STOP" And InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then GoTo End_32000 '17 September 2004 End If '17 September 2004 line_4000: save_line = "4000" cnt = 0 If yyy <> "Y" And yyy <> "" Then Close #OutFile Close #ExtFile 'november 14 2000 line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) 'november 14 2000 extract_yes = "NO" 'november 14 2000 II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system GoTo Do_Search_110 ' GoTo File_40 'january 01 2001 End If '20 August 2003 the cls was moved to the last_lines_1500 routine '20 August 2003 Cls 'clear the current form If SAVE_ttt = "F" Then Cls '20 august 2003a GoTo input_1000 'Subroutines start here ---------------------------- sub_10000: sslen = 0 s1 = 0 s2 = 0 s3 = 0 s4 = 0 '23 june 2002 s5 = 0 s6 = 0 ss = 1000 If SSS1 <> "" Then s1 = InStr(aaa, SSS1) End If If SSS2 <> "" Then s2 = InStr(aaa, SSS2) End If If SSS3 <> "" Then s3 = InStr(aaa, SSS3) End If If SSS4 <> "" Then s4 = InStr(aaa, SSS4) '23 june 2002 End If If SSS5 <> "" Then s5 = InStr(aaa, SSS5) End If If SSS6 <> "" Then s6 = InStr(aaa, SSS6) End If If s1 < ss And s1 <> 0 Then ss = s1 sslen = s1len End If If s2 < ss And s2 <> 0 Then ss = s2 sslen = s2len End If If s3 < ss And s3 <> 0 Then ss = s3 sslen = s3len End If If s4 < ss And s4 <> 0 Then ss = s4 '23 june 2002 sslen = s4len End If If s5 < ss And s5 <> 0 Then ss = s5 sslen = s5len End If If s6 < ss And s6 <> 0 Then ss = s6 sslen = s6len End If ' If ss = s1 Then 'december 5 2000 SSS1 = "" ' End If ' If ss = s2 Then 'december 5 2000 SSS2 = "" ' End If ' If ss = s3 Then 'december 5 2000 SSS3 = "" ' End If If ss = 1000 Then ss = 0 End If Return sub_12000: 'hi-lite print subroutine here 'need the tabs to spaces where it is. Spaces may be in the search for matches? ' test to eliminate excess prints '20 May 2003 note I may want to de-activate the following change along with ' the other one for 20 May 2003 this data is now displayed in ' the detail display / caption option.... ' If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then GoTo line_13999 '20 May 2003 ' testprompt = InputBox("testing prompt 12050=" + sscreen_saver + " " + disp_file + " " + aaa, "test", , 4400, 4500) ' line_12050: 'january 15 2001 If array_pos <> 0 Then data_aaa = aaa + "" data_ooo = ooo + "" endstuff = "YES" array_prt = array_prt + 1 aaa = array_aaa(array_prt) ooo = array_ooo(array_prt) SSS1 = KEEPS1 'january 24 2001 If SSS1 = "A" Then SSS1 = "" 'january 25 2001 SSS2 = KEEPS2 SSS3 = KEEPS3 'january 24 2001 SSS4 = KEEPS4 '09 june 2002 SSS5 = KEEPS5 SSS6 = KEEPS6 ' testprompt = InputBox("testing prompt 12050=" + CStr(array_prt) + " " + data_ooo + " " + CStr(array_pos) + " " + array_ooo(array_prt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' GoTo line_12120 'january 21 2001 End If line_12053: 'january 21 2001 endstuff = "NO" 'january 21 2001 data_aaa = aaa + " " data_ooo = ooo + " " tot_print = 0 line_12055: 'below reduce multiple trailing spaces to 1 JJ = Len(data_aaa) If JJ < 2 Then GoTo line_12070 If Right(data_aaa, 2) = " " Then data_aaa = Left(data_aaa, JJ - 1) data_ooo = Left(data_ooo, JJ - 1) GoTo line_12055 End If line_12070: aaa = data_aaa + "" ooo = data_ooo + "" line_12100: 'now do a search for the match strings. match_flag = "YES" 'is there a match of the 3 elements in this string YES or NO If SSS1 = "" Then match_flag = "NO" If SSS1 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS1) = 0 Then match_flag = "NO" GoTo line_12110 End If If SSS2 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS2) = 0 Then match_flag = "NO" GoTo line_12110 End If '23 june 2002 add 4 5 and 6 below If SSS3 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS3) = 0 Then match_flag = "NO" GoTo line_12110 End If If SSS4 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS4) = 0 Then match_flag = "NO" GoTo line_12110 End If If SSS5 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS5) = 0 Then match_flag = "NO" GoTo line_12110 End If If SSS6 <> "" And InStr(aaa, SSS6) = 0 Then match_flag = "NO" line_12110: If Len(aaa) > line_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_13000 'do the line wrap inserts etc End If line_12120: 'return from the wrap logic here if required. ' If zzz_cnt > 43180 Then ' testprompt = InputBox("testing prompt 12120=" + match_flag + "*" + SSS1 + "*" + SSS2 + "*" + SSS3 + "*" + SSS4 + "*" + SSS5 + "*" + SSS6, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then ' GoTo End_32000 ' End If 'testing only ' End If '29Oct2012 not this one match_flag If group_match = True Then xtemp = InputBox("testing#4c1 Match 29Oct2012 break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " group_match=" + CStr(group_match) + " rand_no=" + CStr(rand_no) + " zzz_cnt=" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " rand_prog=" + CStr(rand_prog) + " >" + Left(aaa, 8), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If match_flag = "YES" Then GoTo line_12500 ' line_12125: If Left(UCase(Cmd(77)), 16) = "CHARACTERPAUSE==" Then '03 January 2005 new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(77), Len(Cmd(77)) - 16)) tempss = ooo '03 January 2005 If Left(tempss, 2) = " " Then tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 2) '31Jul2011 so on line wraps the first 2 characters space are removed If Left(tempss, 1) = " " Then tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1) '31Jul2011 so on line wraps the first character space is removed For temp1 = 1 To Len(tempss) Print Left(tempss, 1); tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1) GoSub line_30300 '03 January 2005 slowed print character pause Next temp1 Else Print ooo; End If '03 January 2005 tot_print = tot_print + Len(ooo) If extract_yes = "YES" Then Print #ExtFile, ooo; End If '24 December 2004 put the timer in here??? If Left(Cmd(76), 11) = "LINEPAUSE==" Then new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(76), Len(Cmd(76)) - 11)) GoSub line_30300 '24 December 2004 End If '24 December 2004 line_12130: If array_prt > 1 Then cnt = cnt + 1 wrap_cnt = wrap_cnt + 1 End If posstring = "" 'december 6 2000 If showasc = "Y" Then II = Len(ooo) If II > 10 Then II = 10 ytemp = Right(ooo, II) xtemp = "" For III = 1 To II xtemp = xtemp + CStr(Asc(Mid(ytemp, III, 1))) + " " Next III posstring = xtemp + "(" + ytemp + ")" End If 'december 11 2000 If showpos = "Y" Then posstring = "*=" + CStr(tot_print) + " " + CStr(cnt) Print ; posstring '24 December 2004 put the timer in here??? If Left(Cmd(76), 11) = "LINEPAUSE==" Then new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(76), Len(Cmd(76)) - 11)) GoSub line_30300 '24 December 2004 End If '24 December 2004 tot_print = 0 If extract_yes = "YES" Then Print #ExtFile, End If 'check for screen full here 'to be done yet 'at this point need to check for screen full and exit out if need be but do later line_12135: 'january 21 2001 If cnt >= MAX_CNT Then If array_prt = array_pos Then array_prt = 0 array_pos = 0 End If GoTo line_14222 End If line_12140: If array_pos < 1 Then GoTo line_14222 line_12150: array_prt = array_prt + 1 line_12160: If array_prt > array_pos Then array_prt = 0 array_pos = 0 If endstuff = "YES" Then aaa = data_aaa + "" ooo = data_ooo + "" GoTo line_12053 'january 21 2001 End If GoTo line_14222 End If line_12170: aaa = array_aaa(array_prt) + "" ooo = array_ooo(array_prt) + "" GoTo line_12120 line_12500: s1len = Len(SSS1) s2len = Len(SSS2) s3len = Len(SSS3) s4len = Len(SSS4) '23 june 2002 s5len = Len(SSS5) s6len = Len(SSS6) GoSub sub_10000 'check for match in string aaa If ss = 0 Then GoTo line_12125 line_12505: If ss > 1 Then '29Oct2012 ' If group_match = True Then xtemp = InputBox("testing#4c2 Match 29Oct2012 match_flag=" + match_flag + " break_num=" + CStr(break_num) + " group_match=" + CStr(group_match) + " rand_no=" + CStr(rand_no) + " zzz_cnt=" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " rand_prog=" + CStr(rand_prog) + " >" + Left(aaa, 8), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If Left(UCase(Cmd(77)), 16) = "CHARACTERPAUSE==" Then '03 January 2005 new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(77), Len(Cmd(77)) - 16)) tempss = Left(ooo, ss - 1) '03 January 2005 If Left(tempss, 1) = " " Then tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1) '31Jul2011 so on line wraps the first character space is removed For temp1 = 1 To Len(tempss) Print Left(tempss, 1); tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1) GoSub line_30300 '03 January 2005 slowed print character pause Next temp1 Else ' Print ooo; Print Left(ooo, ss - 1); tot_print = tot_print + ss - 1 If extract_yes = "YES" Then Print #ExtFile, Left(ooo, ss - 1); End If End If '03 January 2005 End If line_12510: II = 0 If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, 1) <> " " Then GoTo line_12600 'if last chr in match a space check if that is the start of another match? below If SSS1 = "" Then GoTo line_12600 If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s1len) = SSS1 Then GoTo line_12550 If SSS2 = "" Then GoTo line_12600 If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s2len) = SSS2 Then GoTo line_12550 If SSS3 = "" Then GoTo line_12600 If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s3len) = SSS3 Then GoTo line_12550 If SSS4 = "" Then GoTo line_12600 '23 june 2002 If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s4len) = SSS4 Then GoTo line_12550 If SSS5 = "" Then GoTo line_12600 If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s5len) = SSS5 Then GoTo line_12550 If SSS6 = "" Then GoTo line_12600 If Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, s6len) = SSS6 Then GoTo line_12550 GoTo line_12600 line_12550: 'only going to hi-lite up to the next space by reducing count by 1 below ' If zzz_cnt > 658 Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing prompt 12550" + CStr(ss + sslen - 1) + "*" + Mid(aaa, ss + sslen - 1, 4) + "*" + SSS1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then ' GoTo End_32000 ' End If 'testing only ' End If sslen = sslen - 1 II = 1 'so the match counts below will jive line_12600: If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS1) Then tot_s1 = tot_s1 + 1 'january 01 2001 If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS2) Then tot_s2 = tot_s2 + 1 'january 01 2001 If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS3) Then tot_s3 = tot_s3 + 1 'january 01 2001 If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS4) Then tot_s4 = tot_s4 + 1 '23 june 2002 If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS5) Then tot_s5 = tot_s5 + 1 '23 june 2002 If UCase(Mid(ooo, ss, sslen + II)) = UCase(SSS6) Then tot_s6 = tot_s6 + 1 '23 june 2002 ForeColor = QBColor(Set_Fore) 'set color Font.Bold = True '03mar2017 Font.Underline = True '26 March 2003 try the below (seemed to work) Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen); ' If Cmd(56) <> "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen); ' needed the original display for "C" context hi-liting.... put back If Left(UCase(Cmd(77)), 16) = "CHARACTERPAUSE==" Then '03 January 2005 new_delay_sec = Val(Right(Cmd(77), Len(Cmd(77)) - 16)) tempss = Mid(ooo, ss, sslen) '03 January 2005 If Left(tempss, 1) = " " Then tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1) '31Jul2011 so on line wraps the first character space is removed ' If Left(tempss, 1) = " " Then tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1) '31Jul2011 so on line wraps the first character space is removed For temp1 = 1 To Len(tempss) Print Left(tempss, 1); tempss = Right(tempss, Len(tempss) - 1) GoSub line_30300 '03 January 2005 Next temp1 Else ' Print ooo; Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen); End If '03 January 2005 tot_print = tot_print + sslen If extract_yes = "YES" Then Print #ExtFile, Mid(ooo, ss, sslen); End If ' If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then '26 March 2003 deactivate the following if part of version ver=1.02b fix required If sscreen_saver = "Y" And sscreen_saver = "N" Then Font.Size = 24 ForeColor = QBColor(AltColor) 'make a different color here and below screen saver ' dsp_cnt = dsp_cnt + 1 'may 09 2001 '26 March 2003 dump the display count for now (skip the whole routine) ' with the dsp_cnt print and all what the hey anyway ' Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen); " "; CStr(dsp_cnt); " "; 'may 09 2001 Print Mid(ooo, ss, sslen); " "; 'may 09 2001 Font.Size = Val(Cmd(2)) End If 'october 24 2000 ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) 'default color Font.Bold = False Font.Underline = False aaa = Mid(aaa, ss + sslen) ooo = Mid(ooo, ss + sslen) 'midway2 thru the program appx'================================================================================== line_12610: If Len(aaa) > 0 Then GoTo line_12500 GoTo line_12130 'no more data GoTo line_14222 line_13000: 'january 18 2001 'below get rid of all trailing spaces II = Len(aaa) If Right(aaa, 1) = " " Then aaa = Left(aaa, II - 1) ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) GoTo line_13000 End If line_13010: 'january 19 2001 see imbedded spaces in search string and replace them in xxx string xxx = aaa + "" ' If zzz_cnt > 20929 Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing prompt 13000c" + CStr(Len(aaa)) + " " + SSS1 + " " + match_flag, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then ' GoTo End_32000 ' End If 'testing only ' End If If match_flag <> "YES" Then GoTo line_13070 'only required if match in line If imbedded = "NO" Then GoTo line_13070 'only required if one has a imbedded space If s1_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13020 II = 1 line_13012: JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS1) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13020 xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s1_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS1) - 1) II = JJ + 1 GoTo line_13012 line_13020: If s2_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13030 II = 1 line_13022: JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS2) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13030 xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s2_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS2) - 1) II = JJ + 1 GoTo line_13022 line_13030: If s3_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13040 II = 1 line_13032: JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS3) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13040 xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s3_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS3) - 1) II = JJ + 1 GoTo line_13032 '23 june 2002 add 4 thru 6 below line_13040: If s4_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13050 II = 1 line_13042: JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS4) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13050 xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s4_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS4) - 1) II = JJ + 1 GoTo line_13042 line_13050: If s5_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13060 II = 1 line_13052: JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS5) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13060 xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s5_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS5) - 1) II = JJ + 1 GoTo line_13052 line_13060: If s6_imbed = "" Then GoTo line_13070 II = 1 line_13062: JJ = InStr(II, aaa, SSS6) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13070 xxx = Left(aaa, JJ - 1) + s6_imbed + Mid(aaa, JJ + Len(SSS6) - 1) II = JJ + 1 GoTo line_13062 line_13070: line_13620: II = Len(aaa) array_pos = array_pos + 1 If array_pos > 55 Then '22 October 2004 xtemp = InputBox("error 13620 line too long=" + CStr(array_pos), "test", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' frmproj2.Caption = "error 13620 line too long (use crop option) " + CStr(Len(aaa)) '22 October 2004 new_delay_sec = 1 '22 October 2004 GoSub line_30300 '22 October 2004 Beep '22 October 2004 II = 50 '22 October 2004 aaa = Left(aaa, 50) '22 October 2004 array_pos = 10 '22 October 2004 keep it from stopping on line too long errors GoTo line_13635 End If line_13625: If II <= line_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_13630 line_13626: tt = InStr(line_len, xxx, " ") 'if a - is going to split a word make sure that there are no nearby spaces below line_13627: If (tt = 0 Or tt > line_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, line_len - 1, 1) = " " Then tt = line_len - 1 If (tt = 0 Or tt > line_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, line_len - 2, 1) = " " Then tt = line_len - 2 If (tt = 0 Or tt > line_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, line_len - 3, 1) = " " Then tt = line_len - 3 If (tt = 0 Or tt > line_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, line_len - 4, 1) = " " Then tt = line_len - 4 line_13627a: If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_13628 line_13627b: If tt > line_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_13628 line_13627c: array_aaa(array_pos) = " " + Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " array_ooo(array_pos) = " " + Left(ooo, tt - 1) + " " aaa = Mid(aaa, tt) ooo = Mid(ooo, tt) xxx = Mid(xxx, tt) 'january 21 2001 GoTo line_13620 line_13628: new_len = line_len If match_flag = "NO" Then GoTo line_13628m 'ensure the break does not come in any of the hi-lite items... 'for each of the 3 search elements make sure there is no break 'in the middle use s1len s2len s3len values and the instr(?) 'to check for overlap 'if the hi-lite item less than 2 characters the break can never split it. ' new_len = line_len If s1len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628d III = line_len - s1len + 2 If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628d 'should never happen JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS1) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628d 'no match found If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628d 'match found after break ' If JJ + s1len - 1 = line_len Then GoTo line_13628d ' ' the above line was used when III above was calculated using II = line_len-s1len+1 new_len = JJ - 1 GoTo line_13628m line_13628d: If s2len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628h III = line_len - s2len + 2 If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628h 'should never happen JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS2) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628h 'no match found If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628h 'match found after break new_len = JJ - 1 GoTo line_13628m line_13628h: If s3len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628i III = line_len - s3len + 2 If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628i 'should never happen JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS3) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628i 'no match found If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628i 'match found after break new_len = JJ - 1 GoTo line_13628m '23 june 2002 do 4 thru 6 below line_13628i: If s4len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628j III = line_len - s4len + 2 If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628j 'should never happen JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS4) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628j 'no match found If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628j 'match found after break new_len = JJ - 1 GoTo line_13628m line_13628j: If s5len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628k III = line_len - s5len + 2 If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628k 'should never happen JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS5) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628k 'no match found If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628k 'match found after break new_len = JJ - 1 GoTo line_13628m line_13628k: If s6len < 2 Then GoTo line_13628m III = line_len - s6len + 2 If III < 1 Then GoTo line_13628m 'should never happen JJ = InStr(III, aaa, SSS6) If JJ = 0 Then GoTo line_13628m 'no match found If JJ > line_len Then GoTo line_13628m 'match found after break new_len = JJ - 1 line_13628m: array_aaa(array_pos) = " " + Left(aaa, new_len) + "-" array_ooo(array_pos) = " " + Left(ooo, new_len) + "-" aaa = Mid(aaa, new_len + 1) ooo = Mid(ooo, new_len + 1) xxx = Mid(xxx, new_len + 1) ' ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt_=" + aaa + " " + CStr(new_len) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt=" + AllSearch(1) + "*" + ttt + " " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3 + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' ' If UCase(xtemp) = "X" Then GoTo End_32000 GoTo line_13620 'line_13629: ' Print #ExtFile, Left(aaa, line_len); "-" ' temp2 = temp2 + 1 ' aaa = Mid(aaa, line_len + 1) ' GoTo line_13620 line_13630: array_aaa(array_pos) = " " + aaa + " " array_ooo(array_pos) = " " + ooo + " " line_13635: If Left(array_aaa(1), 2) = " " Then array_aaa(1) = Mid(array_aaa(1), 2) 'remove the extra space line 1 only array_ooo(1) = Mid(array_ooo(1), 2) 'as 1 is already added at start aaa = array_aaa(1) 'line broken into multiple parts start printing with first part ooo = array_ooo(1) array_prt = 1 End If line_13640: 'back to the logic after 12120 line GoTo line_12120 line_13999: line_14222: 'january 15 2001 Return line_14500: 'january 19 2001 check for imbedded spaces in search strings s1_imbed = "" s2_imbed = "" s3_imbed = "" s4_imbed = "" '23 june 2002 s5_imbed = "" s6_imbed = "" imbedded = "NO" If Len(SSS1) < 2 Then GoTo line_14510 III = 2 line_14505: II = InStr(III, SSS1, " ") If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS1) Then GoTo line_14510 s1_imbed = Left(SSS1, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS1, II + 1) III = II + 1 GoTo line_14505 line_14510: If Len(SSS2) < 2 Then GoTo line_14520 III = 2 line_14515: II = InStr(III, SSS2, " ") If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS2) Then GoTo line_14520 s2_imbed = Left(SSS2, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS2, II + 1) III = II + 1 GoTo line_14515 line_14520: If Len(SSS3) < 2 Then GoTo line_14530 III = 2 line_14525: II = InStr(III, SSS3, " ") If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS3) Then GoTo line_14530 s3_imbed = Left(SSS3, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS3, II + 1) III = II + 1 GoTo line_14525 line_14530: If Len(SSS4) < 2 Then GoTo line_14540 III = 2 line_14535: II = InStr(III, SSS4, " ") If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS4) Then GoTo line_14540 s4_imbed = Left(SSS4, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS4, II + 1) III = II + 1 GoTo line_14535 line_14540: If Len(SSS5) < 2 Then GoTo line_14550 III = 2 line_14545: II = InStr(III, SSS5, " ") If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS5) Then GoTo line_14550 s5_imbed = Left(SSS5, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS5, II + 1) III = II + 1 GoTo line_14545 line_14550: If Len(SSS6) < 2 Then GoTo line_14560 III = 2 line_14555: II = InStr(III, SSS6, " ") If II = 0 Or II = Len(SSS6) Then GoTo line_14560 s6_imbed = Left(SSS6, II - 1) + "x" + Mid(SSS6, II + 1) III = II + 1 GoTo line_14555 line_14560: If s1_imbed + s2_imbed + s3_imbed + s4_imbed + s5_imbed + s6_imbed > "" Then imbedded = "YES" Return Last_lines_15000: save_line = "15000" 'aug 08/99 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #7)" '18Dec2013 Cls '18 august 2003 '---------------------------------------------------- part a '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 v ' If Clear_Context_lines = Context_lines Then 'clear the context records here **note the spaces=50 other setting = "" If Clear_Context_lines > 0 Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing=" + CStr(Context_cnt) + " " + CStr(Context_lines) + " " + CStr(Context_lines - Clear_Context_lines) + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' For II = 1 To MAX_CNT If Context_cnt > Context_lines - 1 Then ' For II = 1 To Context_cnt - 1 For II = 1 To Context_cnt - (Context_lines - Clear_Context_lines) Context_text(II) = Space(20) Next II Else For II = 1 To Context_cnt - (Context_lines - Clear_Context_lines) Context_text(II) = Space(20) Next II 'active testing this logic For II = Context_cnt + 1 To MAX_CNT Step 1 Context_text(II) = Space(20) Next II End If End If ' End If '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 ^ 'the above routine is handy when used in conjunction with a control file 'command type situation where the font size and clear_context_string cmd(55) 'element is used for display of text on top of existing photos 'may want a blank line or two right after as program will temporarily be 'switched to context display mode and may need to be swapped back??? ' 'use the ver=1.01 changes when doing the display of the searched text 'on top of the picture on the screen in ver=1.02 "search criteria" ' "photo_detail" display on screen large font with own delay etc ' '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& If Context_cnt < Context_lines Then For temp4 = MAX_CNT - Context_lines + Context_cnt To MAX_CNT If Context_text(temp4) = "" Then GoTo line_15115 'january 22 2001 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append end") <> 0 Then ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_end1) <> 0 Then If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)) <> 0 Then append_end1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)), Len(append_end1)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append end" SSS1 = append_end1 SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) If hilite_hh = "Y" Then GoSub hilite_25500 End If 'april 22 2001 GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15110 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append start") <> 0 Then ' with the ucase stuff below If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)) <> 0 Then append_start1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)), Len(append_start1)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append start" SSS1 = append_start1 SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15110 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), hilite_this) <> 0 And _ (hilite_this <> "" And hilite_this <> " ") Then tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 SSS1 = hilite_this SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) If hilite_hh = "Y" Then GoSub hilite_25500 End If 'april 22 2001 this one GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15110 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in line_15100: new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 SSS1 = "" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 line_15110: cnt = cnt + 1 line_15115: 'january 22 2001 Next temp4 '------------------------------------------------------- For temp4 = 1 To Context_cnt If Context_text(temp4) = "" Then GoTo line_15525 'january 22 2001 line_15200: 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append end") <> 0 Then ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_end1) <> 0 Then If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)) <> 0 Then append_end1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)), Len(append_end1)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append end" SSS1 = append_end1 SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) If hilite_hh = "Y" Then GoSub hilite_25500 End If 'april 22 2001 GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15520 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append start") <> 0 Then ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_start1) <> 0 Then If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)) <> 0 Then append_start1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)), Len(append_start1)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append start" SSS1 = append_start1 SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15520 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), hilite_this) <> 0 And _ (hilite_this <> "" And hilite_this <> " ") Then tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 SSS1 = hilite_this SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) If hilite_hh = "Y" Then GoSub hilite_25500 End If 'april 22 2001 this one GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15520 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 SSS1 = "" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 line_15520: cnt = cnt + 1 line_15525: 'january 22 2001 Next temp4 End If '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& If Context_cnt > Context_lines - 1 Then For temp4 = Context_cnt - Context_lines + 1 To Context_cnt If Context_text(temp4) = "" Then GoTo line_15553 'january 22 2001 ' get the context_text stuff to wrap vip 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append end") <> 0 Then ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_end1) <> 0 Then If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)) <> 0 Then append_end1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_end1)), Len(append_end1)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append end" SSS1 = append_end1 SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) If hilite_hh = "Y" Then GoSub hilite_25500 End If 'april 22 2001 GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15550 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in 'april 10 2001 If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), "append start") <> 0 Then ' If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), append_start1) <> 0 Then If InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)) <> 0 Then append_start1 = Mid(Context_text(temp4), InStr(1, UCase(Context_text(temp4)), UCase(append_start1)), Len(append_start1)) tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 'april 10 2001 SSS1 = "append start" SSS1 = append_start1 SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15550 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in If InStr(1, Context_text(temp4), hilite_this) <> 0 And _ (hilite_this <> "" And hilite_this <> " ") Then tot_s1 = tot_s1 - 1 'january 06 2001 new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 SSS1 = hilite_this SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" temp_fore = Set_Fore Set_Fore = AltColor keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) If hilite_hh = "Y" Then GoSub hilite_25500 End If 'april 22 2001 this one GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 Set_Fore = temp_fore GoTo line_15550 End If 'hilite any append lines i put in line_15500: new1 = SSS1 new2 = SSS2 new3 = SSS3 new4 = SSS4 '23 june 2002 new5 = SSS5 new6 = SSS6 SSS1 = "" SSS2 = "" SSS3 = "" SSS4 = "" '23 june 2002 SSS5 = "" SSS6 = "" keep_aaa = aaa + "" keep_ooo = ooo + "" aaa = Context_text(temp4) ooo = Context_text(temp4) GoSub sub_12000 aaa = keep_aaa ooo = keep_ooo SSS1 = new1 SSS2 = new2 SSS3 = new3 SSS4 = new4 '23 june 2002 SSS5 = new5 SSS6 = new6 line_15550: cnt = cnt + 1 line_15553: 'january 22 2001 Next temp4 End If 'aug 08/99 line_15555: 'november 10 2000 ' Print Context_cnt 'november 10 2000 testing Context_cnt = -1 'november 10 2000 Return line_16000: 'november 17 2000 enter file name If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 3 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = "replace.txt" '27 October 2004 testing only reactivate line below Line Input #BatchFile, tt1 ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 3a =" + tt1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo skip_file End If '27 October 2004 Test1_str = "File name Prompt" 'april 01 2001 If filereason <> "" Then Test1_str = filereason 'april 01 2001 '18Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then tt1 = "MPEG_VIDEOS.TXT" GoTo skip_file End If '18Jun2012 tt1 = InputBox("***enter file name", Test1_str, xtemp, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY skip_file: '27 October 2004 tt1 = UCase(tt1) If tt1 = "" Then FileExt = UCase(xtemp) Else FileExt = tt1 End If If Right(FileExt, 4) <> ".TXT" Then GoTo line_16000 End If ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 3b =" + tt1, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Return line_16100: 'january 01 2001 ' save_line = "16100" save_line = "16100" Close ExtFile ' Kill FileExt 'january 01 2001 january 22 2001 DoEvents ExtFile = FreeFile ExtFile = ExtFile + 1 'maybe this will fix the problem????? DoEvents ' save_line = "16100a" '18 March 2007 If oopen <> "APPEND" Then Open FileExt For Output Access Write As #ExtFile Else Open FileExt For Append Access Write As #ExtFile 'september 02 2001 End If ' save_line = "16100b" '18 March 2007 DoEvents line_len = 5000 'on extract do not do any wraps??? 'see the fix above re the adding of 1 to the file count with this prompt Return Display_pict_17000: 'start of display_pict_17000 subroutine look for end ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics1", , , 4400, 4500) 'testing save_line = "17000" 'march 31/00 If pp_entered = "YES" Then GoTo line_17045 End If 'november 6 2000 Line Input #OutFile, Next_line zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1 Next_line_save = Next_line Previous_line_save = Previous_line This_line = ooo Line_17020: ' Print "PICTURE FOUND="; This_line ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' leave above as example for testing display and prompt ' If InStr(UCase(Previous_line + This_line + Next_line), "XXX.") If InStr(UCase(Previous_line + Next_line), "XXX.") = 0 Then GoTo Line_17090 End If 'no more xxx. to display 'get the next line for searching for XXX. 'Next_line_save = Next_line 'clear Next_line if XXX. found there 'Previous_line_save = Previous_line 'clear Previous_line if XXX. found there 'do logic that calls up to two paint program displays 'here and check at end for Next_line 'switched the order here so that only 1 line of text 'will work ie photo bla bla bal then xxx. 'before it was picking up the one before it If InStr(UCase(Next_line), "XXX.") <> 0 Then Line_Search = Next_line ' tt1 = InputBox("next_line" + SSS1 + Next_line, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = InputBox("Previous_line" + SSS2 + Previous_line, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Next_line = "" 'so we don't do it again Previous_line = "" 'line added GoTo Line_17025 'line added End If 'no more xxx. to display If InStr(UCase(Previous_line), "XXX.") <> 0 Then Line_Search = Previous_line Previous_line = "" 'so we don't do it again 'goto Line_17025 'line removed End If 'no more xxx. to display Line_17025: String_Position = InStr(UCase(Line_Search), "XXX.") If String_Position = 0 Then GoTo Line_17090: End If Pict_file = Right(Line_Search, Len(Line_Search) - String_Position - 3) Save_file = Pict_file '15 January 2004 '30 May 2003 allow for cmd(58) DEFAULT_TO_CD to over-ride path... ver=1.06 If UCase(Left(Cmd(58), 13)) = "DEFAULT_TO_CD" And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then Pict_file = Left(App.Path, 3) + Right(Pict_file, Len(Pict_file) - 3) End If 'change any C:\ to D:\ or E:\ etc 30 May 2003 ver=1.06 If auto_exe = "YES" And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then Pict_file = Left(App.Path, 3) + Right(Pict_file, Len(Pict_file) - 3) End If 'change any C:\ to D:\ or E:\ etc 07 december 2002 line_17030: tt = InStr(Pict_file, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_17035 End If 'change any tabs to 4 spaces Pict_file = Left(Pict_file, tt - 1) + " " + Right(Pict_file, Len(Pict_file) - tt) GoTo line_17030 line_17035: If Left(Pict_file, 1) <> " " Then GoTo line_17040 'STRIP OUT LEADING SPACES End If Pict_file = Right(Pict_file, Len(Pict_file) - 1) GoTo line_17035 line_17040: 'check the file exists before going anywhere save_line = "17040" FileFile = FreeFile '13 December 2004 had to comment out the following 2 lines to get the error trap on mcisendstring open to work '13 December 2004 Open Pict_file For Input As #FileFile '13 December 2004 Close FileFile '13 December 2004 maybe check to see what it would take to just check mpg or some such above ***vip*** todo DoEvents save_line = "17040a" '13 December 2004 ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2 " + Line_Search, , , 4400, 4500) 'testing 29 november 2006 ' aug 08/00 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".BMP") <> 0 And _ Test1_str = "P1" Then GoTo line_17045 End If avi_file = "NO" '01 february 2003 mpg_file = "NO" '11 May 2003 ver=1.05 wav_file = "NO" '10 June 2003 ver=1.07 mid_file = "NO" '10 June 2003 ver=1.07 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".AVI") <> 0 Then avi_file = "YES" GoTo line_17045 '01 february 2003 End If '01 february 2003 If Mid(UCase(Line_Search), 5, Len(Line_Search) - 4) = "HTTP:" Then ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2 " + Line_Search, , , 4400, 4500) 'testing 29 november 2006 GoTo Line_17080 ' End If '29 November 2006 '10 June 2003 ver=1.07 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MPG") <> 0 Then '16 August 2004 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MPG") <> 0 Or InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MP3") Then If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MPG") <> 0 Or InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MP3") Or InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".WMV") Or InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".VOB") Then mpg_file = "YES" GoTo line_17045 '11 May 2003 End If 'ver=1.07 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".WAV") <> 0 Then wav_file = "YES" GoTo line_17045 '10 June 2003 End If 'ver=1.07 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MID") <> 0 Then mid_file = "YES" GoTo line_17045 '10 June 2003 End If '28 November 2004 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".JPG") = 0 Then If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".JPG") = 0 And InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".GIF") = 0 Then GoTo Line_17080 End If line_17045: '28 November 2004 gif here too along with the jpg ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2a " + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'testing ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + Pict_file + "=" 'testing 'only .JPG files below see line_17080 and gif now 28 november 2004 LastFile = Pict_file 'check the program exists before going anywhere save_line = "17041" FileFile = FreeFile line_17050: save_line = "17050" Close FileFile DoEvents ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2.1", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 'january 03 2002 the nt computer at work failed on the following open 'why oh why are we doing the open cmd(8) below ***vip*** todo check this out 'they should all have explorer anyway... If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 6b*", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If '09 september 2003 If Left(os_ver, 10) = "Windows 20" And Len(os_ver) > 15 Then If Left(os_ver, 10) = "Windows 20" Then '09 september 2003 Open Cmd(43) For Input As #FileFile '09 september 2003 Else '10 September 2003 Open Cmd(8) For Input As #FileFile End If '30 november 2002 '10 September 2003 Close FileFile save_line = "17055-1" '16Aug2016 why is this not at line 17055 maybe test fixing this ' testing below explorer 'the P1 option should work for .bmp .jpg and .tif ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2.2", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 'iffy 17050 If (InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "EXPLORER") <> 0 Or InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "NETSCAPE") <> 0) And Test1_str = "P1" Then ' Print "file name="; Pict_file; "=" ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 'question? why the reference to explorer only to make 'question? the above p1 option work. ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics2.3", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '20 May 2003 Print Pict_file 'there was no need for this meebee ' Heightnew = 10000 'february 16 2001 the new has no effect ' Widthnew = 12000 'february 16 2001 ' Height = 9000 'february 16 2001 this changes the size of the form ' Width = 10500 'february 16 2001 'demo the above using the p1 option and any picture 'february 21 2001 Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) ' P I C T U R E S D I S P L A Y E D B E L O W 'most of the picture displays take place right below here with the load picture **vip** ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing pics3", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 6b** " + tempdata + " " + motion_yn + " " + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If '29 March 2003 ver=1.04 motion_yn = "NO" '29 March 2003 '28 february 2003 skip dups if there 'handy to see the duplicates if a visual inventory otherwise skip em for most part '19 September 2004 do Command== stuff here '21 September 2004 might want to check for command== right after the input line.**************** 'might need to keep the zzz_cnt number and on return read 1 past that count ie reopen... '19 November allow for switch of control files... '***vip*** todo maybe allow it to change input files here too ' to whatever is in the corresponding fields in cmd(46) cmd(47) cmd(48) etc eof_entry: '26 November 2004 ' tt1 = InputBox("testingy " + aaa + " " + Cmd(73) + " " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), "CONTROL==") '19 November 2004 If III <> 0 Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testingA " + control_file + " " + aaa + " " + Cmd(73), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004 control_file = Trim(Right(aaa, Len(aaa) - III - 8)) '19 November 2004 tempdata = Cmd(73) '22 November 2004 the fileswitch info ' control_file = "chgfile.txt" '26 November 2004 testing with this ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + control_file + "=" '26 November 2004 GoSub Control_28000 'change the control file from in a *.txt file DoEvents If Left(UCase(tempdata), 10) = "FILESWITCH" Then Close #OutFile '22 November 2004 DoEvents OutFile = FreeFile DoEvents TheFile = Trim(Cmd(46)) 'Must be a file name here not a number ' SSS1 = "A" '26 November 2004 testing this ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing=" + TheFile + "=" + SSS1 '26 November 2004 ' tt1 = InputBox("testingx " + control_file + " " + Cmd(46) + " " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004 Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile ' tt1 = InputBox("testingx " + control_file + " " + Cmd(46) + " " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004 DoEvents '=========================== ' frmproj2.Caption = " testingx=" + TheFile + "=" + Test2_str ' tt1 = InputBox("testingX " + control_file + " " + Cmd(47) + " " + TheFile + " " + Cmd(48), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 26 NOvember 2004 tempdata = "CONTROL" '26 November 2004 allow for skip of prompt three with this multi_prompt2 = RTrim(Cmd(47)) '26 NOVEMBER 2004 '18 December 2004 the following line did a fix for the file switching... Cmd(73) = "noFILESWITCH" '18 December 2004 if the new file had FILESWITCH set it would go wild temptemp = Cmd(48) '26 November 2004 the search string ie "A" or "PHOTO" If eofsw = "YES" Then eofsw = "" ttt = multi_prompt2 End If GoTo Get_no2 '26 November 2004 '=========================== End If '22 November 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing1x=" + control_file + "=" '26 November 2004 GoTo input_1000a '19 November 2004 so the pause does not take place etc etc. End If '19 November 2004 If Len(command_line) < 1 Then command_line = "" III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " COMMAND==") If III <> 0 Then II = InStr(III + 9, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here command_line = Mid(aaa, III + 10, II - III - 10) multi_prompt2 = command_line hold_zzz = zzz_cnt '21 September 2004 ' aaa = Left(aaa, III + 1) + Right(aaa, Len(aaa) - II - 1) '21 September 2004 If SSS1 <> "" Then temptemp = SSS1 '02 January 2005 If SSS2 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS2 '02 January 2005 If SSS3 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS3 '02 January 2005 If SSS4 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS4 '02 January 2005 If SSS5 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS5 '02 January 2005 If SSS6 <> "" Then temptemp = temptemp + sep + SSS6 '02 January 2005 ' tempdata = InputBox("02 January 2005 test=" + temptemp + " " + SSS1 + " " + SSS2 + " " + SSS3, CStr(zzz_cnt), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test tempdata = "COMMAND" '26 November 2004 allow for skip of prompt three with this '02 January 2005 temptemp = Cmd(48) '26 November 2004 '01 January 2005 the above line results in the search prompt being "photo" change this to keep the old prompt 'ie screen/saver etc etc GoTo Get_no2 End If '19 September 2004 Else '21 September 2004 ' command_line = "" '21 September 2004 End If '21 September 2004 If Pict_file = last_pict And Cmd(54) <> "SHOWDUPS" Then GoTo Line_17055 '28 february 2003 End If '28 february 2003 '12 September 2004 check if "backgrd==" in the line here and fire up the background job... '12 September 2004 back_job = "" save_line = "17055-2" '23Aug2016 III = InStr(UCase(aaa), " BACKGRD==") If III <> 0 Then II = InStr(III + 9, aaa + " ", " ") 'make sure there is a trailing space here back_job = Mid(aaa, III + 10, II - III - 10) ' xtemp = InputBox("12 Sept test=" + App.Path + "\" + back_job, CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test If InStr(1, back_job, ":") = 0 Then back_job = App.Path + "\" + back_job End If '02 October 2004 check the back_job here ' frmproj2.Caption = "before test " + back_job '02 October 2004 testing ' new_delay_sec = 2 '02 October 2004 ' GoSub line_30300 '02 October 2004 MyAppID = Shell(back_job, 3) SendKeys "^o", True End If '12 September 2004 '05 march 2003 do a mp3 play ' Pict_file = "E:\Dan\mp3_0001.mp3" 'testing only 20 march 2003 commented it out '11 June 2003 ver=1.07 If InStr(1, UCase(Pict_file), ".MP3") <> 0 Then ' frmproj2.Caption = "30Jun2012a Previous_line=" + Previous_line + " mpg_file=" + mpg_file + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " sscreen_saver_ww=" + sscreen_saver_ww ' xtemp = InputBox(" 30Jun2012a testing prompt", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' frmproj2.Caption = "30Jun2012a Pict_file=" + Pict_file + " line_search=" + Line_Search ' xtemp = InputBox(" 30Jun2012a testing prompt", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY save_line = "17055-3" '23Aug2016 If InStr(1, UCase(Pict_file), ".MP3") <> 0 And motion_yn = "xxxx" Then '11 June 2003 deactivated this logic for now motion_yn = "YES" '29 March 2003 Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000 ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$ todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 , vbnullstring, 0& ,0& " tt1 = InputBox("testing mp3 " + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0&, 0&) ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0) ' i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0) tt1 = InputBox("testing mp3 a" + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY i = mciSendString("play video1", vbNullString, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) save_line = "17055-4" '23Aug2016 tt1 = InputBox("testing mp3 b" + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo Line_17055 End If '05 March 2003 save_line = "17055-31" '23Aug2016 '19 january 2003 avi file display here If avi_file = "YES" Then motion_yn = "YES" '29 March 2003 If videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Then '10 february 2003 Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000 ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$ todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$ i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0) ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at 16 10 124 120", 0&, 0, 0) ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at 16 10 800 600", 0&, 0, 0) ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at 16 10 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0) ' i = mciSendString("put video1 window at 16 10 1084 800", 0&, 0, 0) 'for 17 inch screen i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '19 january 2003 commented out till ready End If '10 february 2003 GoTo Line_17055 '01 february 2003 End If '01 february 2003 end of avi_file = "YES" '11 May 2003 mpg file display here ver=1.05 save_line = "17055-32" '23Aug2016 If mpg_file = "YES" Then motion_yn = "YES" slomo = False '08 January 2004 slomo = True '31Dec2011 If videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Then DoEvents '17Jan2012 Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000 ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$ '18 june 2003 re use short name as long ones with spaces cause a problem 'might need to use this elsewhere ***vip*** todo '17Jan2012 maybe comment out the stuff below trying the other name '17Jan2012 lresult = getshortpathname(Pict_file, sshortfile, Len(sshortfile)) '17Jan2012 long_pict_file = Pict_file + "" '22 November 2006 '17Jan2012 Pict_file = Left$(sshortfile, lresult) '18 june 2003 needed the short file name '11Feb2012 try taking out this stuff lresult = getshortpathname(Pict_file, sshortfile, Len(sshortfile)) long_pict_file = Pict_file + "" '22 November 2006 Pict_file = Left$(sshortfile, lresult) '18 june 2003 needed the short file name check this out 16Aug2016 '17Jan2012 If elapse_yn = "YES" Then elapse_start = Timer '13 July 2003 '17Jan2012 todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$ save_line = "17055-33" '23Aug2016 ' todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$ todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 wait parent " & Last$ '03Mar2018 save_line = "17055-33a" '28Aug2016 ' todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 wait parent " & Last$ '22Feb2012 test the wait '11Feb2012 lresult = getshortpathname(Pict_file, sshortfile, Len(sshortfile)) '04Feb2012 '11Feb2012 Pict_file = Left$(sshortfile, lresult) '04Feb2012 '11Feb2012 todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 wait parent " & Last$ ' For II = 1 To 50 ' DoEvents ' DoEvents '17Jan2012 ' Next II '17Jan2012 maybe this will help giving it some time '18 March 2004 i = mciSendString("close all", 0&, 0, 0) '17 March 2004 make sure nothing is there. '12 December 2004 this does not seem to trap any error but microsoft can check out the open command '17Jan2012 maybe this is the error if I hit enter before the file starts it seems OK what the hey '14Apr2012 frmproj2.Caption = "(Error Opening Video File)1 " + Save_file '12 December 2004 bad files stop here.... frmproj2.Caption = "(Opening mpeg File1) " + Save_file '12 December 2004 bad files stop here.... ' Timer1.Enabled = True '13 December 2004 ' Timer1.Enabled = False '13 December 2004 ' Timer1_Timer '13 December 2004 all the timer ' i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0) 'open command '28Jan2012 need to skip the open here if continueyn = "Y" '30Jan2012 ' testtest = " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("continueyn= " + continueyn + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 If pauseyn <> "Y" And continueyn <> "Y" Then i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) ' pauseyn = "N" ' hold_pauseyn = "" End If '25Mar2012 '20Feb2018a test prompt here... ' tt1 = InputBox("test03Mar2018b=" + xtemp + "=" + " before video len call " + " " + CStr(errormsg1), , , 4400, 4500) '20Feb2018 If continueyn = "Y" Then GoTo no_open '28Jan2012 save_line = "17055-34" '23Aug2016 result1 = mciSendString(todo$, returnstring1, 1024, 0) '12 December 2004a save_line = "17055-35" '23Aug2016 If Not result1 = 0 Then errormsg1 = mciGetErrorString(result1, errorstring1, 1024) '12 December 2004a frmproj2.Caption = " err =" + CStr(result1) + " at " + save_line + " opening video file 3" + Save_file + " " + errorstring1 '12 December 2004 End If '03Mar2018 display any error ' tt1 = InputBox("test03Mar2018b=" + xtemp + "=" + " after open video call " + " " + CStr(result1), , , 4400, 4500) '20Feb2018 '10Feb2012 testing only below This group of 11Feb2012 displays were used to debug the fast forward option '20Feb2018 check this out maybe '***vip*** just comment them out and use at another time it seems the laptop needs more play time to work than the pc ' testing = "video_audit1=" + mpg_file + " returnstring1=" + returnstring1 + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' frmproj2.Caption = "check the alias =" + video1 '12 December 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 2 ' GoSub line_30300 '13 December 2004 ' Timer1.Enabled = False '13 December 2004 ' Timer1.Enabled = True '13 December 2004 ' On Error GoTo 0 '12 December 2004a DoEvents '13 December 2004 try and put the following command in a timer '13 December 2004 result = mciSendString(todo$, ByVal 0&, 0, 0) '12 December 2004a ' xtemp = InputBox("13 December 2004 test erro test=", CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test '14Apr2012 frmproj2.Caption = "error opening video file2 =" '12 December 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "opening video file2 =" '12 December 2004 DoEvents ' tt1 = InputBox("test03Mar2018c=" + xtemp + "=" + CStr(video_length) + " " + CStr(errormsg1), , , 4400, 4500) '20Feb2018 If Not result1 = 0 Then errormsg1 = mciGetErrorString(result1, errorstring1, 1024) '12 December 2004a frmproj2.Caption = " err =" + CStr(result1) + " at " + save_line + " opening video file 3" + Save_file + " " + errorstring1 '12 December 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 2 '12Aug2016 no need for this delay '12Aug2016 GoSub line_30300 '13 December 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 2 '12Aug2016 no need for this delay ' GoSub line_30300 '13 December 2004 save_line = "17055-35" '23Aug2016 If (result1 = 277 Or result1 = 263) And copy_photo = "YES" And Left(save_line, 5) = "17055" Then 'need to switch the output file right here badmp3 is captured here photo_dir = badmp3_fold '12Aug2016 ' GoTo line_2153 '25Aug2016 ' new_delay_sec = 2 '12Aug2016 no need for this delay ' GoSub line_30300 '13 December 2004 GoTo no_open '25Aug2016 End If '12Aug2016 GoTo input_1000 '12 December 2004 End If '12 December 2004 ' On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '12 December 2004a save_line = "17055-36" '23Aug2016 i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0) save_line = "17055-37" '23Aug2016 '23Mar2012 testing only below ' testing = "video_audit2=" + mpg_file + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 no_open: '28Jan2012 '28Jan2012 maybe skip to here if continueyn = "Y" '26 April 2004 try and start getting output data ' i = mciSendString("set video2 channels 1 ", 0&, 0, 0) 'new 'todo$ = "open new c:\search\outmpg.mpg" + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video2 parent " & Last$ 'i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0) ' i = mciSendString("video2 video record", 0&, 0, 0) '26 February 2004 '26 April 2004 '26 February 2004 find the length of the video file here '01 April 2004 i = mciSendString("status video1 length", mssg, 255, 0) '26 February 2004 '19 August 2004 try and mute the video if not full speed 'the following mute made no difference. 'the slow speed seems to mute it somewhat by itself. If slomo = True Then '17Jan2012 could be something here that needs doing '31Dec2011 deactivate the mute for now i = mciSendString("set video1 audio all off", 0&, 0, 0) ' SendKeys "^c" '01 March 2007 check this out more ' i = mciSendString("set video1 audio right off", 0&, 0, 0) ' i = mciSendString("set video1 audio left off", 0&, 0, 0) End If '19 August 2004 try to mute video if slomo '***vip*** need to see why this logic below does not work too well skipping the open is important for fast forward etc '20Feb2012 If continueyn = "Y" Or hold_pauseyn = "Y" Then GoTo no_lenreqd '20Feb2012 If continueyn = "Y" Then GoTo no_lenreqd '20Feb2012 '20feb2012 If (continueyn = "Y" And save_play_speed = 1000) Or (pauseyn = "Y" And save_play_speed = 1000) Then GoTo no_lenreqd '18Feb2012 ' If Not rand1 Then GoTo no_lenreqd '11Feb2012 '12 December 2004 maybe the video stops here... save_line = "17055-wait" '20Feb2018a frmproj2.Caption = "(Finding Video length)" '12 December 2004 get_lenagain: '20Feb2018 i = mciSendString("status video1 length wait", mssg, 255, 0) '26 February 2004 ' i = mciSendString("status video1 length ", mssg, 255, 0) '20Feb2018a ' i = mciSendString("status video1 length wait", mssg, 255, 0) '20Feb2018 tried multiples of this line no workie nope... hold_len = mssg + "" '20Feb2012 temp3 = InStr(mssg, Chr$(0)) '26 February 2004 video_length = Val(Left(mssg, temp3 - 1)) '26 February 2004 If Not i = 0 Then errormsg1 = mciGetErrorString(i, errorstring1, 1024) '20Feb2018 frmproj2.Caption = " err =" + CStr(result1) + " at " + save_line + " opening video file 3" + Save_file + " " + errorstring1 '12 December 2004 End If '20Feb2017 ' If debug_photo = True Then ' tt1 = InputBox("test20Feb2018=" + xtemp + "=" + CStr(video_length) + " " + CStr(errormsg1), , , 4400, 4500) '20Feb2018a ' End If '20Feb2018a ' tt1 = InputBox("test20Feb2018x=" + xtemp + "=" + CStr(video_length) + " " + CStr(errormsg1), , , 4400, 4500) '20Feb2018 If tt1 = "x" Then GoTo get_lenagain '20Feb2018a no_lenreqd: '20feb2012 mssg = hold_len + "" '20Feb2012 temp3 = InStr(mssg, Chr$(0)) '26 February 2004 video_length = Val(Left(mssg, temp3 - 1)) '26 February 2004 ' video_length = 262260 '20Feb2018 see if forcing it works (nope) ' tt1 = InputBox("test20Feb2018=" + xtemp + "=" + CStr(video_length), , , 4400, 4500) '20Feb2018 '22Nov2010 If delay_sec < 0# Then delay_sec = video_length / 1000 + delay_sec line_delay_sec = delay_sec ' tt1 = InputBox("testing#2=" + xtemp + "=" + CStr(delay_sec), , , 4400, 4500) '21Jan2012 End If '22Nov2010 '25Jun2010 see video_length above need that less the 3 seconds to determine start== value '23 March 2004 do random start point here '28 March 2004 some files have bad size data ie demo76_pict6.mpg '20Feb2018 video_length = 262260 If video_length > 50000000 Then '28 March 2004 ie the value is 19431083 ?? frmproj2.Caption = "(Bad Video length=" + CStr(video_length) + ")" '28 March 2004 new_delay_sec = 4 GoSub line_30300 '28 March 2004 video_length = 10000 'on a bad number set to 10 seconds long End If '28 March 2004 If rand1 Then rand_cnt1 = video_length - (hold_sec * 1000) '23 March 2004 rand_no1 = Int(rand_cnt1 * Rnd + 1) '23 March 2004 line_start_point = rand_no1 '23 March 2004 check_l_s_p: '27 March 2004 If line_start_point > 300000 Then line_start_point = line_start_point - 300000 GoTo check_l_s_p End If '27 March 2004 keep_line_start_point = line_start_point '25Jan2012 keep_begin_point = line_start_point '25Jan2012 begin_point = line_start_point '25Jan2012 ' testtest = resume_str + "mpg_file=" + mpg_file + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " keep_line_start_point=" + CStr(keep_line_start_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring ' Test2_str = InputBox("testing for thumb_nail= " + thumb_nail + " " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, , 4000, 5000) ' '27 March 2004 jumping to the middle of large files takes too line 'this limits that to the first 5 minutes and that is plenty. End If '23 March 2004 '29 February 2004 leap year extra day '14 March 2004 do not allow the delay to be longer than the file below ie 83/3/7 example ' xtemp = InputBox("24 March 2004 test length=" + CStr(video_length) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(line_start_point), CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test ' If thumb_nail = "YES" Then line_delay_sec = hold_sec '22 March 2004 If thumb_nail = "YES" Then line_delay_sec = hold_sec '25Jan2012 keep_line_delay_sec = hold_sec '25Jan2012 End If '25Jan2012 '25Jan2012 ' testtest = resume_str + "mpg_file=" + mpg_file + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " picture_search=" + Picture_Search + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " keep_line_start_point=" + CStr(keep_line_start_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring ' Test2_str = InputBox("testing for thumb_nail= " + thumb_nail + " " + testtest, "Interrupt Prompt # 0 " + CStr(dsp_cnt) + " " + save_line, , 4000, 5000) ' '25 October 2004 remove the link from line_delay_sec below add new command element 'so the short small tiny video file length will now display (ie tt.01) FIXES 'how did line_start_point below ever go negative ???? If line_start_point < -0.5 Then line_start_point = video_length + line_start_point '25Jun2010 If line_start_point < 0# Then line_start_point = 10 '25 October 2004 this did the fix on the short ones. '25Jun2010 might want to check the line below for the very short vids??? '25Jun2010 comment this out If line_start_point < 9.0001 Then line_start_point = 10 '11 March 2007 ' xtemp = InputBox("25 oct test video_length=" + CStr(video_length), CStr(line_delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test '11 March 2007 If start_point <> 0 And rand1 <> -1 Then If start_point <> 10 And rand1 <> -1 Then line_start_point = start_point '20 August 2005 End If If line_delay_sec * 1000 + line_start_point > video_length - 100 Then '20 August 2005 line_delay_sec = 0 '14 March 2004 line_start_point = video_length - line_delay_sec * 1000 '20 August 2005 ' xtemp = InputBox("20 August 2005 line_delay_sec=" + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(line_start_point), CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test End If If line_delay_sec < 0.0001 Then line_delay_sec = (video_length - line_start_point) / 1000 ' xtemp = InputBox("25 oct line_delay_sec=" + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(line_start_point), CStr(delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '29 February 2004 test delay_sec = line_delay_sec End If '29 February 2004 now that I have the length use it. If line_delay_sec > delay_sec Then delay_sec = line_delay_sec End If last_vs = 0 '25 March 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("length=", CStr(video_length), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '26 February 2004 test ' If delay_sec = 11111 Then delay_sec = video_length / 1000 '21Jan2012 '25Jan2012 If thumb_nail = "YES" Then delay_sec = hold_sec '25Jan2012 End If '25Jan2012 If delay_sec = 11111 Then delay_sec = video_length / 1000 '23Jan2012 line_delay_sec = delay_sec '23Jan2012 temp_double = delay_sec End If '23Jan2012 ' testtest = CStr(temp_double) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(video_length) + " delay_secY=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '21Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("check delay_sec info XX " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '21Jan2012 ' testtest = CStr(video_length) + " delay_sec1=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '21Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '21Jan2012 ' start_point = 5000 'testing 16 july 2003 see if it works here first '16 July 2003 (why just mp3 do both) -deactivated- If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MP3") <> 0 Then If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".MPx") <> 0 Then i = mciSendString("set mp3 time format trnsf", 0&, 0, 0) '18 june 2003 testing ' i = mciSendString("play " & Pict_file, 0&, 0&, 0&) '16 July 2003 i = mciSendString("play video1 to 10000000", 0&, 0&, 0&) i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(start_point), 0&, 0&, 0&) 'see about changing the above with start= and end= data ' mediaplayer1.Open Pict_file ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from 0 to 111111", 0&, 0&, 0&) End If '11 june 2003 ver=1.07 '20Feb2012 no_lenreqd: '11Feb2012 '******************** '14 July 2003 this is where a wait nowait check needs to be done below (see notify / wait options) ' i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens temp_double = start_point '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T ' play_speed = 150 '29 October 2003 (move this later) '30 October de-activate the speed command below It seems to work on the laptop ' but freezes the other two big screens set it to 500 for half and 1000 for full speed ' The search.txt file gets corrupted and needs replacing 30 October 2003 ' the control.txt file gets corrupted needs some additional spaces? 30 October 2003 slomo = False '08 January 2004 slomo = True '31Dec2011 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " Video File= " + Save_file '15 January 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " Video info= " + vvv '16 January 2004 '20 January 2004 minor changes here II = InStr(1, vvv, "PHOTO ") temptemp = vvv If II <> 0 Then temptemp = Left(vvv, II - 1) + Right(vvv, Len(vvv) - (II + 6 - 1)) 'strip off "photo " End If ' '16 August 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp)" '17 January 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp) length=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " seconds" '16 August 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + Trim(Cmd(79)) + " len=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " seconds" '11Jun2010 new element #79 '10 August 2010 over-ride the element 79 usage change this info when issuing a new copy to a golf course for their use etc frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " " + rand_str + " (By Spectate Swamp) len=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " secs" '16 August 2004 If Left(Cmd(72), 11) = "RESULTS.TXT" Then '08 November 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Logging to RESULTS.TXT Spectate Swamp) length=" + CStr(video_length / 1000) + " seconds" '16 August 2004 End If '08 November 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = " Line_Search=" + Line_Search '08 November 2004 is the xxx. stuff for output If Left(UCase(Cmd(61)), 8) = "SETSPEED" Then If play_speed <> 1000 Then '08 January 2004 delay_sec = delay_sec * ((1000 / play_speed) + 1) '04 November 2003 if slower make dalay longer slomo = True '08 January 2004 14 January 2004 moved 1 line up inside of the if ?? ' keep_slomo = True '08Nov2011?? ' i = mci_setaudio(video1, 0, 0) '29 February 2004 ' might need a combination of mci_setaudio and mcisendcommand todo ***vip*** End If 'add the 1 above just to extend the play a bit '08 January 2004 set speed slow motion removed i = mciSendString("set video1 speed " & play_speed, 0&, 0, 0) '29 October 2003 End If '30 October 2003 switch on and off '16 November 2003 set play_speed back to command file value '14 January 2004 what is with the resetting here maybe too early.. 'moved down play_speed = save_play_speed '16 November 2003 ' '08 November 2004 open access append then immediately close the file. here. results.txt open for output 'as well make a change to the heading above re the results.txt file logging info. ' frmproj2.Caption = " TheFile=" + TheFile '08 November 2004 testing Just need "xxx." put in front here. ' it sort of hangs if the logging is on and i am using it as input. this just makes sure. i did it first time If UCase(Left(Cmd(72), 11)) = "RESULTS.TXT" And UCase(Trim(TheFile)) <> "RESULTS.TXT" Then '08 November 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = " ooo1=" + ooo '08 November 2004 testing Just need "xxx." put in front here. ResultFile = FreeFile '08 November 2004 Open "RESULTS.TXT" For Append Access Write As #ResultFile '08 November 2004 do this if RESULTS.TXT IN Cmd(72) Print #ResultFile, LTrim(ccc) '08 November 2004 this is the PHOTO stuff Print #ResultFile, Line_Search '08 November 2004 this is the xxx. stuff Close ResultFile '08 November 2004 'then do a print / write then a close on that file End If '08 November 2004 '11 March 2007 If line_start_point <> 0 Then temp_double = line_start_point '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T ' testtest = CStr(temp_double) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(video_length) + " delay_secY=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '21Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("check delay_sec info XX1 " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '21Jan2012 line_start_point = keep_line_start_point '23Jan2012 somehow this is the fix...... If line_start_point <> 10 Then temp_double = line_start_point '19 July 2003 Ver=1.07T '19 July 2003 If Left(UCase(Cmd(59)), 4) <> "WAIT" Or thumb_nail = "YES" Then '18 August 2003 If thumb_nail = "YES" Or line_delay_sec > 0 Then ' testtest = CStr(temp_double) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(video_length) + " delay_secY=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '21Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("check delay_sec info XX2 " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '21Jan2012 If delay_sec = 11111 Then delay_sec = video_length / 1000 '21Jan2012 line_delay_sec = delay_sec begin = "YES" '23Jan2012 changed from YES temp_double = 10 '23Jan2012 End If '21Jan2012 '23Jan2012 If thumb_nail = "YES" Or InStr(aaa, "THUMB==") <> 0 Or line_delay_sec > 0 Then ' If thumb_nail = "YES" Then ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '14 july 2003 moved from a few lines below ' testtest = CStr(temp_double) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(video_length) + " delay_secY=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '21Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("check delay_sec info XX3 " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '21Jan2012 If temp_double > 1 Then '12 december 2004 test only frmproj2.Caption = " Video to Start at " + CStr(temp_double) + " delay=" + CStr(line_delay_sec) '12 December 2004 testing 'testing to see what happens on the DVD with no read maybe a wait will fix it.???? '12 December 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double), 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens ' testtest = "begin=" + begin + " " + CStr(temp_double) + " " + CStr(begin_point) + " " + CStr(video_length) + " delay_secX=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '21Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("check delay_sec info YY " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '21Jan2012 If begin = "YES" Then temp_double = 0 '15Sep2011 If begin_point <> 0 Then temp_double = begin_point '20Sep2011 ' testtest = CStr(temp_double) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(video_length) + " delay_secX=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '21Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = "begin=" + begin + " temp_double=" + CStr(temp_double) If Left(Cmd(75), 9) = "VIDEOSTOP" Then '12 December 2004 '12Feb2012 ' temp_double = keep_line_start_point '12Feb2012 ' testing = "mpg_file11.5=" + mpg_file + " " + CStr(temp_double) + " " + Left(mssg, 10) + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + CStr(temp_double), "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' DoEvents '12feb2012 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double), 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens '23Jan2013 try here If debug_photo Then '23Jan2013 'Print "testing 24Jan2013 only" ' i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '24Jan2013 ' i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) '24Jan2013 ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '24Jan2013 ' SetFocus '24Jan2013 'Print "testing 24Jan2013 only" tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 7b " + Pict_file, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If ' i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '24Jan2013 ' Print "testing 24Jan2013" ' DoEvents '12feb2012 ' DoEvents '12feb2012 ' DoEvents '12feb2012 ' DoEvents '12feb2012 ' DoEvents '12feb2012 ' i = mciSendString("status video1 mode", mssg, 255, 0) '12feb2012 see if another call fixes it '12Feb2012 ' temp_double = keep_line_start_point '12Feb2012 ' testing = "mpg_file11.5=" + mpg_file + " " + CStr(temp_double) + " " + Left(mssg, 10) + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 '10feb2012 see what is happening here with this set below the video runs complete ' testing = "mpg_file15=" + mpg_file + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 Else End If '12 December 2004 Else 'testtest = CStr(temp_double) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec) + " " + CStr(video_length) + " delay_secX1=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '21Jan2012 teststring ' testtest = "begin=" + begin + " temp_double=" + CStr(temp_double) i = mciSendString("play video1", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens play video ***vip*** End If ' xtemp = InputBox(" 24 March 2004 nowait test", "testing Prompt " + CStr(line_start_point) + " " + CStr(delay_sec) + " " + CStr(line_delay_sec), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '14 july 2003 test GoSub line_30000 'do a delay test Else ' xtemp = InputBox(" nowait test", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '14 july 2003 test '18 March 2004 need to trap any errors on the start of videos here ' i = mciSendString("close all wait", 0&, 0, 0) '17 March 2004 make sure nothing is there.. ' i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0) On Error GoTo trap2 '18 March 2004 DoEvents '18 March 2004 If temp_double > 1 Then '16 March 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double) + " wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT) '16 March 2004 This is where the video plays displays shows etc ***vip*** ' testing = "mpg_file1.1=" + mpg_file + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double), 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT) ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double) + " wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT) End If '18 March 2004 '14 March 2004 I think the wait change above was a major factor in getting the video playback not to bomb out '14 March 2004 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(temp_double), 0&, 0, 0) '08 March 2004 '18 March 2004 Else '09 september 2003 windows 2000 service pack 1 / windows xp has problems here ' xtemp = InputBox(" test 6bb", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '09 september 2003 test '***the following logic never seems to get executed the start is always 10 or greater If temp_double <= 1 Then ' i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT) ' testing = "mpg_file1.2=" + mpg_file + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 i = mciSendString("play video1", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens (noWAIT) ' xtemp = InputBox(" test 6bbb", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '09 september 2003 test End If GoTo past_trap2 '17 March 2004 trap2: '17 March 2004 Resume past_trap2 xtemp = InputBox("trap2 error", CStr(video_length), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '17 March 2004 new_delay_sec = 5.5 GoSub line_30300 '18 March 2004 past_trap2: '18 March 2004 DoEvents '18 March 2004 On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '18 March 2004 DoEvents '18 March 2004 '18 March 2004 End If '14 July 2003 play_speed = save_play_speed '16 November 2003 14 January 2004 moved down to here '24 September 2003 ' GoSub line_30000 '24 September 2003 test this '24 September 2003 freeze '26 February 2004 for the freeze of a video do not use the line_30000 routine??? ' because we are doing stops and starts that surely won"t work i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '14 March 2004 video playing displaying at this point ***vip*** '10Feb2012 testing only below ' testing = "video_audit3=" + mpg_file + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 DoEvents '14 March 2004 If Line_freeze_sec <> 0 Then new_delay_sec = Line_freeze_sec 'need a mcisendstring that will do a stop eg below DoEvents '05 March 2004 '29 February 2004 '17 March 2004 activate the lines below re the position '19 March 2004 get the position anyway '20 March 2004 If slomo = False Then '20 March 2004 '20 March 2004 If Len(Trim(tempdata)) < 1 Then i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '29 February 2004 temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '19 March 2004 temp11 = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '19 March 2004 tempdata = CStr(temp11) '19 March 2004 End If '19 March 2004 DoEvents '09 March 2004 '14 March 2004 i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004 ' i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '05 March 2004 DoEvents '06 March 2004 If Len(tempdata) < 1 Then frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Video length=" + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 Fe Else frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Freeze at " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 February 2004 End If '17 March 2004 tempdata = "" '18 March 2004 '17 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Freeze)" '15 March 2004 '26 February 2004 GoSub line_30000 '24 September 2003 GoSub line_30300 '26 February DoEvents '09 March 2004 'dougdoughere maybe comment out below '11 March 2004 i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004 DoEvents '09 March 2004 GoTo line_17053 '01 October 2003 End If '24 September 2003 '01 October 2003 If freeze_sec <> 0 Then new_delay_sec = freeze_sec 'need a mcisendstring that will do a stop eg below DoEvents '09 March 2004 '15 March 2004 somehow by removing the position call below seems to eliminate a major crash '17 March 2004 activate the position stuff below '17 March 2004 temp i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '29 February 2004 '17 March 2004 temp tempdata = CStr(Val(vs)) '26 February 2004 '20 March 2004 If slomo = False Then '20 March 2004 '20 March 2004 If Len(Trim(tempdata)) < 1 Then i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '29 February 2004 temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '19 March 2004 temp11 = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '19 March 2004 tempdata = CStr(temp11) '19 March 2004 End If '19 March 2004 DoEvents '06 March 2004 '14 March 2004 i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004 ' i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '05 March 2004 If tempdata = "" Then frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Video length=" + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 Fe Else '28Jan2012 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Freeze at " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 February 2004 '31Jan2012 let cmd(60) control this If pauseyn = "Y" Then new_delay_sec = 0 '28Jan2012 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " secs== " + CStr(freeze_sec) + " (Freeze at " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) + ")" '29 February 2004 End If '17 March 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + "(Freeze)" '15 March 2004 '26 February 2004 GoSub line_30000 '24 September 2003 GoSub line_30300 '26 February ' xtemp = InputBox(" test freeze= " + Format(Line_freeze_sec, "###0.000"), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) DoEvents '09 March 2004 ' GoTo line_17053 '01 October 2003 'dougdoughere maybe comment out below '11 March 2004 i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004 DoEvents '09 March 2004 End If '01 October 2003 line_17053: '01 October 2003 i = mciSendString("stop all", 0&, 0, 0) '14 March 2004 '10Feb2012 testing only below ' testing = "video_audit4=" + mpg_file + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 DoEvents '14 March 2004 '01 March 2004 check status here before continuing... ' i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '01 March 2004 ' i = mciSendString("status video1 length", mssg, 255, 0) '01 March 2004 '06 March 2004 check out the ready status here first.. DoEvents '06 March 2004 i = mciSendString("status video1 ready", temps, 12, 0) '06 March 2004 '10Feb2012 testing only below ' testing = "video_audit5=" + mpg_file + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 DoEvents '06 March 2004 i = mciSendString("status video1 mode", mssg, 255, 0) '01 March 2004 '10Feb2012 testing only below ' testing = "video_audit6=" + mpg_file + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 DoEvents '06 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "hey 2 " + Left(temps, 4) + " " + Left(mssg, 5) '09 March 2004 DoEvents '06 March 2004 ' End If 'dougheredoughere If Left(UCase(mssg), 7) = "STOPPED" Then DoEvents '05 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "hey 2a " + Left(temps, 4) + " " + Left(mssg, 5) '09 March 2004 DoEvents '06 March 2004 GoTo line_17054 '11 March 2004 End If '05 March 2004 If Left(UCase(mssg), 7) = "PLAYING" Then DoEvents '05 March 2004 'dougheredoughere '11 March 2003 i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '05 March 2004 ' i = mciSendString("stop video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004 DoEvents '05 March 2004 ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '14 july 2003 moved from a few lines below DoEvents '11 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "hey 3 " + Left(temps, 4) + " " + Left(mssg, 5) '11 March 2004 DoEvents '11 March 2004 GoTo line_17054 '11 March 2004 End If '02 March 2004 added the if statement around the mcisendstring above If Left(UCase(mssg), 6) = "PAUSED" Then ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '06 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "hey 4 " + Left(temps, 4) + " " + Left(mssg, 5) '11 March 2004 DoEvents '11 March 2004 GoTo line_17054 '11 March 2004 End If '06 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "hey 5 " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + Left(temps, 5) '11 March 2004 GoTo line_17054a '11 March 2004 line_17054: '11 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "hey 6 " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + Left(temps, 5) '11 March 2004 line_17054a: '11 March 2004 'dougdoughere uncomment out below ' i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '09 March 2004 '28Jan2012 might want to skip the below statement if pauseyn = "Y" If pauseyn = "Y" Then GoTo no_close '28Jan2012 i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) '05 April 2004 '16 March 2004 i = mciSendString("close all wait", 0&, 0, 0) '14 March 2004 no_close: '28Jan2012 pauseyn = hold_pauseyn '25Mar2012 On Error GoTo close_error next_close_error: '16 March 2004 DoEvents ' new_delay_sec = 0.1 '18 March 2004 ' GoSub line_30300 '18 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem 'do a pause here 18 March 2004 '04 April 2004 i = mciSendString("close all", 0&, 0, 0) '14 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "hey 6a " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + Left(temps, 5) '11 March 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 0.1 '18 March 2004 ' GoSub line_30300 '18 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem 'do a pause here 18 March 2004 DoEvents '11 March 2004 On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '16 March 2004 ' Set colReminderPages = Nothing 'release memory?? 16 March 2004 GoTo past_close_error '16 March 2004 close_error: '16 March 2004 ' On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '16 March 2004 ' i = mciSendString("status video1 mode", mssg, 255, 0) '16 March 2004 Resume close_error_1 '16 March 2004 clear the error raised by the close close_error_1: DoEvents '16 March 2004 new_delay_sec = 5.5 GoSub line_30300 '16 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + Left(mssg, 4) + " (Close Error)" + CStr(line_start_point + (line_delay_sec * 1000)) + " > " + CStr(vs) '26 February 2004 new_delay_sec = 5.5 GoSub line_30300 '16 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem 'do a pause here GoTo next_close_error '16 March 2004 past_close_error: ' new_delay_sec = 0.1 '16 March 2004 it may still be over-running here and maybe not ' '16 March 2004 may want to test without some time. ' GoSub line_30300 '16 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem DoEvents '11 March 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7 " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '11 March 2004 ' old_line = temptemp + "" '31 March 2004 On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '18 March 2004 just to make sure it is set back... ' xtemp = InputBox(" 05 March 2004 test ", "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '14 july 2003 i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) If elapse_yn = "YES" Then elapse_end = Timer '13 July 2003 xtemp = InputBox(" elapse= " + Format(elapse_end - elapse_start, "###0.000"), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If '13 July 2003 slomo = False '08 January 2004 slomo = True '31Dec2011 End If GoTo Line_17055 End If '11 May 2003 ver=1.05 ' **** this is a very long if statement **** **hint** 'end of if statement "If mpg_file = "YES" Then" '10 June 2003 wav file display here ver=1.07 If wav_file = "YES" Then motion_yn = "YES" If videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Then Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000 ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$ todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type waveaudio Alias video1 parent " & Last$ i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) End If GoTo Line_17055 End If '10 June 2003 ver=1.05 '10 June 2003 midi file display here ver=1.07 If mid_file = "YES" Then motion_yn = "YES" If videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Then Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000 ' ToDo$ = "open e:\cottonwood\101-0186_mvi.avi Type avivideo Alias video1 parent " & Last$ todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type sequencer Alias video1 parent " & Last$ i = mciSendString(todo$, 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("play video1 wait", 0&, 0, 0) i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) End If GoTo Line_17055 End If '10 June 2003 ver=1.05 ' If Cmd(56) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then '22 March 2003 ver=1.02 ' Cls ' End If '22 March 2003 ver=1.02 just clear screen '03 August 2003 ' tt1 = InputBox("doug testing " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 03 August 2003 line_fit = "" '03 August 2003 If InStr(1, UCase(aaa), "FIT==") <> 0 Then line_fit = "FIT" End If '03 August 2003 If InStr(1, UCase(aaa), "REG==") <> 0 Then line_fit = "REG" End If '03 August 2003 '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Stretch Mode ' Else ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode ' End If 'february 21 2001 ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#77 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And line_fit <> "REG" Then '=========================================================== '28 November 2004 this trap fixed the problem with the bad .gif files ' but it does not trap the problem associated with the "malletc031.jpg" file that I was having. ' the sequence would not go to the text display when I was using the control== sequence somehow I will keep the file for later On Error GoTo first_problem '28 November 2004 DoEvents 'march 18 2001 Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Stretch Mode On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '28 November 2004 GoTo frst_17055 first_problem: '28 November 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "bad file= " + Pict_file '28 November 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("file display problem=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + Err.Description, , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'march 18 2001 On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '28 November 2004 Resume input_1000 '28 November 2004 frst_17055: '28 November 2004 '=========================================================== '28 November 2004 original was here Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Stretch Mode line_fit = "FIT" '08 August 2003 ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#6 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If 'february 21 2001 If (img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT") Or line_fit = "REG" Then ' If img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT" Then ' save_line = "17055xxy" '28 November 2004 testing for bug '=========================================================== On Error GoTo display_problem '28 November 2004 DoEvents 'march 18 2001 Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '28 November 2004 GoTo bef_17055 display_problem: '28 November 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "bad file= " + Pict_file '28 November 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("file display problem=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + Err.Description, , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'march 18 2001 On Error GoTo Errors_31000 '28 November 2004 Resume input_1000 '28 November 2004 bef_17055: '28 November 2004 '=========================================================== 'original was here 28 November 2004 Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#7 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If 'february 21 2001 Line_17055: '01 february 2003 save_line = "17055" '10Feb2012 testing only below ' DoEvents ' i = mciSendString("status video1 ready", mssg, 12, 0) ' testing = "video_audit7=" + mssg + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' DoEvents ' i = mciSendString("status video1 mode", mssg, 255, 0) ' testing = "video_audit8=" + mssg + " line_freeze_sec=" + CStr(Line_freeze_sec) + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) + " begin=" + begin + " line_start_point=" + CStr(line_start_point) + " video_length=" + CStr(video_length) + "begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) '17Jan2012 teststring ' testing = InputBox("check delay_sec info " + testing, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' DoEvents '10feb2012 right after this it should run testing above lines ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7a " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004 '20 march 2003 ver=1.02 testing of call to last_lines_15000 ' ' See the Logic for post photo text ie day and time at line_2130 ' xtemp = InputBox(" 08 August 2003 test " + sscreen_saver + " " + Left(Cmd(56), 12), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '18 November 2004 If UCase(Left(Cmd(56), 12)) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then '22 March 2003 ver=1.02 If detailyn = "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then '18 November 2004 '21 March 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" Then GoSub line_30000 'do a extra pause again on "weekday dd Month" display new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '03 September 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '21 March 2004 do not do a pause if video '03 September 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And mpg_file <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '21 March 2004 do not do a pause if video '03 September 2004 If sscreen_saver = "Y" And mpg_file <> "YES" Then GoSub line_30000 '21 March 2004 do not do a pause if video If line_fit = "FIT" Then '08 August 2003 testing only Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() '08 August 2003 testing only If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) '12Feb2017 maybe ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode 08 august 2003 End If '08 August 2003 testing only If stretch_image = "YES" Then line_fit = "FIT" Else line_fit = "REG" End If '08 august 2003 ' GoSub line_30000 'pause for the wait time before text display.... 'will want to make this optional... or cut the time in half?? ' maybe resetting the stuff below will allow for hi-liting in the displayed characters ' Not needed the values in SSS1 etc were fine? ' SSS1 = SAVE_KEEPS1 ' SSS2 = SAVE_KEEPS2 ' SSS3 = SAVE_KEEPS3 ' SSS4 = SAVE_KEEPS4 ' SSS5 = SAVE_KEEPS5 ' SSS6 = SAVE_KEEPS6 ' SSS1 = KEEPS1 ' SSS2 = KEEPS2 ' SSS3 = KEEPS3 ' SSS4 = KEEPS4 ' SSS5 = KEEPS5 ' SSS6 = KEEPS6 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing SSS1...=" + SSS1 + SSS2 + SSS3 + SSS4 + SSS5 + SSS6, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY lll = old_line 'use this one in stead non capitalized ??? '31 March 2004 ooo = lll '*** make this optional later *** and probably remove "photo " now '31 March 2004 'only problem so far is that lll is all uppercase (create and use old_line) instead '31 March 2004 ooo should be the original data. array_pos = 0 '31 March 2004 this one caused a bit of grief ooo = lll '31 March 2004 aaa = UCase(ooo) + "" 'seems aaa needs to have info for prints '31 March 2004 if a double quote " found and an end quote with it use just that for display II = InStr(1, ooo, Chr$(34)) '31 March 2004 check for info contained in quotes If II <> 0 Then tt = InStr(II + 1, ooo, Chr$(34)) If tt <> 0 Then ooo = Mid(ooo, II + 1, tt - II - 1) GoTo line_17070 End If End If '31 March 2004 above logic added II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "PHOTO ") If II <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - (II + 6 - 1)) 'strip off "photo " End If '29 March 2004 II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "START==") If II <> 0 Then tt = InStr(II + 7, ooo, " ") If tt <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt) End If End If '29 March 2004 '29 March 2004 II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "SPEED=") If II <> 0 Then tt = InStr(II + 6, ooo, " ") If tt <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt) End If End If '29 March 2004 '29 March 2004 II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "WAIT=") If II <> 0 Then tt = InStr(II + 5, ooo, " ") If tt <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt) End If End If '29 March 2004 '29 March 2004 II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "FREEZE=") If II <> 0 Then tt = InStr(II + 7, ooo, " ") If tt <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt) End If End If '29 March 2004 '29 March 2004 II = InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "LENGTH=") If II <> 0 Then tt = InStr(II + 7, ooo, " ") If tt <> 0 Then ooo = Left(ooo, II - 1) + Right(ooo, Len(ooo) - tt) End If End If '29 March 2004 line_17070: '31 March 2004 ' aaa = "dummydummydummydummydummydummydummydummy" 'over-riding the statement below makes for a better display for now... 'should test with the following active just so it can be used ie hi-liting searched string 'text where the other when no matches found shows whole line in one color. that is all 'it works fine now the logic at has been deactivated.... at line_12600 "screen_saver = "N"" 'maybe works better than fine..... aaa = UCase(ooo) '+ "============================================" 'last change here 26 March 2003 10:00 am If mixx Then GoTo line_17075 '12Feb2017 ' ooo = ccc + "" 'to display full line *** make this optional later *** Font.Size = 48 Font.Bold = True ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7b " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004 ' Font.Italic = True 'jff just for fun ' SetFocus ' Set Picture = LoadPicture("c:\search\Sparrow.jpg") ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #9)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'just to clear anything ' Def_Fore = 14 'make the text yellow ' Def_Fore = 10 'make the text lime green instead of yellow??? '20 May 2003 (use what is in control file) Def_Fore = 13 'make the text light purple pink??? ' Def_Fore = 7 'try grey ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) Context_lines = 7 '28 March 2003 change from 7 to 8 line_len = 30 'have it wrap after 20 characters 'a lot of messing around just to set above to 60 for now on display '30 March 2004 Clear_Context_lines = Context_lines '30 March 2004 Context_cnt = Context_lines 'need a dummy context fields set up here '30 March 2004 For II = 1 To Context_cnt '30 March 2004 For II = 1 To 40 '30 March 2004 '30 March 2004 Context_text(II) = Space(20) '30 March 2004 Next II ' endstuff testing ' endstuff = "NO" '27 March 2003 test getting it all out with this... ' tt1 = InputBox("testing array_ooo(array_prt)=" + endstuff + CStr(array_pos) + CStr(array_prt) + array_ooo(array_prt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If array_pos <> 0 And array_prt > 0 Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing array_ooo(array_prt)=" + endstuff + CStr(array_pos) + CStr(array_prt) + array_ooo(array_prt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' End If ' tt1 = InputBox("testing ooo=" + endstuff + CStr(array_pos) + CStr(array_prt) + ooo, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = InputBox("testing endstuff data_ooo=" + endstuff + data_ooo, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = InputBox("testing SSS1=" + SSS1 + SSS2 + SSS3 + SSS4, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = InputBox("testing keeps1=" + KEEPS1 + KEEPS2 + KEEPS3 + KEEPS4, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 'the following lines of info should print right on top of the photo but 'somehow it is not. see the smg emulation where a bmp file is displayed as a pict 'then the text is written and re-written over that image??? langaliers where are you '*** note seems that the text can only be displayed if "normal" mode ie see normal above ' the "Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) from above won't do it... ie image control.. 'was code here related to 1.02b but was moved '29 March 2003 test change for ver=1.04 below '03 August 2003 '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then ' If (img_ctrl = "YES" Or line_fit = "FIT") And motion_yn <> "YES" Then ' If img_ctrl = "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" And line_fit <> "REG" Then '03 August 2003 If img_ctrl = "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" And line_fit <> "FIT" Then '03 August 2003 test 1 If img_ctrl <> "xxxx" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then '03 August 2003 just try and override If img_ctrl = "xxxx" And motion_yn <> "YES" Then '03 August 2003 just try and override ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#8- " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() 'Stretch Mode clear away here If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'Normal Mode 'dougheredoughere '03 August 2003 remove this stay with above Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'Normal Mode lp#6 ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug#8 " + aaa + "*line_fit=" + line_fit + "*img_ctrl=" + img_ctrl, "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If 'february 21 2001 '03 August 2003 test 1 If img_ctrl = "YES" And motion_yn <> "YES" And line_fit = "REG" Then Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'normal mode End If '03 August 2003 test 1 line_17075: '12Feb2017 If mixx Then GoTo Line_17090 '12Feb2017 '12Feb2017 need above If img_ctrl <> "YES" And line_fit = "FIT" Then Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() 'Stretch Mode clear away here End If '03 August 2003 test 1 ' Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture() '08 August 2003 testing '30 March 2004 GoSub Last_lines_15000 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #10)" '18Dec2013 Cls '30 March 2004 Print '30 March 2004 Print '30 March 2004 Print '30 March 2004 Print '30 March 2004 Print '30 March 2004 Print '30 March 2004 Print '30 March 2004 ' tt1 = InputBox("30 March 2004 " + CStr(Context_lines), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoSub sub_12000 'do the bolding and high-liting hi-liting here ' tt1 = InputBox("31 March 2004 " + Left(ooo, 20), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Font.Size = Val(Cmd(2)) 'reset it back from 48 above '13 April 2004 new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '30 March 2004 new_delay_sec = Val(Cmd(60)) '13 April 2004 '30 March 2004 If mpg_file = "YES" Then GoSub line_30300 '30 March 2004 GoSub line_30300 '30 March 2004 line_17075a: '12Feb2017 End If 'end of PHOTO_DETAIL check pretty well ver=1.02 to here '12Feb2017 need to skip the above if statement when doing a mix text / picture (do not want font change etc) ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7c " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004 ' Print "what the hey" '21 march 2003 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing b=" + endstuff + "=" + vvv + " tot_print=" + CStr(tot_print), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' tt1 = InputBox("testing b=" + CStr(Clear_Context_lines) + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '20 march 2003 ver=1.02 ^ last_pict = Pict_file '28 february 2003 dsp_cnt = dsp_cnt + 1 'may 12 2001 previous_count = previous_count + 1 'october 9 2000 If previous_count > 100 Then previous_count = 1 End If ' previous_picture(previous_count) = 0 previous_picture(previous_count) = zzz_cnt 'save line number of previous picture display ' Print "b previous_picture(previous_count)zzz_cnt,previous_count"; previous_picture(previous_count); "="; zzz_cnt, previous_count ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' ' MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8), 3) ' AppActivate MyAppID 'here try and do a pause or wait as follows ' For temp1 = 1 To 100000000 ' DoEvents ' Next temp1 ' SendKeys "^o", True ' SendKeys Pict_file, True ' SendKeys "~", True 'FORCE AN "ENTER" End If 'endiffy 17050 ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7d " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004 save_line = "17055a" If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "EXPLORER") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P2" Then MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 3) SendKeys "^o", True End If save_line = "17055b" If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "EXPLORER") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P3" Then ' MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 3) ' Print "Cmd(8)"; Cmd(8); " Pict_file="; Pict_file ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY MyAppID = Shell("command.com /c " + Cmd(8) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 3) ' AppActivate MyAppID ' SendKeys Pict_file, True ' SendKeys "^v", True End If save_line = "17055c" If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "EXPLORER") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P" Then MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 3) SendKeys "^o", True End If 'here testing below netscape.exe 'the P1 option should work for .bmp .jpg and .tif save_line = "17055d" If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "NETSCAPE") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P1" Then If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(Pict_file) 'normal End If save_line = "17055e" ' Print "Cmd(8)="; Cmd(8); "="; Test1_str ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If InStr(UCase(Cmd(8)), "NETSCAPE") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P" Then MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(8) + " " + Pict_file, 3) SendKeys "^v", True End If Line_17080: ' AppActivate MyAppID ' frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7e " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '01 September 2004 ' SendKeys "^F", True ' SendKeys Pict_file, True ' SendKeys LastFile, True ' SendKeys "", True 'added the Test1_str check below aug 08/00 If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".BMP") <> 0 And Test1_str = "P" Then ' If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".BMP") <> 0 Then 'check the program exists before going anywhere save_line = "17080" FileFile = FreeFile Close FileFile Open Cmd(9) For Input As #FileFile Close FileFile ' Print "file name="; Pict_file; "="; Test1_str ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(9), 1) SendKeys "^o", True SendKeys Pict_file, True SendKeys "~", True 'FORCE AN "ENTER" End If save_line = "17059b" ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'clear any picture If InStr(UCase(Line_Search), ".TIF") <> 0 Then 'check the program exists before going anywhere save_line = "17085" FileFile = FreeFile Close FileFile DoEvents Open Cmd(16) For Input As #FileFile Close FileFile LastFile = Pict_file MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(16) + " / select, " + Pict_file, 1) SendKeys "^o", True SendKeys "^v", True End If Line_17090: ' TheFile = "" frmproj2.Caption = "hey 7f " + Left(mssg, 5) + " " + CStr(array_pos) ' + Left(temptemp, 15) '21Mar2016 Return 'end of display_pict_17000 line_17200: 'February 24 2002 do the append of the file here 'skip the file if the output file is the same as the one to append.... If InStr(UCase(Test1_str), UCase(FileExt)) <> 0 Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing merge logic " & Test1_str, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "x" Then ' GoTo End_32000 ' End If 'testing only ' Print "doug testing "; Test1_str, FileExt GoTo line_17230 End If f = f + 1 Print "File merging "; Test1_str, FileExt DoEvents If f > 20 Then f = 1 Cls End If save_line = "17200" Open Test1_str For Input As FileFile line_17210: Line Input #FileFile, aaa Print #ExtFile, aaa GoTo line_17210 line_17220: Print #ExtFile, Test1_str; " append end" Close #FileFile line_17230: Return 'february 24 2002 Do_Change_18000: save_line = "18000" 'DO NOT PASS THE FIRST CHR AS A BLANK BELOW 'THE SEARCH DOESN'T LIKE A STARTING SPACE ?? 'IN WORDPAD I WAS USING THE SEARCH AND CTRL/V 'do not allow changes to valid e-mail files below If InStr(1, UCase(TheFile), "\SENT") <> 0 Then Print "no changes to file with \SENT*" GoTo line_18100 End If If InStr(1, UCase(TheFile), "\INBOX") <> 0 Then Print "no changes to file with \INBOX*" GoTo line_18100 End If ' Clipboard.SetText Mid(Last_match, 2, 14) 'disabled oct 18/2000 when going back and forth it was 'nothing but a hassle maybe use elsewhere in another element. 'put the last line of match in the clipboard 'at the office nt has "service pack 3" as well use the len below '29 September 2003 comment out the logic below ' If Left(os_ver, 10) = "Windows 20" And Len(os_ver) > 15 Then ' MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(44), 3) ' Else MyAppID = Shell(Cmd(10), 3) ' End If '30 november 2002 '29 September 2003 the above commented out ' AppActivate MyAppID SendKeys "^o", True ' SendKeys TheFile, True 'december 3 2000 If InStr(1, TheFile, ":") <> 0 Then SendKeys TheFile, True Else SendKeys App.Path + "\" + TheFile, True 'december 3 2000 End If SendKeys "~", True 'FORCE AN "ENTER" AppActivate MyAppID 'december 27 2000 ' SendKeys (DOWN), True 'december 27 2000 ' SendKeys (Insert), True 'december 27 2000 ' SendKeys (PGDN), True 'december 27 2000 ' SendKeys "%{TAB}", True 'december 27 2000 line_18100: ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #11)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'december 27 2000 Return Do_Append_19000: save_line = "19000" 'don't allow user to append to any e-mail file below If InStr(1, UCase(TheFile), "\SENT") <> 0 Then Print "no APPENDS to file with \SENT*" GoTo line_19100 End If If InStr(1, UCase(TheFile), "\INBOX") <> 0 Then Print "no APPENDS to file with \INBOX*" GoTo line_19100 End If Open TheFile For Append As #OutFile If Clipboard.GetFormat(vbCFText) Then Clip_data = Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText) temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " " temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space Print #OutFile, temps, "-------------append start ---------- " line_19005: ' Print #OutFile, Clip_data Print #OutFile, temps, "-------------append end ---------- " Print Clip_data Print "Clipboard data added to "; TheFile Print " === append complete ===" Close #OutFile End If line_19100: Return '******************************************************** ' * * * E N T E R D A T A * * * N O T E S '******************************************************** ' enter notes data input Do_Enter_20000: save_line = "20000" 'for error handling entered_notes = "NO" 'allow for date exitdateyes Enter_Count = 0 Close #OutFile Open TheFile For Append As #OutFile ' jj logic for date here next More_Notes_22000: save_line = "22000" 'for error handling ttt = InputBox("enter notes", "Notes Prompt " + TheFile, , xx1 - offset1 - 2000, yy1 - offset2) ' 'any 2 characters will do a paste function Ctrl/V 'vv option will put what is in clipboard If InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "VVV") <> 0 Then ttt1 = InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "VVV") ttt = Left(ttt, ttt1 - 1) + ppaste + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - (ttt1 + 2)) End If If InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "GGG") <> 0 Then ttt1 = InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "GGG") ttt = Left(ttt, ttt1 - 1) + gpaste + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - (ttt1 + 2)) End If 'midway3 thru the program appx'================================================================================== If InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "VV") <> 0 Then ttt1 = InStr(1, UCase(ttt), "VV") ttt = Left(ttt, ttt1 - 1) + Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText) + Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - (ttt1 + 1)) End If If Len(ttt) = 2 And Left(ttt, 1) = Mid(ttt, 2, 1) And UCase(ttt) <> "JJ" Then ttt = Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText) ' Print ttt 'testing only End If If ttt = "" And entered_notes = "YES" And _ Cmd(7) <> "dateyes" And _ UCase(Cmd(15)) = "EXITDATEYES" Then temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " " temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space Print #OutFile, temps Print temps End If If ttt = "" Then GoTo End_Notes_23000 entered_notes = "YES" Enter_Count = Enter_Count + 1 'see programmers guide page 606 for date formats below temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " " temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space If Cmd(7) <> "dateyes" And UCase(Cmd(14)) = "ENTERDATEYES" Then Cmd(14) = "" 'only do fore each new entry Print #OutFile, temps ' include "c:\dummy.txt" ' Insert "C:\DUMMY.BAS" Print temps End If If Cmd(7) <> "dateyes" Then temps = "" If Cmd(7) <> "dateyes" And UCase(Left(ttt, 2)) = "JJ" Then ttt = Right(ttt, Len(ttt) - 2) temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " " temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space End If Print #OutFile, temps & ttt Print temps & ttt GoTo More_Notes_22000 End_Notes_23000: If Enter_Count <> 0 Then Print Enter_Count; " Records added to "; TheFile End If save_line = "23000" 'for error handling Close #OutFile II = DoEvents 'yield to operating system GoTo What_50 'october 26 2000 ' GoTo End_32000 InputFile_24000: 'march 20/00 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #12)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'refresh clear screen GoSub OpenFile_25000 'open files.txt for selection If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 08 2001 Autoredraw pair-1 save_line = "24000" For f = 1 To 20 ttt = "" Line Input #FileFile, FFF If f = 1 Then ForeColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(5))) If f = 1 Then ttt = App.EXEName + " " + vvversion + " -- " + App.Title If Len(FFF) > 50 Then 'derulaswamp 2010 for special autorun only Print f, "*"; Right(FFF, 50); " "; ttt 'december 22 2000 If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print f, "*"; Right(FFF, 50); " "; ttt 'december 22 2000 Else 'derulaswamp 2010 Print f, FFF; " "; ttt If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print f, FFF; " "; ttt End If If f = 1 Then ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) AllFiles(f) = FFF + "" Next f Close #FileFile line_24005: '********************************************************* 'main file name selection done here '********************************************************* 'derulaswamp 2010 Print "Enter selection 1-20 e-xit or file name Option Prompt #1" If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print "Enter selection 1-20 e-xit or file name Option Prompt #1" tt1 = "" 'december 7 2000 If screen_capture = "YES" Then '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 new_delay_sec = 2 '03 September 2004 17Feb2017 from 5 to 2 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 End If 'test the getformat logic for the clipboard january 27 2002 ' If Clipboard.GetFormat(vbCFBitmap) Then ' tt1 = InputBox("clipboard has a bitmap", , tt1, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' ' End If today_date = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'february 16 2001 '12 September 2004 If UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then ' If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then ' frmproj2.Caption = "before test " + tt1 '02 October 2004 testing ' new_delay_sec = 2 '02 October 2004 ' GoSub line_30300 '02 October 2004 '19Aug2011 If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then '12May2012 changes below mixx = InStr(UCase(App.EXEName), "MIX") If mixx <> 0 Then tt1 = Left(App.EXEName, mixx + 2) + ".txt" mixx = True GoTo auto_p1 End If '30Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 7) = "BIGTEXT" Then tt1 = "bigtext.txt" GoTo auto_p1 End If '21Jun2012 '18Jun2012 catmydrive should skip as well If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then tt1 = AllFiles(1) GoTo auto_p1 End If '18Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) = "RANDOM" Or Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "SEQUENTIAL" Then '14May2012 tt1 = RTrim(Cmd(46)) 'the command file prompt usually 1 tt1 = AllFiles(1) '14May2012 might want to make it file1 of the files list '26Jun2016 tt1 = "MPEG_VIDEOS.TXT" '24Jun2012 '06Jul2012 If mixx = True Then tt1 = "datamix.txt" '30Jun2012 If UCase(Left(Cmd(58), 13)) = "DEFAULT_TO_CD" And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" And Len(tt1) > 2 And InStr(1, tt1, ":") <> 0 Then tt1 = Left(App.Path, 3) + Right(tt1, Len(tt1) - 3) End If 'change any C:\ to D:\ or E:\ etc GoTo auto_p1 End If '12May2012 changes above If (InStr(1, UCase(Cmd(45)), UCase(App.EXEName)) <> 0 And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then tt1 = RTrim(Cmd(46)) 'the command file prompt usually 1 '------------------------------- '02 October 2004 If UCase(Left(Cmd(58), 13)) = "DEFAULT_TO_CD" And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" And Len(tt1) > 2 And InStr(1, tt1, ":") <> 0 Then tt1 = Left(App.Path, 3) + Right(tt1, Len(tt1) - 3) End If 'change any C:\ to D:\ or E:\ etc 02 October 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = "after test " + tt1 '02 October 2004 testing ' new_delay_sec = 2 '02 October 2004 ' GoSub line_30300 '02 October 2004 '------------------------------- ' xtemp = InputBox(" backgrd test1", " testing Prompt #1* ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING AUTO PROMPTS" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If GoTo auto_p1 End If '07 december 2002 If SAVE_ttt = "in" Then tt1 = AllFiles(1) 'december 7 2000 tt1 = InputBox("File Selection:", "File Prompt #1 " + today_date, tt1, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' ' Clipboard.Clear '17Mar2016 testing only ' Clipboard.SetText "clipboard set at prompt #1" If Len(tt1) > 0 And Len(tt1) < 3 Then '19 December 2004 xtemp = tt1 GoSub keypad_27500 tt1 = xtemp End If '19 December 2004 auto_p1: tt1 = UCase(tt1) frmproj2.Caption = program_info + stretch_info '25 november 2002 '22 december 2002 ' random_info = "" '21 december 2002 If Cmd(49) = "RANDOM" Then ' random_info = " (RANDOM)" '21 december 2002 frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '09 december 2002 End If If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 08 2001 Autoredraw pair-1 If tt1 = "X" Or tt1 = "E" Or (tt1 = "" And SAVE_ttt <> "in") Then GoTo End_32000 End If 'exit if x or e entered 'the following 2 if statements are left in as example If tt1 = "25" Then MAX_CNT = 25 GoTo line_24005 End If 'internal fix till control file If tt1 = "20" Then MAX_CNT = 20 GoTo line_24005 End If 'internal fix till control file 'october 26 2000 the SAVE_ttt below If tt1 = "" And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then TheFile = AllFiles(1) tt1 = TheFile GoTo line_24010 End If 'no entry default to first listed If tt1 = "0" Or tt1 = "1" Then TheFile = AllFiles(1) tt1 = TheFile SAVE_ttt = "in" 'november 03 2000 after file selected continue with defaults TheSearch = "." 'november 03 2000 search_prompt = "in" 'november 03 2000 GoTo line_24010 End If 'no entry default to first listed 'allow for number of characters select file number KKK is 3 If tt1 = "11" Then GoTo line_24007 If Len(tt1) = 1 Then GoTo line_24007 If Len(tt1) = 2 And Left(tt1, 1) <> Mid(tt1, 2, 1) Then GoTo line_24007 'need a "dbcs string manipulation function" to do following 'same as the num1$ function on the vax numeric to string If Left(tt1, 1) = Mid(tt1, 2, 1) Then tt1 = CStr(Len(tt1)) End If line_24007: If Val(tt1) < 2 Or Val(tt1) > 20 Then GoTo line_24010 End If TheFile = AllFiles(Val(tt1)) tt1 = TheFile SAVE_ttt = "in" 'november 03 2000 after file selected continue with defaults TheSearch = "." 'november 03 2000 search_prompt = "in" 'november 03 2000 line_24010: 'check all file existance 'they may have been deleted etc 'Following line allows update if change made to control ' If TheFile = "C:\CONTROL.TXT" Then GoSub Control_28000 If UCase(TheFile) = "CONTROL.TXT" Then GoSub Control_28000 'december 3 2000 save_line = "24010" TheFile = tt1 LastFile = TheFile If save_line = "24010" Then GoTo line_24020 '29Sep2010 skip this altogether - open and read object file for defaults FileFile = FreeFile Open tt1 For Input As #FileFile 'november 3 2000 use to switch between p1 and c depending on file xxx_found = "NO" line_24015: save_line = "24015" For f = 1 To 10 Line Input #FileFile, aaa If Left(aaa, 4) = "xxx." Then xxx_found = "YES" End If Next f Close FileFile line_24020: 'store new file in file.txt save_line = "24020" FileFound = 0 For f = 1 To 20 'december 8 2000 If TheFile = AllFiles(F) Then If UCase(TheFile) = UCase(AllFiles(f)) Then FileFound = f 'save location where file is End If Next f If FileFound = 0 Then For f = 19 To 1 Step -1 AllFiles(f + 1) = AllFiles(f) Next f AllFiles(1) = TheFile GoTo line_24050 End If 'new one add it to top of list If FileFound > 1 Then For f = FileFound - 1 To 1 Step -1 AllFiles(f + 1) = AllFiles(f) Next f AllFiles(1) = TheFile GoTo line_24050 End If line_24050: '20 july 2002 skip the update below if cmd(40) not in file name If auto_exe = "YES" Then GoTo line_24080 '04 September 2004 If InStr(Cmd(40), Left(App.Path, 3)) = 0 And Trim(Cmd(40)) <> "" Then If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print " no file update cmd(40)" '14Aug2011 this was annoying GoTo line_24080 '20 july 2002 End If save_line = "24050" Kill Cmd(11) 'list of files last accessed FileFile = FreeFile Open Cmd(11) For Output As FileFile For f = 1 To 20 Print #FileFile, AllFiles(f) Next f line_24080: Close FileFile save_line = "24080" '12Jun2016 line_24090: 'return exit line If InStr(UCase(TheFile), ".MBX") <> 0 And SAVE_ttt = "in" Then mbxyes = "Y" 'december 17 2000 Return OpenFile_25000: 'march 20/00 'files.txt is the last 20 opened files 'for display and selection save_line = "25000" FileFile = FreeFile Open Cmd(11) For Input As #FileFile Return hilite_25500: ' xtemp = InputBox(CStr(hilite_cnt) + yyy + hilite_hh + ooo, "Continue Prompt", , 2000, 2000) If InStr(1, UCase(ooo), "XXX.") <> 0 Then hilite_cnt = hilite_cnt + 1 cript2(hilite_cnt) = Mid(ooo, InStr(1, UCase(ooo), UCase(hilite_this)) + Len(hilite_this)) ' tt1 = InputBox("testing prompt" + cript2(hilite_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If Return 'april 22 2001 Search_26000: 'march 20/00 ' xtemp = InputBox("(A) testing prompt 02 January 2005" + sscreen_saver_ww + inin, , , 4400, 4500) '02 January 2005 If tempdata = "COMMAND" Then GoTo line_26002a '02 January 2005 If sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" And inin <> "" Then GoTo line_26090 '28 april 2002 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #13)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'refresh clear screen If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 08 2001 autoredraw pair-3 If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture() '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'clear any picture lp#7 normal 12Feb2017 If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 tt1 = InputBox("testing photo 3.3", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If GoSub OpenFile_27000 'open search.txt for selection save_line = "26000" For f = 1 To 20 Line Input #FileFile, FFF If TheSearch = "." Then 'december 7 2000 If F = 1 Then ForeColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(5))) 'derulaswamp 2010 Print f, FFF 'DISP OPTIONS IF "." ENTERED If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print f, FFF 'DISP OPTIONS IF "." ENTERED 'december 7 2000 If F = 1 Then ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) End If AllSearch(f) = FFF + "" Next f Close #FileFile If TheSearch <> "." Then GoTo line_26020 End If '************************************************* ' the search selection 1-20 made here '************************************************* If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print "Enter selection 1-20 e-xit a for all or new search" line_26002: If ttt = "." Then 'january 05 2001 ttt = AllSearch(1) Else ttt = "" 'december 7 2000 End If 'january 05 2001 If search_prompt = "in" Then ttt = Cmd(33) 'december 7 2000 If emailsea = "Y" And search_prompt = "in" Then ttt = "a" 'december 11 2000 Cmd(33) = "" 'december 7 2000 If screen_capture = "YES" Then '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 End If 'option prompt #3 '12 September 2004 If UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\" Then ' If (UCase(App.EXEName) = Trim(UCase(Cmd(45))) And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then '19Aug2011 '12May2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) = "RANDOM" Or Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "SEQUENTIAL" Then '14May2012 ttt = "PHOTO" '24Jun2012 ttt = AllSearch(1) '14May2012 change this to the last search string ttt = "PHOTO" '24Jun2012 '26Jun2016 GoTo auto_p3 '12May2012 End If If (InStr(1, UCase(Cmd(45)), UCase(App.EXEName)) <> 0 And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then ' xtemp = InputBox(" backgrd test3", " testing Prompt #3* ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ttt = RTrim(Cmd(48)) 'the search string prompt usually photo GoTo auto_p3 'make sure that cd search file does not have "C:\" 'it should be "D:\" anything but "C:\" to work End If '07 december 2002 '19 September 2004 command== stuff If Len(command_line) > 1 Then 'i do not think the file is open here it should be 1 line past the match for now... 'maybe skip the multiple reads below if random is on...???? ' temptemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING command_linea==" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY command_line = "" ' temptemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING command_lineb==" + command_line, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY multi_prompt2 = "" '20 September 2004 ' aaa = "" '20 September 2004 ' GoTo input_1000a '20 September 2004 For zzz_cnt = 1 To hold_zzz Line Input #OutFile, aaa '21 September 2004 27Aug2010 might need some changes here? Next zzz_cnt '21 September 2004 ooo = aaa '21 September 2004 ' temptemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING command_lineaa==" + CStr(hold_zzz) + " " + aaa, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo input_1000b '21 September 2004 ' ttt = RTrim(Cmd(48)) '20 September 2004 this changed things a bit??? ' GoTo Line_17055 ' GoTo auto_p3 '21 September 2004 End If '19 September 2004 If debug_photo Then '12 october 2002 ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING auto prompt #3" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If '26 November 2004 skip around this prompt is a control file switch took place last ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING auto prompt #3 search=" + temptemp + " tempdata=" + tempdata + " " + eofsw, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If eofsw = "YES" Then eofsw = "" '26 November 2004 ttt = Trim(temptemp) GoTo auto_p3 End If '26 November 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("testing 02 January 2005=" + temptemp + " tempdata=" + tempdata + " " + eofsw, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY line_26002a: '02 January 2005 If tempdata = "CONTROL" Or tempdata = "COMMAND" Then '26 November 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("(B) testing 02 January 2005=" + temptemp + " tempdata=" + tempdata + " " + eofsw, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ttt = Trim(temptemp) '26 November 2004 this will change to something photo or "a" etc tempdata = "" GoTo auto_p3 End If '26 November 2004 '21Jun2012 check If mixx = True Then ttt = "PHOTO" GoTo auto_p3 End If '30Jun2012b If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 7) = "BIGTEXT" Then ttt = "A" GoTo auto_p3 End If '21Jun2012 ttt = InputBox("<" + UCase(prompt2) + "> Search Selection:", "Search Prompt #3 " + TheFile, ttt, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' '19 December 2004 If Len(tt1) > 0 And Len(tt1) < 3 Then '19 December 2004 xtemp = ttt GoSub keypad_27500 ttt = xtemp End If '19 December 2004 If show_files_yn Then frmproj2.Caption = program_info + random_info + stretch_info '24 december 2002 auto_p3: ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #14)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'november 10 2001 needed with autoredraw ' temptemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING command_lineb==" + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 08 2001 autoredraw pair-3 ' xtemp = InputBox("TESTING DOUG" + ttt + "*" + search_prompt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 'november 6 2000 ' Me.MousePointer = vbHourglass '18 august 2002 parsez: 'january 12 2001 If Left(ttt, 2) = " " Then ttt = Mid(ttt, 2) GoTo parsez End If i = InStr(ttt, " ") If i = 0 Then GoTo noparsez ttt = Left(ttt, i - 1) + Mid(ttt, i + 1) GoTo parsez noparsez: Context_cnt = -1 'november 10 2000 '17 December 2004 add in the V or H prompt for insert If UCase(ttt) = "V" Or UCase(ttt) = "H" Then If Clipboard.GetFormat(vbCFText) Then ttt = Clipboard.GetText(vbCFText) End If '17 December 2004 End If '17 December 2004 If UCase(ttt) = "F" Then prompt2 = "C" SAVE_ttt = "F" mbxi = 1 'january 31 2001 GoTo line_26002 End If 'january 31 2001 If UCase(ttt) = "Q" Then prompt2 = "Q" SAVE_ttt = "Q" mbxi = 1 'december 17 2000 GoTo line_26002 End If 'december 2 2000 If UCase(ttt) = "C" Then prompt2 = "C" SAVE_ttt = "C" mbxi = 1 'december 29 2000 GoTo line_26002 End If 'december 2 2000 If prompt2 = "Q" And ttt <> "" Then qqq = ttt + "" End If If prompt2 = "Q" And ttt = "" Then qqq = "" End If 'november 6 2000 'november 6 2000 ' If prompt2 <> "Q" And ttt <> "d" Then ' ttt = UCase(ttt) 'november 25 2000 ' End If 'august 27/00 If ttt = "E" Or ttt = "e" Or ttt = "X" Or ttt = "x" Or ttt = "" Then GoTo line_26010 End If If ttt = "" Or ttt = "0" Or ttt = "1" Then TheSearch = AllSearch(1) ttt = TheSearch qqq = TheSearch GoTo line_26010 End If 'no entry default to first listed 'november 14 2000 the following stuff moved up to do_search area ' If UCase(ttt) = "XXX" Then ' extract_yes = "YES" 'november 12 2000 ' ExtFile = FreeFile '' Kill Cmd(19) ' DoEvents ' Open Cmd(19) For Output Access Write As #ExtFile '' Open Cmd(19) For Output As #ExtFile '' Print #ExtFile, "testing output" ' DoEvents ' line_len = 500 'on extract do not do any wraps??? ' GoTo line_26002 ' End If 'allow string length to determine search selection 'december 28 2000 comment out the 6 following lines ' If ttt = "11" Then GoTo line_26007 ' If Len(ttt) = 1 Then GoTo line_26007 ' If Len(ttt) = 2 And Left(ttt, 1) <> Mid(ttt, 2, 1) Then GoTo line_26007 ' If Len(ttt) >= 2 And Left(ttt, 1) = Mid(ttt, 2, 1) And Mid(ttt, 2, 1) = Mid(ttt, 3, 1) Then ' ttt = CStr(Len(ttt)) ' End If line_26007: save_line = "26007" 'december 28 2000 If Len(ttt) = 2 And ttt >= "10" And ttt < "21" Then GoTo line_26008 If Len(ttt) = 1 And ttt > "0" And ttt <= "9" Then GoTo line_26008 ' ttt = "" 'january 05 2001 GoTo line_26010 'december 28 2000 'did the code above so no numeric error trap would be needed line_26008: 'december 28 2000 commented out the 3 following lines ' If Val(ttt) < 2 Or Val(ttt) > 20 Then ' GoTo line_26010 ' End If TheSearch = AllSearch(Val(ttt)) ttt = TheSearch qqq = TheSearch line_26010: TheSearch = ttt '31 august 2002 ucase stuff below 'when all are numeric ie shifting cases makes no difference don't use uppercase otherwise do ie "Y" do_tab = 0 '05 october 2002 no need to check for tabs if search has no spaces If InStr(ttt, " ") > 0 Then do_tab = True '05 october 2002 If UCase(ttt) = ttt And LCase(ttt) = ttt Then uppercase = "N" ' temptemp = InputBox("TESTING ucase no" + prompt2 + p2p2 + SAVE_ttt + ttt + "*" + UCase(ttt) + "*" + LCase(ttt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If If UCase(ttt) <> ttt Or LCase(ttt) <> ttt Then uppercase = "Y" ' temptemp = InputBox("TESTING ucase yes" + prompt2 + p2p2 + SAVE_ttt + ttt + "*" + UCase(ttt) + "*" + LCase(ttt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If '31 august 2002 line_26020: 'store new search in search.txt save_line = "26020" FileFound = 0 For f = 1 To 20 If TheSearch = AllSearch(f) And Len(TheSearch) > 0 Then FileFound = f 'save location where search is End If Next f ' Print "TheSearch="; TheSearch ' tt1 = InputBox("continue", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If UCase(TheSearch) = "D" Then TheSearch = "" 'do not log D day searches End If If UCase(TheSearch) = "M" Then TheSearch = "" 'do not log M month searches End If If UCase(TheSearch) = "DD" Then TheSearch = "" 'do not log DD day searches End If If UCase(TheSearch) = "MM" Then TheSearch = "" 'do not log MM month searches End If If FileFound = 0 And TheSearch <> "" Then For f = 19 To 1 Step -1 AllSearch(f + 1) = AllSearch(f) Next f AllSearch(1) = TheSearch GoTo line_26050 End If 'new one add it to top of list If FileFound > 1 Then For f = FileFound - 1 To 1 Step -1 AllSearch(f + 1) = AllSearch(f) Next f AllSearch(1) = TheSearch GoTo line_26050 End If line_26050: save_line = "26050:" If auto_exe = "YES" Then GoTo line_26080 '04 September 2004 If InStr(Cmd(40), Left(App.Path, 3)) = 0 And Trim(Cmd(40)) <> "" Then '07Aug2012 no need for the following line message '07Aug2012 If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print " no search file update cmd(40)" '14Aug2011 this was annoying ' xtemp = InputBox("app.path" + App.Path + " not found or updated " + Cmd(40), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo line_26080 End If '20 july 2002 must be a writeable device in cmd(40) Kill Cmd(12) 'search strings save file FileFile = FreeFile Open Cmd(12) For Output As FileFile For f = 1 To 20 Print #FileFile, AllSearch(f) Next f line_26080: '20 july 2002 Close FileFile line_26090: 'return exit line TheSearch = "" Return OpenFile_27000: 'march 20/00 'search.txt is the last 20 search strings 'for display and selection save_line = "27000" FileFile = FreeFile Open Cmd(12) For Input As #FileFile Return keypad_27500: '19 December 2004 xtemp = UCase(xtemp) If xtemp = "M" Then xtemp = "1" If xtemp = "," Then xtemp = "2" If xtemp = "." Then xtemp = "3" If xtemp = "J" Then xtemp = "4" If xtemp = "K" Then xtemp = "5" If xtemp = "L" Then xtemp = "6" If xtemp = "U" Then xtemp = "7" If xtemp = "I" Then xtemp = "8" If xtemp = "O" Then xtemp = "9" If xtemp = "M " Then xtemp = "10" If xtemp = "MM" Then xtemp = "11" If xtemp = "M," Then xtemp = "12" If xtemp = "M." Then xtemp = "13" If xtemp = "MJ" Then xtemp = "14" If xtemp = "MK" Then xtemp = "15" If xtemp = "ML" Then xtemp = "16" If xtemp = "MU" Then xtemp = "17" If xtemp = "MI" Then xtemp = "18" If xtemp = "MO" Then xtemp = "19" If xtemp = ", " Then xtemp = "20" Return '19 December 2004 'control.txt control.txt control.txt information read into cmd elements here read control file ***vip*** Control_28000: 'april 20/00 update control file info read it in save_line = "28000" If InStr(UCase(aaa), "CONTROL==") <> 0 Then GoTo line_28005 '19 November 2004 If InStr(Cmd(40), Left(App.Path, 3)) = 0 And Trim(Cmd(40)) <> "" And SAVE_ttt <> "in" Then ' xtemp = InputBox("app.path" + App.Path + " control file not re-read " + Format(delay_sec, "###0.0000") + Cmd(40) + SAVE_ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' Print " no control file reread cmd(40)" frmproj2.Caption = " no control file reread cmd(40)" '19 November 2004 testing only GoTo line_28099 End If '20 july 2002 must be a writeable device in cmd(40) line_28005: '19 November 2004 allow re-read if in control file as it is just switching files ' xtemp = InputBox("app.path" + App.Path + " control file not re-read " + Format(delay_sec, "###0.0000") + Cmd(40) + SAVE_ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' FileFile = FreeFile CtrlFile = FreeFile ' Open "C:\control.txt" For Input As #FileFile Open control_file For Input As #CtrlFile line_28010: save_line = "28010" For f = 1 To 100 Line Input #CtrlFile, FFF Cmd(f) = FFF Next f 'all new elements should be read in and set to values here 'eventually moving them from the prompt area to here. '08 January 2004 slomo_seg slomo_seg = 0 slomo_seg = Val(Cmd(62)) If slomo_seg = 0 Then '21 March 2004 slomo_seg = 0.01667 slomo_seg = 0.01668 End If '08 January 2004 pad_time = 0 '21 March 2004 pad_time = Val(Cmd(64)) '21 March 2004 If pad_time = 0 Then '12Jan2018 disable pad_time = 30 End If '21 March 2004 '04 November 2003 have play_speed in control file play_speed = 1000 If Left(UCase(Cmd(61)), 8) = "SETSPEED" Then f = Len(Cmd(61)) - 8 play_speed = Val(Right(Cmd(61), f)) If play_speed = 0 Then play_speed = 1000 End If End If '04 November 2003 save_play_speed = play_speed '16 November 2003 '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 If Left(Cmd(55), 2) > "00" And Left(Cmd(55), 2) <= "99" Then Clear_Context_lines = Val(Left(Cmd(55), 2)) Else Clear_Context_lines = 0 '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 End If '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 '22 March 2003 ver=1.02 If UCase(Cmd(56)) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" Then Cmd(56) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" 'just to make sure all capitals detailyn = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004 Else detailyn = "noPHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004 End If '22 March 2003 ver=1.02 If UCase(Cmd(53)) = "SHOWVIDEO" Then videoyn = "SHOWVIDEO" Else videoyn = "NOSHOWVIDEO" End If '10 FEBRUARY 2003 If Left(UCase(Cmd(50)), 9) = "SHOWFILES" Then show_files_yn = True '24 december 2002 ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG 3 show_files_yn " + Cmd(50), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If '19Aug2011 Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM" '30Aug2022 nothing but trouble when left on If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) = "RANDOM" Or Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "SEQUENTIAL" Then Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM" If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 6) = "RANDOM" Then Cmd(49) = "RANDOM" ' xtemp = InputBox("testing random set " + Cmd(50), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If End If '12May2012 If (InStr(1, UCase(Cmd(45)), UCase(App.EXEName))) <> 0 Then auto_exe = "YES" '07 december 2002 '============================================================== random_info = "" '21 december 2002 If Left(UCase(Cmd(49)), 6) = "RANDOM" Then random_info = " (RANDOM)" '21 december 2002 rand = -1 'when multiples allowed as below remove this line '19 august 2003 try skipping the following line... for now '19 august 2003 If xxx_found = "NO" And text_pause <> True Then rand = 0 '19 january 2003 ' xtemp = InputBox("testing douga 19 august 2003 " + Cmd(50), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '19 august 2003 If xxx_found = "NO" Then rand = 0 '19 january 2003 End If '09 december 2002 '19 August 2003 If Cmd(49) <> "RANDOM" Then rand = 0 '09 december 2002 If Left(Cmd(49), 6) <> "RANDOM" Then rand = 0 '09 december 2002 '============================================================= rand1 = 0 '23 March 2004 If Left(UCase(Cmd(65)), 7) = "RANDBEG" Then rand1 = -1 End If '23 March 2004 thumb_nail = "NO" '14 April 2004 If Left(UCase(Cmd(67)), 5) = "THUMB" Then thumb_nail = "YES" End If '14 April 2004 save_line = "28020" Def_Fore = 15 'assign foreground to white Def_Fore = Cmd(4) Hold_Fore = Def_Fore '27 July 2003 sep = Cmd(6) 'search string seperator eg "/" or "." etc Set_Fore = 12 'assign set to red Set_Fore = 14 'try yellow Set_Fore = Cmd(5) line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) over_lap = Val(Cmd(13)) 'january 10 2001 ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt overlap=" + CStr(over_lap) + " " + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' If over_lap < 1 Then over_lap = 10 'january 10 2001 If Val(line_len) < 10 Then line_len = 82 End If Context_lines = Val(Cmd(22)) If Context_lines > 40 Then Context_lines = 40 'February 04 2001 If Context_lines < 1 Then Context_lines = 10 End If photo_copy = Cmd(23) 'march 17 2001 If Len(photo_copy) < 7 Then photo_copy = "d:\search\tempfold\" End If 'march 17 2001 ppaste = Cmd(24) 'allow for vvv paste in data entry gpaste = Cmd(25) 'allow for ggg paste in data entry ss_search = Cmd(26) If ss_search = "" Then ss_search = "PHOTO" screensave(1) = "PHOTO" End If delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) 'wait pause timing smlbud = Val(Cmd(85)) 'budge amount for video offset 17Dec2017 bigbud = Val(Cmd(86)) 'the skip amount in fast forward and budge in effect 17Dec2017 maxbud = Val(Cmd(87)) ' the total number of budge allowed 17Dec2017 ' If smlbud = 0 Then smlbud = 2 'budge amount not set in older control files 17Dec2017 hold_sec = delay_sec '22 March 2004 'demo don't allow them the privilege of changing display time If ddemo = "YES" Then delay_sec = 0 End If If delay_sec < 0 Then delay_sec = 4 '08 July 2003 what the heck is this for ***vip*** check it out End If xx1 = 8000 yy1 = 6500 ' If Test1_str = "P1" Then xx1 = Val(Cmd(17)) yy1 = Val(Cmd(18)) ' End If If xx1 < 100 Then xx1 = 8000 End If If yy1 < 100 Then yy1 = 6500 End If GoSub line_29100 'noshow routine GoSub line_29200 'screen saver routine ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) BackColor = QBColor(3) BackColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(3))) ' BackColor = QBColor(Rnd * 20) 'add some color 'it randomizes to black and can't see a thing?? MAX_CNT = 20 'IF FONT.SIZE CHANGES SO DOES THIS COUNT MAX_CNT = Val(Cmd(1)) Font.Size = 12 Font.Size = Val(Cmd(2)) photo_copy = Cmd(23) '14Jul2016 ' photo_copy = Val(Cmd(23)) 'march 17 2001 ' If back_cnt < 1 Then ' back_cnt = MAX_CNT ' End If If Cmd(29) = "" Then Cmd(29) = "12" End If If Val(Cmd(29)) < 1 Then Cmd(29) = "12" End If 'October 27 2000 AltColor = Val(Cmd(29)) If Cmd(30) <> "N" Then Cmd(30) = "Y" End If 'October 27 2000 'this was an attempt to get the problem with the Millennium ME software ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then Cls 'december 8 2000 ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then frmProj2.BorderStyle = 2 'december 8 2000 ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then frmProj2.MaxButton = True 'december 8 2000 ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then frmProj2.Caption = "Millennium" 'december 8 2000 ' If UCase(Cmd(30)) <> "Y" Then frmProj2.Height = 9005 'december 8 2000 hilite_this = Cmd(31) ' only hilites data not on matching line If Len(Cmd(32)) < 7 Then ' Cmd(32) = "c:\cript.txt" Cmd(32) = "cript.txt" 'december 3 2000 End If 'november 20 2000 cript_file = Cmd(32) If Cmd(33) = " " Then Cmd(33) = "" 'december 7 2000 context_win = Val(Cmd(34)) 'january 01 2001 If UCase(Cmd(38)) = "STRETCH" Then stretch_info = " (STRETCH)" '21 december 2002 stretch_img = "YES" img_ctrl = "YES" Else stretch_info = " (NORMAL)" '21 december 2002 stretch_img = "NO" img_ctrl = "NO" End If 'september 23 2001 auto_redraw = "NO" 'november 10 2001 frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 10 2001 autoredraw If UCase(Cmd(39)) = "AUTOREDRAW" Then auto_redraw = "YES" frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 10 2001 autoredraw End If 'november 10 2001 adjust_sec = Val(Cmd(59)) '29 September 2003 freeze_sec = Val(Cmd(60)) '01 October 2003 OffSet = 0 '02Nov2011 If Left(UCase(Cmd(83)), 8) = "OFFSET==" Then f = Len(Cmd(83)) - 8 OffSet = Val(Right(Cmd(83), f)) End If '02Nov2011 ' xtemp = InputBox("DOUG TESTING " + auto_redraw + Cmd(39) + "*", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If context_win < 3 Then context_win = 3 'january 01 2001 If context_win > MAX_CNT Then context_win = MAX_CNT 'january 01 2001 line_28099: '20 july 2002 Close CtrlFile Return replace_29000: 'August 10/00 search / replace sequence save_line = "29000" ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #15)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'clear screen If encript <> "RRR" Then GoTo line_29000a End If 'november 20 2000 criptcnt = 0 line_29000a: xtemp = Cmd(19) 'usually replace.txt GoSub line_16000 'get file name ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 5b =" + encript + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY temp2 = 0 ' DoEvents '27 October 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 5b1 =" + encript + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 OutFile = FreeFile '27 October 2004 this may be a problem for just the RRR function End If '27 October 2004 put the if around it just so things do not change Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 5b2 =" + encript + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If encript <> "RRR" Then GoTo line_29005 End If 'november 20 2000 If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 Line Input #BatchFile, case_yes ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 5c =" + case_yes + "=", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo skip_case End If '27 October 2004 case_yes = UCase(InputBox("Case sensitive change Y/N ", "Case sensitive Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)) skip_case: '27 October 2004 If case_yes <> "Y" Then case_yes = "N" End If line_29003: If case_yes = "Y" Then If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 6 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Line Input #BatchFile, in_str GoTo skip_in_str End If in_str = InputBox("String to change", "From string Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) skip_in_str: '27 October 2004 End If If case_yes <> "Y" Then If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 7 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Line Input #BatchFile, in_str ' in_str = UCase(in_str) GoTo skip_in_str1 End If in_str = UCase(InputBox("String to change", "From string Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)) skip_in_str1: '27 October 2004 End If '30 October 2004 this worked for blank lines comming in in the batch file. Now it does not do much else on blanks '30 October 2004 If in_str = "" Or Left(UCase(in_str), 4) = "END*" Then '03 November 2004 If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" And in_str = "" Then in_str = " " '30 October 2004 If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then temptemp = in_str '03 November 2004 check_tab: '03 November 2004 tt = InStr(temptemp, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs If tt = 0 Then GoTo past_tab End If in_str = Left(temptemp, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(temptemp, tt + 1) 'replace tab with spaces (consistancy of code too) GoTo check_tab past_tab: '03 November 2004 'temptemp needed here so that tabs elsewhere are not removed (only if tabs and spaces only on line) If Trim(in_str) = "" And in_str = temptemp Then ' frmproj2.Caption = " trim found " + CStr(criptcnt) '03 November 2004 testing only ' new_delay_sec = 5 '03 November 2004 testing only ' GoSub line_30300 '03 November 2004 testing only GoTo line_29003 '03 November 2004 End If '03 November 2004 End If If in_str = "" Or Left(UCase(in_str), 4) = "END*" Then ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 7a " + in_str, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo line_29005 End If Print in_str; " "; ' ttt1 = Len(in_str) If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 8 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' Line Input #BatchFile, out_str '03 November 2004 out_str = "nothing" '27 October 2004 testing only out_str = " " '03 November 2004 GoTo skip_out_str End If '27 October 2004 out_str = InputBox("New string", "To string Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) skip_out_str: '27 October 2004 ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 8a *" + out_str + "*", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If out_str = "" Or UCase(out_str) = "END*" Then ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 8b " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo line_29005 End If Print out_str If criptcnt Mod 20 = 0 Then frmproj2.Caption = " working- " + CStr(criptcnt) '28 October 2004 Cls End If '27 October 2004 clear the screen only criptcnt = criptcnt + 1 cript1(criptcnt) = in_str cript2(criptcnt) = out_str cript3(criptcnt) = Len(cript1(criptcnt)) ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 7aa " + CStr(criptcnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' II = Len(out_str) ' If Len(Cmd(19)) < 7 Then ' Cmd(19) = "c:\replace.txt" ' End If GoTo line_29003 line_29005: ' xtemp = InputBox("27 october 2004 TESTING 9 " + ttt, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If criptcnt = 0 Then GoTo line_29095 End If save_line = "29005" Kill FileExt line_29008: FileFile = FreeFile Open FileExt For Output Access Write As #FileFile ' criptcnt = 1 'november 18 2000 ' cript1(1) = in_str 'november 18 2000 ' cript2(1) = out_str 'november 18 2000 dblStart = Timer 'get the start time zzz_cnt = 0 line_29010: save_line = "29010" Line Input #OutFile, aaa line_29015: 'allow for the replacement right here february 10 2001 If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then GoTo line_29020 '27 October 2004 tt = InStr(aaa, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_29020 End If 'change any tabs to 4 spaces aaa = Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " + Mid(aaa, tt + 1) GoTo line_29015 'february 10 2001 if search and replace done do tabs line_29020: 'february 10 2001 save_line = "29020" '17Dec2017 If encript = "RRR" Then GoSub line_29300 'do line at a time november 18 2000 Else zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1 ' If zzz_cnt Mod 10000 = 0 Then If zzz_cnt Mod 10000 = 0 Then DoEvents 'december 06 2001 Print "working "; zzz_cnt; Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") End If GoSub line_29400 'do line at a time november 18 2000 End If yyy_cnt = yyy_cnt + 1 '28 October 2004 If yyy_cnt Mod 1000 = 0 Then '17dec2017 ' If yyy_cnt Mod 100 = 0 Then frmproj2.Caption = " working at " + CStr(yyy_cnt) + " of " + CStr(criptcnt) '28 October 2004 End If '27 October 2004 GoTo line_29010 line_29090: dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time Print " elap="; Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000") Print "rename "; FileExt; " as "; TheFile If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 frmproj2.Caption = " total matches " + CStr(criptcnt) '27 October 2004 new_delay_sec = 3 '27 October 2004 testing only GoSub line_30300 '27 October 2004 testing only tt1 = "N" GoTo skip_rename End If '27 October 2004 tt1 = UCase(InputBox("total changes=" + CStr(temp2) + " rename files Y/N ", "Rename Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)) 'TESTING ONLY skip_rename: '27 October 2004 If tt1 <> "N" Then tt1 = "Y" End If If UCase(tt1) = "N" Then Close FileFile, OutFile GoTo line_29095 End If Close FileFile, OutFile DoEvents save_line = "29092" ' Kill "c:\oldfile.txt" Kill "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000 DoEvents line_29093: ' tt1 = InputBox("minor pause", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY DoEvents ' Name TheFile As "c:\oldfile.txt" Name TheFile As "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000 DoEvents Name FileExt As TheFile 'rename files here if Y entered line_29095: DoEvents Return line_29100: 'noshow elements set up here save_line = "29100" For II = 1 To 10 noshow(II) = "" Next II If Len(Cmd(28)) < 3 Then GoTo line_29190 End If nocount = 0 temps = Cmd(28) + "" line_29150: save_line = "29150" tt = InStr(temps, " ") If tt = 1 Then temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - 1) GoTo line_29150 'strip out any leading spaces End If If tt = 0 Then If Len(temps) > 2 Then nocount = nocount + 1 noshow(nocount) = temps ' Print "noshow(a)="; "*"; noshow(nocount); "*"; aaa, nocount ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If GoTo line_29190 End If nocount = nocount + 1 noshow(nocount) = Left(temps, tt - 1) temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - tt) ' Print "noshow(b)="; "*"; noshow(nocount); "*"; aaa, nocount ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY GoTo line_29150 line_29190: save_line = "29190" For II = 1 To 10 If Len(noshow(II)) < 3 Then GoTo line_29199 End If temps = noshow(II) + "" tt = InStr(1, " ", temps) save_line = "29190a" If tt > 1 Then ttt1 = Len(temps) - tt tempss = Left(temps, ttt1) noshow(II) = tempss + "" 'strip off any trailing spaces End If line_29199: Next II For II = 1 To nocount ' noshow(II) = " " + UCase(noshow(II)) + " " noshow(II) = UCase(noshow(II)) ' Print "noshow(II)="; "*"; noshow(II); "*"; aaa, II ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 'put 1 space before and 1 after only Next II Return line_29200: 'screen saver logic here screencount = 0 save_line = "29200" For II = 1 To 10 screensave(II) = "" Next II If Len(Cmd(26)) < 3 Then GoTo line_29290 End If ' nocount = 0 temps = Cmd(26) + "" line_29250: save_line = "29250" tt = InStr(temps, " ") If tt = 1 Then temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - 1) GoTo line_29250 'strip out any leading spaces End If If tt = 0 Then If Len(temps) > 2 Then screencount = screencount + 1 screensave(screencount) = temps ' Print "screensave(a)="; "*"; screensave(screencount); "*"; aaa; screencount ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY End If GoTo line_29290 End If screencount = screencount + 1 screensave(screencount) = Left(temps, tt - 1) temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - tt) GoTo line_29250 line_29290: save_line = "29290" For II = 1 To 10 If Len(screensave(II)) < 3 Then GoTo line_29299 End If temps = screensave(II) + "" tt = InStr(1, " ", temps) save_line = "29290a" If tt > 1 Then ttt1 = Len(temps) - tt tempss = Left(temps, ttt1) screensave(II) = tempss + "" 'strip off any trailing spaces End If line_29299: Next II For II = 1 To screencount ' screensave(II) = " " + UCase(screensave(II)) + " " screensave(II) = UCase(screensave(II)) 'put 1 space before and 1 after only Next II Return line_29300: changes = "NO" 'december 2 2000 For tt = 1 To criptcnt ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing 444 *" + cript1(tt) + "*" + CStr(cript3(tt)) + " " + CStr(criptcnt) + " " + CStr(tt) '27 October 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 0.1 '27 October 2004 testing only ' GoSub line_30300 '27 October 2004 testing only III = 1 ' in_str = cript1(tt) ' out_str = cript2(tt) ' ttt1 = Len(in_str) ' II = Len(out_str) ' xtemp = Len(cript2(tt)) save_line = "29310" '17Dec2017 ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing 29310 *" + Len(Trim(aaa)) '17Dec2017 '17Dec2017 this line vvv is a problem error trapped at line 29310 JJ = Len(aaa) If case_yes = "Y" And Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 If aaa = cript1(tt) Then ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing 444a " + CStr(cript3(tt)) + " " + CStr(criptcnt) '27 October 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 1 '27 October 2004 testing only ' GoSub line_30300 '27 October 2004 testing only temp2 = temp2 + 1 'count of changes done aaa = " " cript1(tt) = "xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxy" '27 October 2004 clear it GoTo line_29399 '29 October 2004 End If '27 October 2004 End If '27 October 2004 If case_yes = "Y" And InStr(aaa, cript1(tt)) = 0 Then ' Print #FileFile, aaa GoTo line_29399 End If If case_yes = "N" And Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '27 October 2004 If UCase(aaa) = cript1(tt) Then ' frmproj2.Caption = " testing 444aa " + CStr(cript3(tt)) + " " + CStr(criptcnt) '27 October 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 1 '27 October 2004 testing only ' GoSub line_30300 '27 October 2004 testing only temp2 = temp2 + 1 'count of changes done aaa = " " cript1(tt) = "xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxy" '27 October 2004 clear it GoTo line_29399 '29 October 2004 End If '27 October 2004 End If '27 October 2004 If case_yes = "N" And InStr(UCase(aaa), cript1(tt)) = 0 Then ' Print #FileFile, aaa GoTo line_29399 End If line_29320: If case_yes = "Y" Then II = InStr(III, aaa, cript1(tt)) Else II = InStr(III, UCase(aaa), cript1(tt)) End If If II = 0 Then ' Print #FileFile, aaa GoTo line_29399 End If III = II + 1 '27 October 2004 here do some checking aaa = Left(aaa, II - 1) + cript2(tt) + Right(aaa, JJ + 1 - II - cript3(tt)) JJ = Len(aaa) 'november 13 2000 ' Print aaa ' Print tt, JJ, cript3(tt), II ' tt1 = InputBox("testing", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' If UCase(tt1) = "X" Then ' GoTo line_29090 ' End If temp2 = temp2 + 1 'count of changes done changes = "YES" 'december 2 2000 GoTo line_29320 line_29399: Next tt '17Dec2017 comment end of loop If changes = "YES" And crlf = "NO" Then Print #FileFile, aaa; Else If Left(UCase(Cmd(71)), 11) = "BATCHFILE==" Then '03 November 2004 If Len(Trim(aaa)) < 1 Then Else Print #FileFile, aaa End If '03 November 2004 Else Print #FileFile, aaa End If '03 November 2004 keep all the blank lines from being put to output file End If 'do not print crlf if sss requested 'instead of rrr ie for the From: 'change december 2 2000 Return line_29400: 'november 19 2000 ' For tt = 1 To criptcnt ' cript3(tt) = Len(cript1(tt)) ' Next tt ' save_line = "29400" tt1 = "" 'the output string after translation '17Dec2017 same error here... save_line = "29400" '17dec2017 JJ = Len(aaa) line_29410: FFF = "" 'indicate if search string found. xtemp = Left(aaa, 1) For tt = 1 To criptcnt ' in_str = cript1(tt) ' out_str = cript2(tt) ' ttt1 = Len(in_str) ' If cript3(tt) > JJ Then 'november 23 2000 ' GoTo line_29450 'more characters than in string november 23 2000 ' End If 'november 23 2000 ' If case_yes = "N" Then GoTo line_29430 ' If cript3(tt) = 1 And xtemp <> cript1(tt) Then GoTo line_29450 'november 23 2000 ' If Left(aaa, cript3(tt)) <> cript1(tt) Then november 23 2000 see following line ' If Left(aaa, 1) <> cript1(tt) Then If xtemp <> cript1(tt) Then GoTo line_29450 End If ' GoTo line_29440 'line_29430: ' If cript3(tt) = 1 And UCase(xtemp) <> UCase(cript1(tt)) Then GoTo line_29450 ' If UCase(Left(aaa, cript3(tt))) <> UCase(cript1(tt)) Then ' GoTo line_29450 ' End If line_29440: ' aaa = Right(aaa, JJ - cript3(tt)) 'november 23 2000 aaa = Right(aaa, JJ - 1) FFF = "Y" GoTo line_29460 line_29450: Next tt line_29460: If FFF <> "Y" Then tt1 = tt1 + Left(aaa, 1) If JJ > 1 Then aaa = Right(aaa, JJ - 1) Else aaa = "" End If Else temp2 = temp2 + 1 tt1 = tt1 + cript2(tt) End If ' JJ = Len(aaa) 'november 23 2000 JJ = JJ - 1 If JJ > 0 Then GoTo line_29410 End If If encript <> "MYSTUF" Then Print #FileFile, tt1 Else aaa = tt1 End If Return line_29500: save_line = "29500" FileFile = FreeFile Open FileExt For Input As #FileFile temp2 = 0 criptcnt = 0 save_line = "29510" line_29510: Line Input #FileFile, aaa temp2 = temp2 + 1 Line Input #FileFile, tt1 temp2 = temp2 + 1 criptcnt = criptcnt + 1 If encript = "CRIPT" Then cript1(criptcnt) = aaa cript2(criptcnt) = tt1 Else cript1(criptcnt) = tt1 cript2(criptcnt) = aaa End If GoTo line_29510 line_29520: save_line = "29520" Close #FileFile For tt = 1 To criptcnt cript3(tt) = Len(cript1(tt)) Next tt 'tempss = InputBox("cript.txt read" + CStr(criptcnt), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Return 'november 20 2000 read in the encription file info. 'timer subroutine set delay_sec to seconds to hold wait sleep line_30000: DoEvents 'january 23 2002 If delay_sec < 1 Then ' tempss = InputBox("testing delay" + Format(delay_sec, "###0.000"), , , 4400, 4500) 'january 23 2002 '04 february 2003 comment out below want to set WAIT=0 for avi file displays ' If delay_sec < 0.0001 Then delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '02 may 2002 If delay_sec < 0.00001 Then GoTo line_30020 End If '29 September 2003 add or subtract amount in cmd() to delay_sec If adjust_sec <> 0 Then delay_sec = delay_sec + adjust_sec End If '29 September 2003 temp_cnt1 = 0 '12 April 2004 line_30005: '12 April 2004 If slomo = False And mpg_file = "YES" Then i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '19 March 2004 temp_cnt = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '19 March 2004 '12 April 2004 If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) >= temp_cnt + 0.01 Then '14 April 2004 this is where a problem cropped up (just adding 0.1 fixed it??) '14 April 2004 If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) >= temp_cnt + 0.01 And temp_cnt > temp_cnt1 Then ' If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) >= temp_cnt + 0.01 And temp_cnt + 0.1 > temp_cnt1 Then If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) >= temp_cnt Then '23Jan2018 the end of the drag race videos were not showing fixed DoEvents '10 April 2004 allow for interrupt in full speed video.... temp_cnt1 = temp_cnt '12 April 2004 GoTo line_30005 End If i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) mpg_file = "NO" '24 March 2004 DoEvents ' frmproj2.Caption = "test 24 March 2004 " + CStr(line_start_point) + " " + CStr(delay_sec * 1000) + " " + CStr(temp_cnt) '24 March 2004 ' tempss = InputBox("testing delay" + Format(delay_sec, "###0.000"), , , 4400, 4500) 'january 23 2002 GoTo line_30020 '24 March 2004... End If line_30012: ' If slomo <> True Then '08 January 2004 so when enter hit it will be in the pause routine ' DoEvents '03 november 2002 turn off when debugging problems etc ' DoEvents '23 September 2003 add another just for more sharing... ' End If '08 January 2004 just the if statement around the doevents added '24 March 2004 2004====================================== '15Nov2011 If slomo Then 'the if slomo = true loop here ***vip***slomo ***hint*** '15Nov2011 this made it work for a again and full speed otherwise it was playing slowmo 2nd time If slomo And play_speed <> 1000 Then 'the if slomo = true loop here ***vip***slomo line_30012a: i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) DoEvents '26Apr2012might want to skip this one because background jobs could hog and cause extended play temp3 = InStr(vs, Chr$(0)) '10 April 2004 ' temp_cnt = Val(Left(vs, temp3 - 1)) '10 April 2004 temp_cnt = Val(vs) ' '10 April 2004 temp_cnt = Val(vs) If temp_cnt < last_vs + pad_time Then GoTo line_30012a tempdata = CStr(temp_cnt) last_vs = Val(vs) If replay_yn = True Then If temp_cnt >= replay_pos Then ' tempss = InputBox("testing replay position " + CStr(temp_cnt), , , 4400, 4500) '10 April 2004 play_speed = hold_speed '10 April 2004 replay_yn = False '10 April 2004 End If End If '10 April 2004 If UCase(Left(Cmd(63), 8)) = "SHOWELAP" Then DoEvents ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (Replay by Spectate Swamp) " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '18 February 2004 '12Mar2012 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " (by Spectate Swamp) " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '18 February 2004 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " elapsed** " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '18 February 2004 DoEvents tempdata = "" End If If begin = "YES" And line_start_point > temp_cnt Then GoTo line_30016 '15Sep2011 If begin_point <> 0 And temp_cnt < line_start_point Then GoTo line_30016 '20Sep2011 If resume_str = "NO" Then GoTo line_30016 '25Sep2011 == 'every once in a while it would not do the resume so I added the -50 below ' If resume_str = "YES" And temp_cnt >= line_start_point + delay_sec * 1000 - 50 Then If resume_str = "YES" And temp_cnt >= line_start_point + delay_sec * 1000 Then '23Jan2018 play_speed = 1000 '25Sep2011 save_play_speed = 1000 '25Sep2011 '23Jan2018 delay_sec = 1000 '25Sep2011 resume_str = "NO" '25Sep2011 GoTo line_30016 '25Sep2011 End If '25Sep2011 i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) DoEvents new_delay_sec = (1000 / play_speed) * (pad_time / 1000) ' frmproj2.Caption = "test 24 March 2004 " + CStr(new_delay_sec) '24 February 2004 motion_in = Timer '01 March 2004 changed from slomo_in etc line_30012b: 'try and slow the delay for character pause. it would not do less than 1/10 sec or so? If new_delay_sec > 0.02 Then '05 February 2008 DoEvents motion_out = Timer If motion_out + 43200 < motion_in Then motion_in = motion_in - 86400 End If If motion_out - motion_in < new_delay_sec Then GoTo line_30012b End If Else ' 05 February 2008 temp_cnt1 = Int(new_delay_sec * 100000) For temp_cnt = 1 To temp_cnt1 For II = 1 To 10 DoEvents Next II Next temp_cnt End If '05 February 2008 '26 March 2004 try and back it up a bit before resume. that should make it even slower... ' i = mciSendString("seek video1 " + CStr(last_vs - pad_time), 0&, 0, 0) '26 March 2004 i = mciSendString("resume video1", 0&, 0, 0) line_30016: '15Sep2011 DoEvents End If 'end of "If slomo = true then ***vip***slomo ***hint*** If resume_str = "YES" And temp_cnt >= line_start_point + delay_sec * 1000 Then slomo = False '25Sep2011 'If again_str = "DONE" And temp_cnt < line_start_point + delay_sec * 1000 Then slomo = False '14Nov2011 DoEvents '09 March 2004 ' slomo = True '19 March 2004 just so that full speed ie=1000 will get the elapsed displayed ' slomo = True '14 April 2004 testing only 'handy for testing too If slomo Then DoEvents '16 March 2004 i = mciSendString("status video1 position", vs, 255, 0) '04 March 2004 temp_double = Val(Trim(vs)) '18 March 2004 tempdata = CStr(temp_double) '17 March 2004 If temp_double < 1 Then '14Jan2012 xtemp = InputBox(" test 18 March 2004 " + CStr(line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000)) + " > " + Trim(vs), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) End If '18 March 2004 DoEvents '13 April 2004 need to check temp_cnt against video_length here and ship out meebee If temp_double >= video_length - 100 Then GoTo line_30020 End If '13 April 2004 If line_start_point + (delay_sec * 1000) <= Val(vs) + 0.01 Then ' xtemp = InputBox(" test 24 March 2004 " + CStr(line_start_point) + " " + CStr((line_delay_sec * 1000)) + " <= " + Trim(vs), , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'test GoTo line_30020 Else GoTo line_30012 End If End If '04 March 2004 ' 14 January 2004 test show the play_speed here??? ' xtemp = InputBox(" test 14 january 2004 " + CStr(play_speed), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'test GoTo line_30020 'january 23 2002 ie just skip the logic below every time line_30018: 'february 08 2002 deactivated as above ampm = "" temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'start timer time ' Print "start timeer="; temps temp1 = InStr(2, temps, " ") temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1) 'just the hrs and minutes temp1 = InStr(2, temps, "M") 'check if US format If temp1 <> 0 Then ' Print tt, JJ, ttt1 ' tt1 = InputBox("PM AM found", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY temp2 = InStr(2, temps, "PM") If temp2 <> 0 Then ampm = "PM" End If If temp2 = 0 Then ampm = "AM" End If temps = Left(temps, Len(temps) - 3) 'strip of AM PM End If temp1 = InStr(1, temps, ":") hhour = Left(temps, temp1 - 1) temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1) temp1 = InStr(1, temps, ":") mminute = Left(temps, temp1 - 1) ssecond = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1) hhhour = Val(hhour) mmminute = Val(mminute) sssecond = Val(ssecond) If ampm = "PM" Then hhhour = hhhour + 12 End If temp11 = hhhour * 3600 + mmminute * 60 + sssecond 'moved from below march 14 2001 line_30010: DoEvents '03 november 2002 turn off when debugging (other jobs on computer ??) save_line = "30010" ampm = "" temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'current time temp1 = InStr(2, temps, " ") temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1) 'just the hrs and minutes temp1 = InStr(2, temps, "M") 'check if US format If temp1 <> 0 Then temp2 = InStr(2, temps, "PM") If temp2 <> 0 Then ampm = "PM" End If If temp2 = 0 Then ampm = "AM" End If temps = Left(temps, Len(temps) - 3) 'strip of AM PM End If temp1 = InStr(1, temps, ":") hhour = Left(temps, temp1 - 1) temps = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1) temp1 = InStr(1, temps, ":") mminute = Left(temps, temp1 - 1) ssecond = Right(temps, Len(temps) - temp1) chhour = Val(hhour) cmminute = Val(mminute) cssecond = Val(ssecond) If ampm = "PM" Then chhour = chhour + 12 End If If chhour < hhhour Then chhour = chhour + 23 End If ' If cmminute < mmminute Then 'march 14 2001 cmminute = cmminute + 59 ' End If ' If cssecond < sssecond Then 'march 14 2001 cssecond = cssecond + 59 ' End If ' temp1 = hhhour * 3600 + mmminute * 60 + sssecond 'could move this out of the loop? temp2 = chhour * 3600 + cmminute * 60 + cssecond ' If temp2 < temp1 + delay_sec Then 'march 14 2001 If temp2 < temp11 + delay_sec Then GoTo line_30010 End If ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'clear any picture line_30020: '17Dec2017 **hint** budge needs similar logic as the again but just again and again.... ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " budging***** " + budge_str + " " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '06Jan2018 '11Jan2018 budge_str = "YES" '07Jan2018 test only totbud = 0 '11Jan2018 If budge_str = "YES" Then '06Jan2018 line_30022: i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '07Jan2018 totbud = totbud + 1 If totbud >= maxbud Then GoTo line_30023 ' frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " budging***** " + budge_str + " " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '06Jan2018 'testtest = "resume_str=" + resume_str + " motion_yn=" + motion_yn + " start_point=" + CStr(start_point) + " keep_line_start_point=" + CStr(keep_line_start_point) + " begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " keep_line_delay_sec=" + CStr(keep_line_delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("again info " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' temp_cnt = 0 '08Nov2011 '28Dec2011 these 2 caused trouble line_start_point = keep_line_start_point '08Nov2011 '28Dec2011 these 2 caused trouble start_point = keep_line_start_point '08Nov2011 14nov2011 remove comment out '25Feb2012 the problem was that wait=?? needed to be added in the catalog function whoo hoo ' start_point = keep_line_start_point '25Feb2012 '15Dec2011 start_point = 10 '08Nov2011 14Nov2011 remove comment out tempdata = String(totbud, "*") '09Jan2018 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " budging== " + tempdata + " " + budge_str + " " + CStr(begin_point) + " of " + CStr(video_length) + " " + tempdata '06Jean2018 ' temptemp = InputBox("07 January 2018 test ", "budge " + CStr(totbud), , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) '07Jan2018 last_vs = 0 '08Nov2011? this was one of the problems yahoo ' begin = keep_begin_point + (totbud * smlbud) '08Nov2011 '15Dec2011 mess with these settings it does not see the start== point somehow on the 2nd one (wait=?? fixed it) ' begin_point = keep_line_start_point + (totbud * smlbud) '07Jan2018 begin_point = keep_begin_point + (totbud * smlbud) '07Jan2018 resume_str = keep_resume_str '08Nov2011 play_speed = keep_play_speed '08Nov2011 ' play_speed = save_play_speed '14Nov2011 keep_slomo = True '14Nov2011 force for normal speed without it craps?? ' keep_play_speed = 1000 '14Nov2011 force this to test save_play_speed = keep_play_speed '08Nov2011 slomo = keep_slomo '08Nov2011 line_delay_sec = keep_line_delay_sec '08Nov2011 delay_sec = keep_line_delay_sec '08Nov2011 ' delay_sec = 3 '25Feb2012 testing set it on the line if it works ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(begin_point), 0&, 0&, 0&) frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " budging******** " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '06Jan2018 i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(begin_point), 0&, 100, 100) '08Nov2011 not having the " wait" allows for CR to interrupt the video otherwise it plays straight through ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(begin_point) + " wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens GoTo line_30012 '08Nov2011 line_30023: ' i = mciSendString("pause video1", 0&, 0, 0) '11Jan2018 frmproj2.Caption = LCase(temptemp) + " budging***** " + tempdata + " of " + CStr(video_length) '06Jan2018 ' temptemp = InputBox("07 January 2018 test ", "budge " + CStr(totbud), , xx1 - 5000, yy1 - 5000) '07Jan2018 totbud = 0 '06Jan2018 GoTo line_30012 '06Jan2018 End If '08Nov2011 If again_str = "YES" Then '08Nov2011 'testtest = "resume_str=" + resume_str + " motion_yn=" + motion_yn + " start_point=" + CStr(start_point) + " keep_line_start_point=" + CStr(keep_line_start_point) + " begin_point=" + CStr(begin_point) + " play_speed=" + CStr(play_speed) + " slomo=" + CStr(slomo) + " keep_line_delay_sec=" + CStr(keep_line_delay_sec) + " " '08Nov2011 teststring ' testtest = InputBox("again info " + testtest, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 again_str = "DONE" ' temp_cnt = 0 '08Nov2011 '28Dec2011 these 2 caused trouble line_start_point = keep_line_start_point '08Nov2011 '28Dec2011 these 2 caused trouble start_point = keep_line_start_point '08Nov2011 14nov2011 remove comment out '25Feb2012 the problem was that wait=?? needed to be added in the catalog function whoo hoo ' start_point = keep_line_start_point '25Feb2012 '15Dec2011 start_point = 10 '08Nov2011 14Nov2011 remove comment out last_vs = 0 '08Nov2011? this was one of the problems yahoo begin = keep_begin '08Nov2011 '15Dec2011 mess with these settings it does not see the start== point somehow on the 2nd one (wait=?? fixed it) begin_point = keep_begin_point '08Nov2011 resume_str = keep_resume_str '08Nov2011 play_speed = keep_play_speed '08Nov2011 ' play_speed = save_play_speed '14Nov2011 keep_slomo = True '14Nov2011 force for normal speed without it craps?? ' keep_play_speed = 1000 '14Nov2011 force this to test save_play_speed = keep_play_speed '08Nov2011 slomo = keep_slomo '08Nov2011 line_delay_sec = keep_line_delay_sec '08Nov2011 delay_sec = keep_line_delay_sec '08Nov2011 ' delay_sec = 3 '25Feb2012 testing set it on the line if it works i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(begin_point), 0&, 0&, 0&) '08Nov2011 not having the " wait" allows for CR to interrupt the video otherwise it plays straight through ' i = mciSendString("play video1 from " + CStr(begin_point) + " wait", 0&, 0, 0) 'this is where the display happens GoTo line_30012 '08Nov2011 End If '08Nov2011 '16 August 2004 If motion_yn <> "YES" Then '16 August 2004 new_delay_sec = delay_sec '16 August 2004 GoSub line_30300 '16 August 2004 End If '16 August 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = "delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) '16 August 2004 last_vs = 0 delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '25 July 2003 DoEvents '03 november 2002 deactivate when in debug mode for more control?? Return Return line_30300: 'mini timer routine 26 February 2004 frmproj2.Caption = " save_line " + save_line + " delay_sec=" + CStr(delay_sec) '03mar2017 motion_in = Timer '01 March 2004 changed from slomo_in etc line_30316: 'try and slow the delay for character pause. it would not do less than 1/10 sec or so? If new_delay_sec > 0.02 Then '05 February 2008 DoEvents motion_out = Timer If motion_out + 43200 < motion_in Then motion_in = motion_in - 86400 End If If motion_out - motion_in < new_delay_sec Then GoTo line_30316 End If Else ' 05 February 2008 temp_cnt1 = Int(new_delay_sec * 100000) For temp_cnt = 1 To temp_cnt1 For II = 1 To 10 DoEvents Next II Next temp_cnt End If '05 February 2008 Return '26 February 2004 ' W R I T E C O N T R O L . T X T H E R E **hint** 'control.txt control control.txt control.txt control.txt control control file here 'create control file open for output etc 'write to the control file here line_30500: 'november 03 2000 control.txt and control1.txt file create print save_line = "30500" If visual_impared <> "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "34" ' lines per page 1 End If If visual_impared = "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "11" ' lines per page 1 End If If visual_impared <> "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "12" ' font size 2 End If If visual_impared = "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "36" ' font size 2 End If If visual_impared <> "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "3" ' aqua background color 3 End If If visual_impared = "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "6" ' purple 3 background color 6=brown or gold End If If visual_impared <> "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "15" ' white text color 4 End If If visual_impared = "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "15" ' white text color 4 End If 'midway4 thru the program appx'================================================================================== Print #FileFile, "14" ' Hi-lite color yellow 15Aug2022 ' Print #FileFile, "12" ' Hi-lite color red Print #FileFile, "/" ' seperator chr 6 Print #FileFile, "dateno" ' or dateyes 7 Print #FileFile, "c:\windows\explorer.exe" 'jpg 8 most have this file... ' Print #FileFile, "c:\winnt\explorer.exe" 'jpg 8 '17 october 2002 made the change below to prevent system from crashing without explorer 'see "photo 6b-1" display ' Print #FileFile, "c:\program files\accessories\wordpad.exe" 'jpg 8 17 october 2002 Print #FileFile, "c:\PROGRAM FILES\ACCESSORIES\MSPAINT.EXE" ' bmp disp 9 Print #FileFile, "c:\PROGRAM FILES\ACCESSORIES\WORDPAD.EXE" ' text chg 10 ' Print #FileFile, "c:\PROGRAM FILES\windows nt\ACCESSORIES\WORDPAD.EXE" ' text chg 10 ' Print #FileFile, "c:\files.txt" ' Files 11 ' Print #FileFile, "c:\search.txt" ' search 12 ' Print #FileFile, "c:\temp.txt" 'displayed 13 Print #FileFile, "files.txt" ' Files 11 december 3 2000 Print #FileFile, "search.txt" ' search 12 december 3 2000 Print #FileFile, "10" 'over_lap on line_len january 10 2001 13 Print #FileFile, "enterdateyes" 'start date on 14 Print #FileFile, "exitdateno" 'end date on 15 Print #FileFile, "C:\PROGRAM FILES\Microsoft Office\Office\MSPUB.EXE" 'default drive 3 16 Print #FileFile, "13000" 'xx1 P1 prompt 17 Print #FileFile, "10700" 'yy1 P1 prompt 18 ' Print #FileFile, "c:\replace.txt" 'search replace 19 Print #FileFile, "replace.txt" 'search replace 19 december 3 2000 Print #FileFile, "WW" 'option default 20 see item cmd(42) If visual_impared <> "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "175" 'wrap line length 21 End If If visual_impared = "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "55" 'wrap line length 21 End If If visual_impared <> "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "16" 'context lines 22 End If If visual_impared = "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "3" 'context lines 22 End If 'when adding new elements to the control.txt file add the detail notes here comment it well Print #FileFile, "d:\search\tempfold\" 'photo copy directory 23 march 17 2001 Print #FileFile, "xxx.c:\family1\scn000" 'vvv paste string on entry 24 Print #FileFile, " photo 1980 " 'ggg paste string on entry 25 Print #FileFile, "photo" 'search string for screen saver 26 Print #FileFile, "3" 'default sleep time for screen saver 27 Print #FileFile, "noshow mpotj" ' no show element skip pics with these 28 Print #FileFile, "14" ' 15Aug2022 ' Print #FileFile, "12" ' 29 secondary display color line green 10 (12 = red) Print #FileFile, "Y" ' 30 close out form Y/N Print #FileFile, "xxx." ' 31 if this exists hilite it hilite_this ' Print #FileFile, "c:\cript.txt" 'encription control file 32 Print #FileFile, "cript.txt" 'encription control file 32 december 3 2000 Print #FileFile, "PHOTO" ' default search string on start 33 was "D" before Print #FileFile, "5" ' context extract window in lines of display january 01 2001 34 Print #FileFile, "c:\" ' 35 the input directory for the gf option '19 September 2004 Print #FileFile, "ALL" ' 36 jpg bmp tif etc etc Print #FileFile, "MPG" ' 36 jpg bmp tif etc etc Print #FileFile, "MPEG_VIDEOS.txt" ' 37 using gf to get files they are catalogued here Print #FileFile, "nostretch" ' 38 stretch or normal display p1 or p2 Print #FileFile, "noautoredraw" ' 39 allows for screen refresh between sessions '07Aug2012 Print #FileFile, "A:\ B:\ C:\ D:\ E:\ F:\ G:\ H:\ I:\" ' 40 Cmd(40) allow for program to run from a non writeable cd (if app.path 17Sep2010 add everything besides a: and c: clear to disable cd and dvd updates ***vip*** '07Aug2012 default to non update for most devices c is ok but this is just simpler Print #FileFile, "A:\ B:\ C:\ D:\" ' 40 Cmd(40) allow for program to run from a non writeable cd (if app.path 17Sep2010 add everything besides a: and c: clear to disable cd and dvd updates ***vip*** 'not in list then don't update files or search or control files '20 july 2002 Print #FileFile, "WW" '41 cmd(41) if photo file default to this as option prompt#2 Print #FileFile, "C" '42 cmd(42) if text file default to this as option prompt #2 Print #FileFile, "c:\winnt\explorer.exe" '43 see #8 above Print #FileFile, "c:\PROGRAM FILES\windows nt\ACCESSORIES\WORDPAD.EXE" ' 44 see #10 above If visual_impared <> "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "SEQUENTIAL RANDOM MANUAL" ' 45 AUTO RUN PROGRAM CHECK MULTIPLE NAMES ALLOWED HERE End If If visual_impared = "YES" Then Print #FileFile, "SEQUENTIAL" ' 45 AUTO RUN PROGRAM CHECK MULTIPLE NAMES ALLOWED HERE End If '26Jun2012 Print #FileFile, "SEQUENTIAL RANDOM MANUAL" ' 45 AUTO RUN PROGRAM CHECK MULTIPLE NAMES ALLOWED HERE Print #FileFile, "MPEG_VIDEOS.TXT" ' 46 FIRST PROMPT FILE SELECT IE #1 FILE Print #FileFile, "WW" ' 47 SEARCH OPTIONS allow for "TT2.5 RAND P2 WW" Print #FileFile, "PHOTO" ' 48 SEARCH STRING FOR AUTO RUN Print #FileFile, "NORANDOM" ' 49 RANDOM OR NORANDOM ON THE PHOTO SEARCH 09 december 2002 Print #FileFile, "SHOWFILES" ' 50 ON MERGED FILES SHOW OR NOT THE FILE NAME IN THE CAPTION AREA Print #FileFile, "1084" ' 51 avi file size x Print #FileFile, "800" ' 52 avi file size y Print #FileFile, "SHOWVIDEO" ' 53 set to SHOWVIDEO if avi installed 10 february 2003 Print #FileFile, "SHOWDUPS" ' 54 28 FEBRUARY 2003 'vvversion make changes here to add to the control files... Print #FileFile, "00" ' 55 Context Clear line count 18 march 2003 ver=1.01 Print #FileFile, "noPHOTO_DETAIL" ' 56 Display photo detail info on pictures must be normal not stretch ie image control element '11Feb2017 default to photo detail for overprint of pictures with text 'ver=1.02 above photo_detail Print #FileFile, "noSHOWTIME" ' 57 ver=1.03 time display on off switch Print #FileFile, "DEFAULT_TO_CD" ' 58 ver=1.06 if set then default to cd over-ride drive # 21Sep2010 change from noDEFAULT_TO_CD Print #FileFile, "0.00" ' 59 Adjust wait time by this value Print #FileFile, "0.00" ' 60 freeze_sec if set for mpeg files only Print #FileFile, "SETSPEED1000" ' 61 to allow for switching set speed option off 30 October 2003 1000 = full speed 500=1/2 Print #FileFile, "0.01668" ' 62 slow motion segment length (with 0.01667 play for 2 hundredths) Print #FileFile, "SHOWELAP" ' 63 show the elapsed time of a video (slomo only). 11 February 2004 Print #FileFile, "0" ' 64 21 March 2004 pad / add to elapsed amount 30 50 100 etc Print #FileFile, "noRANDBEG" ' 65 23 March 2004 randomly generate a begin point for mpg play Print #FileFile, "125" ' 66 10 April 2004 the speed for the replay of a paused video Print #FileFile, "noTHUMB" ' 67 14 April 2004 have as a control (handy to run CD's with rand & thumb) Print #FileFile, "noEOF_STOP" ' 68 12 September 2004 (WW)allow for backgrd jobs to halt after 1 pass cmd(68) Print #FileFile, "noHIT_STOP" ' 69 17 September 2004 (PP)allow for backgrd jobs to halt after first match Print #FileFile, "noFOREGROUND" ' 70 17 September 2004 have the second job get focus ie Foreground & hi-lited Print #FileFile, "noBATCHFILE==BATCHFILE.TXT" ' 71 27 October 2004 allow for batch input especially for rrr search and replace Print #FileFile, "noRESULTS.TXT" ' 72 08 November 2004 save a play list for video, pics, music handy to check previously played segment. Print #FileFile, "noFILESWITCH" ' 73 22 November 2004 when control file switches switch the file too? Print #FileFile, "noEOFCMD==CHGFILE.TXT" ' 74 26 November 2004 on end of file go to this file instead of loop Print #FileFile, "VIDEOSTOP" ' 75 12 December 2004 used for dvd and cds do not allow interrupt use the wait command Print #FileFile, "noLINEPAUSE==0.65" ' 76 24 December 2004 on each print line allow for a delay per line (like scrolling text) Print #FileFile, "noCHARACTERPAUSE==.0333" ' 77 03 January 2005 allow for characters to be displayed 1 at a time if easy Print #FileFile, "HTM, FRM, CLS, " ' 78 07 January 2005 allow other text type formats to be merged. Print #FileFile, "By Faster than Sight" ' 79 11Jun2010 display at the top of the video screen Print #FileFile, "PROMPTDETAILS" ' 80 11Jun2010 hide the prompt details if large font slowed text display Print #FileFile, "noRAND_GROUP" ' 81 27Aug2010 When in random mode and rand_group play videos randomly by group ie barrel racer etc Print #FileFile, "SEQUENTIAL MANUAL" ' 82 19Aug2011 allow for the file to use control1.txt similar to cmd(45) Print #FileFile, "noOFFSET==-0.5000" ' 83 02Nov2011 The offset value for video playback -1000 is one second before the start==value 01Oct2011 Print #FileFile, "d:\bad_mp3\" ' 84 14Jul2016 photo copy directory for mci error see cmd(23) for other default Print #FileFile, "003" ' 85 17Dec2017 smlbud the video option to move 3/1000 second and much more or les Print #FileFile, "0300" ' 86 17Dec2017 bigbud the video option to do fast forward with smlbud Print #FileFile, "011" ' 87 17Dec2017 maxbud the number of times the smlbud plays 60 is a lot... Print #FileFile, "" ' 88 Print #FileFile, "" ' 89 Print #FileFile, "" ' 90 Print #FileFile, "" ' 91 Print #FileFile, "" ' 92 Print #FileFile, "" ' 93 Print #FileFile, "" ' 94 Print #FileFile, "" ' 95 Print #FileFile, "" ' 96 Print #FileFile, "" ' 97 Print #FileFile, "" ' 98 Print #FileFile, "" ' 99 Print #FileFile, "" ' 100 Close FileFile Return line_30600: 'january 09 2001 'crop incomming file to 120 or some other line length xtemp = Cmd(19) GoSub line_16000 ' save_line = "16100-7" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_16100 'january 09 2001 crop_len = Val(Cmd(21)) - 2 'the default 'the crop_len is reduced by 2 as the display portion of program always loads 'a space in front. One wants to do the break 1 space before that so that 'display doesn't do another line break january 13 2001 xtemp = InputBox("crop line length prompt", "test", CStr(crop_len), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) ' crop_len = Val(xtemp) temp2 = 0 Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile save_line = "30610" dblStart = Timer 'get the start time line_30610: Line Input #OutFile, aaa line_30612: 'might want to remove other odd ball characters here too todo **vip** tt = InStr(aaa, Chr(9)) 'check for tabs If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_30620 End If 'change any tabs to 4 spaces aaa = Left(aaa, tt - 1) + " " + Right(aaa, Len(aaa) - tt) GoTo line_30612 line_30620: 'below get rid of all trailing spaces II = Len(aaa) If Right(data_aaa, 1) = " " Then aaa = Left(aaa, II - 1) GoTo line_30620 End If line_30625: II = Len(aaa) tt = 0 If II <= crop_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_30630 tt = InStr(crop_len, aaa, " ") 'if a - is going to split a word make sure that there are no nearby spaces below If (tt = 0 Or tt > crop_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, crop_len - 1, 1) = " " Then tt = crop_len - 1 If (tt = 0 Or tt > crop_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, crop_len - 2, 1) = " " Then tt = crop_len - 2 If (tt = 0 Or tt > crop_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, crop_len - 3, 1) = " " Then tt = crop_len - 3 If (tt = 0 Or tt > crop_len + over_lap) And Mid(aaa, crop_len - 4, 1) = " " Then tt = crop_len - 4 If tt = 0 Then GoTo line_30628 If tt > crop_len + over_lap Then GoTo line_30628 Print #ExtFile, Left(aaa, tt - 1) aaa = Mid(aaa, tt + 1) GoTo line_30625 line_30628: Print #ExtFile, Left(aaa, crop_len); "-" temp2 = temp2 + 1 aaa = Mid(aaa, crop_len + 1) GoTo line_30625 line_30630: Print #ExtFile, aaa GoTo line_30610 line_30640: dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time Print " elap="; Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000") Print "rename "; FileExt; " as "; TheFile tt1 = UCase(InputBox("total changes=" + CStr(temp2) + " rename files Y/N ", "Rename Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2)) ' If tt1 <> "Y" Then tt1 = "N" End If If UCase(tt1) = "N" Then Close OutFile, ExtFile GoTo line_30648 End If Close OutFile, ExtFile DoEvents save_line = "30640" ' Kill "c:\oldfile.txt" Kill "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000 DoEvents line_30645: ' tt1 = InputBox("minor pause", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY DoEvents ' Name TheFile As "c:\oldfile.txt" Name TheFile As "oldfile.txt" 'december 3 2000 DoEvents Name FileExt As TheFile 'rename files here if Y entered line_30648: Return 'january 09 2001 '16Apr2014 main auto catalog routine fast forward and rewind setup line_30700: 'april 01 2001 get files routine for copy from cd? to disc 'prompt for the various options first giving defaults 'prompt for the source of the files maybe with sub-directories etc Left(App.Path, 3) '18Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then Test1_str = App.Path GoTo line_30700a End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox("input directory ", "data source (your input required) ", Cmd(35), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' Test1_str = InputBox("input directory ", "data source (your input required) ", App.Path, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 line_30700a: If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 indir = Test1_str If Right(indir, 1) <> "\" Then indir = indir + "\" 'june 17 2001 If diryes = "DIR" Then GoTo line_30701 'february 20 2002 If Cmd(35) <> indir Then GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001 Cmd(35) = indir 'june 26 2001 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file End If line_30701: Test1_str = UCase(Test1_str) If Test1_str = "C:\*" Then indir = Left(indir, 3) 'allow for complete directory of C:\ GoTo line_30702 End If 'april 11 2001 'ensure that they arn't allowed to find every *.jpg on C drive? Below.... 'allow them to do a complete directory of any device / drive june 10 2001 'june 10 2001 II = InStr(1, Test1_str, "C:\") II = 0 'june 10 2001 If II <> 0 Then If InStr(II + 3, Test1_str, "\") = 0 Then Test1_str = InputBox("Wouldn't want to do all c:\", "never all of c drive", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 GoTo line_30700 End If End If line_30702: 'when one wants just to catalogue them where they reside rather than copying them etc If diryes = "DIR" Then GoTo line_30704 'february 18 2002 '18Jun2012 dougheredoug If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then Test1_str = "Y" GoTo line_30702a End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox("inplace catalogue ", "no copy (Y/N)", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 line_30702a: '18Jun2012 If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 inplace = UCase(Test1_str) outdir = "" If inplace = "Y" Then GoTo line_30704 'make sure the destination directory is not one of those that are listed for the *.jpg directory 'todo **vip** see above Test1_str = InputBox("destination directory ", "storage area (input needed here)", Cmd(23), xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 outdir = Test1_str line_30703: 'may 28 2001 Test1_str = InputBox("2 leading characters for file ", "delete to keep file name", "x-", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 Test1_str = InputBox(" keep original file name Y/N (pict for pict00001 & pict00002 etc)", "Output file name prompt ", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 leaddidg = Test1_str delete_file = "N" 'june 30 2001 If Test1_str = "Y" Then leaddidg = "" 'may 28 2001 'may 28 2001 'june 30 2001 Test1_str = InputBox(" DELETE original file Y/N ", "Delete original file ", "N", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 delete_file = UCase(Test1_str) ' If Len(leaddidg) <> 2 Then GoTo line_30703 'enforce 2 characters april 05 2001 line_30704: '17Mar2014 ask for start point offset 0 1 2 etc pad_time = 0 '17Mar2014 If Mergem = "FF" Then '17Mar2014 Test1_str = InputBox("FastForward start point offset ", "0 1.5 2<0>", "0", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '17Mar2014 If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 pad_time = Val(Test1_str) * 1000 '17Mar2014 End If '17Mar2014 '17Mar2014 '19 September 2004 temps = "ALL, MPG, MP3, JPG, BMP, TXT, WMV, AVI" 'february 23 2002 'the merge should also allow frm cls bas files as well ie the vb code merge '28 November 2004 temps = "MPG, MP3, JPG, BMP, WMV, AVI (x to exit)" 'february 23 2002 temps = "MPG, MP3, JPG, BMP, WMA, WMV, AVI, GIF, ALL, (x to exit)" 'february 23 2002 '07 January 2005 allow control file to contain what formats to merge '07 January 2005 If Mergem = "YES" Then temps = "TXT, " + temps '19 September 2004 If diryes = "DIR" Then temps = "ALL, " + temps '20 September 2004 If Mergem = "YES" Then temps = "TXT, " + Cmd(78) '07 January 2005 '18 August 2004 If diryes = "DIR" Then temps = temps + " for All" 'february 23 2002 xtemp = Cmd(36) 'february 23 2002 If Mergem = "YES" Then xtemp = "TXT" '07 January 2005 If Mergem = "FF" Then xtemp = "MPG" '21Mar2014 '20 September 2004 If xtemp = "ALL" Then xtemp = "JPG" '19 September 2004 (just because its out there in older versions) ' If xtemp = "ALL" And diryes <> "DIR" Then xtemp = "mp3" '27Jun2016 (just because its out there in older versions) If xtemp = "ALL" And diryes <> "DIR" Then xtemp = "mpg" '06Mar2018 (just because its out there in older versions) '27 may 2002 xtemp = "A" 'february 23 2002 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 13) = "CATMYDRIVEJPG" Then Test1_str = "JPG" GoTo line_30704a End If '18Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 13) = "CATMYDRIVEMP3" Then Test1_str = "MP3" GoTo line_30704a End If '23Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then Test1_str = "MPG" GoTo line_30704a End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox("file type / extension ", temps, xtemp, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 line_30704a: Test1_str = UCase(Test1_str) If Test1_str = "A" Then Test1_str = "ALL" '07 January 2005 '09 July 2003 over-ride the PHOTO_DETAIL setting '09 July 2003 "photo_detail" must be set for the data in the TAG to be used... vip If Test1_str = "MP3" Then Cmd(56) = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '09 July 2003 needed to get the info out for now anyway detailyn = "PHOTO_DETAIL" '18 November 2004 Cmd(49) = "NORANDOM" 'this seemed to cause some problems too... End If '09 July 2003 If Test1_str = "X" Or Test1_str = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 If InStr(Cmd(78), Test1_str) <> 0 And Len(Test1_str) = 3 And Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30705 '07 January 2005 If InStr(Cmd(78), Test1_str) <> 0 And Len(Test1_str) = 2 And Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 November 2006 If Test1_str = "TXT" And Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004 '07 January 2005 add logic to have merge of text file types to come from control file ie htm, cls, frm etc If Mergem = "YES" Then GoTo line_30704 '07 January 2005 do not merge non text formats ever. If Test1_str = "VOB" Then GoTo line_30705 '15 December 2006 If Test1_str = "MPG" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004 If Test1_str = "MP3" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004 If Test1_str = "JPG" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004 If Test1_str = "BMP" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004 If Test1_str = "WMA" Then GoTo line_30705 '03Jul2016 If Test1_str = "WMV" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004 If Test1_str = "AVI" Then GoTo line_30705 '19 September 2004 If Test1_str = "GIF" Then GoTo line_30705 '28 November 2004 If Test1_str = "LOG" Then GoTo line_30705 '27 November 2006 If Test1_str = "ALL" Then GoTo line_30705 '20 September 2004 '11Jul2016 all get to do gf GoTo line_30704 '19 September 2004 line_30705: '19 September 2004 only allow the ones above '19 September 2004 the option "ALL" for dirtype is no longer in use. ' it is confusing to allow formats that the program can not display, therefore no more ALL '07 January 2005 If Test1_str = "A" Then Test1_str = "ALL" 'february 23 2002 dirtype = Cmd(36) 'february 23 2002 If Test1_str = "ALL" Then dirtype = "ALL" 'february 23 2002 If Test1_str = "ALL" Then filetype = "*" Else filetype = Test1_str End If 'february 23 2002 If Cmd(36) <> dirtype Then GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001 Cmd(36) = dirtype 'june 30 2001 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file End If If diryes = "DIR" Then 'february 23 2002 filetype = "*" 'february 18 2002 minsize = -1 maxsize = 99999 maxsize = 9999999999# '08 june 2003 autobuild = "Y" savepath = "N" skipyesno = "N" inplace = "Y" GoTo line_30706 'february 18 2002 End If 'can use * for filetype above april 11 2001 'should probably strip out any . periods???? 'use FileLen when checking file size 'min size handy for skippin thumbnail picts ie those less than 20,000 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then Test1_str = ".5" GoTo line_30705a End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox("minimum size ", "smallest file (min =0)", ".5", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 line_30705a: '18Jun2012 If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 minsize = Val(Test1_str) 'max size handy to skip extra large files or for seeing those under 20,000 too If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then Test1_str = "999999999" GoTo line_30705b End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox("maximum size ", "largest file", "999999999", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 line_30705b: '18Jun2012 If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 maxsize = Val(Test1_str) 'the auto copy is handy for when just a backup and initial file create wanted ie no intereaction If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then Test1_str = "Y" GoTo line_30705c End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox("auto build ", "selection prompts (Y/N)", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 line_30705c: '18Jun2012 If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 autobuild = UCase(Test1_str) 'no need to save path really if inplace catalogue unless for searching If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then Test1_str = "Y" GoTo line_30705d End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox("original path in text line ", "track original (Y/N)", "Y", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 line_30705d: '18Jun2012 If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 savepath = UCase(Test1_str) If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then Test1_str = "N" GoTo line_30705e End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox("skip duplicate file sizes ", "skip duplicates (Y/N)", "N", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'june 09 2001 line_30705e: '18Jun2012 If UCase(Test1_str) = "X" Or UCase(Test1_str) = "E" Then GoTo End_32000 skipyesno = UCase(Test1_str) 'log the file locations to the search text file replace.txt etc ' xtemp = Cmd(19) line_30706: 'february 18 2002 filereason = "Search link text file name" xtemp = Cmd(37) 'june 30 2001 If diryes = "DIR" Then xtemp = "directory.txt" 'february 24 2002 If Mergem = "YES" Then xtemp = "merge.txt" 'february 24 2002 GoSub line_16000 'february 24 2002 moved up oopen = "WRITE" 'september 02 2001 'february 17 2002 add xtemp name below If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then oopen = "O" GoTo line_30706a End If '18Jun2012 oopen = InputBox(" append(A) or write(O) " & FileExt, "Append or New Prompt ", "O", xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) line_30706a: '18Jun2012 oopen = UCase(oopen) If oopen <> "O" Then oopen = "APPEND" If oopen <> "APPEND" Then oopen = "WRITE" 'september 02 2001 End If If diryes = "DIR" Then 'february 24 2002 xtemp = "directory.txt" 'february 24 2002 FileExt = xtemp 'february 25 2002 oopen = "WRITE" 'february 18 2002 GoTo line_30708 End If 'february 18 2002 If Cmd(37) <> FileExt Then GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001 Cmd(37) = FileExt 'june 30 2001 GoSub line_30800 'kill and update the control file End If line_30708: 'february 18 2002 'following lines moved down from above the if february 18 2002 ' save_line = "16100-8" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_16100 'open the replace.txt for output ' save_line = "16100-8a" '18 March 2007 testing only only oopen = "write" 'september 02 2001 dblStart = Timer 'get the start time ' If diryes = "DIR" Then ' testtest = InputBox("RIGHT AFTER FILE OPEN " + FileExt, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' End If filereason = "" ttt1 = 0 tt = 1 temp_cnt = 0 '08 July 2003 Cls cript1(tt) = indir line_30710: II = ttt1 + 1 III = tt '08 July 2003 see what is happening to Peter tran tap's computer when a dir done temp_cnt = tt '08 July 2003 testing only can be removed when done Print "testing directory " + CStr(temp_cnt) + " " + CStr(Len(Trim(cript1(tt)))) + " " + cript1(tt) '08 July 2003 testing Print "-" '08 July 2003 testing to clear above print line to screen meebee new_delay_sec = 1 '18 August 2004 ' save_line = "16100-8b" '18 March 2007 testing only only GoSub line_30300 '18 August 2004 ' save_line = "16100-8c" '18 March 2007 testing only only ' delay_sec = 2 ' GoSub line_30000 'do a temporary delay sleep wait while testing for now handy '25 July 2003 delay_sec = Format(Val(Cmd(27)), "###0.0000") delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) If temp_cnt Mod 20 = 0 Then Cls End If '08 July 2003 ' save_line = "16100-8d" '18 March 2007 testing only only For JJ = II To III save_line = "see folder " + CStr(cript1(JJ)) '18 March 2007 testing only only '18 March 2007 somehow my favorites are causing this problem just skip em for now ' one other place where favorites needs to be skipped ' frmproj2.Caption = " working folder " + cript1(JJ) '01 march 2010 If InStr(1, UCase(cript1(JJ)), "FAVORITES") <> 0 Then GoTo line_30711 '18 March 2007 If InStr(1, UCase(cript1(JJ)), "LIVEKERNALREPORTS") <> 0 Then GoTo line_30711 '02 March 2010 save_line = "16100-8d" '03 March 2010 to skip all bad directories thedir = Dir(cript1(JJ), vbDirectory) ' Test1_str = InputBox("In the get folders " + cript1(JJ) + " " + CStr(II) + " " + CStr(III) + " " + CStr(tt), "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' If Test1_str = "x" Or Test1_str = "e" Then GoTo End_32000 Do While thedir <> "" ' Print "testing directory " + thedir, CStr(temp_cnt) '08 July 2003 testing ' Print "testing directory " + CStr(temp_cnt) '08 July 2003 testing If thedir <> "." And thedir <> ".." Then If (GetAttr(cript1(JJ) & thedir) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then ' pp = FileLen("a:\temp.txt") 'testing ' Display entry only if it DoEvents '01 july 2003 activate following line ' Test1_str = InputBox("folders testing doug" + cript1(JJ) + "*" + outdir + "*" + thedir + "*" + indir + "*" + photo_dir, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 If cript1(JJ) + thedir + "\" <> outdir Then tt = tt + 1 cript1(tt) = cript1(JJ) + thedir + "\" 'save each folder and subfolder '27 june 2003 the few following lines were used to test for directory errors on partitioned disk ' i = i + 1 ' If i Mod 20 = 0 Then ' Cls ' i = 0 ' End If ' Print "test#1="; CStr(tt); " "; cript1(tt) '27 june 2003 ' Print " " ' Print " " '27 june 2003 If tt Mod 100 = 0 Then Print "working folders="; tt, cript1(JJ) End If End If 'just in case the outdir is in the same folder??? 'it would go on and on coping in the same directory End If ' it represents a directory. End If '18 March 2007 If tt > 9999 Then '04 March 2010 changed from 20000 to 25000 max If tt > 24999 Then Test1_str = InputBox("Max folders of 25000 " + CStr(tt), "needs changing ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 GoTo line_30713 End If 'for now set the max number of folders to 400 thedir = Dir 'get next directory command Loop line_30711: '18 March 2007 skip my favorites files from cataloging seems to be a problem ' save_line = "16100-8d" '03 March 2010 to skip all bad directories save_line = "30711" '05 March 2010 Next JJ ' save_line = "16100-8e" '18 March 2007 testing only only ddd = 0 'may 28 2001 ttt1 = III save_line = "30711a" '05 March 2010 If III <> tt Then GoTo line_30710 line_30713: '25 june 2003 somewhere along the line here disk partitions do not seem to work??? 'now start looking for the files in each of these directories / folders II = 0 Cls For JJ = 1 To tt save_line = "30711b" '05 March 2010 thedir = Dir(cript1(JJ) + "*." + filetype, vbDirectory) 'directory command save_line = "30711bb" + CStr(JJ) '05 March 2010 Print "="; cript1(JJ); "=" 'april 11 2001 and 08 July 2003 checks... If JJ Mod 20 = 0 Then new_delay_sec = 0.1 '18 August 2004 GoSub line_30300 '18 August 2004 ' delay_sec = 0.2 ' GoSub line_30000 'do a temporary delay sleep wait while testing for now handy Cls '25 July 2003 delay_sec = Format(Val(Cmd(27)), "###0.0000") delay_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) End If '08 July 2003 save_line = "30711c" '05 March 2010 Do While thedir <> "" ' Do While thedir <> "." And thedir <> ".." If thedir = "." Then GoTo line_30720 If thedir = ".." Then GoTo line_30720 pp = FileLen(cript1(JJ) + thedir) 'testing '02Feb2012 maybe get the file length in seconds if a mpg file here and use it in addition to pp 'add a control file element to do this video_length only when requested it does a lot of flickering etc elapse_start = Timer '06Mar2018 video_length = 0 '03Feb2012 Test2_str = "" '04Feb2012 Test2_str = " bytes=" + CStr(pp) '06Feb2012 '06Feb2012 If filetype = "MPG" And Mergem = "VL" Then If (filetype = "MPG" And Mergem = "VL") Or (filetype = "MPG" And Mergem = "FF") Or (filetype = "MPG" And Mergem = "GOLF") Then 'testtest = "filetype=" + filetype + " video_length=" 'testtest = InputBox("testing filetype " + testtest + " " + cript1(JJ) + thedir, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '02Feb2012 'frmproj2.Caption = "(Finding Video length)" + cript1(JJ) 'testing only Last$ = frmproj2.hWnd & " Style " & &H40000000 Pict_file = cript1(JJ) + thedir lresult = getshortpathname(Pict_file, sshortfile, Len(sshortfile)) '04Feb2012 Pict_file = Left$(sshortfile, lresult) '04Feb2012 save_line = "30711d" + Pict_file + filetype + " " + Mergem '30Mar2014 todo$ = "open " + Pict_file + " Type MPEGVideo Alias video1 wait parent " & Last$ result1 = mciSendString(todo$, returnstring1, 1024, 0) '12 December 2004a DoEvents i = mciSendString("put video1 window at -1 -1 " + Cmd(51) + " " + Cmd(52), 0&, 0, 0) DoEvents save_line = "30711e" + Pict_file + filetype + " " + Mergem '30Mar2014 i = mciSendString("status video1 length wait", mssg, 255, 0) DoEvents temp3 = InStr(mssg, Chr$(0)) video_length = Val(Left(mssg, temp3 - 1)) ' testtest = "filetype=" + filetype + " video_length=" + " result1=" + CStr(result1) + " pp=" + CStr(pp) ' testtest = InputBox("testing filetype " + testtest + " " + cript1(JJ) + thedir + " mssg=" + mssg, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '02Feb2012 ' frmproj2.Caption = "(Finding Video length)" + cript1(JJ) 'testing only i = mciSendString("close video1", 0&, 0, 0) DoEvents '30Mar2014 'need a close on video1 elapse_end = Timer '06Mar2018 Test2_str = " len=" + CStr(video_length) + " bytes=" + CStr(pp) + " elap=" + Format(elapse_end - elapse_start, "#####0.000") '06Mar2018 add elapsed End If '02Feb2012 If pp = last_pp And skipyesno = "Y" Then skip_pp = skip_pp + 1 GoTo line_30720 'ken had a bunch of duplicates End If 'may 10 2001 'need the file datecreated and modified changed dates april 11 2001 ' If diryes = "DIR" Then ' testtest = InputBox("Testing dir step 1 " + FileExt + Format(pp, "########"), "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' If testtest = "X" Then GoTo What_50 ' End If ' Test1_str = InputBox("maximum size ", "largest file", "999999999 " + Format(pp, "##############") + Test2_str, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '21Mar2014 test only If minsize * 1000 > pp And Mergem <> "FF" Then GoTo line_30720 'skip it too small If maxsize * 1000 < pp And Mergem <> "FF" Then GoTo line_30720 'skip it too big If minsize * 1000 > video_length And Mergem = "FF" Then GoTo line_30720 'skip it too small If maxsize * 1000 < video_length And Mergem = "FF" Then GoTo line_30720 'skip it too big tt1 = "" If autobuild = "Y" Then GoTo line_30715 If img_ctrl = "YES" Then Set Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(cript1(JJ) + thedir) Else If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture(cript1(JJ) + thedir) '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture(cript1(JJ) + thedir) End If tt1 = InputBox("select picture Y/N " + cript1(JJ) + thedir + " " + CStr(pp), "Or enter photo description", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) If UCase(tt1) = "N" Then GoTo line_30720 'they didn't want it If UCase(tt1) = "E" Or UCase(tt1) = "X" Then GoTo End_32000 line_30715: ' If diryes = "DIR" Then ' testtest = InputBox("Testing dir step 2 " + FileExt, "get files ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 ' End If '18 March 2007 need to skip anything from the favorites file vip If InStr(1, UCase(cript1(JJ)), "FAVORITES") <> 0 Then GoTo line_30730 '18 March 2007 If save_line = "16100-8d" Then GoTo line_30730 '05 March 2010 Test1_str = cript1(JJ) + thedir 'save the original path for search and reference If savepath <> "Y" Then Test1_str = " " newname = Test1_str 'may 28 2001 If inplace <> "Y" Then newname = outdir + leaddidg + CStr(JJ) + thedir If inplace <> "Y" Then ddd = ddd + 1 newname = outdir + leaddidg + Format(ddd, "00000") + "." + filetype 'may 28 2001 End If 'may 28 2001 If inplace <> "Y" And leaddidg = "" Then newname = outdir + thedir 'april 05 2001 If savepath <> "Y" Then Test1_str = "" 'right in here prompt for text description of the picture indates = "" If (GetAttr(cript1(JJ) & thedir) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then GoTo line_30718 ' If thedir = "COMMAND.COM" Then GoTo line_30718 ' If thedir = "SCANDISK.LOG" Then GoTo line_30718 '03 November 2004 If dirdates = "Y" Then If dirdates <> "Yxyxx" Then '03 November 2004 I want it on the gf for "d" display Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f1 = fs.GetFile(cript1(JJ) + thedir) 'if the date created below is unknown it fails ie not using it ' indates = " create=" & f1.DateCreated & " mod=" & f1.DateLastModified & " acc=" & f1.DateLastAccessed '23Jul2010 indates = " mod=" & f1.DateLastModified & " " + CStr(pp) indates = " " '23Jul2010 ' Print "testing date="; indates End If ' Print "testing date="; f1.DateCreated, f1.DateLastModified, f1.DateLastAccessed line_30718: '24 june 2003 If InStr(1, UCase(Test1_str), ".MP3") <> 0 Then FileFile = FreeFile lresult = getshortpathname(Test1_str, sshortfile, Len(sshortfile)) temptemp = Left$(sshortfile, lresult) Open temptemp For Binary Access Read As FileFile '08 july 2003 ' Open temptemp For Binary As FileFile '08 july 2003 just in case protection is a problem ' Print "print one " + Test1_str '08 July 2003 test Get FileFile, LOF(1) - 127, temptag ' Print "print onea " + temptag.header + temptag.songtitle '08 July 2003 test If UCase(temptag.header) = "TAG" Then temptemp = Trim(temptag.songtitle) + Trim(temptag.artist) _ + Trim(temptag.album) + Trim(temptag.year) temptemp = Trim(temptemp) + Trim(temptag.comments) '+ " genre=" + temptag.genre If Len(Trim(temptemp)) > 12 Then Test1_str = Test1_str + " * " + Trim(temptemp) indates = "" End If '25 june 2003 if there is not much in the header use directory info instead ' Print temptag.header ' Print "title " + temptag.songtitle '08 July 2003 ' Print Test1_str End If Close FileFile ' Print "print two " + Test1_str '08 July 2003 test End If '24 june 2003 'june 10 2001 ' If UCase(indir) <> "C:\" And dirdates <> "Y" Then If dirdates <> "Y" Then '03 November 2004 Print #ExtFile, "photo " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 '15Sep2010 put out the "BREAK" record here if size is small If pp < 1500000 Then If seq > 0 Or grp = 0 Then '21Sep2010 this code is for 2 break records in a row only 1 grp bump '27Jun2016 re the break only if '04Jul2016 If Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" Then Print #ExtFile, "BREAK" '27Jun2016 grp = grp + 1 seq = 0 End If '21Sep2010 tested and it works (copying videos in mass changes the seq??) 1 at a time worked?? End If '15Sep2010 If pp > 1500000 Then '15Sep2010 seq = seq + 1 End If If grp > 0 Then grpstr = "GRP#" + CStr(grp) + " SEQ#" + CStr(seq) + " " '15Sep2010 '15Sep2010 Print #ExtFile, "photo " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates '29Jan2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates '29Jan2012 added the len= value so that another program can use this value to set up a fast forward file if ever '06Feb2012 put out multiple lines for fast forward option here below is the first line of the matched pair '21Mar2014 If video_length <> 0 And 5 * video_length > pp Then If video_length <> 0 And 5 * video_length > maxsize Then Test2_str = Test2_str + " **video length warning**" '07Feb2012 GoTo no_ff '07Feb2012 End If '07Feb2012 If Mergem <> "FF" Then GoTo no_ff '06Feb2012 nocount = 1 '04Jul2016 If Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" Then Print #ExtFile, "BREAK" '27Jun2016 ' Print #ExtFile, "BREAK" '06Feb2012 '17Mar2014 put a dummy set of lines to play the complete video if desired '17Mar2014 remove bytes from all prints Print #ExtFile, "phooto dummy" + " " + grpstr + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '04Feb2012 ' Print #ExtFile, "phooto dummy" + " " + grpstr + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '04Feb2012 ' Print #ExtFile, "yyy." + Test1_str; indates '06Feb2012 '09Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo pause wait=" + CStr(fast_forward) + " " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '04Feb2012 'put the first segment play length to 1 second. It seemed to have a problem with the big screen and my laptop when too short (it failed) '17Mar2014 play the first 5 seconds as an intro with date time and maybe explanation with no pause ' Print #ExtFile, "photo wait=5" + " " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '04Feb2012 ' Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '06Feb2012 more_ff: '17Mar2014 lresult = nocount * hold_sec * 1000 'use the tt value for skip length / start point lresult = (nocount - 1) * hold_sec * 1000 + pad_time 'use the tt value for skip length / start point If video_length * 100 > pp And pp > 1 Then Print #ExtFile, "warning invalid video length " + grpstr '27Mar2014 GoTo no_ff End If '27Mar2014 If lresult >= video_length - 100 Then GoTo last_ff If rewind = "YES" Then '12Apr2014 If nocount = 1 Then Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '06Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo RW continue wait=" + CStr(fast_forward) + " start==" + CStr(lresult) + " " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '06Feb2012 Else Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '06Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo RW continue pause wait=" + CStr(fast_forward) + " start==" + CStr(lresult) + " " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '06Feb2012 End If '14Apr2104 End If '12Apr2014 If rewind <> "YES" Then '12Apr2014 If nocount = 1 Then '17Mar2014 on first segment do not use continue Print #ExtFile, "photo FF pause wait=" + CStr(fast_forward) + " start==" + CStr(lresult) + " " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '06Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '06Feb2012 Else Print #ExtFile, "photo FF continue pause wait=" + CStr(fast_forward) + " start==" + CStr(lresult) + " " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '06Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '06Feb2012 End If '17Mar2014 End If '12Apr2014 nocount = nocount + 1 GoTo more_ff '06Feb2012 last_ff: If rewind <> "YES" Then '12Apr2014 Print #ExtFile, "photo FF continue start==" + CStr(video_length - (fast_forward * 1000)) + " " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '05Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '06Feb2012 '04Jul2016 If Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" Then Print #ExtFile, "BREAK" '27Jun2016 '27Jun2016 Print #ExtFile, "BREAK" '06Feb2012 Else Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '06Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo RW pause start==" + CStr(video_length - (fast_forward * 1000)) + " " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '05Feb2012 '04Jul2016 If Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" Then Print #ExtFile, "BREAK" '27Jun2016 '27Jun2016 Print #ExtFile, "BREAK" '06Feb2012 '16Apr2014d ttt = "REVERSE" '16Apr2014 now reverse the file order and done '16Apr2014d Close #ExtFile '16Apr2014a '16Apr2014d GoTo line_70 '16Apr2014 End If '12Apr2014 GoTo ff_skip '06Feb2012 no_ff: '06Feb2012 '25Feb2012 first line of the gf and golf catalog below change here re again begin and a negative start 'change this a bit to make sure that the start point ie is not less than 0 and set the begin point to twice the time of the cmd(27) If Mergem = "GOLF" Then slomo_point = video_length - (Val(Cmd(27)) * 1000) - 333 '27Feb2012 take the last 1/3 sec off begin_locat = video_length - (Val(Cmd(27)) * 2000) - 333 If slomo_point < 1 Then slomo_point = 10 If begin_locat < 1 Then begin_locat = 10 If slomo_point < begin_locat Then slomo_point = begin_locat '01May2012 '05Jul2016 the 2 breaks here and further down element 81 must be rand_group before BREAK put in catalog file If Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" Then Print #ExtFile, "BREAK " 'everything defaults to rand by group it is easy to deactivate by mass edit of break Print #ExtFile, "photo 1 pause " + grpstr + " wait=" + CStr((video_length - 200) / 1000) + " start==" + CStr(100) + " " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates '25Jun2010 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates 'this is the 2nd line of first display pairs tested #1 is above Print #ExtFile, "photo 2 continue pause " + grpstr + " wait=" + CStr(Val(Cmd(27))) + " begin==" + CStr(begin_locat) + " start==" + CStr(slomo_point) + " speed=125 " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates '25Jun2010 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates 'this is the 2nd line of first display pairs tested #1 is above Print #ExtFile, "photo 3 continue again " + grpstr + " wait=" + CStr(Val(Cmd(27))) + " start==" + CStr(slomo_point) + " " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates '25Jun2010 '2 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '25Jun2010 '05Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo pause begin again " + grpstr + " start==-3000 speed=125 " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + " bytes=" + CStr(pp) '25Jun2010 Else '25Feb2012 If Left(Cmd(81), 10) = "RAND_GROUP" Then Print #ExtFile, "BREAK " Print #ExtFile, "photo " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + Test2_str '04Feb2012 End If '25Jun2010 indates = "" '03 November 2004 End If If inplace = "Y" Then Test1_str = cript1(JJ) + thedir If inplace <> "Y" Then Test1_str = newname If diryes = "DIR" Then 'february 18 2002 If Mergem = "YES" Then indates = " append start" 'February 24 2002 'need to replace indates above so that later diff program will work on a program level 'need to skip the copy logic etc here if the file name same as output name vip ' testing = " " + Format(pp, "000000000#") '08Sep2016 testing = Trim(Format(pp, " #")) '08Sep2016 testing = Space(11 - Len(testing)) + testing ' testing = Right(testing, Len(testing) - 9) ' testing = Right(testing, Len(testing) - 1) '08Sep2016 Print #ExtFile, "size="; testing; " "; Test1_str; indates '07Sep2016 add the file size to output '07 January 2005 need to check that it is one of those allowed in Cmd(78) before merging If Mergem = "YES" Then GoSub line_17200 'february 24 2002 ' need to open need to open and read the file here thru a call 'then put and append end along with the file name at the end. 'should just need to use one file # for the opens and closes... Else Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates 'this is the 2nd line of first display pairs tested #1 is above End If 'february 18 2002 skip the xxx. on print only If Mergem = "GOLF" Then '15Sep2010 Print #ExtFile, "photo start==-3000 speed=125 " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates '25Jun2010 '06Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo " + grpstr + "start==-3000 speed=125 " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates '25Jun2010 '25Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo " + grpstr + "start==-3000 speed=125 " + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + " bytes=" + CStr(pp) '25Jun2010 '11Mar2012 Print #ExtFile, "photo continue begin==10 " + grpstr + Test1_str + " " + tt1 + " " + indates + " bytes=" + CStr(pp) '25Jun2010 '29Jan2012 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '25Jun2010 '06Feb2012 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates + " len=" + CStr(pp) '25Jun2010 ***this looks wrong*** '11Mar2012 Print #ExtFile, "xxx." + Test1_str; indates '25Jun2010 End If '25Jun2010 '04Jul2016 Print #ExtFile, "BREAK " '06Feb2012 come to here after the catalog for fast forward is done ff_skip: '06Feb2012 when done ff go to here '11 december 2002 II = II + 1 'count of files selected EE = EE + 1 '11 december 2002 If EE Mod 100 = 0 Then Print "working pics="; EE; " "; Test1_str; indates; " "; CStr(pp); dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time Print " elap="; Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000") 'may 10 2001 End If '11 december 2002 If II Mod 2000 = 0 Then If EE Mod 2000 = 0 Then ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #16)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'clear after every 20 lines End If 'april 11 2001 If inplace <> "Y" Then DoEvents '25Aug2016 If Len(photo_dir) > 1 Then FileCopy cript1(JJ) + thedir, newname 'copy the file ' xtemp = InputBox(" copy picture to " + temps + " ", "Copy Prompt ", disp_file, xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) '12Jul2016 testing frmproj2.Caption = program_info + disp_file '12Jul2016 ' delay_sec = 1 'may 10 2001 ' GoSub line_30000 DoEvents 'Print "testing doug delete_file="; cript1(JJ) + thedir If delete_file = "Y" Then Kill cript1(JJ) + thedir DoEvents 'june 30 2001 End If End If 'copy file here line_30720: last_pp = pp DoEvents thedir = Dir 'get next directory Loop line_30730: save_line = "30730" '05 March 2010 Next JJ '12 december 2002 Test1_str = InputBox("total folders= " + CStr(III) + " total files= " + CStr(II) + " skip=" + CStr(skip_pp), "session counts " & FileExt, , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 '18Jun2012 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then GoTo line_30730a End If '18Jun2012 Test1_str = InputBox(" total folders= " + CStr(III) + " total files= " + CStr(EE) + " skip=" + CStr(skip_pp), "session counts " & FileExt, , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'april 01 2001 line_30730a: '22 june 2003 put 10 blank lines at end of file For JJ = 1 To 10 Print #ExtFile, "" Next JJ '22 june 2003 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 10) = "CATMYDRIVE" Then GoTo End_32000 End If '18Jun2012 Close #ExtFile Return 'april 01 2001 'auto catalog routines above subroutine 16Apr2014 line_30800: 'update control.txt with changes write control file DoEvents ' Kill "C:\control.txt" If auto_exe = "YES" Then GoTo line_30850 '04 September 2004 If InStr(Cmd(40), Left(App.Path, 3)) = 0 And Trim(Cmd(40)) <> "" Then '23Jun2012a xtemp = InputBox("app.path" + App.Path + " not found or updated " + Format(delay_sec, "###0.0000") + Cmd(40), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Print " no control file update cmd(40)" GoTo line_30850 End If '20 july 2002 must be a writeable device in cmd(40) ' Kill "control.txt" 'december 3 2000 Kill control_file '23 september 2002 FileFile = FreeFile II = DoEvents ' Open "C:\control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile ' Open "control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000 Open control_file For Output Access Write As #FileFile '23 september 2002 Cmd(49) = "NORAND" '31Aug2022 For f = 1 To 100 If Len(Cmd(f)) < 1 Then Cmd(f) = Space(50) End If Print #FileFile, Cmd(f) Next f Close FileFile GoSub Control_28000 'october 07 2001 line_30850: '20 july 2002 ' ttt = "" ''october 07 2001 Return line_30900: 'the "HELP" routine here october 14 2001 FileFile = FreeFile Open "help.txt" For Output As FileFile Print #FileFile, " File Prompt #1" Print #FileFile, " Enter a file to use '?.txt' or select one" Print #FileFile, " of the previously selected files 1-20" Print #FileFile, " Option Prompt #2" Print #FileFile, " Display pictures, Enter text, Search text" Print #FileFile, " Help, Append text, Screen Saver, Set program" Print #FileFile, " control options etc etc etc" Print #FileFile, "" Print #FileFile, " ***** Prompt #2 Options *****" Print #FileFile, " C context search / most common search option" Print #FileFile, " CC context search / more speed combination of 'S' and 'C' search" Print #FileFile, " E Enter more notes to the end of the current text file" Print #FileFile, " F Flash search display option, all lines displayed, stopping on matches" Print #FileFile, " Q Single line search matching case sensitive (see 'S')" Print #FileFile, " S single line match display Lower & Uppercase sensitive" Print #FileFile, " Both Q And S are now the same If search is numeric then no uppercase shift etc" Print #FileFile, " Y Display the last screen of data ie Yesterday or Last data" Print #FileFile, " CH change to text file (uses wordpad for edits)" Print #FileFile, " M Minimize screen (allows start of other desktop processes)" Print #FileFile, " X Exit to file name prompt" Print #FileFile, " P1 Photo display forces (STRETCH) to fit to screen" Print #FileFile, " P2 Photo display without a fit to screen option (NORMAL)" Print #FileFile, " P Photo display at the default display (stretch or normal)" Print #FileFile, " TT Screen saver timer delay ie 'tt0' 'tt5' 'tt10' 'tt.33" Print #FileFile, " SS screen saver display ie SSdog river flower" Print #FileFile, " WW screen saver display with search criteria ie flood/oldie/ice " Print #FileFile, " MERGE to merge.txt so all files can be searched at once ie frm" Print #FileFile, " DIR files directory with date and size to directory.txt" Print #FileFile, " DIRDATES use with GF below to list date and size of selected files" Print #FileFile, " GF Get File, used to capture un-catalogued pictures (use NORAND for MP3 VIP" Print #FileFile, " CP Copy picture option, searches catalogued pictures for copy / export to another device or folder" Print #FileFile, " Z Paste / Append contents of clipboard text to end of current file" Print #FileFile, " HELP display this help.txt info" Print #FileFile, " --------------- some lesser used options below " Print #FileFile, " RRR search and replace option for masive text changes" Print #FileFile, " RAND / NORAND Random display of picture files in SS WW P1 or P2" Print #FileFile, " THUMbnail for preview /sample of video or audio using time setting tt10 tt15 etc" Print #FileFile, " ELAP elapsed time to display after each mp3 or mpg file " Print #FileFile, " video / novideo turn on and off the option for video display (avi decompressor) must be installed" '10 february 2003 Print #FileFile, " PAUSE / PA to allow for continual text display pausing for what is in the TT delay" Print #FileFile, " NS No Show option ie 'nsx-rated my-ex jerk'" Print #FileFile, " CCC change to display options in option1.txt for larger font, color changes etc" Print #FileFile, " XXX option to extract all displayed data to an alternate text file" Print #FileFile, " SKIP Don't display ie skip lines when match found ie 'skipmy-email'" Print #FileFile, " CRIPT Encript current text file using crip.txt as control file" Print #FileFile, " DECRIPT Does reversal of the cript option" Print #FileFile, " MYSTUFF Allows for on-line de-encription of an encripted text file" Print #FileFile, " LL Line length, sets line length before wrap ie 'LL100' 'LL' sets back to original length" Print #FileFile, " SHOWPOS Displays the line length at the end of each line" Print #FileFile, " SHOWASC Displays ascii value of last 10 characters on line" Print #FileFile, " EMAIL Reads e-mail formatted files and skips lots of control info" Print #FileFile, " IMPORT Takes e-mails from netscape and outlook files" Print #FileFile, " T Same as 'S' except that data also put to an extract file" Print #FileFile, " D Same as 'C' except that data also put to an extract file" Print #FileFile, " R Same as 'Q' except that data also put to an extract file" Print #FileFile, " CROP Creates extract file with line wraps ie 'CROP100'" Print #FileFile, " QQQ Similar to RRR used to line-feed carriage-returns from line matches" Print #FileFile, " VV Load clipboard with text following 'VVrepetitive data'" Print #FileFile, " VVV Loads secondary clipboard with data 'VVVinsert-this'" Print #FileFile, " GGG yet another clip area load" Print #FileFile, " SC Screen Capture delay (delays prompt box by 5 seconds) so alt/print-screen sequence can capture data" Print #FileFile, " PC Picture count (used with 'CP' to assign picture sequence number ie 'PC20' results in pict20.jpg " Print #FileFile, " DISC displays username and computer name & OS version" Print #FileFile, " HH Sets the hilite_this element (very handy to hi-lite other info CMD(31))" Print #FileFile, " " '06 December 2004 see if a blank line fixes the help display Print #FileFile, " HL Changes the Append_start element for display" Print #FileFile, " HLL Changes the Append_end element for hi-liting" Print #FileFile, " DETAIL NODETAIL changes cmd(56) " '18 November 2004 Print #FileFile, "" Print #FileFile, " ***** Search Prompt #3 Options *****" Print #FileFile, "V or H will load clipboard data just like Ctrl V" '17 December 2004 Print #FileFile, "D for todays date to be the search" Print #FileFile, "DX for yesterday date for search but no 01 workie" Print #FileFile, "otherwise the text search strings seperated by a =" + Cmd(6) '06 December 2004 Print #FileFile, "" Print #FileFile, " ***** End of Screen #4 Prompt Options *****" Print #FileFile, " P Previous for previous picture or previous match if text search" Print #FileFile, " PP Previous Picture passed to Browser Netscape or Explorer" Print #FileFile, " allows for a picture print etc " Print #FileFile, " B Back / previous page when in text search display" Print #FileFile, " V Same as Back moves one page before current match" Print #FileFile, " " Print #FileFile, " ***** Detail line options and controls *****" Print #FileFile, " WAIT= Over-ride wait time on a line by line basis" Print #FileFile, " THUMB== Partial play using time in display seconds" Print #FileFile, " DOSHOW Over-ride any noshow" Print #FileFile, " START== Set the start point for a Movie or Music file" Print #FileFile, " FIT== Set the photo display to fit-to-screen" Print #FileFile, " REG== Display the photo without fit-to-screen" Print #FileFile, " " Print #FileFile, " ***** Command File Control Elements *****" Print #FileFile, " CMD(1) Max_cnt lines per screen ==" + Cmd(1) Print #FileFile, " CMD(2) Font.size text point size ==" + Cmd(2) Print #FileFile, " CMD(3) Backcolor background color '3 for aqua' ==" + Cmd(3) Print #FileFile, " CMD(4) Def_fore text color '15 for white' '12 for red' ==" + Cmd(4) Print #FileFile, " CMD(5) forecolor hi-lite color '14 for yellow' ==" + Cmd(5) Print #FileFile, " CMD(6) seperator '/' forward slash default search seperator ==" + Cmd(6) Print #FileFile, " CMD(7) dateno or dateyes for a date on every input line ==" + Cmd(7) Print #FileFile, " CMD(8) browser default Explorer / Netscape path ==" + Cmd(8) Print #FileFile, " CMD(9) paint program 'mspaint' file path ==" + Cmd(9) Print #FileFile, "CMD(10) text editor 'wordpad' is the default 'CH' option ==" + Cmd(10) Print #FileFile, "CMD(11) files.txt list of opened files in accessed order ==" + Cmd(11) Print #FileFile, "CMD(12) search.txt list of recent search strings in order at search prompt ==" + Cmd(12) Print #FileFile, "CMD(13) mspub.exe executable program ?? ==" + Cmd(13) Print #FileFile, "CMD(14) enterdateyes date on start of each text entry group 'E' option ==" + Cmd(14) Print #FileFile, "CMD(15) enddateyes date on end of each text entry group 'E' option ==" + Cmd(15) Print #FileFile, "CMD(16) optional .exe ??? ==" + Cmd(16) Print #FileFile, "CMD(17) xoffset for prompt box '11000' photo display semi-hide prompt box ==" + Cmd(17) Print #FileFile, "CMD(18) yoffset for prompt box '8500' photo display semi-hide prompt box ==" + Cmd(18) Print #FileFile, "CMD(19) replace.txt temporary file for change routines see '37'??? ==" + Cmd(19) Print #FileFile, "CMD(20) C/p1/email ??? ==" + Cmd(20) Print #FileFile, "CMD(21) line_len characters per line '82' default ==" + Cmd(21) Print #FileFile, "CMD(22) context_lines '6' lines displayed before a 'C' context match ==" + Cmd(22) Print #FileFile, "CMD(23) copy picture 'CP' default folder 'destination folder for copies' ==" + Cmd(23) Print #FileFile, "CMD(24) ppaste allows for vvv to paste string 'xxx.c:\family1\scn000' ==" + Cmd(24) Print #FileFile, "CMD(25) gpaste allows for ggg to paste string 'photo family gathering' etc ==" + Cmd(25) Print #FileFile, "CMD(26) 'photo' ss default ss_search element ==" + Cmd(26) Print #FileFile, "CMD(27) delay_sec for screen saver 'SS' option '4' seconds default ==" + Cmd(27) Print #FileFile, "CMD(28) noshow element ie 'creep' 'nfg' 'my-x' etc for photo display skip photos ==" + Cmd(28) Print #FileFile, "CMD(29) altcolor '10' default green, see element 31 which is displayed with this color ==" + Cmd(29) Print #FileFile, " handy to display critical elements ie xxx. is in 31 for demo how to use this " Print #FileFile, "CMD(30) 'Y' unload project option required for Windows ME Y/N option ==" + Cmd(30) Print #FileFile, "CMD(31) hilite_this element 'XXX.' if this element exists hilite it with code in element 29 ==" + Cmd(31) Print #FileFile, "CMD(32) crip.txt encription file to use when 'mystuff' code ==" + Cmd(32) Print #FileFile, "CMD(33) D search default at search prompt entry 'D' for today etc ==" + Cmd(33) Print #FileFile, "CMD(34) 5 context window 'before' see element 22 ???? ==" + Cmd(34) Print #FileFile, "CMD(35) indir input directory for 'GF' get file load picture option ==" + Cmd(35) Print #FileFile, "CMD(36) file extension 'JPG' for 'GF' get file load picture type of picture ==" + Cmd(36) Print #FileFile, "CMD(37) temp.txt 'see option 19' ==" + Cmd(37) Print #FileFile, "CMD(38) stretch_img 'stretch/normal' 'yes' or 'no' P1 or P2 photo display option ==" + Cmd(38) Print #FileFile, "CMD(39) autoredraw allows for screen refresh between sessions (slows down F flash display and others)==" + Cmd(39) Print #FileFile, "CMD(40) Allowable write drives ie A:\ C:\ ==" + Cmd(40) Print #FileFile, "CMD(41) Option Prompt #2 if photo file default display P1 P2 WW ==" + Cmd(41) Print #FileFile, "CMD(42) Option Prompt #2 if text file default display C S Q ==" + Cmd(42) Print #FileFile, "CMD(43) browser default Explorer / Netscape path for NT==" + Cmd(43) Print #FileFile, "CMD(44) text editor 'wordpad' is the default 'CH' for NT option ==" + Cmd(44) Print #FileFile, "CMD(45) auto run program name ie SPECIAL ==" + Cmd(45) Print #FileFile, "CMD(46) auto run prompt #1 (file select) ==" + Cmd(46) Print #FileFile, "CMD(47) auto run prompt #2 (search options) ==" + Cmd(47) Print #FileFile, "CMD(48) auto run prompt #3 (search string)==" + Cmd(48) Print #FileFile, "CMD(49) RANDOM NORANDOM on photo search ==" + Cmd(49) '09 december 2002 Print #FileFile, "CMD(50) Show Merged file names In Caption Area (SHOWFILES) ==" + Cmd(50) '24 december 2002 Print #FileFile, "CMD(51) avi file size x min (1050)==" + Cmd(51) '01 february 2003 Print #FileFile, "CMD(52) avi file size y min (775)==" + Cmd(52) '01 february 2003 Print #FileFile, "CMD(53) video / novideo if avi installed (NOSHOWVIDEO)==" + Cmd(53) '10 february 2003 Print #FileFile, "CMD(54) If recent files match show the duplicates or not (SHOWDUPS)==" + Cmd(54) '28 february 2003 Print #FileFile, "CMD(55) number of lines in context file to clear (see Cmd(22)) 00 or ==" + Cmd(55) '18 March 2003 ver=1.01 Print #FileFile, "CMD(56) display photo detail on pictures (set when GF and MP3) (PHOTO_DETAIL)==" + Cmd(56) '22 March 2003 ver=1.02 Print #FileFile, "CMD(57) time display on / off switch (SHOWTIME)==" + Cmd(57) '26 March 2003 ver=1.03 Print #FileFile, "CMD(58) DEFAULT_TO_CD when this set the drive ie c:\ will default to where it is running ie E:\ F:\==" + Cmd(58) '30 May 2003 ver=1.06 Print #FileFile, "CMD(59) Delay Timing change (should be 0.00) for mpeg movies==" + Cmd(59) '29 September 2003 Print #FileFile, "CMD(60) Freeze delay time for mpeg movies & Photo_detail info==" + Cmd(60) '01 October 2003 Print #FileFile, "CMD(61) Allow for set speed of playback==" + Cmd(61) '30 October 2003 Print #FileFile, "CMD(62) Slow Motion segment duration (ie .01667)==" + Cmd(62) '08 January 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(63) Show Elapsed time of video switch (slow motion only) (ie SHOWELAP)==" + Cmd(63) '11 February 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(64) Pad_time (thousandsands added when in slow motion)==" + Cmd(64) '21 February 2004 'the above command put in because some files failed when using the get position 'command ie notably the niki and sparrow bird bath some weird bug?? 'it works in most cases, and is really only needed when cataloguing etc. Print #FileFile, "CMD(65) Random begin for video play RANDBEG etc ==" + Cmd(65) '23 March 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(66) Interrupt video replay speed (ie 250) ==" + Cmd(66) '10 April 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(67) Thumbnail on or off ie noTHUMB or THUMB ==" + Cmd(67) '14 April 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(68) Continue at end of file (WW) ie noEOF_STOP ==" + Cmd(68) '12 September 2004 use with background job allows them to stop Print #FileFile, "CMD(69) Continue after match found (P) ie noHIT_STOP ==" + Cmd(69) '17 September 2004 use with background job allows them to stop after match found. Print #FileFile, "CMD(70) if FOREGROUND then background job given focus & hi-lited ==" + Cmd(70) '17 September 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(71) Allow for input from batch file ie noBATCHFILE ==" + Cmd(71) '27 October 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(72) Allow for video pictures music play list noRESULTS.TXT ==" + Cmd(72) '08 November 2004 keep a file for a play list Print #FileFile, "CMD(73) Switch input file when Control.txt file changes see Cmd(46) noFILESWITCH ==" + Cmd(73) '22 November 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(74) End of file command file switch (re text searches mainly) noEOFCMD ==" + Cmd(74) '26 November 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(75) Do not allow for video interrupt on cd and dvd copies VIDEOSTOP ==" + Cmd(75) '12 December 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(76) Line pause to create scrolling text noLINEPAUSE==1.5 ==" + Cmd(76) '24 December 2004 Print #FileFile, "CMD(77) Character pause on print text display noCHARACTERPAUSE==.00333 =="; Cmd(77) '03 January 2005 Print #FileFile, "CMD(78) Text file formats to allow during merge command TXT FRM HTM ==" + Cmd(78) '07 January 2005 Print #FileFile, "CMD(79) the owner of this version of software ie by Faster than Sight etc==" + Cmd(79) ' 01Oct2011 Print #FileFile, "CMD(80) PROMPTDETAILS for background large font stuff the details are annoying==" + Cmd(80) '01Oct2011 Print #FileFile, "CMD(81) noRAND_GROUP for golf when videos are grouped by foursome this needs to be turned on==" + Cmd(81) '01Oct2011 Print #FileFile, "CMD(82) the programs named here use control1 instead of control see cmd(45) as well==" + Cmd(82) '01Oct2011 Print #FileFile, "CMD(83) the value here is for offset from the Start== value -1000 is 1 second off that value==" + Cmd(83) '01Oct2011 Print #FileFile, "CMD(84) this is the default folder for MCI mp3 (see Cmd(23)) problem file==" + Cmd(84) '14Jul2016 Print #FileFile, "CMD(85) smlbud for offset when doing special video play back ie 0030 is 30/1000 sec==" + Cmd(85) '17Dec2017 Print #FileFile, "CMD(86) bigbud for offset when doing budge and fast forward video play back ie 0030 is 30/1000 sec==" + Cmd(86) '17Dec2017 Print #FileFile, "CMD(87) maxbud is the number of times a budge will move ahead==" + Cmd(87) '17Dec2017 Print #FileFile, "new feature 09 june 2002 allow for 6 search strings up from 3 (hi-lites only 3)" Print #FileFile, "new feature 23 june 2002 allow for hi-lites of all 6 search strings" Print #FileFile, "new feature 20 july 2002 allow use of non writable cd demo (do not update files)" Print #FileFile, "new feature 27 july 2002 at photo continue prompt allow for . to display hidden prompt on screen" Print #FileFile, "new feature 10 august 2002 allow for prompt #2 to default " Print #FileFile, "new feature 12 august 2002 allow for 'rand' at prompt #2 to randomly select pics in file " Print #FileFile, "new feature 25 august 2002 display elapsed time and character count on display" Print #FileFile, "new feature 26 august 2002 CC search uses 'S' search then regets with a 'P' previous sequence" Print #FileFile, "new feature 31 August 2002 if search data numeric don't do uppercase if alpha switch to uppercase for search" Print #FileFile, "new feature 05 October 2002 PAUSE / PA option allow for screen saver type display of text, stopping for TT on each screen" Print #FileFile, "new feature 12 October 2002 DEBPHO to debug the photo display on some computers" Print #FileFile, "new feature 30 November 2002 DISC now shows os version ie Windows 98 etc" Print #FileFile, "option change 05 December 2002 P1 & P2 just change image size P does single photo display" Print #FileFile, "new feature 09 December 2002 Cmd(49) RANDOM / NORANDOM store from run to run" Print #FileFile, "new feature 24 December 2002 Cmd(50) showfiles / noshowfiles in merged text files show file name where match found" Print #FileFile, "option change if program name matches Cmd(45) then change drive # to that of app.path" Print #FileFile, "Allow close of window during screen saver to unload form" Print #FileFile, "new feature 01 February 2003 allow for *.avi video play cmd(51) cmd(52)" Print #FileFile, "new feature 28 February 2003 enable skip if same file listed twice for play or display cmd(54)" Print #FileFile, "new feature 20 March 2003 context clear cmd(55) allow for centering of text on screen" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 22 March 2003 PHOTO_DETAIL text info along with pics see Cmd(56)" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 26 March 2003 version 1.03 & 1.02b switchable time display" Print #FileFile, "Hint: In random display mode, to view last 3 pictures add 6 blank lines to file" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 11 May 2003 ver=1.05 display *.mpg video files similar to *.avi" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 24 June 2003 ver=1.07 play mp3 audio files similar to above" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 13 July 2003 ver=1.07a ELAP for elapsed time display after mp3 and mpg files" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 19 July 2003 ver=1.07T THUMbnail at prompt #2 to just show or play short clips / previews /samples using tt time" Print #FileFile, " Version 2.0 and greater " Print #FileFile, " START==10000 at prompt #2 to test various start points in a video or song" Print #FileFile, " START==20000 on the search detail line, to change individual file start point" Print #FileFile, " use START==????? and WAIT=??? to show / play mini-clips from anywhere in a file" Print #FileFile, " ***start==1000 for those video files that just won't play ie.(wavie lines only)" Print #FileFile, "26 July 2003 default context display color to value in cmd(29) alternate color" Print #FileFile, " minor bug fix related to wait time changing" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 03 August 2003 ver=2.2 allow for FIT== And REG== to determine regular or fit to screen similar to WAIT=" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 18 August 2003 THUMB== on detail line will force a short play based on delay seconds" Print #FileFile, " DOSHOW to over-ride any noshow settings (on detail line)" Print #FileFile, "Fix 09 September 2003 to allow for service pack 1 systems" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 24 September 2003 freeze=5 on a mpg video, after a wait=10 will hold the frame for display for 5 seconds" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 29 September 2003 cmd(59) element used to adjust delay time (between systems)" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 30 October 2003 cmd(61) element SETSPEED and speed=500 at prompt #2" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 16 November 2003 over-ride above speed on a line basis ie speed=250" Print #FileFile, "Fix 08 January 2004 replace SET SPEED with PAUSE and RESUME sequences" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 16 August 2004 WMV video format now plays" Print #FileFile, "Fix 16 August 2004 pause between jpg files fixed" Print #FileFile, "Fix 27 August 2004 at interrupt alow for complete play by entering aa" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 04 September allow for multiple inputs on prompt #2 seperated by / sep" Print #FileFile, "New Feature 12 September 2004 allow for background job backgrd==c:\search\backgrd1\backgrd1.exe " Print #FileFile, "New Feature cmd(68) EOF_STOP to allow for background job to stop at eof use with (WW) prompt #2 option" Print #FileFile, "New Feature Cmd(69) HIT_STOP to allow for background job to stop at first match/hit use with (P) prompt #2 option" Print #FileFile, "New Feature Cmd(70) FOREGROUND causes a background job to be given focus over main job" Print #FileFile, "New Feature command==tt8/rand/randa/thumb/ww found on match line will change command settings" Print #FileFile, "Fix 25 October 2004 Small video now play" Print #FileFile, "27 October 2004 Batch file input option see cmd(71)" Print #FileFile, " differences between to files limit of 10000 lines for now" Print #FileFile, " differences between to files limit of 20000 lines for now 18-Mar-2007" Print #FileFile, "Minor change force directory date out on gf option 03 November 2004" Print #FileFile, "08 November 2004 create a results.txt file for video pics music see Cmd(72)" Print #FileFile, "18 November 2004 minor New Feature DETAIL, NODETAIL changes cmd(56)" Print #FileFile, "19 November 2004 New feature allows for CONTROL==controlx.txt or controly.txt to switch control files" Print #FileFile, " ***vip*** change the control files on the fly (very usefull)" Print #FileFile, " less use for the command== option now" '19 November 2004 '20 November 2004 allow for a cr at photo continue prompt to restart screen saver if auto_exe set Print #FileFile, "22 November 2004 New feature on CONTROL== if cmd(73) has FILESWITCH then change the input file to element cmd(46)" Print #FileFile, " in the new control file. " '22 November 2004 Print #FileFile, "23 November 2004 New Feature on OPTIONS==OPT=controla.txtOPT=controlb.txtOPT=controlc.txt select 1 2 or 3 ..10 for navigation of presentations" Print #FileFile, "28 November 2004 New Feature add GIF files to list of pictures displayed" Print #FileFile, "06 December 2004 New Feature enter DX at search prompt for yesterday date but not 01" Print #FileFile, "17 December 2004 New Feature enter a V or H at the search prompt will paste in the clipboard just like Ctrl V" Print #FileFile, "19 December 2004 New Feature allow for inset keypad at prompt #1 and prompt #3 ie J=4 K=5 L=6 etc" Print #FileFile, "24 December 2004 New Feature allow for pause after each print line. Rather than all text displayed at once see Cmd(76)" Print #FileFile, "06 January 2005 Minor New Feature, if pause do not display prompt #4 at end of screen add 1 line to max_cnt cmd(1)" Print #FileFile, "07 January 2005 New Feature allow for merge of text data files other than .txt ie .htm .for .frm .cls etc..." Print #FileFile, "10 January 2005 Minor fix re change 06 January 2005 the F option was not continuing now it does" Print #FileFile, "20 August 2005 allow for the last few seconds as a thumbnail using start==299000 and thumb" Print #FileFile, "29 November 2006 instead of pictures allow for URL address to be copied and pasted " Print #FileFile, "29 January 2007 anything after http: if no / follows keep all except the http: " Print #FileFile, "21 February 2007 fix the Start== not working properly - just initialize a couple values?" Print #FileFile, "11 March 2007 final fix for the start== bug" Print #FileFile, "28 March 2007 remove the favorites from directory it causes me problems" Print #FileFile, "05 February 2008 fix timer. to speed up scrolling text display " Print #FileFile, "22 November 2010 allow for a negative wait=-3 to play all but the final 3 seconds of a video 22Nov2010 " Print #FileFile, "20 November 2011 the BEGIN and AGAIN features were added to video playback in november" Print #FileFile, "31 December 2011 for G to be entered on interrupt and have the clip play again just like above" Print #FileFile, "06 February 2012 FF for a catalog with fast forward capabilities " Print #FileFile, "09 June 2016 minor change for Windows 10 operating system " Print #FileFile, "17 December 2017 allow for video playback to move ahead in small or large increments budge_amt " Print #FileFile, "12 March 2018 initial budge playback feature added more work needed " Print #FileFile, "Version = " + vvvesion Print #FileFile, "contact " + program_info + " stonedan@telusplanet.net" Close #FileFile DoEvents 'check the latest features above Return line_30920: '18 august 2002 zzz_cnt = 0 ' xtemp = InputBox(" testing doug noonerror " + CStr(zzz_cnt), "testing Prompt ", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) On Error GoTo error_line_30920 OutFile = FreeFile Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile next_line_30920: Line Input #OutFile, aaa zzz_cnt = zzz_cnt + 1 If zzz_cnt >= cnt Then GoTo exit_line_30920 GoTo next_line_30920 error_line_30920: Resume resume_line_30920 resume_line_30920: On Error GoTo Errors_31000 exit_line_30920: Return '18 august 2002 Errors_31000: 'the following line for debugging only ***vip*** 'january 09 2001 below 27 june 2003 testing the stuff on tran's computer protection probably ' Print " Save-yore error"; Err.Number; " "; save_line; " "; Err.Description; " "; LastFile ' tt1 = InputBox("error=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + save_line, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING 09 February 2004 '16Apr2014 trap the end of file on the reverse file read here ' tt1 = InputBox("Error trap info error=" + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + save_line, , , 4400, 4500) '21Mar2016 If save_line = "70" Then Resume line_74 End If '16Apr2014 If debug_photo Then tt1 = InputBox("Error trap routine info error=" + " " + Err.Description + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + save_line, , , 4400, 4500) '16Apr2014 End If '16Apr2014 ' tt1 = InputBox("Error trap =" + UCase(ttt) + CStr(Err.Number) + " " + save_line, , , 4400, 4500) '09Aug2016 ' If Err.Number = 277 And copy_photo = "YES" Then ' photo_dir = ztemp ' Resume line_2153 'test only ' End If '09Aug2016 If save_line = "17059b" Then frmproj2.Caption = "clipboard loaded " '09Jun2016 form description Resume Photo_continue_prompt End If '09Jun2016 testing If save_line = "29310" Then Cls Print "bad data record???" Print Left(aaa, 100) '17dec2017 Resume line_29399 End If '17Dec2017 was getting an error on weird line length call If save_line = "29400" Then Resume line_29450 End If '17Dec2017 was getting an error on weird line length call If save_line = "30711b" Then Resume line_30730 End If '05 March 2010 If save_line = "testing" Then Resume End_32000 End If 'december 15 2000 If save_line = "16100-8d" And Err.Number = 20 Then frmproj2.Caption = " skiping folder " + cript1(JJ) '01 march 2010 Resume line_30711 End If '03 March 2010 If save_line = "17200" Then Resume line_17220 End If 'february 24 2002 If save_line = "30610" Then Resume line_30640 End If 'january 09 2001 If save_line = "50" Then Resume What_50 End If 'december 6 2000 If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "28010" Then Close FileFile DoEvents ' Kill "C:\control.txt" Kill "control.txt" 'december 3 2000 FileFile = FreeFile II = DoEvents ' Open "C:\control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile Open "control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000 For f = 1 To 100 If Len(Cmd(f)) < 1 Then Cmd(f) = Space(50) End If Print #FileFile, Cmd(f) Next f Close FileFile II = DoEvents ' tt1 = InputBox("extending control.txt", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Resume line_20 End If '=============================== If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" And _ end_cnt < 10 Then end_cnt = end_cnt + 1 Resume input_1000 End If 'allow for more than 1 eof marker in file If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "29010" Then Resume line_29090 End If If save_line = "29092" Then Resume line_29093 End If If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "29005" Then Resume line_29008 End If '"Y" logic below read till end of file then back off a few lines ' then simulate a "C" and "A" for all search. If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "65" Then Close #OutFile DoEvents OutFile = FreeFile Open TheFile For Input As #OutFile DoEvents ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only " + TheFile, , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY For bbb = 1 To zzz_cnt - MAX_CNT + 2 '2 TO SEE THE LAST 2 STATS LINES Line Input #OutFile, aaa Next bbb Previous_line = aaa Line Input #OutFile, aaa zzz_cnt = bbb search_prompt = "" 'this keeps the next prompt#3 from being "D" prompt2 = "C" SAVE_ttt = "C" inin = "A" SSS1 = "A" ttt = "C" printed_cnt = 0 'this fixes the 2 execution of this function 'ie the lines print from the top not midway Resume input_1000a End If 'december 09 2001 '05 october 2002 If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" And sscreen_saver = "Y" Then '20 November 2004 maybe the save_line thing is a problem when I return to save_line = 1000a etc frmproj2.Caption = " eofsw test=" + CStr(Err.Number) + "=" + save_line + " " + Err.Description + " " + Pict_file '26 November 2004 '14Apr2012 If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" And (sscreen_saver = "Y" Or text_pause) Then If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" And (sscreen_saver = "Y" Or text_pause) Then '14Apr2012 used to test for error that was fixed below tt1 = InputBox("at problem area " + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + CStr(rand_no), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY If rand = -1 Then Randomize frmproj2.Caption = "29Oct2012aaa testing doug randomizer rnd" + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 3 zzz_cnt = 0 rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1) rand_str = "random#" + CStr(rand_no) '18Mar2012 Resume Do_Search_110 '14Apr2012 End If '14Apr2012 '===================================================================================== If Left(Cmd(74), 8) = "EOFCMD==" Then control_file = Trim(Right(Cmd(74), Len(Cmd(74)) - 8)) '26 November 2004 aaa = "CONTROL==" + Right(Cmd(74), Len(Cmd(74)) - 8) ' tempdata = Cmd(73) '22 November 2004 temptemp = Trim(Cmd(48)) '26 November 2004 tempdata = "CONTROL" '26 November 2004 eofsw = "YES" '26 November 2004 GoSub Control_28000 'change the control file from in a *.txt file Resume eof_entry '26 November 2004 ' GoTo eof_entry '27 November 2004 End If '26 November 2004 If Left(UCase(Cmd(68)), 8) = "EOF_STOP" Then GoTo End_32000 '12 September 2004 '==================================================================================== Close #OutFile ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #17)" '18Dec2013 Cls '20 August 2003 ' Print "at end of file prompt" '04 april 2002 ' Print "at end of file prompt" '10 January 2010 skip this for special program derulaswamp If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print "at end of file prompt " + sscreen_saver ' ' Print "at end of file prompt" '04 april 2002 '16 April 2004 make it so that after the first complete pass that the logic ' will switch so that the data is randomly accessed. This is only ' for auto-run custom cd's '20 November 2004 found this may be a problem ***vip*** todo check this once and a while. ' If save_line <> "1000" Then If save_line = "1000111" Then '=================================== rand = -1 Randomize frmproj2.Caption = "29Oct2012yyy testing doug randomizer rnd" + CStr(rand_no) + " " + CStr(zzz_cnt) rand_cnt = zzz_cnt - 3 zzz_cnt = 0 rand_no = Int(rand_cnt * Rnd + 1) rand_str = "random#" + CStr(rand_no) '18Mar2012 Cmd(49) = "RANDOM" rand1 = -1 Cmd(65) = "RANDBEG" thumb_nail = "YES" Cmd(67) = "THUMB" play_speed = 250 save_play_speed = 250 Cmd(61) = "SETSPEED250" '=================================== End If '16 April 2004 deactivate this code if not a auto-run cd Beep play_speed = 1000 '13 May 2004 the first one after end of file was playing slomo this fixed hold_sec = Val(Cmd(27)) '29 april 2002 ' Cmd(27) = Format(delay_sec, "###0.0000") '01 may 2002 '25 March 2004 delay_sec = 1 '04 april 2002 '25 March 2004 GoSub line_30000 '04 april 2002 new_delay_sec = 1 '25 March 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 10 '20 November 2004 ' frmproj2.Caption = " end of file dougdoug " + interrupt_prompt2 + "*" + SSS1 + "*" + SSS2 '20 November 2004 test If interrupt_prompt2 = "WW" Then sscreen_saver_ww = "YES" '20 November 2004 test sscreen_saver = "Y" '20 November 2004 test prompt2 = "WW" 'this one seems to keep it going where before it stopped. now it gets wrong data prompt2 = "SS" '20 November 2004 tt1 = "WW" End If '20 November 2004 GoSub line_30300 '25 March 2004 Cls ' tt1 = InputBox("testing 28 april 2003 zzz_cnt rand_no" + CStr(zzz_cnt) + CStr(rand_no), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY last_pict = "" '28 february 2003 '03mar2017 delay_sec = Format(Val(Cmd(27)), "###0.0000") '29 april 2002 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing delay a" + Cmd(27) + Format(hold_sec, "###.000") + Format(delay_sec, "###.000"), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY DoEvents tot_s1 = 0 '05 october 2002 just incase these counts get to over-flowing tot_s2 = 0 '05 october 2002 tot_s3 = 0 '05 october 2002 tot_s4 = 0 '05 october 2002 tot_s5 = 0 '05 october 2002 tot_s6 = 0 '05 october 2002 ' frmproj2.Caption = " end of file doug two " + interrupt_prompt2 + "*" + sscreen_saver + "*" + SSS1 + SSS2 '20 November 2004 test If mixx = True Then ' 08Sep2012 testing ' tt1 = InputBox("testing 08Sep2012 mixx=" + CStr(mixx) + " ttt=" + ttt + " set_fore=" + CStr(Set_Fore), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY '03mar2017 Set_Fore = 15 'to white again Font.Underline = False 'need to get rid of underline on 2nd and subsequent passes this did not do it '28mar2017 test ttt = "P" '28mar2017 test SAVE_ttt = "P" ttt = "P" SAVE_ttt = "P" End If '08Sep2012 Resume Do_Search_110 End If If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "1000" Then dblEnd = Timer 'get the end time If Left(UCase(Cmd(68)), 8) = "EOF_STOP" Then GoTo End_32000 '12 September 2004 'should do another read and if successful warn them 'that the file has a end of file marker and it should 'be removed If Picture_Search = "YES" Then If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture() '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'lp#8 End If ForeColor = QBColor(Val(Cmd(5))) If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = True 'november 10 2001 autoredraw pair-5 If Left(UCase(App.EXEName), 7) = "BIGTEXT" Then GoTo End_32000 End If '23Jun2012 Print "Lines="; zzz_cnt & " Chrs= " & zzz_chrs; Print " Displayed = " & tot_disp; Print " Elap="; Format(dblEnd - dblStart, "#####0.000"); Print " Hits="; tot_s1; " "; tot_s2; " "; tot_s3; " "; tot_s4; " "; tot_s5; " "; tot_s6 'january 01 2001 Print "#5 End of " + TheFile & " " tot_s1 = 0 'january 01 2001 tot_s2 = 0 'january 01 2001 tot_s3 = 0 'january 01 2001 tot_s4 = 0 '23 june 2002 tot_s5 = 0 '23 june 2002 tot_s6 = 0 '23 june 2002 mult1 = "" 'january 05 2001 mult2 = "" 'january 05 2001 mult3 = "" 'january 05 2001 mult4 = "" '23 june 2002 mult5 = "" '23 june 2002 mult6 = "" '23 june 2002 array_pos = 0 'january 21 2001 array_prt = 0 ForeColor = QBColor(Def_Fore) Close #OutFile 'june 13/99 Close #ExtFile 'november 14 2000 line_len = Val(Cmd(21)) 'november 14 2000 mbxi = 0 'december 18 2000 If prompt2 = "Q" Then mbxi = 1 'december 18 2000 iimport = "" 'december 24 2000 emailsea = "" 'december 24 2000 DoEvents If SAVE_ttt = "C" Then 'december 11 2000 For temp1 = 1 To MAX_CNT Context_text(temp1) = "" Next temp1 Context_cnt = 0 'december 11 2000 End If 'aug 08/99 II = DoEvents 'june 13/99 If screen_capture = "YES" Then '03 September 2004 delay_sec = 5 'march 15 2001 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30000 new_delay_sec = 5 '03 September 2004 GoSub line_30300 '03 September 2004 End If yyy = InputBox("Do you want to continue y/n ", "Continue Prompt", , 10000, 10000) yyy = UCase(yyy) 'june 27/99 ' frmproj2.Caption = program_info + " (cls #19)" '18Dec2013 Cls 'november 10 2001 needed with autoredraw If auto_redraw = "YES" Then frmproj2.AutoRedraw = False 'november 10 2001 autoredraw pair-5 dblStart = Timer 'get the start time If yyy = "B" Then Resume line_3300 End If '19 December 2004 If yyy = "P" Then If yyy = "P" Or yyy = "J" Then yyy = "P" '19 December 2004 tt1 = "P" If prompt2 = "Q" Then prompt2 = "C" SAVE_ttt = "C" SSS1 = UCase(SSS1) SSS2 = UCase(SSS2) SSS3 = UCase(SSS3) End If previous_count = previous_count + 1 ' Print "prompt2="; prompt2; "=" ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY Resume line_3050 'october 22 2000 End If ' xtemp = InputBox("testing prompt=" + prompt2 + extract_yes + CStr(zzz_cnt) + " " + CStr(wrap_cnt) + " " + CStr(cnt), "test", , 4400, 4500) ' If extract_yes = "YES" Then extract_yes = "NO" 'november 14 2000 Resume What_50 'january 08 2001 End If Resume Do_Search_110 'june 27/99 End If 'create notes.txt on first pass if it does not exist If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "24010" And _ UCase(TheFile) = "MPEG_VIDEOS.TXT" Then ' UCase(TheFile) = "NOTES.TXT" Then 18Jun2012 along with a number of other changes ' UCase(TheFile) = "C:\NOTES.TXT" Then december 3 200 'CREATE THE FILES BELOW SO THE USER DOES NOT HAVE TO DO IT 'TO START THEY WILL HAVE THESE 4 FILES temps = Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") + " " temps = Left(temps, 23) 'all must be 23 long incld space FileFile = FreeFile Open TheFile For Output Access Write As #FileFile Print #FileFile, temps + " this is where the catalogue info goes" Close #FileFile II = DoEvents ' FileFile = FreeFile ' Open "C:\NOTES1.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile ' Open "NOTES1.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000 ' Print #FileFile, temps + " sample notes1 file" ' Close #FileFile ' II = DoEvents ' FileFile = FreeFile ' Open "C:\NOTES2.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile ' Open "NOTES2.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000 ' Print #FileFile, temps + " sample notes2 file" ' Close #FileFile ' II = DoEvents ' FileFile = FreeFile ' Open "C:\NOTES3.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile ' Open "NOTES3.TXT" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000 ' Print #FileFile, temps + " sample notes3 file" ' Close #FileFile ' II = DoEvents ' Resume line_24010 'december 13 2000 Resume File_40 'december 13 2000 End If If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "24010" Then If InStr(UCase(TheFile), ".TXT") <> 0 Then '12 September 2004 if an auto run or background job create the file and continue automatically '19Aug2011 If (InStr(1, UCase(Cmd(45)), UCase(App.EXEName)) <> 0 And Left(App.Path, 3) <> "C:\") Or InStr(1, UCase(App.Path + App.EXEName), "BACKGRD") <> 0 Then xtemp = "Y" GoTo do_create '12 September 2004 End If xtemp = InputBox("No such file, Create it Y/N " + UCase(TheFile), , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY do_create: '12 September 2004 If UCase(xtemp) = "Y" Then NewFile = FreeFile 'find a free file channel Open UCase(TheFile) For Output As NewFile DoEvents Print #NewFile, "File " + UCase(TheFile) + " created " + Format(Now, "ddddd ttttt") 'january 29 2002 Print #NewFile, " " 'this forces it to a plain text file not rich text Close #NewFile DoEvents ' Cmd(20) = "E" Resume line_24020 End If End If Resume File_40 'if it does not exist ask again End If If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "17040" Then '01 September 2004 Print "no such file="; Pict_file; "=" '01 September 2004 tt1 = InputBox("no such file", "No such file Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY frmproj2.Caption = " No such file Prompt #1 " + Pict_file '01 September 2004 new_delay_sec = 4 GoSub line_30300 '01 September 2004 Beep '01 September 2004 Resume Line_17090 End If If Err.Number = 57 And save_line = "17055" Then Cls Print "bad file="; Pict_file; "=" tt1 = InputBox("bad file" + Pict_file, "Bad picture file Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture() '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() 'lp#9 Resume input_1000 ' End If If Err.Number = 57 And save_line = "17059" Then Cls Print "bad file="; Pict_file; "=" tt1 = InputBox("bad file" + Pict_file, "Bad file name Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY If Not mixx Then Set Picture = LoadPicture() '12Feb2017 ' Set Picture = LoadPicture() Resume input_1000 ' End If If Err.Number = 76 And save_line = "17040" Then '01 September 2004 Print "no such file="; Pict_file; "=" '01 September 2004 tt1 = InputBox("no such file", "No such file Prompt", , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY frmproj2.Caption = " No such file Prompt #2 " + Pict_file '01 September 2004 new_delay_sec = 4 GoSub line_30300 '01 September 2004 Beep '01 September 2004 Resume Line_17090 ' End If If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "17050" Then Print "no such Program="; Cmd(8); "=" tt1 = InputBox("no such Program", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY Resume Line_17090 ' End If If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "17080" Then Print "no such Program="; Cmd(9); "=" tt1 = InputBox("no such Program", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY Resume Line_17090 ' End If If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "17085" Then Print "no such Program="; Cmd(16); "=" tt1 = InputBox("no such Program", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY Resume Line_17090 ' End If If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "25000" Then FileFile = FreeFile 'log file of files accessed Open Cmd(11) For Output Access Write As #FileFile ' Print #FileFile, "a:\notes.txt" 'sample file demo change this to a:\ ' Print #FileFile, "a:\howto.txt" 'sample file Print #FileFile, "mystuff.txt" Print #FileFile, "fam-doug.txt" Print #FileFile, "inmail.txt" Print #FileFile, "outmail.txt" Print #FileFile, "cript.txt" Print #FileFile, "help.txt" Print #FileFile, "replace.txt" Print #FileFile, "merge.txt" Print #FileFile, "directory.txt" Print #FileFile, "control.txt" Print #FileFile, "MPEG_VIDEOS.TXT" 'sample file demo change this to a:\ december 3 2000 For f = 1 To 12 Print #FileFile, Space$(50) Next f Close #FileFile ' Resume InputFile_24000 'if the file does not exist then create it above ' Print "Creating "; Cmd(11); " file" ' Resume InputFile_24000 Resume line_45 'december 3 2000 End If If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "27000" Then FileFile = FreeFile Open Cmd(12) For Output Access Write As #FileFile Print #FileFile, "PHOTO" Print #FileFile, "doug/oldie" Print #FileFile, "phyllis/bev/jeff/jerry/shelly/barb" Print #FileFile, "spectate/swamp" Print #FileFile, " jimmy / cracked / corn / and / i / don't care " Print #FileFile, ".mpg" Print #FileFile, ".pdf" Print #FileFile, ".jpg" For f = 1 To 18 Print #FileFile, Space$(50) Next f Close #FileFile ' Print "Creating Search.txt file" 'december 3 2000 ' DoEvents 'december 3 2000 ' delay_sec = 3 'december 3 2000 ' GoSub line_30000 'december 3 2000 ' DoEvents 'december 3 2000 ' Resume Search_26000 'december 3 2000 ' GoTo End_32000 '07Dec2010 Resume line_500 'december 3 2000 07Dec2010 is this the place to change? 'if the file does not exist then create it above End If line_31500: If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "28000" Then FileFile = FreeFile ' Open "C:\control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile Open "control.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000 visual_impared = "NO" GoSub line_30500 visual_impared = "YES" Resume line_31510 ' End If line_31510: ' Kill "c:\control1.txt" FileFile = FreeFile ' Open "C:\control1.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile Open "control1.txt" For Output Access Write As #FileFile 'december 3 2000 GoSub line_30500 visual_impared = "NO" GoTo line_20 'november 3 2000 testing ' Resume Control_28000 'november 3 2000 testing End If 'april 20/00 If Err.Number = 53 And save_line = "110" Then Resume File_40 End If 'file no longer exists If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "24015" Then Close FileFile Resume What_50 End If If Err.Number = 62 And save_line = "29510" Then Resume line_29520 End If Resume line_31990 'november 20 2000 line_31990: Print 'december 19 2000 Print " Save-yore error**"; Err.Number; " "; save_line; " "; Err.Description; " "; Pict_file Resume End_32010 'december 19 2000 'december 19 2000 GoTo line_31999 'december 3 2000 line_31999: 'december 3 20002 xtemp = InputBox("log error & enter to exit " + Err.Number + " " + save_line, , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY End_32000: ' Print "prompt2="; line_len; "="; tot_print; "+"; temps ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only end_32000", , , 4400, 4500) '01 March 2010 ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only end_32000", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY ' temp2 = InStr(line_len - tot_print, temps, " ") 'november 3 2000 fix 'without the line below I was getting the "Unexpected error; quitting" 'sdistuff do not have following line activated in sdi version 'GoTo line_32500 'mdistuff new On Error GoTo 0 'january 30 2001 If save_line = "testing" Then Print Err.Number, save_line tt1 = InputBox("testing only", , , xx1 - offset1, yy1 - offset2) 'TESTING ONLY End If 'december 15 2000 Close #OutFile Cls 'derulaswamp 2010 Print " End Of Search " If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print " End Of Search " 'derulaswamp 2010 Print " close out window or any key to continue" If Left(UCase(Cmd(80)), 13) = "PROMPTDETAILS" Then Print " close out window or any key to continue" 'make the unload a control file option End_32010: If UCase(Cmd(30)) = "Y" Or UCase(tt1) = "X" Or UCase(tt1) = "E" Then ' Unload proj2 'october 26 2000 '13 March 2004 make sure things close here for video file play... If mpg_file = "YES" Then ' tt1 = InputBox("testing only exit search", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 13 March 2004 i = mciSendString("close all", 0&, 0, 0) '13 March 2004 DoEvents '12 March 2004 ' new_delay_sec = 2 ' GoSub line_30300 '13 March 2004 maybe the delay will fix the problem End If Unload Me 'november 29 2000 didn't seem to make any difference from above line 'see programmers guid page 170 re using Me keyword Set frmproj2 = Nothing 'sdistuff '14 March 2004 Set colReminderPages = Nothing 'release memory?? ' Set sear1 = Nothing 'mdistuff End '14 March 2004 use this after each unload me ??? End If ' End line_32500: 'mdistuff new Unload Me '09 January 2010 End Sub Private Sub text2_Change() Cls Call text2_Chg 'october 26 2000 End Sub Private Sub Form_LinkClose() '22 March 2004 tt1 = InputBox("testing only form_linkclose", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 03 July 2003 End Sub Private Sub Form_OLECompleteDrag(Effect As Long) tt1 = InputBox("testing only OLECompleteDrag", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 27 July 2003 End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) '18 March 2004 If mpg_file = "YES" Then i = mciSendString("close all wait", 0&, 0, 0) '12 March 2004 DoEvents '12 March 2004 DoEvents '18 March 2004 End If '13 March 2004 '22 March 2004 tt1 = InputBox("testing only form_unload", , , 4400, 4500) 'TESTING ONLY 12 March 2004 Unload Me Set frmproj2 = Nothing 'sdistuff Set colReminderPages = Nothing 'release memory?? 13 March 2004 End '29 january 2003 'allow for the close form to be used 'without the already running showing next End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() ' result = mciSendString(todo$, ByVal 0&, 0, 0) '13 December 2004 frmproj2.Caption = "(in the timer routine)" + alias '13 December 2004 'not using this routine for now... 'so the object is not really needed and this code removed ' Stop End Sub